This giving up your freedom line that some of your are stating when refering to military service. Im not sure I agree with that.
True there are elements of Military life where you obey and your actions will be those against your personal will and are done on the whim of another, but this is also true in civilian life, is it not?
Personally, I loved the Army. I joined up at the same time as a good mate of mine from school. Where I loved it, he hated it. Within 12 months of completing Basic training, he went AWOL 3 times. I on the other hand, being young, perhaps naive, but excited at the prospect of a career doing this "Army" thing was convinced at the time, I would be a lifer. (Didnt work out that way)
However when I left the Army, I was happy with the Army. I did not serve in a time of war. Perhaps thats the difference, but I did not feel my life was one of servitude or deciscions were removed from me altogether. I made decisions every day, large and small.
I left the Army like most and thought Civvie street would love to have me. Fully trained, disciplined ex-soldier, with pride in himself and a head on his shoulders should be a wanted commodity.
Soon after leaving the Army and scratching around for work in Private enterprise, I realised how damn good I had it in Military life. People around me, getting the sack for the stupidest of reasons. Staff being yelled at by little Hitlers looking for promotion or the boss'es favour and the poor SOB's around me, that didnt have the common sense to put these Bas****'s in their place the first time around.
The Army is a good life. War may bite fat ones, but the military looks after its people for the most part in Peace time.
Don't enter the Army if your not prepared that you train and will be employed in War should the need arise. But dont dismiss the Army in peace time because of it. The Army will teach you things about yourself that few other occupations can.
A Soldier is not a mindless drone. In the modern Army, they are required to question, think and problem solve like never before.
The follow the rules because they believe in a purpose, because an Army to function properly, must have laws and rules. Like all rules, not all make sense. But they follow because they believe.
How many in civilian life believe in their job and would put themselves in harms way because of it?
Im willing to bet the percentage is a damn sight smaller.
Slam the media if you will. Slam the Army if you want to. Lay off the soldier who's sticking it out, doing his/her job.