Been following this thread so it's time for me to wade in w\ an opinion...........not that it means much.
IMHO I believe that Hitech and Co are already addressing this issue w\ the new players w\ the addition of VR as a VR headset pretty much makes all this a moot point as the nature of VR gets around all the shortcomings of viewing a realistic 3D viewing scenario on a computer monitor, which was the sole intention of providing a FOV adjustment setting so that players can do this to their tastes to help "make up" for as much of these shortcomings as could be feasibly done using the old viewing system......on a computer monitor using either the mobo keypad keys or a joystick's hat switch. The new players most likely are already moving in this direction since the advent of quality VR headsets and vid cards\drivers to take full advantage of them and the tier AAA titles are already driving this tech.
The question that I think needs to be asked isn't for Hitech, but for us as users.......................
The 1st question is "How much reality of views do you want?"
And the 2nd question is "How much are you willing to pay for it?"
If the answer to the 1st question is a lot, then IMHO you need to consider upgrading to Track IR or VR tech as this is the real ticket to achieving this then the 2nd question should decide which way in this area you should go and which VR-capable vid card you need to get to go along w\ the VR headset to get the most out of it then answer the 2nd question and decide what is the cost level you're willing to pay to attain it.
If the answer to the 2nd question is not much to none, then IMHO you need to come to grips w\ the viewing system as currently designed, set the view FOV as close to your liking and focus on developing other SA skills to circumvent the shortcomings in the meantime.
Now if Hitech feels a good feeling in his heart (which I hope he will), AFTER getting this Beta all finished\vetted and into production, to then go back and look at all these suggestions to see which 1 or IF 1 (or more than 1) of these suggestions are easy enough to code into the finished game w\o breaking other things then we MIGHT get something (like access thru the existing GUI in View Options to access the already existing code setting to control the view panning transition speed between the set viewing positions, which would go a long way IMHO to helping to maintain view tracking w\ the current viewing system by allowing a user to set this to their tastes, as well as the items mentioned in this thread thus far).
I myself am quite satisfied w\ this as it is simply due to training myself to make the adjustments along w\ a few other improvements in equipment. Currently I'm using a FOV of 90 which is not far off the default of 80 and I have found that I can pretty much keep up w\ con tracking using the hat switch on my CH Combatstick 568 now, but coming from the default FOV setting of 106 in AHII I DID have to work to get readjusted to it. I'm getting better sound cues on approaching cons to determine position due to the addition of my Creative SoundBlaster X7 DAC-AMP so I don't have to waste more thumb work to gain SA along w\ the usage of AMD's FRTC in conjunction w\ AMD FreeSynch via my Asus MG279Q Gaming Monitor which along w\ my Sapphire R9 FuryX vid card makes all graphics including views so smooth by setting the FPS limit at a FPS range the vid card can handle easily in most cases then use FreeSynch to fill in when the scenes start to tax the vid card to the point where the FPS starts to drop below the FRTC set FPS. Yes the costs of just these 3 items that I mentioned costs me a good $1,500.00 extra but IMHO this is why a user needs to answer the 2nd question honestly then reassess what you ask for. The only quirk I experience is sometimes I will tend to over pan due to the set panning transition speed being a little too fast so I may catch a glimpse of a con (or what I thought was a con due to the Beta's lighting effects cues) then have to repan to verify....thus why I would like the ability to set this myself. These lighting effects cues are what make viewing in this Beta a different aspect than in AHII in my view which justifies a programming addition. The rest is up to Hitech and his view of this game's development vision and direction to justify the additional work\resources against the current pricing model for feasibility.........
All this is really stating is how committed I am to playing this game and how far I am willing to spend my money to enjoy it. We all have to do the same and some of our results w\ this game are on us to either accept or rectify, not just on Hitech.
At this time VR is not in my radar of an item that I deem to need so I'll deal w\ the current viewing set up and pray that Hitech stays in good health so this game will continue cause he's getting a little older now.....................
This might change over time....but not at the current time.
But what I have typed here does justify what Hitech has already posted as well....and most of the rest of us who are posting as well. We are more or less committed to paying for and playing this game so we are here..........
Ok my 2 cents pitched in..................
You may return to the thread discussion as if I hadn't posted..................