I don't know what your style of play is nor do I really care all that much. By asking for a change in the system I'm guessing your not being shown in the "light" you think you should be. To many players find it easy and are willing to game the score system so you show more poorly than you think you should, or you don't want to be bothered by having to "play" that game so that you show where you THINK you should be showing. Close enough?
The system is set up to show the best over all players. The problem is that like anything else in a game people look for a way around it. In the old days we use to fly off a base and meet the enemy half way to there base a duke it out at what ever alt half way got you to the deck. Then some people figure it was better to grab some alt and come in high and pick those guys twisting and turning on the deck working for a kill because it took less skill and wasn't likely to get them shot down much...... I'm sure you know the kind 
The point is the system has to be complicated and convoluted to make it as EQUALLY fair to everyone who plays I fly 20 hours a week and if I worked at it I could keep a score comparable to a player who does 700 hours a week. If things were simple I wouldn't be able to keep up with the number of kills a 700 hour player gets, or a player playing in the Euro time wouldn't have a chance to get his K/H any where near someone from US prime time.
Again completely incorrect, no offense but do you even read? I said I'm being shown as 9th place in attack(top 10). And What I am saying is that I SHOULDN'T be in the top 10, because the scoring system took 3 sorties, and is easily tampered with. The changes I am proposing or wishing for or whatever, MAKE IT HARDER to game the system.
So no, not even close. Please try and read it again. I DO want to be challenged to earn rank, I just proved its stupid easy to game it, which is why I am asking for change.
You say people will find a way but there is no way around K/D, you get them or you don't. There is no way around Total kills, you get them or you don't. Unless you cheat with extra accounts (which should be bannable)
Don't mention offtime players KH hurts them the most, because they can't find a fight.
As far as time played, it's not the 700 hour players fault that you can't play as much, If he is dedicating more time to the game and beating you in all the stats, that's the objective way to display his ranking. Play more or just realize that your limited play time keeps your from competing for the rank you want and live with it.
So let me repeat it again so you can stop guessing. I am looking for more objectivity in regards to score. Looking for it to stop being so easy to be gamed (as evident by me flying just 3 sorties and being rank 9 in attack..I SHOULD BE RANKED WORSE.THE SCORING SYSTEM IS BROKEN. That's the "light" I'm looking for. Lol