Author Topic: Enough is Enough!  (Read 4329 times)

Offline Sandman

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Enough is Enough!
« Reply #150 on: August 29, 2003, 10:20:49 AM »

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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« Reply #151 on: August 29, 2003, 10:45:44 AM »
I think now is the appropriate time for me to tell everyone that I just got a new Leatherman Juice!!

Offline Rutilant

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« Reply #152 on: August 29, 2003, 11:57:22 AM »
Okay, surprisingly enough i read the entire thread.. (okay, not the ENTIRE thread.. i did skip some.. most..) and all i have to say for it is,

I'm fairly respectful.. no, no, tolerant of religion, but nothing pisses me off more than people who try to force thier religion upon me.

off all you hypocritical, elitist, bigoted, retard snob religious fanatics. I don't care if you think i'm going to this imaginary hell. I don't fear what doesnt exist. I'm an athiest and proud.

To clarify, i'm not calling religious people hypocritical, elitist, bigoted, retard snob religious fanatics. I'm calling the door-to-door religion salespeople hypocritical, elitist, bigoted, retard snob religious fanatics.. and anyone trying to convert anyone else.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2003, 02:17:04 PM by Rutilant »

Offline hyena426

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« Reply #153 on: August 29, 2003, 04:45:51 PM »
I'm fairly respectful.. no, no, tolerant of religion, but nothing pisses me off more than people who try to force thier religion upon me.
 well,,people who try to force religion on you,need to read there bible a little more,,,do not preach apon death ears,,,somthing to that effect{ill have to go back into my old bible stuff to find it},,,,so its saying not to push religion on people,,,only tell it too people who wanna lisin,,most bible thumpers seem to forget this,,and they go door to door,,terrorizing people,,,yelling in everyones ears,,your going to hell,,no wonder some people are against it,,i live in a small town,,and go to a quite little church{somtimes when im not busy working}were we explore the bible and never go around town passing out pamplets and terrorizing people while there tring to relax in ther homes<~~thats just wrong

i have a good freind that is athiest,,but i never push anything on him,,and we get along great,,if he feals he need religion some day,,he is welcome,,if not,,he can beleve what he wants,,its his own right

as for this mounument,,,,,its just a big rock too me,,i dont beleve in gaven images of the bible or god,,i dont care if they remove it or keep it,,doesnt make a diffrence in what i beleve,,some religous fanatics take things too far

Offline A_Clown

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« Reply #154 on: August 29, 2003, 05:26:11 PM »
I'm not really an athiest, but I'm not religeous either.  I have trouble deciding what to order for dinner..... no way I could pick a single religeon.  

I work hard, pay taxes, dont hurt anyone, & help others when I can. I expect the same from society, nothing more & nothing less.

I FULLY respect the price of my freedom, I value it greatly.
While I cant support all of my countries political decisions, I can & do support my country.  Anyone trying to burn an american flag around me will be EXTINQUISHED promptly.

With that in mind, & with the circumstances given some 4 pages of posts ago,  I would say that obviously the judge was suffering from some type of mental instability. There is no place for ANY prejudice in our court systems, be it religeous, racial, financial or what have you. A judge is (supposed) to be impartial & unbiased.

Offline Octavius

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« Reply #155 on: August 29, 2003, 05:33:23 PM »
From sandman's link:  

The state faces fines and loss of federal funding if the cross is not removed before Friday at midnight.

I'd like to see how many will support the judge's decision when it comes down that!
Fat Drunk BasTards (forum)

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Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #156 on: August 29, 2003, 05:50:41 PM »
Originally posted by Octavius
From sandman's link:  

I'd like to see how many will support the judge's decision when it comes down that!

ahem... does that thing hurt Oct? Looks like a treble hook to me.

Supporters of Judge Marburger held hands on the courthouse steps and sang choruses of "Amazing Grace" and "My Mammy" during an overnight, cross-light vigil.

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #157 on: August 29, 2003, 10:14:01 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
ahem... does that thing hurt Oct? Looks like a treble hook to me.

Sometimes, they miss those satirical hooks... :)

Offline Octavius

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« Reply #158 on: August 30, 2003, 03:04:55 AM »
um, did i bite something i was unaware of?  i dont think I was hooked? :)

Fat Drunk BasTards (forum)

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Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #159 on: August 30, 2003, 05:08:28 AM »

con·ser·va·tive:  1.)  Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change

lib·er·al:   1.)  Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas.  2.)  Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.

This is not to say that Conservatives are automatically religious maniacs, as many of us detest the same firebrand types as you (Liberals) do.  

We're we differ can be seen above in the simplet definitions available; one side of the argument is happy with the way things are and we wish to maintain our way of life.  The other side is discontent with many things and wishes to bring change to society.

Change is a good thing in many respects.  The views of a Liberal minded person are most welcome in many circumstances, and in most cases, I think you will find that many Conservatives will jump on the boat with you once a convinceing arguement is made and agree that change, in a particular area, is necessary and would improve life for the vast majority of the population.

The problem today, as I see it, is that there are no problems.

Speaking from a purely domestic point of view, what is wrong with our country?  

Sure we have poor, but we also have rich.  Thats capitalism.  Of course we have homeless, but again, thats a byproduct of capitalism.  We do everything in our power to help these people along in the form of shelters and mana's, but at the end of the day, this is the land of opportunity, not the land of free handouts.

These are irritations in the grand scheme of things.

The conservatives' frustration comes from the fact that no matter how many times we take a step back and agree that something should change, its never enough.  Liberal minded people seem to be constantly searching for something wrong with everything.
 Doesn't sound very tolerant, they must not be liberals.

Lets be honest here, how many of you are grossly offended by the fact that hurricanes dont have racially diverse names?  How many of you are honestly offended by a plaque of the 10 Commandments outside a courthouse?
The 10 Commandments don't bother me at all. Neither does a Nativity scene. (I could go on about other religious displays) Many religious things don't bother me at long as it's sponsored by the private sector and not on govt property. As an American I hold very dear many of our principals including the Separation of Church and State. I would object equally as much if the govt started forcing religious schools to teach evolution and started taxing the churches (for example).

Hey, as long as the 10 Commandments monument was on non-govt property and paid for by private monies, I'd think it would be a good thing.

You dont want to read the 10 Commandments?  Dont read them.
This has nothing to do with our wanting or not wanting to read the 10 Commandments. It has everything to do to keep separate Church and State. Why can't you understand that?

Why is it that the people in the gay thread preaching about tolerance and acceptance are the same people in this thread preaching about intolerance for somethign else?  Are you only tolerant of behavior that you dont see a problem with?  Being tolerant of something suggests that whatever you are tolerant of is something you disagree with.  I disagree with homosexuality, but Im tolerant of it.  I dont go knocking down doors of the local gay population and try and catch them pushing their **** in.  I let them do what they like - Im tolerant.
You're tolerant? Heh, by definition you must be a liberal then :) . BTW, Mr tolerant, do you support the right of homosexuals to legally marry?

You, on the other hand, take a different approach, and its the approach that causes even more anger.  You do in fact knock down doors in an attempt to change the way people live their lives.  You are not tolerant.  You want change, and if change is not wanted by the rest, you lobby Congress for laws that force others to conform to your wishes.  Liberalism today is the ultimate incarnation of hypocracy.  How can you champion tolerance, acceptance, and totallack of bigotry, while at the same time, utilize meathods completely at odds with your mindset to achieve your aims?
How do we "knock down doors to change the way people live their lives?"
Seems that judge in Alabama was doing the "knocking down doors to change the way people live their lives" by going against US Law and putting that 10 Commandments monolith on govt property. BTW our very concervative Supreme Court ruled that he was violating the law by putting the religious monolith on govt property. So is the Supreme Court being intolerant because they are upholding the law, or is that judge being intolerant because he doesn't want to obey that law?

These colonies, and indeed this country were/was founded on a single principle: Freedom.  In the United States, we believe in freedom, liberation to attain that freedom, and force to protect that freedom.  

Our government for the passed 200 odd years has reflected this.  Freedom to be an individual, ungoverned by a ruling class, is why people came here.  Freedom FROM government.

Lately, it seems that this trend is dying.  Some of the legislation over the past 15 years is almost scary.  No longer is our government protecting our rights to be individuals in a free and safe society, but it has folded to public pressure from individuals confused enough to stand in front of an Israeli bulldozer, and is now dictating HOW we should live our lives.

40 hr work week, Child Labor Laws, Freedom from sexual harrasment in the workplace, public lynchings, Labor Unions, Anti-trust Act, FDA, EPA, Racism, Voting rights for minorities and women, etc. Yeah, things are so much worse than the "Olden days." BTW, many of these changes for the better were made by "liberal" thinking policy makers.
Are any liberals telling you that you can't go to the church of your choice?
Are they telling you what type of relations you can have with another conscenting adult?
LOL, many examples, so little room to post. ;)

Whether or not we've ever had a 'Hurricane Jay-Z' is not one of the big issues facing our society today - so please - stop treating it as such and expecting us to take you seriously.  And after you figure out that we're not listening, please dont resort to taunts of 'caveman' and 'racist.'  Its growing tiresome... especially when the usage of such terms is aimed only at forcing conformity through shame or embarressment.

LOL, names of hurricanes and typhoons don't really concern me, guess we're in agreement on more important issues at hand.
If anyone makes a racist statement, they should expect to be called one. Do you feel one should have the privelige of spouting racist messages without the consequences of being called on it?

Not everyone is interested in conforming to your rules or your definition of what the status quo should be.  As Americans we are ALL different.  Different in culture, race, and creed.
BINGO! I can't agree with you more! So why do you agree with someone trying to force his religious views on someone else?

Liberals claim to be tolerant of all - so why not let all of us be different?  
How so?
BTW why do you have this need to use such a broadbrush label when describing a minority of people? By definition I must be mostly liberal. I feel I am very tolerant of different things, ideals, and people.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #160 on: August 30, 2003, 05:51:57 AM »
Ouch, didn't realize this thread was this long.

Charon, Absolutely outstanding posts! S!
Actually quite a few poeple had really good posts. S!
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline Frogm4n

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« Reply #161 on: August 30, 2003, 11:47:55 AM »
if the religious nuts are forced to explain more then  " cause da bibble sayz so." its pretty much a lost arguement.

Offline Dago

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« Reply #162 on: August 30, 2003, 12:00:39 PM »
if the religious nuts

You are correct.

Its also a shame when the "religious nuts" have to resort to name calling and insults when they lack the ability to force others to their point of view.  But then, when they resort to these tactics, they are admitting they have already lost the arguement.   :)

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline SaburoS

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« Reply #163 on: August 30, 2003, 02:28:26 PM »
Originally posted by Dago
You are correct.

Its also a shame when the "religious nuts" have to resort to name calling and insults when they lack the ability to force others to their point of view.  But then, when they resort to these tactics, they are admitting they have already lost the arguement.   :)


It's a shame whenever anyone has to resort to name calling and insults, not just "the religious nuts."
Seems to be a debate "weapon" of the ignorant.
Doesn't matter the affiliation of the individual.
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. ... Bertrand Russell

Offline Bodhi

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« Reply #164 on: August 30, 2003, 09:19:06 PM »
Originally posted by Dago
You are correct.

Its also a shame when the "religious nuts" have to resort to name calling and insults when they lack the ability to force others to their point of view.  But then, when they resort to these tactics, they are admitting they have already lost the arguement.   :)



Look up hypocrit sometime in the dictionary, I believe you may find a picture that interests you....

Maybe you should get royalties, eh?

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