Ran into a twit the other evening that only attacked landing aircraft. He tried to catch them at gear out. He was in a 51 so every time I pulled the gear in and tried to pull on him he just went up and away. I would try to land and he would do it again. Never got me but the twit got two or three before he made a big mistake.
once again...as someone else asked...
what is so different then you attacking a guy who is already engaged with multi cons?
here you call out someone for trying to vulch you landing...what did you say..." Never got me but the twit..."
so I take it you dont like his behavior...it was "uncool"
but you have NO problem engaging a guy who is already fighting however many cons....
you have ran away as soon as I had position and came back and tried to pick me fighting 3 and more cons....matter of fact I would say every kill you have ever gotten (on me at least).... was a pick.
who is the bigger "twit"
as far as the OP goes.......

cry me a river
how about you go to a base..let the con get ALT....engage them and when they are in losing position they immediately head to ACK or friends...and only turn and "engage" when the guy is surrounded by red.
or how about fighting 3-4-5 guys NOT hoing but ALL they can do is go for the HO shot... after it takes 5 minutes to kill you.... actually thinking they are good.
you and you ilk are all the same....
no honor...no heart.....
I say instead of blood your veins are filled with koolaid.