Author Topic: A Message Board, not a gallery.  (Read 782 times)

Offline miko2d

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A Message Board, not a gallery.
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2000, 09:55:00 AM »
Originally posted by Thunder:
I'll tell you what is IRRITATING!!! These are Fishu's posts from one loosy thread. I prefer to look graphics as opposed to tons of dribble like this! If you are attracting attention in the office... then don't read it in the office. You probably are stealing your companies time that they are paying you for anyway! ....

 Thunder, it is hard to argue that someone should not post messages on this message board. It may be obvious to you that Fishu is an idiot and his opinions are meaingless just because he is not a paying customer. I bet you've felt much smarter after you've signed that $30/month bill...

 Your are posting on this board, so you probably want your messages to be seen by people (though with you, one never knows). So you should be only glad that more people see your messages, whether they read them from their home or office.

 At least you had the smarts to qualify your statement about my stealing my company money with "probably" - I guess that $30 is paying off in increasing your I.Q. Once you grow up and go to work you will find out that most working people have a thing called lunch.
 Also many people are not paid for the time they spend in the office but for what they do for the company.

 What is a big deal about those images? There are plenty of threads clearly centered around pictures. One can choose to look at such thread when it is convenient.
 For the people who like the half-screen squad art I have a simple solution - it is all the same on all the messages. You can save that Assasins' lady on your hard drive and look at it whenever you want.

 What you are ignorant off is manners and common sence. Fishu just civilly asked other people to act considerate. In no way he can prevent you from doing what you want, so why are you so fired up? Why are you concerned if someone here likes you? Post any GIFs you want with your new cable modem.
 Some people reading Fishu's request will realize something that they did not think of before and quietly stop posting flashy meaningless graphics. That is all he is trying to accomplish.
