Author Topic: Limit the N1K to the 2 week free trial.  (Read 1859 times)


  • Parolee
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« Reply #105 on: June 03, 2002, 01:21:14 PM »
Originally posted by Kieran
Based on your lack of understanding of the English language, let me clarify-

Do you prefer an academic reply in spanish?

What u call my "dream" MA is just a balanced one, with some autoprotection system (actually we have the perk system) to prevent any plane to get near 20% of usage.

uh! And stop posting "your" funny versions of what I think about plane types or whatever based only in what you are able to understand about it.

Offline K West

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« Reply #106 on: June 03, 2002, 01:26:52 PM »
be right back :)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2002, 01:30:08 PM by K West »

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #107 on: June 03, 2002, 01:30:17 PM »
Originally posted by MANDOBLE
What u call my "dream" MA is just a balanced one, with some autoprotection system (actually we have the perk system) to prevent any plane to get near 20% of usage.

I wonder if it's occurred to you yet that the Spit I, Spit V, Spit IX, and Spit XIV are all different planes.  Not a single one of them accounts for 20% useage or kills in the MA.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline K West

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« Reply #108 on: June 03, 2002, 01:34:06 PM »

Offline Drex

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« Reply #109 on: June 03, 2002, 01:35:08 PM »
I would like to see more people in spits.  At least, when you come up on one, they will stay and fight.    

Most of the time...

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Offline K West

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« Reply #110 on: June 03, 2002, 01:42:58 PM »
I see the problem now.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2002, 01:47:04 PM by K West »

Offline Sikboy

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« Reply #111 on: June 03, 2002, 01:49:38 PM »
Originally posted by MANDOBLE
uh! And stop posting "your" funny versions of what I think about plane types or whatever based only in what you are able to understand about it.

And with sentances like this, what we can understand is very little. Seriously. What are you trying to say here?

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #112 on: June 03, 2002, 02:42:09 PM »
All planes have 476862 kills and have been killed 476862 times.

The Spitfire Mk IX has 36071 kills and has been killed 34455 times.
The Spitfire Mk IX has 7.56% of the total kills and 7.23% of the totaldeaths.
The Spitfire Mk IX doesn't even approach half of the claimed 20% of the MA kills.

The Spitfire V has 15598 kills and has been killed 16814 times.
The Spitfire Mk V has 3.27% of the total kills and 3.53% of the total deaths.
The Spitfire Mk V has less than half of the kills and deaths of the Spitfire Mk IX.

The SeaFire has 12091 kills and has been killed 12819 times.
The Seafire Mk II has 2.54% of the total kills and 2.69% of the total deaths.
Wow.  We're just not seeing any version of the Spit with 20% of the kills.

The Spitfire Mk I has 909 kills and has been killed 2841 times.
The Spitfire Mk I has 0.19% of the total kills and 0.6% of the total deaths.
My god, how has this thing managed to not be perked?

As you may see, not a single "Spit" iconed aircraft approaches 20% of the total kills.  Now, if we follow MANDOBLE's ridicules logic and lump all Spitfire in one category as though they are the same aircraft, which they most certainly are not, we get these numbers:

The Spit has 64669 kills and has been killed 66929 times.
Aircraft iconed "Spit" have 13.56% of the total kills and 14.04% of the total deaths.
Even when we total the kills and deaths of all non-perked Spitfires we can see that the 20% mark is never even approached.  The persistant claim of "The Spitfire is getting 20% of the MA kills" is complete BS.

The usage of the Spitfire Mk I points out something else.  In the same category as the Spitfire Mk I we have the Bf109E-4, Bf110C-4b, C.202 and Hurricane Mk I.  All of these aircraft have a significantly higher K/D ratio than the Spitfire Mk I and yet the Spitfire Mk I has more than twice the deaths of the runner up in its category.  Why, we might ask?  The only people who fly aircraft in this category do so because the like the aircraft or want to use the high ENYs for perk gathering.  There certianly isn't anything "ubėr" about any of them.  The Spitfire is obviously not the best choice for perk gathering, the C.202 or Bf110C-4b win that.  So why the Spitfire?

I have an idea that violates one of the principles of the anti-Spit group.  I think that Many people actually like Spitfires. They are not simply flying it for a crutch as is always claimed, but they are flying it for the same reason that MANDOBLE flies Fw190A-5s and Fw190D-9s.
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline Widewing

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« Reply #113 on: June 03, 2002, 02:44:20 PM »
Originally posted by Apache
I'm sorry, I just don't get it. I will never again suggest others fly what I fly nor in the manner I fly. I learned to adjust my way of thinking if I was gettin rattled. Yes, I agree their are alot of N1k's and spit's. I just changed my target selection a little and been having a blast.

That's exactly correct. I don't care who's flying what. Spits are easy if you use the proper tactics and avoid a turning fight. Sure, some Spit pilots will whine about "cherry picking", but that's just sour grapes. The same goes for N1K2s.

Let me address some remarks from others too.

Geez, if you arrive at a fight with an altitude advantage, YOU SET THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. It doesn't get any more simple than that. If you don't have the alt advantage, you extend away, climb and get it. Facts are hard things. If some pilots find themselves getting smacked by Spits and N1K2s, I suggest that their SA is the problem, not those aircraft. Even if you don't have the advantage in altitude, good SA goes a long way to winning anyway. Rarely do I encounter a P-51 below me. Yet, I'm something like 62/8 against the P-51. Why? Because I'm aware of where they are, and what they're doing. If they're not real careful, eventually I'm gonna take their E/alt advantage away, then I'll kill 'em.

Recently I started flying the Dora some. So far, I'm 13/4, with 3 lost to PTs and Flak, or 11/1 air to air. One loss was to a Spitfire that I failed to notice sneaking in on me. That was my fault, because, had I noticed the Spitfire, I never would have let it get anywhere near me. If you are losing Doras to Nikis and Spits, your SA is probably the reason. Remember, it's your SA that gets you ganged. Knowing where the enemy is in location and altitude is SA. Moreover, this extends well beyond visual range, into adjacent sectors as well.

Let's face it, you can't fly through a swarm of Nikis and Spits at Co-E and expect to NOT get smacked. Situational Awareness gentlemen, that is the key. That, and knowing the capability of your fighter and the enemy aircraft too. If I get killed in my Yak or Dora, it's because of poor SA or a deliberate decision to take a major risk (de-acking, strafing Flak Panzers, etc). Either way, I am responsible for placing myself in that situation. It's not like you just woke up to find burglers in your house. You left the door unlocked.

The sooner pilots are willing to admit that the problem isn't the Spitfires, Nikis or Yaks, and accept that their SA and tactics are the root causes of their woes, the sooner they will see their losses drop dramatically.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #114 on: June 03, 2002, 02:46:26 PM »

Believe it or not, I am not trying to be funny. I have never taken anything away from your ability to fly in this game. I do however take exception to your ridiculous campaign, and laugh out loud every time you add a new plane to the "there is something wrong with this plane" list.

Your English is not as good as you think it is, trust me.


Of course some people fly the easiest to fly and kill plane. Of course some people want to get right into the middle of things and will choose the quickest (in their minds) venue to that place. So? The sticking point here is how do you define what is easiest to kill and live in, isn't it? If that is the argument, the Spit isn't it- it sports a lower k/d stat-wise than many other planes.

What have we heard needs to be perked?
*Spit I
*Spit V
*Spit IX

Honorable Mention
*Hurricane II

Then there is the untold number of posts to the effect "Woe is the 190, when will it ever be given a fair shake!" followed by much hand-wringing. We're told over and over how much harder it is to fly a LW plane, how it takes soooo much more skill, how if they are EVER modeled right people will really see how good the LW pilots are...

Offline Revvin

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« Reply #115 on: June 03, 2002, 02:51:23 PM »
LOL nice one beet1e talk about putting the cat amongst the pidgeons and then tossing in a stick of dynamite, not seen so much fur and feathers flying for a long time :D

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #116 on: June 03, 2002, 02:53:18 PM »
Nah, all he did was rip the scab off an old cut.

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #117 on: June 03, 2002, 02:59:41 PM »
dang it karnak, I did the same thing in another thread.  we should coordinate our efforts next time.  ;)
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.


  • Parolee
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« Reply #118 on: June 03, 2002, 03:00:12 PM »
Karnak, I must admit that this last tour I was most of the time grounded, and my perception comes mostly from past tours, if the numbers air-air as like those you posted, then spit usage has decreased noticeably.

Kieran, I never though my english was near average. Next time, when you reply directly to me, do it in spanish cause due my poor english I may missunderstand u.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #119 on: June 03, 2002, 03:23:27 PM »
Originally posted by MANDOBLE
Karnak, I must admit that this last tour I was most of the time grounded, and my perception comes mostly from past tours, if the numbers air-air as like those you posted, then spit usage has decreased noticeable.

How much did you fly Tour 27?  Because I just crunched some numbers, and all Spits combined totalled only 12.7% of all arena kills during the April tour.  So if anything, Spit useage has increased over time.  Your misperception of their overabundance, however, has persisted.

-- Todd/Leviathn