In the O'Club is a post about the game PUBG. If you read through it and go to the PUBG web site and look around, you will see some of the essence of what drives these requests that Hitech flush the game as is. Then create something out of the 21st century action, graphics and emotional expectations reality.
If you google "Worlds Adrift", the 24x7 full scale world that tracks all changes in a "World Scale Arena" persistently is being worked on. They keep pushing back their release date while making their SDK available instead. In some ways it would be AH5 or 6 where you design, then build your own fighters and bombers along with any changes you make along the way. Nuget would about 60 by that time...
Many of the things nuget and others like him want in AH won't work because Hitech's world is too big to keep track of all the changes to it's objects. Instead the focus is seat of your pants break things with the available toys as the first person pilot or driver. The more gratuitous the eye candy, the fewer than 32 players who can be in an arena the size of ours at one time.
With all the eyecandy and flashy graphics, the competitors cannot put as many players in their smaller arenas than our game can in it's at the same time. Even at 100 players during our USA daytime. I'm never sure if people like nuget and the others even understand this limitation that Hitech trades off and balances so that our arenas can host up to 1000 players if it ever comes to that. The technology does not exist at this time to do it the way they keep yelling at Hitech that it should, if he would just remake his game to their fantasies.
Keep watching Worlds Adrift and the SpatialOS technology to see if they ever get their 24x7 persistent "World Scale Arena" functioning. It appears they will still make the SDK available when that happens. I bet at 60 nuget's grand kids will be yelling at Hitech's grand kid about programming his full dive game the way they want to see it without knowing how the technology limits the outcomes.