Author Topic: Capitalism is a pain in the arse  (Read 3559 times)


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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #105 on: January 13, 2003, 03:44:29 PM »
No way straffo, he has to face the full implications of what he is saying...

Offline blitz

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #106 on: January 13, 2003, 03:47:59 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Honestly blitz you need to be shocked out of this idea, Let me try my best here...

Blitz said:

"And yes I admire some people who was willing to give their lives for a great idea that will never work as intened but they tried there best to make it work. And yes, Adolf Hitler & Heinrich Himmler are 2 of them."

Just replace the wealthy or capitalist class in your argument with jews in this one and it still works perfectly. Both policies led to vast human misery and death, both had good medical systems and low crime rates, both restricted free speech, both tried to improve the lives of their favorite class/race of people and arguably did to some exent, but at what price?

But somehow I doubt this staement would be so popular with you, although it perfectly matces your beloved ideology.

How bout you go into the streets of berlin and say that thing up there, yell it, yell it really loud so everyone can hear you - then yell again.

Well its hopeless Gruen, you just need to offence people, feel sad for you brother  :(

Regards Blitz ( This was good little Blitz)


WAS 'Nationalsozialismus' ever a good idea, heh?
Ya ever read 'Mein Kampf' written by Adof in 'Festung Landshut' in the late 20ties?

You ever read 'The SS State' by Eugen Kogon? No?

You look to me as if ya just a dweeb who feels sad and lonely if McDonaldo is short on 'Big Macs'.

Only excuse to me is your're young.

World isn't as simple as you might think. White and black, right and wrong. Nonsense.


 Blitz  ( was the ugly 1, feels better now  ;)  )

PS No idea why some of my friends  & the girl i live with for the last 20 years like to call me 'Golly-geen stupid conservative' and they do i asure you.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2003, 04:00:17 PM by blitz »


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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #107 on: January 13, 2003, 04:00:50 PM »
I see you got upset, good.

Care to tell me how great Casto is again? But of course that's different....

Listen up blitz.

You may get a kick out of praising communt murders like Castro and  Che, but the only kick many thousands and millions of people got from the likes of those and their comrades interantinally was a kick in the belly in prison before they were shot in the head.

It's interesting how offended you got when I put your defense of a failed catastrophic idea to an evil you undesrtood.

Basically you are saying it's ok to murder people as long as the propaganda is sunny.  

Listen to yoursel blitz, think about the moral implucations of what you are defending...

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #108 on: January 13, 2003, 04:15:23 PM »

Registered: Jan 2000
Location: Berlin Germoney
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 Capitalism is a pain in the arse
Capitalism has proven its superiority over socialism when it comes to economy, no doubt about it.

But how could something bad like socialism ever developp?

Because capitalism is the damn most awful thing in the world.

Just 1 example: Ever heard about 'Manchester Capitalism'?

Little children workin in factories together with their parents like slaves, 16 hours a day, diyin like flies because of horrible life and work conditions.

Was these conditions which inspired people like 'Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels' to wrote the 'Kommunistisches Manifest'.

They were good people, tryin to make the world better just like many others, Che Guevarra', 'Fidel Castro' etc, etc.

Yes, socialism/communism failed bigtime, costs millions of lives, in fact it will never work because it assumes that people are good and they aren't but it was born because capitalism was a pain in the arse.

Our life conditions have been pretty good in the last 60 years in the western world, not although their was so called socialism but because of it.

Western world needed to show their people that capitalism system is superior or they might would have switched to socialism.

Now socialism is dead and there's no need to still be good or fair for our economic system.

I expect nothin good in the future. This diddlyin system will destroy all we love because there's only 1 value that counts within it.

Morality? Friendship? Peace? Nature? Solidarity? Humanity?

You know it! MONEY

Capitalism will destroy democracy, in fact, big companies dictates politicions already what to do.

Don't know a solution myself but a social order build on money as the 'Holy Gral' won't work in the long terms.

Your thoughts?

Regards Blitz

I was interested of what people might have to say and there was some nice statements


Hang said ' It might not be the best system but it's the best we got'

It's short + it has all of the case in it. ( Altough Hang is the most conservative car-addict ever borne  ;)

You, Gruen, have to say absolutely nothin.



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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #109 on: January 13, 2003, 04:20:27 PM »
A) Natianal socialism seems like a a great Idea if you were an ignorant unemplyed unskilled racially pure German without significant communist leanings.

B) National Socialiosm was not so great an idea if you were Jewish or a Communist.

Much like:

A) Communism seems like a great idea if you are unskilled politically appropriate ignorant unemplyed laborer.

B) Communism  is not so great an idea if you are a business owner or banker or writer.

Both went on to murder dozens of million of group B...

Here is the funny thing too, I can dig up some old SS WVHA (SS financial office) rules that detail up how they distributed stolen jewish property down to the last minr luxury item like silk underwear - it all went to german people often at minimal cost directly to individuals and soldiers.  Very socialistic in the  way it was done, pure communist redistribution of wealth from inappropriate clasases to the correct classes of people.

Blitz you must accept that communists are no better than Nazi's, both placed their extreme demented social policies ahead of literaly hundreds of milliuons of lives - and then forced the issue. You cannot defend one while being offended when forced into a defense of the other by a similar standard.

Communism is bad. Communist are bad. Nazism is bad. Nazis are bad.

Accept one as you acceth the other.

Offline straffo

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #110 on: January 13, 2003, 04:20:32 PM »
I think that Blitz reaction was quite moderate I've some german  friend who whould have killed you.


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« Reply #111 on: January 13, 2003, 04:28:30 PM »
And your last statement about me saying nothing is garbage, you just have your panties all up in a bunch because I exposed your immoral support of communists by focing you to examine your words in a context of an evil personally hurtful and understood you.

And you cannot deny that becausae it's clear to the emotinal reaction coming from you after I forced the issue.

And to say I said nothing after I took all time to reasonably and calmy rewply to Urchins big post just encorages, right or wrong, my earlier angry replies to you, you communists just arent worth talikng to - you are unwilling to give that evil disease up.


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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #112 on: January 13, 2003, 04:32:49 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
I think that Blitz reaction was quite moderate I've some german  friend who whould have killed you.

And I bet every one of them thinks Castro is just too cool.

Yu know what If its possible to force an emotianal breathrough wiht that in a discussion of a nearly identical disaterous policy then so be it.

Offline Ping

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #113 on: January 13, 2003, 05:04:13 PM »
Grun..You need to seek therapy. I swear that you are just trying to lash out and create strife and pain.

 Tell me about your mother.
I/JG2 Enemy Coast Ahead

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #114 on: January 13, 2003, 05:09:41 PM »
Two Words: Deus Ex


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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #115 on: January 13, 2003, 05:13:32 PM »
It's funny I ragoe out at his support of communism, and call him names somethandg that personally and morally hurts me, and all of a sudden I'm a nutbag.

Then I turn it around on him by contrasting his defense of communists to more or less identical defense of Nazi's, something thats personally and morally offensive to him, he explodes and rages out at me and calls me names yet again i'm the nutbag.

Tell me how can a German who obviously is sensitive to the human rights abuses caused by the german people in WW2 come out in support and admiration of leaders like Castro and the other murderous communists, merely dismissing their human right abuses because they agree with the goals of an obvously disaterour system? Explain that to me...

Offline Ping

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #116 on: January 13, 2003, 05:16:14 PM »
Grun. the ideals that communism held were noble. Its the corruption of leaders and men that make it Evil.

And for the record Grun...I hold German citizenship.
I/JG2 Enemy Coast Ahead

Offline Urchin

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #117 on: January 13, 2003, 05:25:23 PM »
Grun- you made some good arguments at me :).  I need time to think up more arguments lol, you shot down all mine.  

Yea, I understand the travel restrictions.. for some odd reason the only thing I could think of was 'in-country' travel, not international.

Offline mietla

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Capitalism is a pain in the arse
« Reply #118 on: January 13, 2003, 05:29:53 PM »
Originally posted by Ping
Grun. the ideals that communism held were noble. Its the corruption of leaders and men that make it Evil.

An extermely naive and ignorant statement.


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« Reply #119 on: January 13, 2003, 05:31:19 PM »
Noble? Never, the whole idea of it was a conspiracy to gain power over a society and order it to their own liking the rest was propaganda. Sound familiar doesnt it? You would think if that wasnt case that there would at least have been one decent fair communist government with democracy and humn rights and freedom of speech.. But no. Or are we to believie that it was only by cahce that it all went bad?  Perhaps, and I point out yet again, one should ask for antother chance be given to communism. Surely it will work the next time.

No there is nothing noble about it. There is nothing noble about limiting freedom of employment or expression, there is nothing nible about taking all the rights and perhaps more importantly responsibilties from average people. No there is little nobility to be found in it.  

I just cannot believe how a German like blitz who is obviously so sensitive about Hitler even being brught up can say something like he did about the communist murderes.. It is simply incomprehensible to me.