Well Ive recently come back after a long break and have decided to only fly in DA for a while until I get the knack back. But more because I am guaranteed some form of combat.
Every time I go out in the MA, I get picked, HOed, ganged and usually all 3 at once. I have to fly conservatively and "tardish" in 450 MPH beast machines to remain competitive otherwise I get descended upon by Ponies and 190's in groups of 5. I am way out of practice but in the small 2 v 1 to 4 v 1 fights I've had, I have held my own and scored a few kills and had some decent fights, winning them the majority of the time. But sadly those remarkable and stimulating bouts of aerial marksmanship and pilot skill are few and far between. For the first time in 3 years I have dropped below a 1 to 1 KD in the middle of the month. I know score doesn't dictate pilot skill, but it shows just how often I get into situations where I am screwed so hard there is no escape. I know that the response I will get is "Well don't go in those situations". But these days, to avoid those situations is: to fly a Pony or 262. Do not engage. Or even join the horde.
Just yesterday I flew into an evenly balanced dogfight. Half and half each side. Every time we came in to the fight, the enemy were at 10 K+. So we got up to 10 K+ and then they are sitting at 20 K. What aircraft did I see?
Tempest, P38L, 109K, P51D, F4U1C, Spit 16. The only aircraft even slightly "non uber" was Dolby's 109F4 skulking around picking off the people who dived to get away from the guys BnZing up top. Who was in fact the guy that shot me down and the only fight I had that day. I lost trying to turn with it (my fault) but Dolby remarked to me "I had to finish you off quick because the other 5 guys were racing to you, they finally let me have one".
I just find it harder and harder every day to have fun. I know we always say "its always been this way" but I distinctly remember when there was more fun in it.