Author Topic: Climate change  (Read 18756 times)

Offline FLS

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #90 on: October 20, 2019, 09:55:14 PM »
The Pentagon was tasked with writing a climate change threat report and they used the opportunity to assess current environmental threats to bases. Well played Pentagon.   :aok

Offline zack1234

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #91 on: October 21, 2019, 01:47:39 AM »
As i started this thread.

1. There is more forests in Western Europe than there was 100 years ago
2. There are more forests in China than there was in 1970
3. Population will stop at 9 billion
4. There will be a problem with not enough people.
5. Child mortality in Africa is at the same levels as Europe in the 1950's
6. There are more fat people dying than dying from lack if food.

United nations 1-6 not a organisation known for highlighting positive news.

By the way cows are devices of the devil :old:

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« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 01:54:22 AM by zack1234 »
There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

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Offline Brooke

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #92 on: October 21, 2019, 03:23:42 AM »
A clearer graph of temperature over earth's history:

The section labeled "rapid glacial cycles" are lots of ice ages one after the other.  Note that rapid glacial cycles happen now that the earth's temperature is near a 65-million-year minimum.

Paleocene (extinction of dinosuars, rise of mammals)
Eocene (primates)
Oligocene (more primates)
Miocene (hominids)
Pliocene (Australopithicus and stone tools)
Pleistocene (modern humans)
Holocene (now)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 03:43:47 AM by Brooke »

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #93 on: October 21, 2019, 03:57:50 AM »
Why aren't people worried that we don't have enough CO2 in the atmosphere to get us out of the rapid-glacial-cycles phase of the earth?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 03:59:49 AM by Brooke »

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #94 on: October 21, 2019, 04:06:26 AM »
We need an ice-free Antarctica for more liebensraum.

Zack for Emperor of New Antarctica!
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 04:08:20 AM by Brooke »

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #95 on: October 21, 2019, 04:54:26 AM »
We need an ice-free Antarctica for more liebensraum.

Zack for Emperor of New Antarctica!

Liebensraum ... is that some love camps somewhere, and where do I apply ?

Zack can't be an Emperor, he is already running AH, I predict more haze on maps, and smog during next London Blitz scenario.

On top of that he need to fix Brexit, and later break Scotland and Ireland out of UK !

Remember he already have 6 African wives and are looking for more (maybe its in the camps he finds his chicks)
Zack is awesome.
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Offline nooby52

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #96 on: October 21, 2019, 05:05:20 AM »
I like this gem. Heston reading from Crighton.

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Offline AKKuya

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #97 on: October 21, 2019, 05:06:54 AM »
As i started this thread.

1. There is more forests in Western Europe than there was 100 years ago
2. There are more forests in China than there was in 1970
3. Population will stop at 9 billion
4. There will be a problem with not enough people.
5. Child mortality in Africa is at the same levels as Europe in the 1950's
6. There are more fat people dying than dying from lack if food.

3. Do you know something the rest of us doesn't? 
4. Not enough people translate to lack of future food source related to question #3
6. Viable food source not working out in the long term related to question #3
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #98 on: October 21, 2019, 07:56:04 AM »
Don't worry guys! Bill Gates has the solution! Chemtrals...Who would have guessed it?

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Offline zack1234

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #99 on: October 21, 2019, 08:18:11 AM »
3. Do you know something the rest of us doesn't? 
4. Not enough people translate to lack of future food source related to question #3
6. Viable food source not working out in the long term related to question #3

1. I know a lot you dont know big boy😂
2.Increase in income and prosperity = smaller families - this had been known for the last 30 years  (population decline is irreversable in some parts of China due to policy of 1 child which has now been abandoned)
3. Problem with food resource has nothing to do with production but logistics, we can produce enough food its getting it to the people. (Capitalism will sort this out)
4. The increases in life spans and decrease in child birth will be the biggest problem for the world.
5. The fastest growing economy in the world is Africa and South America.

The enviromental issue is being pushed by multinationals, who had a meeting disussing how to increase profits by selling of carbon emissions.

The only place that will suffer the most is the Arab countries because they produce nothing and only revenue is based on carbon products used by non Arab nations.

There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline FLS

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #100 on: October 21, 2019, 08:34:38 AM »
That "imminent mini ice age" from the 70's was predicted for 60-70 years later, 2030 -2040. The current prediction for a cooling period is for the same time frame. It will likely be a very different climate change debate in 10 years.

This is why NASA's reporting about the Thermosphere cooling is important. It's evidence supporting a theory that doesn't require changing data to make a model work. There are also the previous occurrences in the historical record.

Not saying the world will end, but parts of it will be much colder than we're used to or prepared for.

Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #101 on: October 21, 2019, 10:05:03 AM »
That "imminent mini ice age" from the 70's was predicted for 60-70 years later, 2030 -2040. The current prediction for a cooling period is for the same time frame. It will likely be a very different climate change debate in 10 years.

This is why NASA's reporting about the Thermosphere cooling is important. It's evidence supporting a theory that doesn't require changing data to make a model work. There are also the previous occurrences in the historical record.

Not saying the world will end, but parts of it will be much colder than we're used to or prepared for.'s cooling because there are no sunspots.  The Thermosphere has absolutely nothing to do with climate change and it mostly has to do with satellite altitudes as the thickness of the thermosphere is largely dependant on solar radiation and how to plan for said satellite orbits. The thermosphere increases in size with increased solar activity (i.e. increased sunspots) and shrinks and cools during solar minimum. Science.

Regardless or not if the planet is warming or cooling, the destruction of habitat and the consumption of our limited supply of natural resources on land and the ocean is not sustainable. And our fresh water supplies on the are getting less and less. Again, science.

The bad news, the planet's CO2 levels are still rising. Science.

Funny thing about science. It's true whether or not you choose to believe in it. 
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 10:14:49 AM by Mister Fork »
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Offline OldNitro

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #102 on: October 21, 2019, 10:20:25 AM »
Well, the word is that North Africa is starting to re green.. At one time, it was quite fertile, the breadbasket of the Roman Empire.. From what I have read, the earth is at historical lows for CO2 in the atmosphere.. We need some more.. Plants sure like it in my friends greenhouse..

As far as NASA goes, it is another formerly reliable organization, that was politicized, to project a message, (Climate taxes on CO2, so they can tax you for breathing).. And as such, is no longer reliable.. I seem to remember NOAA NASA and DOE being busted fudging data some years ago too, lol..

« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 10:31:24 AM by OldNitro »

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #103 on: October 21, 2019, 10:37:22 AM »
What limited supply of natural resources???

We are finding more and more oil reserves every year...They just realized that the Permian Basin in Texas has more oil than they ever dreamed of....It's just a matter of getting to it and getting it into production facilities...Horizontal drilling will take care of a lot of the "getting to it"

What resources??? Trees??? Water???

There is plenty of fresh drinking water....Unless you are a third world dope that can't keep your water well clean or working...or you don't have enough sense come up with some sort of water purification system (I am a water guy...don't try to tell me there is not enough water in the world to drink...I know better) I have been in the water business for over 15 years...only people who don't have fresh drinking water don't have enough sense to make it drinkable...they would rather war with themselves or poison eachothers wells or not perform maintenance on the wells that the western world drills them and basically hands them multiple ways to keep their water clean...they would rather crap in it and beg for more...

Yes natural resources are our most precious thing...there is more than enough to go around if you have sense...perhaps we should leave the third world be and let the Darwin effect do its thing...
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Offline FLS

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Re: Climate change
« Reply #104 on: October 21, 2019, 10:53:34 AM »'s cooling because there are no sunspots.  The Thermosphere has absolutely nothing to do with climate change and it mostly has to do with satellite altitudes as the thickness of the thermosphere is largely dependant on solar radiation and how to plan for said satellite orbits. The thermosphere increases in size with increased solar activity (i.e. increased sunspots) and shrinks and cools during solar minimum. Science.

Regardless or not if the planet is warming or cooling, the destruction of habitat and the consumption of our limited supply of natural resources on land and the ocean is not sustainable. And our fresh water supplies on the are getting less and less. Again, science.

The bad news, the planet's CO2 levels are still rising. Science.

Funny thing about science. It's true whether or not you choose to believe in it.

Spotspots cause cooling? That's not science. Sunspots correlate with solar output. The lack of sunspots indicate less heat coming into a complex system. There is no science showing that CO2 is a problem. There is a simplistic model of CO2 affecting climate but it's hardly settled science. Hanson was recently in court where he lost a case because he couldn't/wouldn't validate his data. His work is considered fake science. The greenhouse effect theory dates from 1824. Not the peak of atmospheric science.

We'll know truth soon enough.  :aok