Author Topic: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz  (Read 2474 times)

Offline Triton28

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2014, 02:28:35 PM »
I gotta respectfully disagree with this.  Kills are great, and they come.  However, I personally think the yardstick is how well I fly supporting my squadmates first and team mates second.

But... they told me numbers don't lie.  Did they lie about numbers not lying?    :headscratch:

I'm so confused. 

Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2014, 02:32:11 PM »
But... they told me numbers don't lie.  Did they lie about numbers not lying?    :headscratch:

I'm so confused. 

Naa, we (all of us) have our on metric and our's (you and I) differ.  It's all good. 
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Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2014, 02:38:26 PM »
I gotta respectfully disagree with this.  Kills are great, and they come.  However, I personally think the yardstick is how well I fly supporting my squadmates first and team mates second.

Bravo and an excellent response. 

Might want to be careful with the whole "supporting squadmates" wouldnt want to get called out as a buncha picktards who help each other out if one is in trouble.
The Once and Former Fulcrum

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Offline Randy1

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2014, 02:49:28 PM »

But you find it acceptable to jump in on a 109 already engaged by 5 of your countrymen.....interesting :P

Yes if they become a threat.

Offline Triton28

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2014, 03:01:13 PM »
Naa, we (all of us) have our on metric and our's (you and I) differ.  It's all good. 

No.  I used to feel just like you but I was skillfully convinced otherwise by certain wise (?) members here.

I shall reevaluate my stance. 

Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline BnZs

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2014, 03:04:45 PM »
I gotta respectfully disagree with this.  Kills are great, and they come.  However, I personally think the yardstick is how well I fly supporting my squadmates first and team mates second.

You can hardly support your squadmates without applying section tactics, which leads to free fighters shooting vulnerable enemy engaged fighters, which is picking, the doing of which makes anyone the sort of bad person who beats their kids and rapes their dog.  :devil

(Just to avoid misunderstandings...)
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline xPoisonx

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2014, 03:14:56 PM »
I had a new method. Take 50% fuel in a G14 and land near the enemy base and use F5 to watch then runway, then take off when someone ups  :banana:

Got quite a few kills doing this a few tours ago
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Offline lunatic1

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2014, 03:30:06 PM »
if you watch the old black and white war footage--you will see fighters bombing and strafing airfields--and if you watch theseries DOGFIGHTS you will see the same thing..vulching is a part of war....and so is picking.
C.O. of the 173rd Guardian Angels---Don't fire until you can see the whites of their eyes...Major devereux(The Battle Of Wake Island-1941.

Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2014, 03:42:54 PM »
I had a new method. Take 50% fuel in a G14 and land near the enemy base and use F5 to watch then runway, then take off when someone ups  :banana:

Got quite a few kills doing this a few tours ago

I will have to add that one to the scenario list!
The Once and Former Fulcrum

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2014, 03:53:35 PM »
   I have been on the receiving end of both scenarios and since this is a game you attempt to up and tho they have the advantage once you are co alt with most of these chaps they are dispatched quite readily. Harder when numbers are unbalanced but still can be quite fun as long as you aren't worried about score.   :rolleyes:

  Was the OP on the receiving end of these tactics and thought they are unfair and there should be some compassion for the enemy that wants to up and kill you?  :neener:
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Offline SPKmes

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #40 on: June 04, 2014, 03:57:41 PM »
Ok i'll play

The first is the best for the attacker...they have no intention of ever engaging and will bolt if they get even a sniff that they have lost advantage of 3-5K. Ultimately their intention was pad score or incite disdain
The second scenario.... dumb bellybutton defender for flying straight at the con and following to be roped..The K4 has the option to leave ...the Ki will eventually have to fight to the death. unless their actual intention was to fly like scenario one.

As a defender they both suck and both are soft play...if it is during a base take I personally understand...If it is just to get a few kills I feel sorry for them and their misunderstanding but you can choose to up or not..... Both styles can be manipulated to force/cause a mistake....If the cons intention is to fight...if not they will just leave when things get a little too equal for comfort... most times I find if there are a couple of guys doing it together you (as a defender) actually get an opportunity to at least kill one....the second is a bonus sometimes...but usually the take off.

Ultimately (In my mind) this is a set of questions to incite a situation whilst veining concern... much like scenario one

« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 04:06:41 PM by SPKmes »

Offline SPKmes

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2014, 03:59:18 PM »
I will have to add that one to the scenario list!

this is a totally different situation....things are waaaaaaaaaayyyyy more even

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2014, 04:23:22 PM »
if you watch the old black and white war footage--you will see fighters bombing and strafing airfields--and if you watch theseries DOGFIGHTS you will see the same thing..vulching is a part of war....and so is picking.

yup and we all die just like in the war too!  :rolleyes:

Offline Randy1

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2014, 05:03:49 PM »
Ran into a twit the other evening that only attacked landing aircraft. He tried to catch them at gear out.  He was in a 51 so every time I pulled the gear in and  tried to pull on him he just went up and away.  I would try to land and he would do it again.  Never got me but the twit got two or three before he made a big mistake.

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Re: Two Scenarios and a Short Quiz
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2014, 05:24:50 PM »
Ran into a twit the other evening that only attacked landing aircraft. He tried to catch them at gear out.  He was in a 51 so every time I pulled the gear in and  tried to pull on him he just went up and away.  I would try to land and he would do it again.  Never got me but the twit got two or three before he made a big mistake.

once someone else asked...

what is so different then you attacking a guy who is already engaged with multi cons?

here you call out someone for trying to vulch you landing...what did you say..." Never got me but the twit..."

so I take it you dont like his was "uncool"

but you have NO problem engaging a guy who is already fighting however many cons....

you have ran away as soon as I had position and came back and tried to pick me fighting 3 and more cons....matter of fact I would say every kill you have ever gotten (on me at least).... was a pick.

who is the bigger "twit"

as far as the OP goes....... :cry :cry :cry :cry

cry me a river

how about you go to a base..let the con get ALT....engage them and when they are in losing position they immediately head to ACK or friends...and only turn and "engage" when the guy is surrounded by red.

 or how about fighting 3-4-5 guys NOT hoing but ALL they can do is go for the HO shot... after it takes 5 minutes to kill you.... actually thinking they are good.


you and you ilk are all the same....

no heart.....

I say instead of blood your veins are filled with koolaid.