So for the purposes of discussion, I logged my stats for last night:
Time flown: 01:30:00 (one hour, thirty minutes)
Sorties: 10
Kills: 30
Deaths: 6
Fights (opponents encountered, kills+deaths): 36
Pilot wounds: 4
Pilot wounds from AA/ack: No
Aircraft flownSortie 1: P-47M
Fights: 1
PW's: No
Sortie 2: LA-7
Fights: 3
PW's: No
Sorties 3-10: Ta-152H
Fights: 32
PW's: 4
Of those pilot wounds, almost all shots were dead-6 shots. The one exception is a single HO (that was initiated by the thread starter, no less
). So from that sample size, we have a 1 in 9 chance of pilot wounding. Somewhat lower than what I "feel" is normal, yet still higher than the 1/20 and even the 1/10 percentages we've discussed previously.
I'll try to keep a running tally once I have a larger sample size.