Want to let you know I can't fight you and have any chance of winning and here's why:
i've discovered my connection says it excellant (40-79 ping), but there's some kind of lag or packet drops (or both) going on somewhere that makes it almost impossible for me to win in a turny fight against some players (possibly based on their geographical location).
The other players plane is not actually where it appears to me on my computer. Bullets just go right through as if it's a ghost.
Or the other player shoots me down while they are pointed away from me! I stopped flying 262s now because I can't fly near other plays without some odd thing happening to make me lose it.
I don't know if others are experiencing this, but it makes me bail from turn fights as soon as I see my bullets disappear.
The internet is a mess and I don't have many ISPs to choose from. Those of you who don't have to put up with this may not know it's happening to others.
Anyway, take a break and come back when we get this new AH up and running, maybe things will be more fun for you.