Author Topic: Limit the N1K to the 2 week free trial.  (Read 1860 times)

Offline Tumor

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Limit the N1K to the 2 week free trial.
« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2002, 10:45:34 AM »
Originally posted by DmdNexus
I think threads like this should be perked.

First thing I think when I see a Spit, N1k1, la, and yak.... ah good another DWEEB to add to my kill list!
And then I kill them to prove it.

"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

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« Reply #91 on: June 03, 2002, 10:46:33 AM »
Originally posted by Kieran
Mandoble's argument fluxuates between "there are too many Spits" to "They are impossible to beat" to "Their guns are too powerful" to "I only want experts in them", despite the fact that no stats can be produced, or any credible information for that matter, to back any of his claims. It's just silly someone so successful against them would argue so ardently- especially since the plane he chooses to fly is superior in performance and in fact is a later model than three of the Spitfires he wants to perk. There is no historical or gameplay reasoning for perking Spits (come on, perk the Spit I?) and not perking every Fw right along with them.

For this reason, I have developed a new "Mandoble Rating System". It works like this...

At the end of the tour, every plane is stacked against the Fw. The plane that shot it down the least is perked 1 point, the next 2, and so on until all planes are ranked according to their lethality. This will ensure Mandoble's fantasy superiority arena does pop into being, and the spirit of Kurt Tank will smile upon AH.

Where'd he say they were impossible to beat?
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann


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« Reply #92 on: June 03, 2002, 10:51:11 AM »
Tumor, Kieran post doesnt deserve any kind of intelligent reply.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #93 on: June 03, 2002, 11:00:31 AM »
Sorry, I inferred that from all the commentary about its otherworldly fm, bazooka guns, etc. When you read his comments, you get the impression that once confronted by a Spit you are as good as dead.

He's back to the numbers argument again- overuse. Yesterday it was about how it was difficult to operate in an environment that contained Spits.

C'mon, give my ranking system (MRS) a chance. Perk according to the kills recorded against the Fw's. You know that is what he wants.


BTW, your stated ride of choice was the 190D9, from which you stated you stopped flying because "it couldn't compete against the Spit in terms of kill/time".... oh, wait a minute, a new thought comes clear... this isn't about the number of Spitfires at all, is it? This is about getting a high rank in the game, and you feel disadvantaged by your perceived lack of ability to kill fast enough in a D9 to compete with someone in a Spitfire, despite the fact you can kill virtually any Spitfire flown 1 vs 1 against you? Why didn't you say it was about score all along, it would have saved so much time and effort. This is why I could never understand your hatred of the Spit, I just fly to kill stuff. ;)

So this brings a new variable into the formula; I want to fly only one type of plane, but I want to guarantee I will be successful enough in it to be ranked high. Hmm, seems the ol' "MRS" will work.

And yes, I still like the 190A5 over the Spit IX, and consider the A5 to be equal or better at low alt.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #94 on: June 03, 2002, 11:02:55 AM »
Tumor, Kieran post doesnt deserve any kind of intelligent reply.

Based on your arguments posted thus far, there is very little danger of that happening. ;)

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #95 on: June 03, 2002, 11:07:45 AM »
Mandoble, you are confused.

No one is arguing with you because you might be right, but because you are completely wrong.

It's the same ol' tired argument, and everyone who has been here for a while knows exactly what's coming from you when it's about La7s or N1K2s or SpitIXs or SpitVs (simply shaking my head at the second two).

It's always something to do with inferior (in your opinion) pilots in uber planes while you and your poor LuftWannabes are forced to fly your undermodelled super-crappy German-made-superior-in-the-real-world-because-it's-German-and-looks-super-cool planes.

I'd venture a guess here and say it isn't the D9 that's crappy in relation to the Spitfires, but perhaps the one piloting the D9.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #96 on: June 03, 2002, 11:16:13 AM » of this thread remind me of the movie Rainman.

I can almost hear Mandoble say "Time for Judge Wapner!"
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Apache

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« Reply #97 on: June 03, 2002, 11:21:34 AM »
I'm sorry, I just don't get it. I will never again suggest others fly what I fly nor in the manner I fly. I learned to adjust my way of thinking if I was gettin rattled. Yes, I agree their are alot of N1k's and spit's. I just changed my target selection a little and been having a blast.

As for Mandoble, if those spits wouldn't move out of his way when he's vulchin' the toejam out of em, he wouldn't be so upset about it, lol.


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« Reply #98 on: June 03, 2002, 11:55:30 AM »
No AKSWulfe, I'm not confused. I would be as bored killing spits in a 190A5 as in a P51, D9 or whatever.

Kieran, if you think I'm arguing about spits cause I have ANY kind of problem killing them, check stats since tour 1. If you think I'm arguing about spits cause I've been killed by them, repeat the process and check stats. As an example, the past tour: 127 spit kills (out of 687), 12 deaths, that is 1 of every 5 of total kills. Tour 26, 99 spit kills out of 380, almost 1 of every 4 kills. Tour 25, 97 out of 505 kills, 1 of every 5 (and we have 62 plane/vehicle types to kill).

Based on your childist view of my concerns, I should be asking for the Ki61, P38, C205 or P51 to be perked and not the spit. This is not a matter of K/D, this is a matter of total kills per tour, when you see your stats and realize most of your time has been used pursuing spits.

I would like to see the comments here in the case Las alone cover 30% of plane usage.

Offline Samm

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« Reply #99 on: June 03, 2002, 12:10:32 PM »
Same old tired complaint I've seen since 1996 when I started . "The arena is full of spits and I'm tired of tired of seeing them ." If it wasn't spits it would be something else, in big pork it was ki84s. If you don't like seeing one model of plane making up 20% of the plane types being flown at any given time of day you have two choices .

1 Accept it and get over it becuase it's never going to change .

2 Find another genre of online game to play .

Offline DarkglamJG52

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« Reply #100 on: June 03, 2002, 12:12:07 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying

It's not arrogance to laugh at relentless ignorance. In a way, I hope it'll be therapeutic for you.

-- Todd/Leviathn [/B]

You believe yourself the erudite of this BBS. You seem as some catholic priests,  they are always the most clever.

Originally posted by Dead Man Flying

Now I know you're ignorant.  I think the N1K is an excellent plane with nothing approaching UFO qualities, and those who whine about it are way off base.  However, to argue that their whining stems from some sort of latent racism is crazy.  Good grief.

-- Todd/Leviathn [/B]

...and more than the same thing Old Jedi, you insult only,  never arguments.  

I think the N1K is an excellent plane with nothing approaching UFO qualities, and those who whine about it are way off base.

Maybe you (and other spit addicts)  should have written this before, I don't start the  thread whining about Spit V/IX, I only responded with some comparisons Spit-Niki for the N1K-UFO whiners.  

Leviathn, your insults bored me, I won't answer more. You can choice appropriate insult for you here

A comment for all: I am for sure Pyro goes to ignore spit, N1k, La 7, etc  whines. We lost our time.

My regards

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #101 on: June 03, 2002, 12:13:17 PM »
Based on your lack of understanding of the English language, let me clarify-

Your disdain of the Spits makes no sense to me primarily because you are so successful against them. I could see the point if they were unbalancing from the standpoint of being untouchable. Fact is, they aren't.

So, what's left? Boredom? Possibly, but so many of your arguments are not based on the boredom of seeing them, rather the unfair advantages you perceive in them. Sorry, those are two separate issues. If you then argue there are so many of them because they have an unfair advantage, then how are you so successful against them?

...oh, what AKSWulfe said. ;)

Now you are not content with calling for the Spit to be perked. Now it is also Yaks, La7s, and Nikkis. You have commented on how near perkable the F6F is. You have made comments regarding the P51. But... where do we hear comments about how good the Fw's are? I think all of the above listed planes are great, including the Fw's, and I believe they are mostly balanced, certainly not anything worthy of upsetting the applecart as you suggest with your ridiculous "Perk all the Spits, even the Mk I" arguments. Quite frankly it's the most inane campaign I have ever seen conducted by a single person.

So, for a simple American like myself, explain to me what your dream arena would look like, and please, outline your perception of where the Fw's in particular fit. You see, I can't imagine how a two planes (the 190D9 and 190A5) could enjoy any more success than they currently do under any other system- except one that totally eliminates all possible competitors.

And BTW, if you call for the perking of the Spit I, you are a total wuss in almost anyone's book.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #102 on: June 03, 2002, 12:35:23 PM »
Originally posted by DarkglamJG52
You believe yourself the erudite of this BBS. You seem as some catholic priests, they are always the most clever.

Look, ma, he's callin' me a pedophile!  Bravo!

And for what it's worth, I see myself as a roadkill regulator.  When I see something that's obviously off base, either intentionally or ignorantly, I attempt to set the record straight.  

...and more than the same thing Old Jedi, you insult only,  never arguments.

You had little to argue against beyond speculative posts containing incorrect assessments of the Spit's capabilities.  That you continue to defend them speaks volumes.

Maybe you (and other spit addicts)  should have written this before, I don't start the  thread whining about Spit V/IX, I only responded with some comparisons Spit-Niki for the N1K-UFO whiners.  

I've always maintained that the N1K is a decent and unperkworthy plane.  Had you been arguing this, I would have supported you.  Instead, you spewed this:

"The N1K is a decent airplane while the Spit V and Spit IX have the same ridiculous UFO-FM" and then backed it up with a checklist of blatantly incorrect Spitfire qualities.  You're pulling a Mandoble... trying to talk down your own favorite plane while talking up those that you face so that we all know how great you are that you can beat them.  Give it a rest already... one Mandoble is one too many.

Leviathn, your insults bored me, I won't answer more. You can choice appropriate insult for you here

You won't answer more because it's clear you can't answer more.  You haven't made one single attempt to defend your list of Spitfire flight model characteristics, nor have you fully completed the list like I asked you to do for us.  
A comment for all: I am for sure Pyro goes to ignore spit, N1k, La 7, etc  whines. We lost our time.

Did you ever stop to consider why?

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Steven

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« Reply #103 on: June 03, 2002, 12:43:48 PM »
Yeah, there does seem to be too many Spitfires flying around.  But I wouldn't actually want to perk the Spitfires for a simple reason that I'd hate to see more Yaks and LA7s, blech!  But don't kid yourself, many people are not flying a particular aircraft type because of an affinity for its history or aesthetics but rather for the easy kill.  The drop in N1K useage after a modification to its flight model proves that point out.  But on the other hand, what is 5-10 perk points for some of the higher performing aircraft or "over used" aircraft?

Some of you tout "let the players fly what they want to fly" yet support the perk on the F4U-1C (or don't want to see a Hellcat with 2-cannon and 4-machine gun which the aircraft left the factory able to accomodate and which I personally WANT to fly ;) )  [I guess USA can't be in the club of free cannon-equipped aircraft flying free in the MA (the one-cannon P-38 doesn't count.)]   The Corsair is a VERY popular American aircraft and who wouldn't want to fly one with cannons?  The Corsair, cannon-equipped or not, can easily be dealt with.

The other trouble with the Spitfire is that there are about four variants wearing the same tag (including the Seafire) and each used for slightly different purposes in the MA and just which, or all, do you perk/limit?  

I'll say it and wait for the slings and arrows, but I hope to see a form of rolling planeset (and rolling perk prices) come to the MA with the introduction of more early-war aircraft.    :D

But don't perk the Spitfire.  Just call these people "dweebs" until they are peer-pressured into finding a new ride.  LOL

Offline Nifty

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« Reply #104 on: June 03, 2002, 01:11:57 PM »
Originally posted by Kieran
This will ensure Mandoble's fantasy superiority arena does pop into being, and the spirit of Kurt Tank will smile upon AH.

Kurt Tank invented Spitfire whining!  :eek:

sorry, couldn't resist that.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.