Author Topic: I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!  (Read 2496 times)

Offline blitz

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« on: April 06, 2003, 06:46:55 AM »
EDITOR'S NOTE: What follows is a letter of resignation written by John Brady Kiesling, a member of Bush's Foreign Service Corps and Political Counselor to the American embassy in Greece.  Kiesling has been a diplomat for twenty years, a civil servant to four Presidents.  The letter below, delivered to Secretary of State Colin Powell, is quite possibly the most eloquent statement of dissent thus far put forth regarding the issue of Iraq.  The New York Times story which reports on this remarkable event can be found after Kiesling's letter.  - wrp

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     t r u t h o u t | Letter
     U.S. Diplomat John Brady Kiesling
     Letter of Resignation, to:
     Secretary of State Colin L. Powell

     ATHENS | Thursday 27 February 2003

     Dear Mr. Secretary:

     I am writing you to submit my resignation from the Foreign Service of the United States and from my position as Political Counselor in U.S. Embassy Athens, effective March 7. I do so with a heavy heart. The baggage of my upbringing included a felt obligation to give something back to my country. Service as a U.S. diplomat was a dream job. I was paid to understand foreign languages and cultures, to seek out diplomats, politicians, scholars and journalists, and to persuade them that U.S. interests and theirs fundamentally coincided. My faith in my country and its values was the most powerful weapon in my diplomatic arsenal.

     It is inevitable that during twenty years with the State Department I would become more sophisticated and cynical about the narrow and selfish bureaucratic motives that sometimes shaped our policies. Human nature is what it is, and I was rewarded and promoted for understanding human nature. But until this Administration it had been possible to believe that by upholding the policies of my president I was also upholding the interests of the American people and the world. I believe it no longer.

     The policies we are now asked to advance are incompatible not only with American values but also with American interests. Our fervent pursuit of war with Iraq is driving us to squander the international legitimacy that has been America’s most potent weapon of both offense and defense since the days of Woodrow Wilson. We have begun to dismantle the largest and most effective web of international relationships the world has ever known. Our current course will bring instability and danger, not security.

     The sacrifice of global interests to domestic politics and to bureaucratic self-interest is nothing new, and it is certainly not a uniquely American problem. Still, we have not seen such systematic distortion of intelligence, such systematic manipulation of American opinion, since the war in Vietnam. The September 11 tragedy left us stronger than before, rallying around us a vast international coalition to cooperate for the first time in a systematic way against the threat of terrorism. But rather than take credit for those successes and build on them, this Administration has chosen to make terrorism a domestic political tool, enlisting a scattered and largely defeated Al Qaeda as its bureaucratic ally. We spread disproportionate terror and confusion in the public mind, arbitrarily linking the unrelated problems of terrorism and Iraq. The result, and perhaps the motive, is to justify a vast misallocation of shrinking public wealth to the military and to weaken the safeguards that protect American citizens from the heavy hand of government. September 11 did not do as much damage to the fabric of American society as we seem determined to so to ourselves. Is the Russia of the late Romanovs really our model, a selfish, superstitious empire thrashing toward self-destruction in the name of a doomed status quo?

     We should ask ourselves why we have failed to persuade more of the world that a war with Iraq is necessary. We have over the past two years done too much to assert to our world partners that narrow and mercenary U.S. interests override the cherished values of our partners. Even where our aims were not in question, our consistency is at issue. The model of Afghanistan is little comfort to allies wondering on what basis we plan to rebuild the Middle East, and in whose image and interests. Have we indeed become blind, as Russia is blind in Chechnya, as Israel is blind in the Occupied Territories, to our own advice, that overwhelming military power is not the answer to terrorism? After the shambles of post-war Iraq joins the shambles in Grozny and Ramallah, it will be a brave foreigner who forms ranks with Micronesia to follow where we lead.

     We have a coalition still, a good one. The loyalty of many of our friends is impressive, a tribute to American moral capital built up over a century. But our closest allies are persuaded less that war is justified than that it would be perilous to allow the U.S. to drift into complete solipsism. Loyalty should be reciprocal. Why does our President condone the swaggering and contemptuous approach to our friends and allies this Administration is fostering, including among its most senior officials. Has “oderint dum metuant” really become our motto?

     I urge you to listen to America’s friends around the world. Even here in Greece, purported hotbed of European anti-Americanism, we have more and closer friends than the American newspaper reader can possibly imagine. Even when they complain about American arrogance, Greeks know that the world is a difficult and dangerous place, and they want a strong international system, with the U.S. and EU in close partnership. When our friends are afraid of us rather than for us, it is time to worry. And now they are afraid. Who will tell them convincingly that the United States is as it was, a beacon of liberty, security, and justice for the planet?

     Mr. Secretary, I have enormous respect for your character and ability. You have preserved more international credibility for us than our policy deserves, and salvaged something positive from the excesses of an ideological and self-serving Administration. But your loyalty to the President goes too far. We are straining beyond its limits an international system we built with such toil and treasure, a web of laws, treaties, organizations, and shared values that sets limits on our foes far more effectively than it ever constrained America’s ability to defend its interests.

     I am resigning because I have tried and failed to reconcile my conscience with my ability to represent the current U.S. Administration. I have confidence that our democratic process is ultimately self-correcting, and hope that in a small way I can contribute from outside to shaping policies that better serve the security and prosperity of the American people and the world we share.


     John Brady Kiesling



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     U.S. Diplomat Resigns, Protesting 'Our Fervent Pursuit of War'
     By Felicity Barringer
     New York Times

     Thursday 27 February 2003
     UNITED NATIONS — A career diplomat who has served in United States embassies from Tel Aviv to Casablanca to Yerevan resigned this week in protest against the country's policies on Iraq.

     The diplomat, John Brady Kiesling, the political counselor at the United States Embassy in Athens, said in his resignation letter, "Our fervent pursuit of war with Iraq is driving us to squander the international legitimacy that has been America's most potent weapon of both offense and defense since the days of Woodrow Wilson."

     Mr. Kiesling, 45, who has been a diplomat for about 20 years, said in a telephone interview tonight that he faxed the letter to Secretary of State Colin L, Powell on Monday after informing Thomas Miller, the ambassador in Athens, of his decision.

     He said he had acted alone, but "I've been comforted by the expressions of support I've gotten afterward" from colleagues.

     "No one has any illusions that the policy will be changed," he said. "Too much has been invested in the war."

     Louis Fintor, a State Department spokesman, said he had no information on Mr. Kiesling's decision and it was department policy not to comment on personnel matters.

     In his letter, a copy of which was provided to The New York Times by a friend of Mr. Kiesling's, the diplomat wrote Mr. Powell: "We should ask ourselves why we have failed to persuade more of the world that a war with Iraq is necessary. We have over the past two years done too much to assert to our world partners that narrow and mercenary U.S. interests override the cherished values of our partners."

     His letter continued: "Even where our aims were not in question, our consistency is at issue. The model of Afghanistan is little comfort to allies wondering on what basis we plan to rebuild the Middle East, and in whose image and interests."

     It is rare but not unheard-of for a diplomat, immersed in the State Department's culture of public support for policy, regardless of private feelings, to resign with this kind of public blast. From 1992 to 1994, five State Department officials quit out of frustration with the Clinton administration's Balkans policy.

     Asked if his views were widely shared among his diplomatic colleagues, Mr. Kiesling said: "No one of my colleagues is comfortable with our policy. Everyone is moving ahead with it as good and loyal. The State Department is loaded with people who want to play the team game — we have a very strong premium on loyalty."

Regards Blitz :)

America was threatened by Iraq in no way, it was plain ridiculous- It's a classic "Agression War.

When will this tough little country of Vietnam get that apology?

Americans and Vietnamese have something in common:

Their pride
« Last Edit: April 06, 2003, 10:59:47 AM by blitz »

Offline Sixpence

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2003, 07:05:19 AM »
What's your point?

"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline blitz

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2003, 07:08:43 AM »
Originally posted by Sixpence
What's your point?

BTW...cya, Mr. Kiesling

Regards Blitz  :D

America was threatened by Iraq in no way, it was just plain ridiculous- It's a classic bloody 'Aggression War'

When will this tough little country of Vietnam see that apology?

Americans and Vietnamese have something in common :

Their pride

Offline Sixpence

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2003, 07:13:43 AM »
That's a good point:D
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline Sixpence

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2003, 07:33:32 AM »
BTW , as the horrors of saddam's regime come to light, will you admit you are wrong?
"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)

Offline hazed-

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Re: I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2003, 08:05:55 AM »
Originally posted by blitz

America was threatened by Iraq in no way, it was plain ridiculous- It's a classic "Agression War.

When will this tough little country get that apology?

Americans and Vietnamese have something in common:

Their pride

blitz I really dont want to have ago but jesus that really got my back up.

When will this 'tough little country' get an apology? are you insane or just dont give a damn about places you dont see?
Youre prepared to effectively condone regimes like Saddams in order to not get involved in wars like the present one? 'This 'tough little country' has a military leader who is quite happy to gas and kill an entire town just to remove what it considers a thorn in its side, the Khurdish Iraqi.His sectret police (or not so secret!) regularly kidnap and murder Iraqi people who they must consider a threat to their power and the families are without any chance of retribution or justice.This tough little country was at war for over 8 years with Iran and regularly used nerve agents and poison gas on them , often actually killing more of their own troops when rediculous things like a change in wind direction blew their own poisons on their own troops.This tough little country who invaded their neighbours and raped and killed in the streets and again kidnapped and murdered people who now fell under their control.
This tough little country who tortured and beat my countries soldiers during the Gulf war and ive no doubt have started doing again to the present prisoners.

You know what blitz, I would like to see you walk up to one of those captured soldiers after the war and tell him how he owes Saddam an apology.
This man Saddam, a lunatic, but unfortunately a very clever one, brought the worlds attention upon himself with his endless lists of human rights violations and continued demands for holy wars on the west. The man is a fruit cake and as long as hes around he will do everything in his power to destablise the world and the US /Euro /Asian control on the wrld markets.
So we risk all to rid ourselves of him before he does something even worse.If you ask me most of those that agree something has to be done are people that most desire peace in the world but dont want to sit back when it means allowing scum like Saddam to rule over human beings the way he does. If you ask me the peace protesters are the ones that are advocating ignoring an entire countries morals and evil actions merely for peace.Well you go bury your head in the sand blitz, who knows maybe all the bad guys will just dissapear without so much as a bad word said eh? Who knows, if we pull out now maybe Saddam would start spending the billions he has spent on Arms to help his people who are dieing all around him in droves? Yeah sure he would , I mean look at the progress he has made since 1985!! wonderfull...amazing those reforms eh?

Im sorry blitz but you have dissapointed me here. I realise you dont want war and neither do I. But what if it is true that Saddam is producing weapons like biological bombs? what if its true some US officials see fortunes as the result of the war and their motives are questionable. Saddam Hussain will still be gone. The country wont be used by a despot as a huge productions facility. Its the scale of the threat which makes him so dangerous.Once he loses most of his power whatever he can do is reduced in scope and scale by the fact he cannot use the billions he earns in oil sales.
I dont care if there are those in power who see the $'s in oil and look on with greed. I know there are enough human beings with humility in my countries government(UK) at least, to trust that we are not there to invade or steal, Im sure there are enough good people in the US government to do the same and see that what we promise to do for Iraq is carried through.There are always going to be those that will make sure Iaqi people, the long suffering people are given what belongs to them.Their own country back.Maybe we will see a certain amount of skimming the cream, I hope not but sheesh this is the world AS IT IS. It doesnt matter what country or race we speak of, theres always those that are in it for the money be they muslim christian catholic or jew, white or black.The main thing is Saddam wont be supporting anymore fundamentalists.

Offline Nash

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2003, 08:27:57 AM »
Now that you've taken the time to comment on his sig, do ya have anything to say about his actual, uhm, you know, post?

Offline OZkansas

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2003, 08:48:56 AM »
Originally posted by Sixpence
BTW , as the horrors of saddam's regime come to light, will you admit you are wrong?

The blame America first and hate America crowd will now quit because of the what will come to light.  Their selfish positions will fall like a house of cards.  Therefore they must exit the arena of ideas.  They will leave in a huff and demand that they are on the moral high ground, but as more and more of the truth of Saddam's rule is revealed the ground under their feet will shirnk.  They know this now and must leave.

Offline Eagler

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2003, 09:01:26 AM »
nah, once the evidence shows the Bush admin was/is right once again, the media camera lights will go dark quickly .... they'll find some missing kid story to follow 24/7 instead ...
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Offline Bodhi

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2003, 09:49:08 AM »
Sadly, I turn away as I thought Blitz was going to leave AH to go to the asylum he so badly needs!
I regret doing business with TD Computer Systems.

Offline Kick

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2003, 09:50:55 AM »
Have you looked at the footage of the warehouse full of corpses?
Many with neat little holes in their skulls. They didnt even have the decency to bury them.

Offline Fatty

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2003, 10:06:37 AM »
Dang, we lost a political counselor?  The horror.

Blitz is thretend by US in no way its ridicalus.

His posts are "Aggression War"

When will Germany apologize to the Iraqi citizens for arming Saddam?

Offline lord dolf vader

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2003, 10:11:18 AM »
"I dont care if there are those in power who see the $'s in oil and look on with greed."


people who belive in law do care. when you get down to it its that simple.

your say damn the law. i reply damn you.

Offline Arlo

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2003, 10:16:49 AM »
STFU, Blitch![/size]

Wait .... Nash's avatar .....

Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance ......

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I Quit, finally ! Farewell Bush warmongers!
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2003, 10:31:40 AM »