POSSIBLE TERRAIN EDITOR BUG (Placing Task Groups)I have been working on converting Special Events Terrains to AH3 Terrains. With Beta 13 I think I have run across a bug with placing Task Groups. I had an issue with a fleet on a terrain so deleted it and went to place a brand new Task Group and it ended up placing a maproom near the area I selected and the ships of the Task Group off map. So I created a new terrain from scratch and tested placing at Task Group and the same thing happened.
Here are the steps on screen shots of what I did with the results.
- Selected a point 7 water squares away from the port I wanted to attach the Task Group to. Made sure "Snap" was checked and clicked in the middle of the square. (screen 1)
- Added the CVT shape which created a MPR object and 6 SHP objects. (screen 2)
- Zoomed in on the area I placed since I notice it looked like only 1 object was placed. (screen 3)
- Selected that object and discovered it was just the MPR object. (screen 4)
- Searched for the SHP object and found that it and the other SHP objects had been placed off map (screen 5A and 5B)
- Changed the CV property to attach it to Port 1. Icon for Task Group showed up on map but no positions changed. (screen 6)
I redid the test and made sure that I had 3 ports and 7 bases before I placed task groups so that the first new base would be 11 (Task Group would be 11). Since in AH2 we did have wonky issues at one point with Task Groups that had a number less than 10. Same results happened thought.
So this is occuring on Terrains I created and on new terrains unless I overlooked something new in AH3 that was introduced in placing Task Groups (I haven't placed a new Task Group until last night since I have been busy converting existing terrains).
My hunch on what is going on is that in AH2 when you created at Task Group it just created the SHP objects and you had to then go create a MPR object manually in addition to these and place it on the map (usually near the edge of the map was best practice). Then associate that MPR object to the Task Group. So since MPR object is now created WITH the Task Group ship objects when you place the CVT I figured you are trying to automated the process (removed the additional manual step of creating a MPR for the Task Group). Then you probably have code that is supposed to take the MPR object and locate it off map but probably the code is doing the reverse and leaving the MPR in place and moving the SHP objects off map.
[HiTech Deleted images because was long an no longer needed]