Author Topic: Armored trains  (Read 7309 times)

Offline bustr

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2017, 04:26:30 PM »
You make my head hurt thinking about laying in a none strat related train system after going through setting up GV bridges on my current terrain. I'm still waiting for Hitech to decide if he wants to bring back the system that required laying in roads, tugs\barges and track to support auto resupply all over a terrain. I hope at least if he thinks this wish is worth setting up, that laying the tracks can be leveraged from the existing tool for laying long lines of AI auto supply train tracks over diverse topography. At least now we have the ability to have some number of rail bridges to span things if he adds in one of rail road bridge objects.

I worry that the more toys of this kind introduced, the less willing anyone will be to invest the time it will take to build them into their terrain and finish it for submission once they try to set one up. So far I'm the only player who has submitted and gotten a completely new AH3 terrain into rotation besides Waffle and buzzsaw. I keep reading other players talking about starting one or somewhere in the process. By now from when I first read their posts, Hitech should have a number of new Melee arena terrains to inspect for rotation.

Nothing wrong with dreaming, I wish more of you had some idea what all of this takes to give you your dream.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Kingpin

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #31 on: October 05, 2017, 11:44:08 PM »
If a train carrying two Wirbelwinds and a Panzer IV Ausf G leaves field A1 traveling east at 45 mph while a train carrying a T-34 and a FlaK 88 leaves field A2 traveling west at 30 mph, how much time passes before someone complains on the forum.

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Offline Arlo

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #32 on: October 06, 2017, 06:22:41 AM »
If a train carrying two Wirbelwinds and a Panzer IV Ausf G leaves field A1 traveling east at 45 mph while a train carrying a T-34 and a FlaK 88 leaves field A2 traveling west at 30 mph, how much time passes before someone complains on the forum.


Math's not really my thing, man. Could this be phrased as a multiple choice, professor?

Offline bustr

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2017, 01:05:22 PM »
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Petey

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2017, 01:15:02 PM »
If a train carrying two Wirbelwinds and a Panzer IV Ausf G leaves field A1 traveling east at 45 mph while a train carrying a T-34 and a FlaK 88 leaves field A2 traveling west at 30 mph, how much time passes before someone complains on the forum.



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Offline 100Coogn

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #35 on: October 06, 2017, 01:17:29 PM »

I believe the correct answer was C. 

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Offline Zener

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #36 on: October 06, 2017, 02:10:41 PM »
You make my head hurt thinking about laying in a none strat related train system after going through setting up GV bridges on my current terrain.

Nothing wrong with dreaming, I wish more of you had some idea what all of this takes to give you your dream.

Bustr, I appreciate the long hours of work you do to bring new terrains to the game.  I don't like all of them or parts of some, but I do respect that it took hard work to make them.  Nothing's perfect, yet I play on whatever terrain pops up.

I don't think anyone reading these forums believes it's easy.  You remind us constantly that it isn't.  Why don't more do it?  Well, think about it.  Someone could take all those long hours to research and learn how, develop the skill to make one, only to have it rejected for some small reason that wasn't clearly specified in the beginning.  So, you can hardly blame someone for not wanting to waste months of time (if they do have it).

There doesn't seem to be a clear learning curve either.   Is there a set of directions somewhere?  Is there a list of what will/will not be acceptable?  Those don't seem very clear, yet you seem to think more people should jump into that frying pan and take a chance.  Doesn't strike me as something the average player will see as worth the time and effort given that their work can get flushed because of the simplest failure to meet an unclear expectation.

Offline bustr

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #37 on: October 06, 2017, 03:59:23 PM »
In the terrain editor forum are posts documenting this current terrain I'm building with screen shots to demystify the process. Everything from the 1:1 art file laid out full size to map everything  to cutting and sculpting terrain so no surprises with Hitech. Hitech has had months to review every screen shot and has made suggestions along the way. You are required to contact Hitech with some kind of mock up of your idea to get feed back. Then it helps to post screen shots and things you are developing which gives Hitech an opportunity to tell you no, or give you assistance or insights. He helped me with the bridges and now they work. He told me exactly "NO" when I put a 32,000ft wall completely around the out side of the game space to keep strat runners on the map. He is also kind about not dinging you for making rooky mistakes with the terrain editor.

I always direct players to Easyscor and the AvA terrain team for in-depth help on the minutia. They will not let you fail if possible and Hitech will give you advice if you ask him.

I wade into things because many of you are sharing as common knowledge misinformation about processes and how they work as your presumptions for how your wish list items will play out.  Or you think Hitech will magically make it happen, which is not far from reality with programing. :lol  In the case of AI trains, it's a neutral idea, it will be a giant PITA for a Melee arena builder to tweak into his terrain equally for three countries. Who did you think would put them into a terrain? It's like the wish for berms to hide tanks behind. Waffle can make them as objects that a terrain builder has to get down to a few feet from the ground and drop in. Then he will have to keep running a build, exiting out and going offline to drive around where he put them to see if they make any GV combat sense. If not, exit the game, back into the terrain editor and make a micro move a few feet of those objects. Rinse and repeat. What you see in the terrain editor inside of a 1\4mile circle is completely scale wise different than what it will look like when you drive around in that circle. There is still no guarantee after the terrain goes live that GV players will see any advantage in using that 1\4 area as part of their combat strategy. You also cannot build a terrain by committee if you ever want to get it finished, especially if your committee will not be there with you at your computer while you do all of the work. So yes, I don't have ESP so different players will not like various different things about my terrain. So what, at least it's a new terrain to have purse fights over. 

The AvA terrain guys can tell you years of stories about the obscene number of hours it takes to build these labors of love, especially as they increase the numbers of their own custom objects they create for the AvA terrains. 

This is why I tell everyone to build their own terrain to get exactly what you believe is your Aces High utopia.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2018, 08:20:11 PM »
If a train carrying two Wirbelwinds and a Panzer IV Ausf G leaves field A1 traveling east at 45 mph while a train carrying a T-34 and a FlaK 88 leaves field A2 traveling west at 30 mph, how much time passes before someone complains on the forum.


Oh man.  :banana:
One can only hope.  :pray


Offline Volron

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2018, 12:15:16 AM »
If a train carrying two Wirbelwinds and a Panzer IV Ausf G leaves field A1 traveling east at 45 mph while a train carrying a T-34 and a FlaK 88 leaves field A2 traveling west at 30 mph, how much time passes before someone complains on the forum.


There would be a complaint before they launched. :P
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline icepac

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #40 on: February 09, 2018, 02:51:15 PM »
Imagine being able to man guns on the trains.

Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #41 on: February 09, 2018, 02:57:03 PM »
Imagine being able to man guns on the trains.

I know right! :x
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Offline lyric1

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2018, 02:56:53 AM »

Offline Rodent57

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2018, 09:13:02 PM »
There is no "TRY", there is only "DO" ... bring on the manned trains! :devil
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Offline Volron

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2018, 11:08:55 AM »
And I'd give it a month at best, before you'd see whiniers on the forum about manned ack on the trains.  :blank:

So all the more reason to have it! :devil
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.