For example, the P-47, more than most planes is significantly affected by its fuel load, just because it carries so much of it..
Thanx for saying this..
Most people I see squeaking about how bad the jug is cram every damned thang on it they can [Fuel/Ammo/Ords] & then wonder why it doesn't do too well when that enemy dives on ya..
Muzzy My #1 piece of advise is to think carefully about your loadout.. get alt & speed ASAP, & then size up the situation.. I can't tell ya how many times I've been tempted to drop ords & go help "That Guy" with 4 cons on him.. ( I know the feeling ).. but what am I doing?? if the mission is to take out the <thingy> over at base <BlahBlah>, then that's what I should focus on.. but if I'm there to fight & have fun & stuff, then Hellz-To-the-Yeah I'm otw Bruh!!
If I wanna fight it, then I don't weigh it down with 1,000's of pounds of crap & tons of fuel.. I keep it light & nimble, & I use the max cruise to get to the area, & then set my hard deck & low speed.. (I personally use 10k & 200IAS.. if i'm below either of those, I'm in trouble..)..
it'll surprises me, it's very quick in it's maneuvers if it's fast & the snapshot with the 8's is fatal..
but you have to stay fast.. 200IAS is the absolute minimum..
My E & SA have to be on point at these times.. if I'm off (or that last beer got me..), then "I'm Down"..
My squaddies used to squeak at me for flyin it.. I'd just tell them,"cuz it's fun".. now they fly it with me..

Wrngway <S>