You can use a broad brush to paint an idea of what you think you know, or dont. If you want to know how many people die each year of hunger, I am sure Google can provide you a couple hundred pages of stats by various sources.
From personal experience, I can share that we have about 17,000 kids in our school district. In the 5 Elementary schools that are nearest, over 2 dozen volunteers from our School alone provide just over 200 Sack lunches every Friday, delivered to select children of these elementary schools that range from grades 1 - 4, that have been identified needing assistance. These lunches are an attempt to help the kids get through the weekend, which of course it doesn't.
How many of these 7,8,9 & 10 yr olds are gaming the system? I do not know. I live in a conservative, affluent area. So it isn't hard to spot those that have and those that do not.
So when you say that "We already make sure kids don't starve." I repeat, that has not been my experience.