No, you're NOT listening. No one's arguing that Plane A has an advantage in Stat 3 according to Chart W. What we ARE saying is that the F4U-4 is what it is because of the sum of its parts. Even at the low-altitudes that dominate Main Arena play, the F4U-4 WILL destroy the La-7, P-51D and 109K-4. This has been demonstrated, REPEATEDLY, over the however many years the -4 has existed.
But if you're so interested in charts and stats...
Top speed is, frankly, not really that important. It matters only if you're in an extended tail chase where you have plenty of time to get up to speed, or happen to already be flying at top speed. What REALLY matters is acceleration. In which case:
1) The F4U-4 has a 1.5s advantage over the P-51D from 150-200. At the full range from 150 to 300 that advantage increases to almost FOUR SECONDS. From an equal start, if the P-51D tries to escape, the Corsair is going to run it down LONG before the Pony's advantage in top speed comes into play.
2) The 109K-4 has the biggest acceleration advantage. It's about .9 seconds at the bottom end, and 1.2 over the full range to 300. If he tries to drag to get away, he really better hope that Hog is a lousy shot or has a big lead to begin with, because he's not going to open very fast.
3) The La-7 also has an advantage, of about HALF A SECOND over both the low-end and full range.
And if we're talking about a drag race to top speed, The F4U-4 is superior to all three in top end acceleration (300-350mph). In fact the F4U-4 has a full 2 seconds on the 109K-4, which will essentially NEGATE the 109's acceleration advantage to 300.
(Comparisons can be found here though this site is pretty old and I can't say how any FM changes affect this).
Similarly, sustained rate of climb becomes much less important compared to the Zoom. That I don't have figures on, but the F4U-4 can REALLY hold its E due to its mass, engine power, and those four giant paddles up the front dragging it through the air.