Author Topic: Dear Amerika  (Read 19271 times)

Offline MORAY37

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #60 on: August 11, 2020, 04:22:55 PM »

Forcing everyone to wear a mask is pointless and will cause other health effects such as breathing bacteria back into your mouth, bacteria all over your face. Mold from wetness of your breath, and stress oxidation from lack of oxygen which activates your bodys immune response to take less oxygen and will make you more susceptible to getting sick. Wearing a mask all day is incredibly unhealthy.

Yeah, no to all of this.... An O2 molecule is about .0003 microns.  A hospital grade N95 has around 1.0 micron holes in the fiber.  There is no change in your O2 intake while wearing a mask, and if you change it, there is no bacteriological issue either....which is why forcing nurses to reuse masks is absolute stupidity. As for the rest of your post.....I don't have the time nor patience.

I don't know which conspiracy theorist got to you, but you're as wrong as one person could be.  But, I just work under level three biohazard protocols daily, so take it for what it's worth. I'm sure your source is better informed.   :banana:
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #61 on: August 11, 2020, 04:26:09 PM »
I laughed at the mention of masks at the end. They protect from from you but do not do much of anything to protect the wearer. That has been shown in studies. Not only that... for protecting yourself, you need to cover mouth, nose, and eyes with a mask that seals against the face.

It's not about absolutes. It's about slowing down the spreading as much as possible. Protecting "from me" is a huge part in slowing down the spreading, as I might not even know (yet) that I'm carrying Covid-19. And even simple masks can reduce the risks a lot as long as they cover mouth and nose. They don't claim absolute safety.

I don't war the mask just for myself. I carry it for everyone else.
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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #62 on: August 11, 2020, 04:28:41 PM »
Same here back in March

Everything but fever but now they are saying fever is not required

Sleeping upright on couch for 10 days had my attention

No taste or smell for over a week was another first

Neighbors 4 houses down could hear me coughing if I was out back on the patio

4 weeks later I was getting better but not b4 passing some of it over to the wife..

Me being 61 with two stents had me concerned but we both got through it

I am never sick but this put me out so bad I actually did not login to AH and fly for like a week during the worst of it - missed a KOTH too ...

The wife knew I was sick then :)

It is good we went through what we did as it has given us patience with the whole thing we would probably not had otherwise..



Eagler, I would recommend you see a primary care doctor for a followup, when you get a chance.  That level of infection with this virus may have damaged organ systems, particularly heart tissue.  Around 20% of recovered cases at that level of severity are showing damage to heart muscle fibers, which could cause particular issues for you, depending upon where the stents are. Just something to discuss with someone at  your checkup.
"Ocean: A body of water occupying 2/3 of a world made for man...who has no gills."
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #63 on: August 11, 2020, 04:32:11 PM »
Dealing with pandemics, one must think outside the 'just me' bubble.

(Image removed from quote.)

Best to stay home if you do not want to get sick. If you go out....... you will get sick, sooner or later.

Oh... and do not have any visitors or accept any orders or supplies.
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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #64 on: August 11, 2020, 04:35:00 PM »
That’s going on here also.

Sorry man, it's likely that SARS-CoV-2 deaths are currently being under-reported, not over.  Unfortunately, we won't know the full picture until the CDC compiles the year's full data. But, if you tally the excess deaths as a category without causality.....

From Mar 1 to May 30, there were about 781,000 all-cause deaths in 48 states, 95,235 officially attributed to COVID-19, leaving 122,300 more than would be expected during that period. The researchers said that although they cannot classify the deaths as due to COVID-19, flu activity had fallen to historically low levels in March.

In several states, the deaths occurred before the availability of COVID-19 diagnostic tests and thus weren't counted as coronavirus deaths. The estimated number of excess deaths varied significantly among states.

For example, in New York City, all-cause deaths were seven times higher than baseline at the pandemic peak, with 25,100 excess deaths, of which 26% were not attributed to COVID-19. In other parts of New York, excess deaths were only twice as high as baseline, with 12,300 excess deaths.

Other states with high numbers of excess deaths were New Jersey, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Illinois, and Michigan, while there were few or no excess deaths reported in some smaller central states and northern New England.

The gap between deaths attributed to COVID-19 and the estimated number of all-cause excess deaths also varied among states, with California reporting 4,046 coronavirus deaths and 6,800 excess deaths, leaving 41% of excess deaths not attributed to COVID-19.

The gaps were even wider in Texas, with 55% of excess deaths not classified as due to the coronavirus, and in Arizona, where 53% of excess deaths were attributed to causes other than COVID-19. Minnesota showed the best agreement, with only 12% of excess deaths unattributed to COVID-19..

Deaths in this country follow cyclical seasonal patterns.  You can easily locate deviations from "normal".  Causality of the death isn't immediately attributed.... only that the death occurred.  That gives researchers a backstop from the noise in the rest of the data.  In a normal year, 2.8 million Americans die from ALL causes....having 122,300 more deaths than expected, EVEN when counting COVID deaths already is a very, very bad thing.  The background baseline mortality rate for the country has barely changed in 100 years.  In NYC it's been relatively stable for about 175 years, with exceptions for viral outbreaks, of course.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 04:46:41 PM by MORAY37 »
"Ocean: A body of water occupying 2/3 of a world made for man...who has no gills."
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #65 on: August 11, 2020, 04:40:57 PM »

Best to stay home if you do not want to get sick. If you go out....... you will get sick, sooner or later.

I'm at home 95% of the time. There are times when I have to leave. Wear the mask ... for you ... for others. Others includes asymptomatic 'healthy' people who have contact with ... well ... anyone. Excuses to not wear a mask outside the home (and sometimes even inside it) basically boil down to 'well, I don't wanna and I'm the only living soul in the universe that counts.'

What it looked like dying from 'bacteria re-breathing' for me and other wafer fab workers back in the day.

Online DmonSlyr

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #66 on: August 11, 2020, 04:58:15 PM »
Yeah, no to all of this.... An O2 molecule is about .0003 microns.  A hospital grade N95 has around 1.0 micron holes in the fiber.  There is no change in your O2 intake while wearing a mask, and if you change it, there is no bacteriological issue either....which is why forcing nurses to reuse masks is absolute stupidity. As for the rest of your post.....I don't have the time nor patience.

I don't know which conspiracy theorist got to you, but you're as wrong as one person could be.  But, I just work under level three biohazard protocols daily, so take it for what it's worth. I'm sure your source is better informed.   :banana:

Just because air is smaller than the holes doesn't mean that the mask allows as much oxygen to come in as without one. The mask still blocks oxygen. I wear one using my grill and I know that it blocks my oxygen and makes me hot. Secondly, the majority of people are not using n95 masks nor medical grade mask, they are using cloth being sown by designers. Ohh look, another opportunity to make money. Do you actually think they are washing these masks every day? N95 masks are hard to find and they are being used over and over again by most people. The majority of people wearing mask are doing so incorrectly and touching their face all of the time. I also see people smoking cigarettes with their mask under their chin...  Even the Netherlands have come to the conclusion based on New studies.

If the virus doesn't stop within 2 more weeks or immediately cease growing cases. We will know for sure that the mask is bogus. Especially if we see increasing cases. I believe most americans have been wearing a mask for 2 weeks already. 2 more weeks and we better start seeing a reduction in #s or I am calling BS.

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #67 on: August 11, 2020, 05:29:17 PM »
I wear it. The way i figure, it could save someone's life and since I live in a building slam full of the sick and the old, it just has to be done.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #68 on: August 11, 2020, 05:31:44 PM »
I wear it. The way i figure, it could save someone's life and since I live in a building slam full of the sick and the old, it just has to be done.

Good man. Better to be cautious than make up excuses not to be.  :cheers:

Online DmonSlyr

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #69 on: August 11, 2020, 06:25:30 PM »
Any research on why certain people are "asymptomatic" while others are not? This is the biggest obstacle that has not been talked about at all. I've heard from one doctor that  it could be lower selenium levels in people due to statin drugs or low levels period. Why doesn't any media ever talk about ways to strengthen your immune system? All you ever hear about is a wonder "vaccine" or mask or "social distancing" (i hate that term aswell). Never hear anything about actually making your body stronger to avoid diseases in general.
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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #70 on: August 11, 2020, 06:40:37 PM »
Any research on why certain people are "asymptomatic" while others are not? This is the biggest obstacle that has not been talked about at all. I've heard from one doctor that  it could be lower selenium levels in people due to statin drugs or low levels period. Why doesn't any media ever talk about ways to strengthen your immune system? All you ever hear about is a wonder "vaccine" or mask or "social distancing" (i hate that term aswell). Never hear anything about actually making your body stronger to avoid diseases in general.

One factor could be G6PD, G6PD is an enzyme deficiency that has evolved as a natural immunity to malaria. Malaria binds to this enzyme, so in areas where malaria was prevalent people with G6PD were more likely to survive. So G6PD is very common around areas like the Mediterranean, India, SE Asia etc. Research indicates G6PD makes you more vulnerable to Covid-19.

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #71 on: August 11, 2020, 07:00:24 PM »

If the virus doesn't stop within 2 more weeks or immediately cease growing cases. We will know for sure that the mask is bogus. Especially if we see increasing cases. I believe most americans have been wearing a mask for 2 weeks already. 2 more weeks and we better start seeing a reduction in #s or I am calling BS.

dude we have been wearing masks since march.  if everybody wore a mask then you might see a reduction.

I know 2 of my friends who got corona virus from a bartender they knew who had tested positive, he didnt wear a mask.  by the way he passed away 2 weeks later. one of those friends showed up at the legion with a cough, they asked him to leave, he refused, so he got banned permanently.  he said he had tested neg on facebook, his sister went on facebook to say he was positive, his father has been in the hospital for almost a month now because he got it from him, his two brothers that live in the same house are also positive, or were positive by now.

a bar that reopened illegally was packing over 100 people in a place that can barely hold 60, all the bartenders tested positive, now he's permanently closed by the health department.  that bartender that died was at that place, who knows how many people he infected.  by the way nobody was wearing a mask.


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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #72 on: August 11, 2020, 07:06:11 PM »
by the way I've been wearing a mask since march, the i cant breath argument is dumb.  I get enough oxygen, and yes it makes me sweat and sometimes I wish I could just throw it away because it's annoying.  then again, I hate wearing clothes during the summer, but i have to wear those too when I go outside.  in my house I close the blinds, nobody can see and i walk around in my underwear, have shorts and a shirt next to the door in case somebody comes knocking.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Online DmonSlyr

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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #73 on: August 11, 2020, 07:55:54 PM »
I am sorry to hear about your friends. For the record, I am not saying to not wear a mask, I'm just saying that I don't believe that it's as effective as we think. I think we will find out soon enough. I think it's more so about touching something that someone with covid has touched and then touching your mouth. Pens, cups, debit pads, touch screens, keyboards, door knobs, ect. When you look at a bar, people are touching cups and bottles and signing checks with pens, touching cups with lips and then the bartender throwing them away. I dont believe that it's spit that happens to hit you in the mouth that gives you it.

One factor could be G6PD, G6PD is an enzyme deficiency that has evolved as a natural immunity to malaria. Malaria binds to this enzyme, so in areas where malaria was prevalent people with G6PD were more likely to survive. So G6PD is very common around areas like the Mediterranean, India, SE Asia etc. Research indicates G6PD makes you more vulnerable to Covid-19.

Thats interesting. Haven't heard about that one. I do wish scientist could find a cause for that.

The Damned(est. 1988)
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Re: Dear Amerika
« Reply #74 on: August 11, 2020, 08:49:07 PM »
I am sorry to hear about your friends. For the record, I am not saying to not wear a mask, I'm just saying that I don't believe that it's as effective as we think. I think we will find out soon enough. I think it's more so about touching something that someone with covid has touched and then touching your mouth. Pens, cups, debit pads, touch screens, keyboards, door knobs, ect. When you look at a bar, people are touching cups and bottles and signing checks with pens, touching cups with lips and then the bartender throwing them away. I dont believe that it's spit that happens to hit you in the mouth that gives you it.

Thats interesting. Haven't heard about that one. I do wish scientist could find a cause for that.

food for brain.  you dont spit, but you do cough, that's where masks reduce the distance spits travels.

this is a true funny story.  go to the legion, I clean my hands with hand sanitizer, ask for a shot of tequila, rub lime on my hand put salt on hand, hold the lime, lick the salt and almost thru up.  it tasted like hand sanitizer mixed with salt.  I wont get shots for a while.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.