Author Topic: Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN  (Read 3675 times)

Offline JoeSmoe

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #75 on: April 27, 2003, 11:09:32 AM »
UN is falling....


Offline BUG_EAF322

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #76 on: April 27, 2003, 04:04:24 PM »
The fiesta is very small economic

it compensates for my big noodle

Offline Bodhi

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #77 on: April 27, 2003, 10:43:56 PM »
The UN is a waste of the US Tax Payers Money.
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Offline Thrawn

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #78 on: April 27, 2003, 11:24:56 PM »
...and the US can spy on what the foreign dignitaries and what they are saying to each other, and the economic benefits of having all those diplomats and theri staffs spending tons of money on thier respective countries expense accounts...

You guys are nuts to think the US is going to let this go, and you're pretty short sighted, it's in the US's best interest to stay in.  The US gets HUGE benefits at very little cost.

Offline OIO

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #79 on: April 28, 2003, 10:26:05 AM »
Um, you do realize that if the US pulls out of the UN, the UN ceases to exist?

US provides most of the funding for the UN.

It also provides most of the troops for its operations.

No US=no UN.

Thought Experiment:

US leaves UN.

All the sudden the remaining member nations find themselves burdened by the UN expenses... none are willing to put up the money to upkeep the UN, none are willing to commit serious troops whenever they are needed.

3 weeks after, the UK leaves the UN. a month later the rest of the commonwealth follows suit.

France will then try to take over the UN in yet another sad attempt to make themselves look important, Germany and Russia will probably end up backing France initially , but a year after they'll go back groveling to NATO. China will just sit and laugh in the background.

a year after that the UN would officially disintegrate, with most countries flocking to the US and forming the "U.N. of A."

Offline SLO

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #80 on: April 28, 2003, 12:02:36 PM »
we are living in a world that is gettin smaller......

le monde et de plus en plus petit.......

yet your talking about Isolating yourselves from the rest of us....

so you want to stand on your own 2 feet and answer only too yourselves......

nice ego trip....

but unreal.....


Offline Stringer

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #81 on: April 28, 2003, 01:08:33 PM »
Originally posted by SLO

yet your talking about Isolating yourselves from the rest of us....

so you want to stand on your own 2 feet and answer only too yourselves......

nice ego trip....

but unreal.....


Wow, SLO, that's a great commentary on how Quebec behaves!  !

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #82 on: April 28, 2003, 02:09:10 PM »
Originally posted by Stringer
Wow, SLO, that's a great commentary on how Quebec behaves!  !

I know your generalizing in your comment.....your putting me in the same boat as the people that wanted that referendum to seperate.....

just for your info....I voted NO

the only time I ever voted....

never wanted that stupid thing in the 1st place....

nice try.....

strike 1


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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #83 on: April 28, 2003, 02:15:27 PM »
And your comment wasn't a generalization?

It certainly was a grand generalization (i.e. the use of yourselves).

Besides, I didn't comment on you personally, just that your quote captured very accurately the attitudes of a great many who live in Quebec.  I even gave you a for your astute observation!

So, how do you get that whole "putting you in the same boat" thing?

I believe mine was a well hit ball over the fence.  

You shouldn't try to read too much into things that aren't there :)

Offline blitz

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #84 on: April 28, 2003, 05:02:28 PM »
Originally posted by Saurdaukar
Hes not a dirtbag, he's just way out of his league.  Cant fault a man for being thrust into a situation he cant control.

Blitz - so patriotic Americans are Nazi's now?

Nazies came down from Mars 1933 and all vanished 1945. Rofl

Nazies livin in allmost every country of this planet.

Just make the test if ya want to know if ya one:

1. My country is superiour to allmost any other country

2. The white race is superiour to people of dark colour

3. War is just a distinction of politics

4. I like international law if it fits my countries interests, if not my country has the right to violate it

5. I like easy answers for complex questions

6. If ya dislike the way my government acts and speeks, you better disapear from this planet

7. My country has the power- so it has the right to do,-better get out of the way.

8. If ya are not with us you're against us.

9.I don't distinguish between a government and its people

10. My country should rule the world

11. My country never did any bad, was always the others fault

12. The others are evil

13. I hate gay people

Regards Blitz

America was threatened by Iraq in no way, it was just plain ridiculous
« Last Edit: April 29, 2003, 11:39:50 AM by blitz »

Offline Hortlund

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #85 on: April 28, 2003, 05:41:51 PM »
A couple of points.

If the US wanted to leave the UN, go right ahead. It would be as smart as cutting off your own head to cure a headache however.
Right now the US has a seat as a permanent member in the UNSC, that means veto, that means influence.

Want to try your luck standing on the sidelines waving the "we are the only remaining superpower"-flag? Go right ahead. But know that the next enemy you find might not be some camelf*ckers hiding in caves or among civilians. Simple fact of the matter is you dont know what the future looks like. Want to leave? Fine, but you will be giving up pretty much your entire diplomatic stack of cards except that 'ol "we are the only remaining superpower"-card, and those cards never last that long. So you'll never leave. Simply because you wont give up that influence. Suck it up.

The US funding the UN? On paper perhaps...or if you actually paid what you are supposed to pay.

Congo? Toad, get an education on the subject instead of talking the way you do, insulting alot of people.

Oh and Toad, DO list what exactly the US did in
Ivory Coast
North Korea
South Africa

What will follow now is not directed at you toad

But what you fail to understand right now is that the UN does *alot* of good that you dont see everyday. And, like oxygen, just because you dont see it doesnt mean it isnt there *tries to educate a couple of morons...I was gonna say "you know who you are", but then I realized that you probably dont know who you are*

Take the WHO for example, they are doing alot of good right now. They do even more good every day that we never think about. Kill the UN you kill the WHO. Would that be smart?

Or take the UNICEF, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNAIDS... yeah, I know these abbrevations can be hard for you to understand, but lets just say that behind each of those organizations, you will find MILLIONS of lives saved by the UN.

Frankly, the US isnt contributing as much to the UN as some of you seem to think. And you are sadly misstaken if you think you would be sorely missed if you decided to bail. The UN will live on without you, simply because you are but one nation on this planet. Despite your opinion of yourselves.

So the security aspect of the UN doesnt work right now. Everyone knows that. There are other more important aspects of the UN that does work. That is reason alone to keep it.

Offline NUKE

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #86 on: April 28, 2003, 07:52:20 PM »
Originally posted by Hortlund
A couple of points.

Oh and Toad, DO list what exactly the US did in
Ivory Coast
North Korea
South Africa

I have a feeling that if America did intervene in those countries, we would be lambasted for the effort..... as usual.

Offline Montezuma

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #87 on: April 28, 2003, 08:14:27 PM »
Originally posted by Hortlund

If the US wanted to leave the UN, go right ahead. It would be as smart as cutting off your own head to cure a headache however.

You might want to change this opinion unless you have recently fallen off the Ann Coultier bandwagon.

Offline Drunky

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Blitz and Crabofix
« Reply #88 on: April 28, 2003, 10:11:59 PM »
Why do you care if the US leave the UN.  Aren't we evil anyway?  Aren't we hyprocrites?  Don't we bomb babies?  Take over foreign lands?  Don't we forgo on paying dues?

I try to understand your positions but all I can see is that YOU SIMPLY DON'T LIKE THE US.

Woulnd't getting the US out in the open on it's own suit your purposes so that you could point fingers at it and say "See I told you so.  They are only looking out for themselves."  Then you could brand them the self-indulgent, swaggering, arrogant, murdering bast@rds you make them out to be?

If it wasn't for you constant and everpresent whining on these boards I could very, very easily overlook you tards...but you do it far too oftten too be ignored.  Maybe that is your only justification and validation in this of the permanent squeaky wheel.  But for my personal preference I wish you would just STFU.  You simply do not have to post about EVERYTHING, ALL THE F#CKING TIME

Perhaps you should take time to look into your own countries and find something to post about it on other boards.

If you don't like mine, then piss off and I will be glad when we stop supporting the countries that squeak, squeak and squeak about what we do or don't do.
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Offline Bodhi

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Americans Sign Petition to Withdraw US from the UN
« Reply #89 on: April 28, 2003, 10:24:39 PM »
Originally posted by Hortlund
Frankly, the US isnt contributing as much to the UN as some of you seem to think. And you are sadly misstaken if you think you would be sorely missed if you decided to bail. The UN will live on without you, simply because you are but one nation on this planet. Despite your opinion of yourselves.

So the security aspect of the UN doesnt work right now. Everyone knows that. There are other more important aspects of the UN that does work. That is reason alone to keep it.

Hortlund, Just how much do you suppose was contributed to the UN since the start of it's conception by the US.  The number is simply staggering!  

The reason the US refuses to pay it's "dues" on time is due to the fact that hardly any other nation chooses too.  We, the US, funded the conception, we, the US, provide 80% of the troops, we, the US, provide all the upkeep and support for the frigging building, we, the US, get NOTHING in return, except the whining and bantering by many wanna-be third world nations.  I fail to see where the benefit is for us?  You say the VETO is a big deal?  Guess what, it means shreck All right now, because unless it is a France / Russia suck fest, nothing is going to get accomplished.  SO to do with out the UN, is simply a better deal in our opinions.  shreck, I'd rather support just WHO then the UN, as you correctly said, they do accomplish something.   Unfortunately we will be stuck with the meaninglessnees of the UN for the forseeable future....
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