Ok. I must come in and throw my fit.

I had to run home away from my first contacts of the flight today two separate times. Now I was in my trusty F4U-C loaded with 100% fuel and 2 1k bombs. Both flights I flew about 15 min to the target which was about 1.5 sectors away. I dropped my eggs and looked for a fight. Now i'll add that I was climbing untill I got to about 17k-20k then I level off. Ok at about the 20 min mark I find a enemy dot. I go to engage and since he/her is low I play it safe and avoid the mindless HO's for 2 passes from this spit. I then look down for some odd reason and say OH Chit, I am like vapors. This was no more than 25 min of flight.
So I have two questions to ask.
1) Since MA is a 2.0 fuel consumption, does this mean that at full power (no WEP) the F4U-C could only fly for 50 min?
2) J.A.B. keeps ramling on about conserving fuel by flying at cruise alt and settings. Where do I find these? I have tried lowerin manifold pressure, tried lower RPM, tried lower both, tried flying high, tried lots of stuff and the only thing I can get to change the rate my fuel disappeares is to turn off the engine and glide for awhile.
Does anyone get a niticable difference in fuel consuption by flying like a slow target? I mean I don't see any difference, and that if there is one it doesn't seem large enough to justify the risk of flying slow in a Hog.
Not to mention that it takes 10 min or so just to get to 20k in Hog when loaded with bombs, so I ask again, What is the cruise alt and speed, manafold pressure/rpm supposed to be so I can try it out.
Help me, I hate running out of fuel just as I find the silly dweeby Bish/Knight at 20k. I suppose I could just fly at 5k for them:rolleyes: