Author Topic: v1.04r1....The Good and the opinion only  (Read 850 times)

Offline Mox

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v1.04r1....The Good and the opinion only
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2000, 10:38:00 AM »
Apache and Badger don’t take this the wrong way but here it goes….

Just because one of you was a cop, and the other was in the service for some time does not mean that you two have better morals and “spirituality” than anyone else.  In fact many people disagree with what/how you are taught about religion and morals in the military.  I know more corrupt cops than I do good ones.  I believe the good cops are under paid for their job just as our teachers are but that’s another story.

It’s nothing against either of you but any type of church talk needs to stay out of the game.  I very much dislike when I see a so called “Bible Beater” (I live in the Bible Belt) attempt to bestow his/her belief’s and morals upon person’s via a means of a public game.

Badger, I don’t think that’s what you had in mind but I feel it’s getting close enough to that point that I decided to speak up.

Apache, I’m not saying you were/are a bad Police Officer, because I have no idea and I hope you didn’t take offense to my cop comment, but not all of the public feel they’ve always been protected and helped out by Police Officers.

I agree the community has defiantly changed for the worse.  I feel it has a lot to do with “easy mode” being added.  Since beta I had hoped HTC would not try to cater to the general public because of the problems that brings to a game and I think we’re just starting to see some of those problems.  I originally thought the price would keep the “riff-raff” out of the game but I guess time will tell when we start seeing if all the two-weekers start to stay.

I know HTC is a business and we know they have investors to satisfy so I think we will start to see some more things change to cater to the general public.  As a investor I’d back HTC because I feel they have the right stuff to make me a lot of money but as a player I must say I wish HTC had enough cash so they didn’t have to have/satisfy investors.  Did that make any since at all?  



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v1.04r1....The Good and the opinion only
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2000, 10:40:00 AM »
Why not try to play the game with honor?  

What is the alternative?  Vulgar brats posturing on channel 1.

Warbirds 1.x was the most fun I've had in all these sims.  The reason why is the people who played it.  

Slowly, its gotten less fun as the meaness has escalated.  

I vote for honor and courage.

Offline Apache

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« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2000, 10:45:00 AM »
No, I did not take offense to your comments as I know some of those "bad" cops myself. They, like all criminals, should be locked away. I did not mention the fact that I was a police officer to imply that I would be a choice candidate for a "monitor", but only to show that communities are incapable of "policing themselves" or there would be no need for law enforcement in the first place. Also, I do not advocate a sysop having free rein either, but simply enforcing the HTC TOS already in place.

lol Creamo, I agree that some most probably would like the monitor thing better. You really crack me up when you point out the obvious  

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Offline AKDejaVu

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v1.04r1....The Good and the opinion only
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2000, 10:52:00 AM »
Hmm.. played WB 1 (and earlier)...

It seems about the same to me.  I just wonder how selective people's memories are.

As for the "arena police".  What an idea.. give everyone one more thing to complain about.  Check out any bbs/arena where moderators are appointed.  Look for those instances where one moderator does something that another doesn't like and look at what happened.

Experience tells me player/moderators are a bad idea.  Power corrupts.. absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Though somewhat overstated, this has applied to every player/moderator setup I've ever seen.


Offline Hangtime

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v1.04r1....The Good and the opinion only
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2000, 11:05:00 AM »
My cat has 9 lives.


Eight now.

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Offline Fishu

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« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2000, 11:37:00 AM »
Just put up a Gestapo to monitor all activities, I am sure all would be happy.. at least them whos working for it.

I wonder again this "age" issue in this thread, where is let people to understand that all youths are some rebels bad mouthing others and so on...
Come on, we all know that is not true and there are many "adults" that you could think more of 13 year old kid (and those 13 year old kids that you would think as 30 year old)

Ps. I am adult, but I've been younger like all of you.. or have you all forgot that?

oh.. by the way, who wants to see collection of 'adults' bad mouthing screenshots? (oo.. it includes many of top 50 players, who you all have respect for)

So.. I must put under a question this "monitor user" issue.

Though, I must admit that community is something that has made me turn away from on-line playing.

Even with all graphics and other stuff, I think WarBirds I being as best on-line simulator experience ever, just because of community and spirit. (we're less luftwaffies whining of this and that and allies whining about this and that and insulting luftwaffies... bore)

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2000, 11:47:00 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu:

Even with all graphics and other stuff, I think WarBirds I being as best on-line simulator experience ever, just because of community and spirit. (we're less luftwaffies whining of this and that and allies whining about this and that and insulting luftwaffies... bore)

ROTFLOL, evidently you don't read AGW !!

Offline jedi

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« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2000, 12:20:00 PM »
Unbelievable.  Being "against" cursing and abusive behavior towards other community members, and suggesting a possible measure to limit that disgusting and unnecessary "feature" of the community gets you labeled as a "bible thumper" (and therefore "bad," naturally)  

The alternative, of course, is to either ignore or actually DEFEND the practice (freedom of speech and all that, right?)  How sad.  The people who abuse their membership in the community are the ones whose "rights" must be protected, and the ones who are actually being abused are the "unreasonable" ones.  

My morals don't stand up to much scrutiny, I'll admit, but if I EVER abused someone online in a silly GAME, or actually took the time to TYPE out a line of curse words just for the "privilege" of making everyone else read them, I would ABSOLUTELY deserve to be ejected.  Imagine how you'd feel if you typed out one of those abusive, epithet-laden, "vents" that it's supposedly your "right" to utter, and then found out that the subject of your verbal attack was some 16-year-old high school GIRL who just happened to love airplanes and dreamed about being a pilot someday.  Wouldn't you feel like an ASS?

And you'd be one too.

ANY "solution" to this problem deserves some consideration, and doing the "wrong" thing might even be preferable to doing nothing IMO.

Either that or give the sim an "R" rating and slap one of those Adult Check thingies on the login page.

Sorry, but I'm sick of seeing nice folks have to put up with crap spewed by absolute jerks hiding behind "fairness" when they have no intention of showing that same fairness to anyone else  


Offline Creamo

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« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2000, 12:30:00 PM »
Jedi, could you please limit your use of the words CRAP and bellybutton here? (Central is a 16 year old school girl.) If not,I will have the monitor eject you.')

Thanks in advance.

Offline fd ski

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« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2000, 12:46:00 PM »
Well, this is an FPS way of doing things... but.. if enough people are offended and vote person out - he is blocked for 15 minutes..

aka. Jadi says "i don't like spitfires" on channel 1 - and i get everyone in my sqauadron to vote against him... within 3 minutes we have 20 votes and jedi can't play for 15 minutes...
Then when he returns - we threaten him that if he doesn't say "I love spitfires" every 30 seconds - we will vote him out again  

Joking aside, i think it might work.

Bartlomiej Rajewski
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Offline Kieren

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« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2000, 12:48:00 PM »
Chiming in again on this issue...

This "problem" (and do we have anyone who doesn't think there is a problem?) is a community problem. I think those of us who are having problems with the MA atmosphere are sensing a lack of basic respect.

Myself, I am no better or worse than anyone else (as a person). One thing I do know, if I don't insist on being treated respectfully I probably won't be. This is a hard lesson learned in the trenches of my classroom and coaching experiences.  

As for the problem being isolated to the new signups, that simply isn't true. Some of our younger players are among the finest flyers and are class acts as well. One of the squadrons I hold in high regard is the SFRT (don't know what that means). I understand they have several younger guys there, one of which is a personal friend of mine (Ziegler, 15 years-old and my TA at school). Total class all the way. The truth is I see many of the high profile, older and experienced pilots spewing on open far more than I do the younger or inexperienced fellows.

So, what is the perception? It seems some don't want any "moral policing", and I can respect that. Some may even say there is no real problem, just people who have problems. I can honestly say I ask myself that same question. Is it a problem, or am I just not cut out for the online gig? Am I too sensitive? Perhaps. The result will be the same nonetheless- if I don't enjoy my online experience, I am gone. However you feel about the morality issue, that is the bottom line, and the lowest denominator for all of us.

So we ask ourselves, what makes this experience "fun"? Is it:[list=1]
  • Vicariously experiencing WWII air combat?
  • Flying the many different aircraft and learning their nuances?
  • Working with fellow pilots to accomplish a common goal?
  • Helping to organize events for others to enjoy?
  • Using the terrain editor to produce never-before-seen maps for online use?
  • White-knuckle H2H action?
  • Infuriate another person for the fun of watching him fill the buffer with rantings?
  • Ruining a scenario which took many hours of work to develop by refusing to cooperate or abide by ROE?
  • Build up a weak self-esteem by tearing down the efforts or exploits of anyone around you?
  • Hurl racial slurs?
  • [/list=a]

    Just some thoughts to ponder...

    BTW, thanks on the compliment, Badger. I don't think I would work out as a monitor, but I appreciate the thought nonetheless. I think it would be a tough razor's edge to walk, and I'm not sure anyone is up to the task. Let's hope it doesn't become necessary to find out.  

Offline Mox

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« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2000, 03:19:00 PM »

Originally posted by Kieren:
As for the problem being isolated to the new signups, that simply isn't true. Some of our younger players are among the finest flyers and are class acts as well. One of the squadrons I hold in high regard is the SFRT (don't know what that means). I understand they have several younger guys there, one of which is a personal friend of mine (Ziegler, 15 years-old and my TA at school). Total class all the way. The truth is I see many of the high profile, older and experienced pilots spewing on open far more than I do the younger or inexperienced fellows.

I agree with you on just about everything you said except some of the above info and I didn’t mean any disrespect to the younger players here.  I didn't mean "riff-raff" to mean all younger players. I meant the "average joe" the ones that don't truly care about the sim, the ones that goof off just to disrupt other players, etc.  What I usually see between 5:30pm-11:00pm M-F CST is a lot of the dweep comments (spitdweeb, altdweep, HOdweep, etc) which really doesn’t bother me, but then I see something like this:

12578:F*CK*NG MOTH*R  F*CK*R Y*U CH*ATING B*TCH (usually in caps and usually spelled like a ereet c00l guy).  

I can guarantee that the easier the game gets and the more it’s directed at a wider audience you will see a decrease in the quality of the community regardless of the players age.  It’s just a matter of time, it’s happened to every single massive multiplayer game that I've been a part of so far.  

In my opinion the only thing that I can see that would help is to turn on a chat filter that replaces the bad words with symbols, but make it an option.  Just like some games have parental locks to turn off the gore and vulgar language.

“12578” was used as an example, I have no idea if that name even exist.


Offline Cabby

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« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2000, 03:45:00 PM »

"It’s nothing against either of you but any type of church talk needs to stay out of the game. I very much dislike when I see a so called “Bible Beater” (I live in the Bible Belt) attempt to bestow his/her belief’s and morals upon person’s via a means of a public game."

What a crock.  Another example of Liberal Brainwashing.  What ever happened to Free Speech for all???  And what tome do you "beat"??  

So, we have to accept some moron's offensive behavior simply because the moron is bereft of any religion, ethics, or beliefs(or manners, considerartion for others, or what we used to call class )?  Like hell.

BTW, some people's morals and ethics are superior to others.  And a worthless jack-ass is a worthless jack-ass in any lanquage.

Offensive bozo's should be kicked-out of the game.



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Offline Apache

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« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2000, 03:48:00 PM »
Bravo Cabby!!!!

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v1.04r1....The Good and the opinion only
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2000, 04:05:00 PM »
Ethics police? Let me be the first to volunteer... We get F-14's to "punish" the offenders, right?  
I agree that the "overall" maturity has dropped. However, this is why you can make/join squads and squelch people. As long as the language is kept acceptable to minors I can see no compelling reason to enforce ethics. I do agree that language not acceptable for minors should be policed. That is the fine line in my mind.