Minced monkey kidney.
Of course, Wistar's WISH was found to be HeLa contaminated like many others.
I think it's from biopsy from epithelial kidney cells from one living monkey in the 60's. Not from a bunch of monkeys who were killed and their kidneys minced. The cells from that monkey were from then on grown in labs and ended up mutating into what is used as Vero today (i.e., no longer regular monkey cells, but different in numerous major ways that make it suitable for other purposes and no longer the same as a monkey's cells).
In biology work, at a basic level, cells are just little machines that have different DNA and proteins in them. You alter the DNA and get cells that work for this or that purpose. Any process using cells -- not just some things with Vero, but making whiskey, beer, wine, yogurt, cosmetics, probiotic supplements, cheese, etc. -- is subject to getting contaminated with some organisms you don't want if you aren't careful.
Cell lines are part of the standard tool set in biology.