Author Topic: P47, P51, P38...the German view......  (Read 11429 times)

Offline Arlo

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #165 on: September 28, 2002, 01:39:40 AM »
Well, guess those U.S. Lavochkins were a lil cheesy. :rolleyes:

Offline hazed-

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #166 on: October 03, 2002, 04:39:07 PM »
hmm seems that we can all produce stories of exceptional durability or luck after collisions but only the Allied planes get the benefit of the doubt in the AH modeling.Its so rigged its laughable.

Offline DingHao2

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #167 on: October 03, 2002, 06:45:28 PM »
The winners always write the history.  Don't you think that if Sparta crushed all thought of democracy coming from Athens, then we would be praising the virtues of Sparta, a militaristic (in that everything they did was oriented towards their military) society instead of Athens, a democratic society?

Anyways, we're here to fly planes and talk about them in a behaved manner, not dick around in a pi**ing contest all the time.

Offline Arlo

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #168 on: October 03, 2002, 07:08:57 PM »
Where ya been, Ding? There's a big ol' movement starting up where the losers fanclub revises it. Doubtful Sparta would put up with that carp. ;)

Offline Montezuma

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #169 on: October 03, 2002, 08:06:09 PM »
Ummm... didn't Sparta eventually conquer Athens?

Offline hazed-

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #170 on: October 03, 2002, 08:47:25 PM »
lol this isnt about who won you idiots, this is about making a game where SUPPOSEDLY its as near to the real thing as possible.If youre prepared to accept a computer game modelling one type as super tough whilst the other type as especially weak or underperforming then WHY ON EARTH are we bothering to call it a sim? why bother with all this roadkill about having to produce documents to get things changed?

you really have got me all wrong as to my motives on this but its obvious you wont believe me.I cant say it any CLEARER to you people, THINK about it, IM ENGLISH, and who do the ENGLISH love to hate? Who is the most important football team we want to beat? whos the people we love to take the piss out of for losing the war? THE GERMANS MATE! lol. Let me explain something that happened to me years ago, bear with me....

My mates mum lived with a german fellow in Hamburg and was coming home after a split up.(apparently he'd actually hit her once! we went tooled up ;)) well we went by truck to get her and her things and bring her home.Germany was lovely place and although we wanted to beat the toejam out of this bloke his mum said she wouldnt have it and so we had an awkward time behaving as civil as we could whilst we packed her things.we even went for a drive around at one point and this german fellow started to brag (as germans do :) ) about how the germans were so advanced and ahead of us in this and know cars, economy etc etc and we were again ready to beat the crap out of him but we held back :). anyhow he came to this old castle like building, and he mentions it had the 'first flushing toilet in europe' (lol) and then said ' zo you see, we  ze germans had toilets in our country before you englanders had doors on your hovels!!' to which i obviously replied 'yeah so how come we kicked your arse in the war' :D
He didnt say much after that comment and looked thoroughly pissed off and it was all the better for it, even his mum had to stiffle a laugh.Now you people are accusing me of loving germans or nazis or Lw planes but really I just like WW2 and want it real in AH.thats why i get so worked up about the models we have not some LW hero worship.I dont want super spitfires or super p51s.Its like playing chess with more peices than the other guy, the win at the end is diminished.Equal sides is the whole point of competition.cheating is for those annoying hackers who have no skill.If its ok for you guys to have advantages that didnt exist then so be it but im fed up with hearing this game is so accurate to the real thing when time after time while playing it its perfectly obvious it isnt.Why not give the LW their top and correctly performing aircraft AND THEN beat them? do you really think they will be that much more of a threat to your enjoyment?

I find it all hilarious(and annoying :)) how you guys always react. Its just a game not a simulation at all.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2002, 08:51:19 PM by hazed- »

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #171 on: October 03, 2002, 09:50:36 PM »
Hmm, I thought it was the French. Shows what I know.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Urchin

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #172 on: October 03, 2002, 10:03:28 PM »
Yea, me too :confused:

Offline Arlo

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #173 on: October 03, 2002, 10:36:49 PM »
But that's not the point as much as soccer, flushing toilets and chess.

 And anyone who's flown a 190 in AH can tell you that they're screwed at takeoff, apparently. Damn the prejudices of the modelers! I'm totally convinced that the German aircraft fanatics in this game have no ulterior motive for the improvement of their aircraft and the reduction of the damage model, flight model and armament effectiveness of the Allied planes other than to make sure that the game properly reflects their vast and unprejudiced library of statistical and historical data they've accumilated over the years thereby improving the game by "leveling" the playing field.

 It's bound to be that way because the majority of the "squeak-n-moan about my plane being broke" threads reflect that. :D


"...and this german fellow started to brag (as germans do  ) about how the germans were so advanced and ahead of us in this and that."

Offline john9001

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #174 on: October 04, 2002, 01:12:59 AM »
and all this time i thought the english hated us americans and i wonder why some people think the german stuff is SO MUCH BETTER than any thing built any where in the world

BTW a englishman, Thomas Crapper , invented the 1st flush toilet

Offline Mino

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #175 on: October 04, 2002, 02:32:00 AM »

You are cracking me up dude.

Just in case you forget, exhale every so often.  :)

Offline hazed-

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #176 on: October 04, 2002, 02:51:57 AM »
naa the only reason we have to pretend we hate everyone is because we've pretty much been at war with everyone at one time or another! :)


Offline DingHao2

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #177 on: October 04, 2002, 05:52:12 PM »
Where ya been, Ding? There's a big ol' movement starting up where the losers fanclub revises it. Doubtful Sparta would put up with that carp.

Well, screw the losers.  You fly a loser's plane because you like it.

You misunderstood on the idea the winners writing the history:  i meant that sparta DID conquer athens eventually and destroyed the Long Walls, but they failed to destroy the idea of democracy, which was the opposite of their society.  Now, if they had destroyed the idea of democracy, would we not be looking up to Sparta instead of Athens now, since history is always written by the winners of a conflict (this conflict being the one between the militaristic society and the democratic society)?

Now in the same way, since the Allies won WWII, wouldn't most texts, being written by the winners, favor the winner's perception of their equipment?

Offline Montezuma

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #178 on: October 04, 2002, 06:19:00 PM »
Please show us the books that say the Sherman was better than the Panther in a fight, or that the P-39 was a better fighter than the zero.

In our global information society all viewpoints can be examined. Even the views our former enemies can be studied, since these countries now enjoy some measure of free speech thanks to the USA.

Maybe if so many luftwaffe pilots had not been KILLED in their planes, more of them would have been around after the war to write about how great their planes were.

Offline Arlo

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P47, P51, P38...the German view......
« Reply #179 on: October 04, 2002, 08:40:28 PM »
Originally posted by DingHao2

Well, screw the losers.  You fly a loser's plane because you like it.

Now in the same way, since the Allies won WWII, wouldn't most texts, being written by the winners, favor the winner's perception of their equipment?

 Whoa! You got me convinced! Next time I visit Barns and Noble I won't even see the Luftwaffe fanzines. :D