then what exactly do you want? and what makes you think that the 2 sided arena we have now, wont work?
Which one are you referring to, the actual two-sided arena or the defacto one falsely referred to as having three sides?
what makes you think that in a 2 sided arena one side wont be constantly horded?
Oh, ENY, my experience in WBs where we switched sides for balance, etc. (This is such a straw man argument it reminds me of Chicken Little.)
In any case it beats what we have 90% of the time now which is either:
1) Two sides against one (a two-sided arena lol)
2) Two sides against each other with the third ignored (a two-sided arena with a built-in offline mode minus the drones ha ha).
I would rather be hoarded than bored in any case.
and most important, what makes you think that a 2 sided arena is what most players want? after all the ava has been reconfigured several times with all planes available.
Silly rabbit. You still do not grasp what makes the AvA ANYTHING BUT the equivalent of the MA, no matter how many sides.
The AvA is not an MA. One side. Two sides. Ten sides. The key to the riddle is comtained in the NAME.