I understand entirely your difficulty in this. I too have noticed how, in the field of Christianity, that when things are going badly it’s all the fault of Man, and the result of our collective “sins”. Then, when something good happens, it’s “All Glory to God”.
As the product of a Christian family, for years I had to wrestle with the conundrum of
”If there was a God, how could he allow this war/poverty/famine/disease (delete as appropriate) to happen?” It did not make sense. Then I took a step back and contemplated that if we assume for one moment that there is no God, then everything that happens around us makes perfect sense.
I made my own decisions more than 30 years ago, and I have to tell you it was like getting a huge rock off my chest, and throwing it out of the window. (There was no string attached to the rock, and no sign reading
rock tied to left bollock.)
And I have never looked back.
Santa, try to accept the beliefs of those around you, even if they do not concur with your own. Free yourself from having to worry about why things are the way they are, as depicted in your original post. Not everyone has the mindset to cope with or benefit from religion. I don’t, and you don’t. Accept it, free yourself, and move on.