Thats a pretty heavy blanket your throwing around there! I won't ho a buff or a storch.
True, it's a blanket statement, as you say -- and there are exceptions to anything in life -- but it's not a heavy blanket. For example, I can't remember even once seeing a complaint about a fighter hoing a bomber, whereas I see it several times nearly every time I fly with regard to a fighter hoing a fighter. (And really you wouldn't HO a bomber before he's by you and bombing your base or carrier? And you wouldn't attack a bomber from 12 o'clock in shallow dive, aiming for the cockpit -- one of the classic Luftwaffe attacks?)
The point here is those who like the FIGHT pretty much don't ho.
That's *your* blanket statement.
I like fights as much as anyone else (or maybe moreso, given that I continue to love online air combat even after 26 years of it).
To me, a shot is a shot. Some are good and some are bad depending on the situation, and there is no sacred direction.
To big a chance of the fight ending prematurely.
That's not the case for most of the head-on shots I take. I take them if they are good shots presenting little risk to me and not spoiling my next move, and work to avoid them otherwise (unless I have no options or its a vulch-swarm of a base). It would be more technically correct for me to describe the shots I take as "forward-quarter shots," since they typically are not when the enemy and I are flying straight at each other. Still, someone shot down by one of my forward-quarter shots, if he were to complain about it, would likely call it a HO.
Fly like you will. Hoers don't get a lot of respect. Others call them out all the time..... "watch it they xxx does nothing but ho". You see that more often than you get "check 6's" It's your call.
I don't feel that I lack respect, or get "called out", or do nothing but HO, or lack getting check sixes.