Of that 300,000 homocides, 70% occured in less than 20% of the population demographically speaking. Of that demographic, .16%-.20% of the populace was involved. Demographics that some countries chose not to include when doing these types of statistics because they tend to skew numbers there too.
Black people and White people run very similar risks of dieing in automobile accidents (17/100,000 vs 18/100,000). Black people run a 5.5/100,000 chance of being stabbed to death while white people are kicking in at .9/100,000. Black people stand a 23.5/100,000 chance of being murdered by firearms while white people are at 3.3/100,000. Who owns a majority of the firearms in America? Demographically speaking? And where is the majority of firearm related deaths occuring? Demographically speaking?
Correlate the presence of firearms as the root cause again beet1e... I dare you.