Author Topic: Global Views of America  (Read 2905 times)

Offline cpxxx

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Global Views of America
« on: June 17, 2003, 07:05:16 PM »
There was a program on the the BBC tonight  which debated the global attitudes to America. It carried the results of a poll taken around the world. I missed the show but no doubt it was described by both sides as completely biased which probably means as usual the BBC got it right in the middle.

I notice a lot of debate here on this very subject so I thought I'd post a couple of links I found which may illuminate.

This is the results of the poll. I did think the question 'Who do you think is more dangerous America or country X' was rather silly and meaningless. As you might notice the usual suspects were against America but it still has good if sometimes sceptical friends.

What I found most interesting was Descriptions of America section. Most agree with Americans themselves that Americans are 'arrogant, friendly, united, religious and free'.  I broadly agree but while I have met arrogant Americans they were the exception. One or two who post on this bulletin board  fit the description only too well!!!!

Everyone likes US movies though!

This link describes a debate which highlights differences in attitude between Americans and the rest of the world to patriotism and nationalism. I tried to describe that myself in another thread. This has led to major misunderstandings on this forum.

Mr Pei argues that US nationalism is based on grass-roots civic activism, and the private use of symbols like the flag, the national anthem, and pledge of allegiance has no parallel in other countries where the government itself promotes nationalism.

Finally this is another poll limited to Europe only. It's on an Irish website which is why the Irish score is highlighted. There seems to be a North South split here with likes of the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Holland more favourably disposed towards America than the southern countries. The UK being most favourable. Greece is very anti which is surprising.

So now you know which countries you should visit and which you should avoid if you're planning a vacation to Europe this year. Naturally I suggest Ireland. There are some good deals going because of the drop in tourists here this year, the sun is even shining nearly every day. Plus it's only six hours flying from the East coast. :) :cool:
« Last Edit: June 18, 2003, 09:24:08 AM by cpxxx »

Offline ra

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« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2003, 08:33:21 PM »
Personally, I couldn't care less what the world thinks of the US, I leave that to liberals.  

But since you mention the BBC, I have to mention my observations.  I've watched many BBC news reports of the US wars in Afganistan and Iraq, and I noticed every time a deeply sinister depiction of the US.   In each of the reports I saw, the US was depicted as dangerous, stupid cowboys who eventually get their way despite their own unfathomable stupidity.  If the US was not doing well it was depicted as gross incompetence, if the US was winning it was just an incompetent giant prevailing through sheer hugeness.  The last report I saw had the 'expert' saying that the reason US troops in Iraq are not trained in crowd control and other civil enforcement actions is because of a cadre of conservative Republicans in the administration who control the agenda.   I doubt that even many liberal Americans believe that, but every story about US military action just has to have dark political overtones.

In the US most of the media adapted a liberal slant over the years, especially before Fox came along and stole the ratings.  I suspect the same is true with the BBC, but that there are no other major news outlets to offer another viewpoint.


Offline Fishu

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« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2003, 08:42:19 PM »
I say you should travel to which ever country you find most appealing.
Not like its going to be more dangerous being american in some parts of europe than the other nationalities..

Avoiding buying product from- or visiting an european country, which does not support US political view, even though you'd like it otherwise, only makes you a hypocrit.

Offline Pei

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« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2003, 09:32:41 PM »
Originally posted by ra
Personally, I couldn't care less what the world thinks of the US, I leave that to liberals.  

But since you mention the BBC, I have to mention my observations.  I've watched many BBC news reports of the US wars in Afganistan and Iraq, and I noticed every time a deeply sinister depiction of the US.   In each of the reports I saw, the US was depicted as dangerous, stupid cowboys who eventually get their way despite their own unfathomable stupidity.  If the US was not doing well it was depicted as gross incompetence, if the US was winning it was just an incompetent giant prevailing through sheer hugeness.  The last report I saw had the 'expert' saying that the reason US troops in Iraq are not trained in crowd control and other civil enforcement actions is because of a cadre of conservative Republicans in the administration who control the agenda.   I doubt that even many liberal Americans believe that, but every story about US military action just has to have dark political overtones.

In the US most of the media adapted a liberal slant over the years, especially before Fox came along and stole the ratings.  I suspect the same is true with the BBC, but that there are no other major news outlets to offer another viewpoint.


What tells me that the BBC is doing a great job is that everyone thinks the BBC is biased against them. The US, the Iraqis, the French and Russians, AL Jazeera, Tony Blair, Iain Duncan Smith and my aged grandmother.

Offline -tronski-

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« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2003, 11:45:00 PM »
Originally posted by Pei
What tells me that the BBC is doing a great job is that everyone thinks the BBC is biased against them. The US, the Iraqis, the French and Russians, AL Jazeera, Tony Blair, Iain Duncan Smith and my aged grandmother.

When the Liberal govt. had a go at the ABC for the same thing..that surely implied they were doing an unbiased good job.

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Offline Yeager

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« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2003, 12:04:43 AM »
Hell, americans are arrogant for a damned good reason.

We have the best real estate on the planet.

PS to you non Americans: Go Fu*k yourselves, send us the bill.
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Offline Syzygyone

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Where do you find the BBC?
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2003, 12:09:13 AM »
If you are looking for journalism, you will find the BBC, lieing just underneath the New York Times which is just underneath whale sh#t!

Offline NUKE

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« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2003, 12:31:34 AM »
Gee, I'm so concerned about what others think about America.

Offline Erlkonig

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« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2003, 12:59:28 AM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Gee, I'm so concerned about what others think about America.

Yup, you are.

Or you are indifferent to those who think America is the Great Satan and would like to destroy it and kill all those living in it? If you're not with us, you're against us!  Terrorist sympathizer!


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« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2003, 01:38:57 AM »
Originally posted by Erlkonig

Or you are indifferent to those who think America is the Great Satan and would like to destroy it and kill all those living in it?  

Well I'm sure he cares what you think... :D

Offline bozon

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« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2003, 04:37:51 AM »
lol cpxxx, telling americans that their country isn't the greatest nation in history is taking a risk :)
Replies such as Yeager's are bound to come.

From a few personal experiences, Sky news give the best and most accurate reports although somewhat brief.
BBC reports are good and in depth, but slightly emphesize one point of view.
CNN is near worthless. Their most important theme is to broadcast the news as quickly as possible, saying incorrect things and correcting them on the fly as they gather the information. Also reports are very shallow.
Never watched FOX.

I don't have a TV anymore so I get all my news from the radio and pappers. Don't know if those news stations changed.

America is a great nation, but it does also have it's down sides which a lot of american refuse to see and are easily insulted when mentioned.

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Offline beet1e

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« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2003, 05:35:26 AM »
I watched this program as it was aired on BBC2 at 9pm. They had surveyed people in 11 different countries across many continents. Peter Snow introduced the statistical data, and apologised for the fact that Africa could not be represented - logistical problems.

The 11 countries were the US, UK, Germany, France, Israel, Brazil, Indonesia, Russia, Jordan, South Korea and one other, with representatives from Pakistan and Palestine. People had been asked if they thought America was right or wrong to invade Iraq. Needless to say, Israel was hugely supportive of the US, as they should be given that they receive $3bn US aid each year. Jordan hates America's guts. MOST people don't trust George Bush. There were various quotes from personalities: "America scares me" - Tom Cruise. One from Saddam about America reaping the thorns in the harvest from the rulers it has planted around the world. One from Osama BL - something about America is nowhere near as strong on the inside as on the outside. Dowding's girlfriend (Clare Short) was interviewed, and she felt that America had become scary since 911 in the same way as a wounded animal is apt to be aggressive and lash out. The South Korean guy had something interesting to say. A poll in his country revealed that its people were more afraid of America than of North Korea.

I watched the whole thing, and there were no real surprises. At the end, I was left with the very strong impression that the vast majority of those who had participated in the various polls had never been to the US.

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2003, 05:48:24 AM »
Sky News is ran by the 'Dirty Digger' and as such is an extension of his self-promotion endeavours along with the rest of the empire. Adverts masquerading as news are very prominent in all his publications.

Never seen Fox but I'd guess it would follow the pattern of Sky News.

The BBC is probably the best news service in the world, carrying news on the BBC World Service to all points of the compass, from Africa to China to South America. The lack of any commerical interests lends it more credibility in many areas, particularly when discussing the media in general - unlike the 'Dirty Digger' who often bars negative reporting of interests close to the commercial success of his empire.

In recent years, since the launch of it's News 24, 24 hour station, I'd say reporting has been dumbed down. But they still have some great correspondants. Kate Adie, John Simpson and other stalwarts still feature in programs that have are not featured on the 24 hour service. The 'Correspondant' program on terrestrial TV is probably the best journalism available right now - some real eye openers about 'off the beaten track' issues can be had. A similar program on radio is also brilliant.

Yeager - going on your last comment I'd say you're the kind of guy described in another thread about Chino and burger vans. Do you want mustard with that?
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Offline Dowding

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« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2003, 05:50:45 AM »
I think the quote from Saddam Hussein is very apt.

Beatle - the idea was to interview people about their views on the US and the influence the US has on their lives. You don't need to have been to the US to answer such questions. The show was ok, but nothing special.

I had to chuckle at the SKs. Either something is going on in SK that we are not told about, or they are absolutely bonkers.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2003, 06:02:50 AM by Dowding »
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2003, 08:06:20 AM »
Originally posted by Dowding
Beatle - the idea was to interview people about their views on the US and the influence the US has on their lives. You don't need to have been to the US to answer such questions.  
I agree - to a point.