Author Topic: US allows drug tests on students.  (Read 1895 times)

Offline Lizard3

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2002, 08:03:27 PM »
I didn't know there was an age requirement for citizenship. I have always and will continue to feel that way. Becoming an old fart doesn't change that for me. Being a parent of 3 doesn't change that.

If your children become drug addicts, I suggest your the failure.

Have you allowed your schools, or there freinds to raise your children?

How many of you smoked/drank/tried drugs while under the age of 18? Hipocrite?

Offline SOB

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2002, 08:14:24 PM »
I drank, but didn't do drugs when I was in high school, and that has nothing to do with my opinion.  The point is, there are choices to be made, just like in real life.  If you choose to do illegal drugs as an adult, there are certain jobs that aren't open to you also.  They aren't refusing to educate the children, they are giving them a choice between illegal drugs and after school activities.  Very simple, and plenty fair IMO.

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Offline Skuzzy

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2002, 08:22:06 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
LOL.  You guys are pissing away your rights and freedoms piece by piece.

Then you sit there and say, "What's the big deal."

Piece by piece, "Big deal" by "Big deal".

I do not "think" you find humor in it, you just showed you did.  Last time I checked, "LOL" meant Lots Of Laughs.  So take your farkin laughter and can it.  You have not added one bit of constructive information here.
All you have done was to sit back and point your self-righteous finger at my country and have a laugh at our expense.  I hope you enjoyed it.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Fatty

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2002, 08:25:08 PM »
Welp, I took drug tests in high school though not through the school, for athletics outside of the school system.  No problem here with it at all, I think Thrawn's still got some Ben Johnson gold medal rage.  Damn drug tests!

Offline Thrawn

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2002, 08:25:08 PM »
I was laughing at the "stick your head" guys who ignore that it's happening.

Do you think they are what defines the US as a country?

Edit: Donovan Bailey cured my Ben Johnson rage.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2002, 08:29:24 PM by Thrawn »

Offline Gunthr

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2002, 08:26:03 PM »
The other thing is, it isn't like the schools are going to criminally prosecute kids with positive drug screens.

The parents will probably get notified, so they can keep closer tabs. The kids will probably be subjected to some "hugs not drugs" courses, or some such. They may be suspended or expelled for repeat positive screens.

Most importantly, all kids will probably think twice about using drugs in school after the policy is implemented.  If it keeps only a few kids from trying/using LSD, Ecstacy, Cocaine and all the other illegal drugs, its worth it. The drug problem in high schools is really bad in South Florida.
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Offline Elfenwolf

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2002, 08:46:04 PM »
Originally posted by Gunthr
The other thing is, it isn't like the schools are going to criminally prosecute kids with positive drug screens.

The parents will probably get notified, so they can keep closer tabs. The kids will probably be subjected to some "hugs not drugs" courses, or some such. They may be suspended or expelled for repeat positive screens.

Well how wonderful that I have Government Help to help me improve my parenting skills!! Thank you very much for springing for the money to drug test our kids yet at the same time cutting back money for school breakfast and lunch programs. LOL It costs 40 bucks for a drug test that all you good conservatives are in favor of yet only two dollars to provide an inner city kid with a decent  breakfast or lunch which you idiots are so opposed to.

LOL I thought you conservatives were opposed to Government Intervention when it came down to the values we teach our children. I guess that only applies to WHICH values you teach your children.

Offline J_A_B

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2002, 08:46:45 PM »
"No offense."---posted by Gunthr call me a 12-year old, ask if I live in la-la land, call my viewpoint "idiotic" then say "oh no offense".....right.  Ok none taken, I'll just assume you're a hotheaded offense  

At least get your facts straight if you're going to start name-calling:

"it isn't like the schools are going to criminally prosecute kids with positive drug screens. "

Um, they already DO prosecute.  My school (I graduated several years ago) went so far as to set up a frikking long-term STING operation, complete with undercover cops, to bust guys with dope.  Several guys got jail time too, not just probation.   And no, I don't live in some huge city with a massive drug problem; I'm from a small town (78 in my graduation class including me).    You better BELIEVE these guys intend to prosecute!

Well, I suppose since it's athletic testing we're talking about here, you're probably right they won't prosecute.  Athletes always get special privs.  School admins only harass the "worthless" students who aren't into "school spirit".


Offline SirLoin

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #38 on: June 28, 2002, 08:47:58 PM »
Well if its random testing for activities then Im ok with that...Not ok with general testing....

Offline Sandman

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #39 on: June 28, 2002, 08:51:03 PM »
Originally posted by Gunthr

 How old are you JAB? 12? Maybe 13 years old? Where the hell do you live, Disneyland?

The schools in the US are populated by KIDS. Children in high schools in the United States have never had the same rights as people who have come of age, nor should they! They can't drink alchohol. They can't vote. They are subject to discipline from the teachers largely without legal due process. They have no expectation of privacy in thier lockers or on thier person. (When the cops want to search a student, they call a TEACHER, who doesn't need probable cause, only reasonable suspicion to search.

It is this way because the overwelming majority of parents WANT the schools to have this power, for the good of our kids. You and others who agree with your idiotic view on this just don't know what time it is. No offense.

You know... you can find at home drug tests available over the counter. If you think your kids are using, be my guest and test them. I don't see why the school thinks they need to get involved. Personally, I view the home tests as a declaration of failure. I should hope that I'm attentive enough of my children to recognize the signs of drug abuse.

Offline Manedew

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #40 on: June 28, 2002, 08:51:47 PM »
just so you know; most drugs can't be piss tested for unless one's used them recently  the common exception is cute mary jane watson.    And if you think this is a 'horrible drug' how come it's leagal in a country where we hold war crime trials

Offline Elfenwolf

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #41 on: June 28, 2002, 09:04:30 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM

You know... you can find at home drug tests available over the counter. If you think your kids are using, be my guest and test them. I don't see why the school thinks they need to get involved. Personally, I view the home tests as a declaration of failure. I should hope that I'm attentive enough of my children to recognize the signs of drug abuse.

Why Sandman, how dare you suggest that we might be better parents than our Government is offering to be for us! After all, our Government only wants what is best for our children when they offer forty dollar drug tests free of charge! And don't worry, this program will be paid for at the expense of textbooks, field trips and lunch subsdisies! It won't cost us a nickel! Hey look, the sooner we get our kids registered within the System the better off we all will be knowing GWB's boys will sort out the ones suitable for military service from the ones only suitable for incarcenation.

Offline Fatty

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #42 on: June 28, 2002, 09:11:40 PM »
And here I thought you guys wanted free health care.

Offline Gunthr

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2002, 09:26:44 PM »
"No offense."---posted by Gunthr call me a 12-year old, ask if I live in la-la land, call my viewpoint "idiotic" then say "oh no offense".....right. Ok none taken, I'll just assume you're a hotheaded offense

At least get your facts straight if you're going to start name-calling:

"it isn't like the schools are going to criminally prosecute kids with positive drug screens. "

Um, they already DO prosecute. My school (I graduated several years ago) went so far as to set up a frikking long-term STING operation, complete with undercover cops, to bust guys with dope. Several guys got jail time too, not just probation. And no, I don't live in some huge city with a massive drug problem; I'm from a small town (78 in my graduation class including me). You better BELIEVE these guys intend to prosecute!

Well, I suppose since it's athletic testing we're talking about here, you're probably right they won't prosecute. Athletes always get special privs. School admins only harass the "worthless" students who aren't into "school spirit".

Of course the police prosecute when they do buybusts or stings, JAB.

We are talking about random drug testing that doesn't have anything to do with the police. It is an administrative thing, and I'll bet  that the testing will be a administered pursuant to guidelines that are agreed upon with parental input.

Jab, I sense that you may have been one of those kids in high school that may have felt a little alienated from the mainstream. You probabally had a sense that school admin was out to  get you, because you  did do drugs in school, and you may have suffered consequences because of it. Am I right?

And yeah, I'm a moron at times :)
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Offline Gunthr

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US allows drug tests on students.
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2002, 09:38:23 PM »
You know... you can find at home drug tests available over the counter. If you think your kids are using, be my guest and test them. I don't see why the school thinks they need to get involved. Personally, I view the home tests as a declaration of failure. I should hope that I'm attentive enough of my children to recognize the signs of drug abuse.

Sandman, I'm under the distinct impression that it is the parents who want this implemented.

I'm all for it. There is a need for it. If you don't agree, AND you have a child in public school, I would support your right to vote against it in your locality. But you will have to do better than you have so far to convince me that its a bad idea.
"When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off."  - Helvetius 18th Century