Almost surely is more accurate in that case. You proved my point, it is used in a mathematical sense, not in a lingual sense. If you write "I am almost certain about X because Y said it happened" that is very poor scholarship. It is poor simply because of your word choice. The word certain is a poor choice as is uncertain because they are black and white and there are very few certainties in history. This is why we make claims and back them with evidence or interpretations of evidence. I will also add that probability and probability theory is used to predict the future or to determine what will happen in various situations. We do not predict the past.
We can just disagree, V. No need to be so hostile and make cruel comments. I was simply saying that "almost surely" and its synonyms are meant to be used in mathematical conversations. If you disagree, that is fine. I will continue to not use "almost certain" and you are more than welcome to continue to use it.

Hostile? So logic is now hostility? Okay then.
Any way...
“Almost certain” is the correct terminology.
“Certainty is perfect knowledge that has total security from error, or the mental state of being without doubt. Objectively defined, certainty is total continuity and validity of all foundational inquiry, to the highest degree of precision. Something is certain only if no skepticism can occur.”
Thus, “almost certain” is more precise than “uncertain” which can have an almost (uh oh) unlimited variation in terms of nuance.
“Almost certain” is far more (uh oh) precise than “uncertain” is.
In regard to “uncertain” : “All eagles are birds but not all birds are eagles.” There is NOTHING to preclude a modifier to “certain” in order to communicate a degree of certainty or uncertainty.
I stand by my original statement and its unassailable terminology. Unless you can show me film of the P-63 vs Ki-43 engagement then “almost certain” is as good as it gets. Only the participants *could* know for sure (to a certainty*), and they’re dead. That said, this should not preclude the addition of the P-63 to AH3 by any reasonable, objective, history-based standard.
Now back to your regularly scheduled gnat straining. Good Lord what a colossal waste of time this has been.
* Even the fog of war could intervene to an extent making CERTAINTY impossible.