I have often wondered if there was a GV only arena how populated in might be.
I have often wondered if there was a GV only arena and all GV's were disabled in the MA how popular the GV arena would be.
I think in most cases, the arena would be dead because the GV'ers want to interact with the pilots even though the vast majority of pilots do not want to interact with them. I include stationary ground guns with "GV's" even though they are not "Vehicles".
No, I'm not suggesting this should be accomplished, it's just a thought exercise.
I am very happy with this game and all it entails with aircraft. I actually feel bad for you dedicated GV'ers. I think you all take the "easy way out". I know the "flying" part of the game is difficult and takes time to master, heck it takes time to just get average, I get that. I think those of you that GV just to shoot aircraft down are simply griefers. If you really do not want to learn to fly your own plane, then gun for a buff.
Let me be clear. I do not want GV'ers to quit. I do not want them to be put in their own arena. I do not want them to be treated as "second class citizens". I just want you to roll down the runway and come fly.