Evolution is a scientific theory, as such it doesn't need to be "proven", it just have to conform and provide an explanation to every related fact and experiment, and does that just fine, the same as Relativity or Quantum Theory. So when you hear that "evolution is just unfalsifiable" you can be sure that is ok.
Creation by God is a religious concept that lies out of the discourse of science, as science deals with natural, measurable and perceptible subjects, so God, Faith and supernatural matters have no place in any scientifical discussion.
On the other hand, the so called "Creation Science" is nothing but a ridiculous attempt to put Creation on par with Evolution as a viable scientific theory. The proponents of this "Creation Science" present their claims using dishonest means, distorted accounts and flawed logic, always trying to mislead their already convinced audience, befuddling them with nonsensical pseudoscientific babble while painting the scientific community as a bunch of evil atheists.
It's stupid and non Christian having to be dihonest and to outright lie to force feed your beliefs onto others.
Many religious scientists don't find any problem accepting that Evolution is a valid theory, the account of Creation in the Bible is just another parable, and they just see God as setting the rules of evolution and "quickstarting" the proccess.
On the subject at hand, the tracing of our DNA to a single individual might be possible, but I find the date given a little too close. It would be more palatable to me if they claimed we all were descendants of some african hominid 3 or 4 million years ago. I find also unappropiate naming that individual "Eve", as I wouldn't like those avid creationist out-of-context-quote miners having such an easy task.