Author Topic: What would get AH growing again  (Read 10688 times)

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #285 on: November 23, 2024, 10:52:34 AM »
Commercials are the answer...

Free to play but you have to sit through the latest ed commercial after each death..

You also watch a commercial during your climb up so no need to remove the too big maps..

Just have to make sure any IL2 or DCS commercials aren't allowed  :banana:


 :rofl  :rofl
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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #286 on: November 23, 2024, 11:55:06 AM »
I had a gay dog called Ben.
When he departed this sphere after attempting to facilitate the services a Great Dane I had him stuffed and placed on my mantle piece  :old:
There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline AKIron

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #287 on: November 23, 2024, 02:51:08 PM »
I was referring to ads paying for the game instead of subscription. Which is what I thought was proposed. You need a bigger base before advertisers are going to kick in.
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Offline Yarbles

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #288 on: November 23, 2024, 07:19:03 PM »
 Re AI: Technology that made George Orwell's 1984  vision seem possible existed in 1948  :)

I think that is grounds for some optimism  :pray

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #289 on: November 23, 2024, 07:28:13 PM »
I had a gay dog called Ben.
When he departed this sphere after attempting to facilitate the services a Great Dane I had him stuffed and placed on my mantle piece  :old:

If I was on the bench and you appeared before me I would take one look and just say: "Prison or the Army", (gavel down)."NEXT" 

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Offline Canspec

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #290 on: November 23, 2024, 08:27:41 PM »
If I was on the bench and you appeared before me I would take one look and just say: "Prison or the Army", (gavel down)."NEXT"

...or banishment to Clapham Common wearing rubber longjohns for life..... :old:

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #291 on: November 23, 2024, 09:13:10 PM »
I'm thinking the Phantom Zone for half of yous.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Online Morpheus

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #292 on: November 23, 2024, 10:56:55 PM »
I respected you way back 20-something years ago when I flew with you in the 444th. After reading everything you just wrote, here is another of the literally hundreds of examples of why we're young dumb, and full of... Um well yeah No seriously tho good stuff and I hope all of you young dweebs out there paid attention to this right here!

Any thoughts of making the game full-time "Axis vs Allies" is the dagger that will kill this game in weeks instead of years that we all hope we still have. Any other flight sim game that tried to run a A vs A type playfield even for short amounts of time lost all kinds of population. If it was such a good idea IL2 would have much bigger servers and much larger crowds playing it.

GRAPHICS—it seems that is always the first thing everyone complains about here—"20-year-old graphics." Are the graphics that bad? I don't think so, but some things could use a bit more? Maybe. We have had "Speed Trees" for a long time, yet nothing has changed—except the complaints of too many trees. A quick look at the site shows some amazing views.

(Image removed from quote.)

Maybe the tree/land textures could use a bit of tweaking. Not sure how it works, but is it just the use of the program that is needed to tweak them?

Adding to the "flash-bang" aspect couldnt the explosions be beefed up, maybe add some where we dont have anything now like when a building explodes, maybe bigger hit sprites and so on. The game isnt a "flight sim" per say.. ask anyone who plays DCS.... so add a few gamyer elements for that "flash bang" crowd. In VR this game is awesome. Put a few explosions in their face and listen to them giggle!

(Image removed from quote.)

Add a free element to the game. 10-12 free planes/vehicles in the MA all the time. A couple of buffs, a couple of tanks, a goon and M3 for supply/troops and 4-6 fighters. Sure the "new guys" will have there butts handed to them, but by playing the game and learning to work with others they will learn how deep the game is and Im sure will move to the subscription.

Volunteers, There are a number of players who are retired. Some I am sure have talents that could be used in the game. We have skinners and map makers, why not some guys to work on new explosions, trees, textures, tiles and so on. I know I would love to contribute to the game as much as I can to help it along, Im sure there are others.

Resubmit to Steam or other gamers sites. I dont know how much it costs to do so, but Im thinking its less than a TV ad and might have a much better target audience. Have some volunteers on hand for the opening to help players coming in, give them the "blue text" to stand out and help players. Every 5 minutes or so send a "how to use ingame text" message so the first thing they can do is talk, and ask questions. Do this 24 hours strait for a week just to get as many as you can into the game as easily as possible, hand feed the newbies.

I always thought there should be more MODs. Unfortunately we live in a world where everyone can/will take offense at the smallest thing. There is "smack talking" and then there is abuse and sometimes its a very fine line between the two. Some player seem to thrive on crossing that line and drive players away. Id rather see those players hammered with mutes and suspensions and even bans to hopefully keep from running off other players.

More MODs could also be used as a committee that could gather evidence of poor game play and drop it on Hitechs desk. This way things like the "YKW" incident dosent carry on so long again chasing players away.

I dont like limiting players. Let them fly what ever they want, but lets say they only get credit for half a kill toward score. Those that fly the monsters to only rack up quick easy kills for score may change planes. Of course those that just want to see their name in lights will continue but it might move some out of those planes.

Adjust ENY. Some planes/vehicles are way out of wack, Yaks, T34, and so on. You could also add better earnings to some of the mid war planes for "perk farming". As it is a G2 with a kill gets you a couple perks, double it and see how many people start flying them to build perks.

Why build perks? so you can pay for your magic ride when ENY kicks in. If your team is hit with ENY, you can pay perks to get that pony you just have to have. Im not sure how long it takes, or could take with ENY/perk adjustments added do build a usable bank of perks, but once that time is known it would adjust the clearing of perks from the bank. Purge the perks so everyone starts fresh, and purge them every tour, or every other tour to keep from having the thousands of perks some players have.

I think the biggest issue is Hitech. If he is willing to jump in Im sure things would change for the better. If he just wants to maintain and provide a playground for those of us still around, not much will change. As always, the ball is in his court.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2024, 10:59:04 PM by Morpheus »
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Offline nrshida

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #293 on: November 24, 2024, 03:18:52 AM »
Not been an entirely unproductive discussion although patterns now seem to be repeating in a bit of a theme we will touch on later  :rofl

We have maybe concluded that AH isn't a mainstream game and isn't appealing to the young whose user-interface baseline is Siri and not pseudo linux and DOS commands, for example! From some of the AH YouTube channels I watch it is clear that a lot of ex-military personnel come here and find an analogue for the comradeship they experienced there. I believe in the US you have some kind of community-centres for veterans don't you? Why doesn't HiTech or AH players start to form some kind of collaboration. There's already a collaboration with a museum somewhere I heard about. For this you don't need television adverts etc. perhaps just some donated 'good enoigh' PCs cobbled together from your updated builds and the odd Logitech joystick. That's probably a more practical way to get players introduced who would stick around and would be seeking more than just any old random game they'd play to keep themselves occupied. Won't reach the multiple-hundreds but it's something and helps keeps the game alive. Maybe even help people who have had a hard time and made a contibution to your society. Who knows to what end such a collaboration might lead.

Regarding this cannon-fodder motif. I really don't think that's attractive at all and is more motivated by a lot of AH players basicaly wanting more live people to shoot at - that's if we are being brutally honest about the nature of the MA. The suggestion we give new players P-51Ds, Doras and LA7s while experienced players fly mid-war makes more logical sense, only as players like Semp point out he pays his subscription to fly the P-51 and that's totally fair enough.

I think it's important to point out paying for access to the game is neither here nor there to certain demographics which it would be more sensible for AH to go after. Nor is consequently attractive. You can make the gameplay as free as you like, and no prospective player is going to spend any longer than a weekend or two taking off and climbing to where an apparent fight is only to get jumped by a P-47M, two LA7s and a 190D-9 simultaneously who are essentially campling a certain base on Saturday afternoon. Let's flip this concept on its head and pose the following question: if there was a first-person shooter who newly openned their doors to limitted free-play, only the other players have already been there for years, have better rifles than you, know all of the good places to hide and won't tell you, how many hours of your own free time would you waste on that? The proposition is absurd.

Shan't even bother to discuss the time of day I can play which is marked by first the Knight mini-horde followed by the full on Bish horde with players like J0ker at its core because that's untypical but is the start of every AH day. I've played the game for a long time and can dogfight a bit and upping from a base outnumbered (at least!) three to one at an energetic disadvantage, with a Wirb and an M3 in town is about as attractive to me as seeing how make cocktail sticks I can poke into my retina. And no there aren't any fights anywhere else because there's safety in numbers. Which does raise another point:-

The MA is weird. Joker - to belabour the example - isn't a bad Corsair stick - he has of course had twenty-years to practice, it's a hell of a plane especially if its weaknesses in energy-building are plugged by highly-coordinated squadmates and always having a base or carrier to run to. The thing he does (just an example, nothing personal) best is to play the arena. I to this day don't understand it well enough because I am basically a DA-head that simply stuck around too long for personal reasons, never joined an MA squad and preferred to fly alone. I'm sure to most of you it's completely understood and normal but consder how a new player will experience that. He won't understand at all the nuances of why certain players suddenly give up alt or get very pseudo-aggressive because their M3 has just openned the doors at the maproom gate and they're trying to draw you away. They'll jusy move along because the MA is weird.

Then the last point which is significant but never mentioned: the culture has changed. No new player is going to experience the apprentihip we ALL experienced because down through the years the players, nature of play and environment has been filtered leaving only a very narrow band of activity now closed-off to any prospective players. When I started there was quite an actvie and friendly duelling culture here, that's gone. There was an alternative and populated arena to the MA where flying and shooting well and developing your ACM was the only focus, that's gone. Then you would likely get invited to join an MA squad in which all the - I don't know what to call it:- abstract ways the MA models a war - would've been taught you. Pensioner, Veteran, squeaker, doesn't matter that fellowship of introduction to the game is gone. Then discussion of aircraft attributes and ACM which there used to at least be some of on this forum, tips discussions - right or wrong - about ACM was not exactly encouraged especially during YKW's term of office which would draw an attempted ego-humiliation video and just in general any thought, discussion, help and emphasis on that (I think quite attractive part of AH given its flight-model, previous focus on fighters and hell, even its title(!)) is gone.

HiTech to my observation is extraordinarily rigid to changing things which to some extent can be understood if you expend time and resources to endeavours which don't result in being productive. WWI arena for example, or that awful Pacific thing he made. What do you call that acquired-apathy or something I've heard Amercian psychologists discuss. That is absolutely normal in game-development, maybe, maybe 10% of the prototypes make it. Also any change he does make now such as turning off that daft AWACS radar is inevitably going to alienate someone and cost cancelled subscriptions. So bear in mind how fragile this all now is. AH is now mostly a static entity: the usual suspects endlessly whiling away their afternoons repeating an ever narrowing set of activities and essentially not trying anything new because of the percieved backwards 'progress' you have to suffer to do this. So if you want change YOU change first. Besides it is a proven FACT! (as Zack would say) than trying new things keeps your mind flexible and young.  :old:
"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline icepac

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #294 on: November 24, 2024, 03:35:05 AM »
The problem is the current generation of gamers don’t want a challenge. 

Offline Yarbles

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #295 on: November 24, 2024, 06:02:42 AM »
Good points Nrshida and some talk about the solution as well as the problem  :aok

Quite a social sand pit to play in still full of about 750 subscribers who play and about 100 at a time  :cheers:.

Given I am adapted to the time zone I am quite happy while knowing the skills are transferable to the more aspirational DCS.

I posted this thread because I want it to keep going.

I play in one way now with an emphasis on getting in allot of spit 9 sorties but always with a view to wining the war. (The other stuff is great to but not the main event for me) Rank tells me that as a fighter pilot who does not game the numbers I am AT BEST in the middle skill level. I think like anything you have to accept you lose often in order to progress.

The problem is the current generation of gamers don’t want a challenge.

 I expect people are no different now than they were 20 years ago but there are no longer any easy kills like there used to be. That means at the entry level more determination and less immediate results. So in the end it all comes back to all those people who would like it here but don't know about it and are mostly male and over 40 or 50.

In my early months back in the day all my kills were collisions  :D Eventually I flew missions got trained by others and was more than a target. Until then I got by on the fascination of it all. I think Nrshida is right. Identify the demographic and reach them. we should nurture them when they arrive by inviting them into squads etc (stop picking on Joker  :D :D).

There are now and always were people who fly around in high end perked planes, land loads of kills and polish their ego's or enjoy their skills, whatever you want to call it. I fly the Spit 9 and won't Ho not the 16 because it is too easy to fool oneself into feeling one is better than one is. However people relax in their own way and it is a game. I fly the Spit because I am british and that is my DCS ride. I have huge respect for the people who now are so skilled they can beat me low and slow in a P51 or P47. That is what they like to fly and they will work around its weaknesses and enjoy it strengths. They have the balls to fight at a disadvantage. The real spoilers for me are still the people who complain about the game and how others play it  :old: They are mostly from the US for one simple reason. Most of the players are from the US. No reflection on the national character. Good sports and bad sports everywhere and a fact of life. Most people just get on with it and don't cry  :salute :salute 

Back to the MA for more of this  :ahand
« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 06:37:43 AM by Yarbles »

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Offline nrshida

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #296 on: November 24, 2024, 07:36:22 AM »
The problem is the current generation of gamers don’t want a challenge.

I don't know how you play(ed) the game but It's hard to reconcile this comment with the current generation of typical MA players. Just how many times is it necessary to demonstrate that a Dora or Ta152 can dive away from any engagement against lighter planes, or that a K4 can out-accelerate and out sustained-climb anything above 7k, or that a Spitfire Mark 8 can out-turn anyhting that can out-run it and out-run anything that can out-turn it, or that a 2-on-1 is going to advantage the winging pair or that 23-Bishops are going to be able to roll bases against 5-defenders. These are all axioms hardly evidence of players challenging themselves. This cognative dissonance is not helping AH.

The focus is almost entirely production-based results which is doubly weird considering any way you rationalise, fantasise, internalise or present it, Aces High will never exceed its boundries of paid entertainment. A hobby. Always struck me as some bizarre Sisyphean ritual that when the Bishops had managed to 'win the war' in the Euro daytime that they were so happy with their reward of having all their work reset to the starting position and they got to begin all over again with a fresh batch of bases. That's not a challenge but a mental illness  :rofl
"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline Yarbles

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #297 on: November 24, 2024, 09:22:27 AM »
I don't know how you play(ed) the game but It's hard to reconcile this comment with the current generation of typical MA players. Just how many times is it necessary to demonstrate that a Dora or Ta152 can dive away from any engagement against lighter planes, or that a K4 can out-accelerate and out sustained-climb anything above 7k, or that a Spitfire Mark 8 can out-turn anyhting that can out-run it and out-run anything that can out-turn it, or that a 2-on-1 is going to advantage the winging pair or that 23-Bishops are going to be able to roll bases against 5-defenders. These are all axioms hardly evidence of players challenging themselves. This cognative dissonance is not helping AH.

The focus is almost entirely production-based results which is doubly weird considering any way you rationalise, fantasise, internalise or present it, Aces High will never exceed its boundries of paid entertainment. A hobby. Always struck me as some bizarre Sisyphean ritual that when the Bishops had managed to 'win the war' in the Euro daytime that they were so happy with their reward of having all their work reset to the starting position and they got to begin all over again with a fresh batch of bases. That's not a challenge but a mental illness  :rofl

You could watch football and feel a tremendous sense of personal achievemnt every time you team wins  :D:neener:   

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Offline nrshida

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #298 on: November 24, 2024, 09:50:41 AM »
You could watch football and feel a tremendous sense of personal achievemnt every time you team wins  :D:neener:

I don't get that either <Shrug>
"If man were meant to fly, he'd have been given an MS Sidewinder"

Offline Yarbles

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Re: What would get AH growing again
« Reply #299 on: November 24, 2024, 10:02:16 AM »
My rational is human beings are inherently destructive of the environment. I used to do motor racing using fossil fuels and causing pollution. In the scheme of things AH is relatively benign. Its a case of not making too much mess while remaining entertained. Staying out of trouble  :bolt:.

If you know of something more meaningful which is as much fun you or I would be doing that.

Do you know of such a thing ?

I also used to do small bore rifle shooting. Poking little holes in paper targets at 25 yards. Eventually one could get more and more of the holes to go through the center. The purpose of existence fundamentally is existence. It has elegant efficiency.   

« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 10:15:58 AM by Yarbles »

"Don't get into arguments with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then win from experience"
"He who can laugh at himself has mastered himself"