Author Topic: A Message Board, not a gallery.  (Read 783 times)

Offline Fishu

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A Message Board, not a gallery.
« on: August 12, 2000, 06:22:00 PM »
First I see big pictures that are either oversized gifs or jpg files with minimum compression that takes fairly much space..
One day, I see gif animation on a post.. yes, you guessed right, two days later I see more gif animations, even bigger.

How about you think twice before adding any gif animations or extra large images that are irrelevant with the message in your posts?

*snap* that was the main part of the message and if you don't want to read more, I suggest you quit reading any further (ps. if you don't read, don't flame) *snap*

I just were looking at one 100kb gif animation.
Don't you folks find it quite annoying when poeple has begun adding their big cool gif animations now also?

This is a message board, I really don't think that gif animations belongs here because those are bandwith trash for people with lower bandwith.

excuse me, but I am not writing because I would have low bandwith, no, I have ADSL, but I've had modem and I know what pain extra trash gives when certain things are  totally irrelevant in the page.

All browser (depending on settings and is settings possible to change) does not show page completely before it has load all images on the page.
So, you wait 10-30 seconds to see page with a modem if theres few of those posts with different .gif animations and other squad/name tags.

I can't say that those squad/name tags would be for bad if its small size.
I don't have anything against those small sized ones.

Big images and gif animations of course looks cool, but I don't think people are here to see those (if thread is not meant for those)

Yes, you might well say that "hey, its just one", but you must also remember that other people might also add their "one". (and size of thread gets bigger)

..and now time for example of bandwith trash, 230kb gif animation.


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« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2000, 06:47:00 PM »

Offline Hamish

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« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2000, 06:52:00 PM »

[This message has been edited by Hamish (edited 08-14-2000).]

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2000, 08:01:00 PM »
Originally posted by Hamish:
Nice gif, got one in color?

I Prefer B/W for WW1 Fokker.
...also saves in size when gif animation has been done for low colour count.

This one is much cooler looking, And less than half the size

..and still too big (100kb)

[This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 08-12-2000).]


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« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2000, 08:18:00 PM »
Sweet gifs guys, I'd like to see more of 'em.


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« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2000, 08:31:00 PM »
Bigger please, in color, and more animations.


Major Mike "FunkedUp" Waltz
Officer Commanding, 308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" RAF
Northolt Wing (1st Polish Fighter Wing)

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 08-12-2000).]

Offline Thunder

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« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2000, 09:15:00 PM »
Since you aren't a paying customer why do you take up space and post here at all. You seem to be real concerned about a lot of things that you aren't supporting. Thats my oppinion!  

Aces High DickweedHBG:

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2000, 09:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by Thunder:
Since you aren't a paying customer why do you take up space and post here at all. You seem to be real concerned about a lot of things that you aren't supporting. Thats my oppinion!  


Didn't know that you must pay to read this forum...

Offline Thunder

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« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2000, 09:54:00 PM »
Your don't have to pay but please understand my post. If every non paying member came in here and posted 982 times it would have a similar effect as those that support it and occasionally post a graphic. By the way I have discovered why P-51's  rip wings so easily    



[This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 08-13-2000).]
Aces High DickweedHBG:

Offline miko2d

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« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2000, 10:27:00 PM »
 You are paying to play the AH in the arenas. This board is public and free.
 Nowhere it is stated that this board is for the customers only. Otherwise you would have to log in with a password to participate.

 Sending the meaningless pictures is very inconvenient to some people. Besides the reasons mentioned by Fishu there are few more.
 1. It is irritating to scroll screenfulls past the pictures and half-page "signatures" just to read a two-liner.
 2. People reading this board in the office can get away with a screenfull of text but pictures attract attention.


[This message has been edited by miko2d (edited 08-12-2000).]

Offline JoeMud

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« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2000, 10:37:00 PM »
<starts gathering all the trash gifs he can find>  

Offline JoeMud

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« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2000, 10:41:00 PM »

"..he shoots fire out of his eyes and lightning bolts out of his arse..."

[This message has been edited by JoeMud (edited 08-12-2000).]

[This message has been edited by JoeMud (edited 08-12-2000).]

Offline JoeMud

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« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2000, 11:04:00 PM »
Im on a modem too :P


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« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2000, 11:14:00 PM »
Don't you ever reformat your HD?

Offline Thunder

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« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2000, 12:56:00 AM »

Sending the meaningless pictures is very inconvenient to some people. Besides the reasons mentioned by Fishu there are few more.
1. It is irritating to scroll screenfulls past the pictures and half-page "signatures" just to read a two-liner.
2. People reading this board in the office can get away with a screenfull of text but pictures attract attention.

I'll tell you what is IRRITATING!!! These are Fishu's posts from one loosy thread. I prefer to look graphics as opposed to tons of dribble like this! If you are attracting attention in the office... then don't read it in the office. You probably are stealing your companies time that they are paying you for anyway! ....

Ok, getting fed of this when people seems to just wan't to whine at me so that they would have more to whine about, even about jokely said sentences or something wheres little error.
They make up big whine of such stuff and so far I have been replied to that, now.. lets make some difference on that.
Heres good example from thread "Challenge to all P-47 drivers" (
I say kiddingly "Id figure that real P-47 pilot would be screaming in a panic while his plane is stalling with N1K2 in his tail after that "
..and next post after that is 7 line long whine from Wolf37 (7 lines in 1024x768 resolution desktop work mode) and very aggressively too for a such obvious joke with smiley after it.
- Some prejudgement in the air perhaps?
Besides, I like P-47, I've been waiting it to AH since the first few beta versions.
and must also say that P-47D-25 under brazillian markings is nice thought, specially with its greener paint instead of metal shine.
As I did also recently study other threads, I noticed that people purposely tries to hang on every word I say, even exagerating in few cases.
One good example of exagerating is that I have used 2 weeks trial once, but suddenly one unnamed person is saying I have been having more than just one nicks 2 weeks, which I haven't.
Now suddenly Pyro too thinks that I am having, because this one person somehow managed to find out something that even I didn't know.
Honestly, only times I've been playing AH since two days before 1.00 have been during 1.02 as I were at friends house for weekend and he was playing AH and I tried it bit also and next time during 1.03 as I wanted to use my 2 weeks to see if I could spare my 30 bucks for it finally.
Which, honestly, seems like is very close to that point and 1.04 will probably be it.
Also good reason why I haven't been playing since certain date, is because I was already out played AH and was having other game on my hands and next was Rogue Spear and bit later I've been nose digged into World War 2 mod for RS, which grew bigger than I ever expected and with the other good people who helped me, I haven't had time to do anything else. might wonder where I got time for that 9-11 days period for AH? I decided to keep break from the mod making and caught up trying AH for few days totally. (and thats the v1.03)
If I say something without being pushed by some whiners that just hangs on every word of mine, I do tell things from my experience which usually is fairly well tested.
When I did talk about Hispano, I did have already several test done online (during that 2 weeks period in 1.03) and H2H mode.
It seems that some of you wants to pick on every word that I say and find a way to whine to me about that and then I have always replied to there and that has got so many new topics that more people joins in and usually defends the one who did whine at me about everything after my first reply, because he who yells louder and tells more BS, is heard better. (someone to disagree with last words?)
Of course I wan't to clear up things and I reply on everything that he said (must not do that mistake anymore if I see that the guy is talking that way..)
I try to keep honest as long as I can and lying or exagerating really isnt my way to talk.
But someones still in their replies lies or exagerates.
My most stupid posts usually comes after a few of these posts where people exagerates too much. (can you imagine being fed up, but still trying to make people understand?)
Maybe I should try that yelling out louder than others and talking off-topic?
Nah.. that sounds too stupid and surely wouldn't be honest talking then.
Wolf37, I think you have not completely thought my purpose, try not to prejudge my meanings without thinking first your way of approach, ok? no hard feelings?

I might add or change something later, because I really aren't so good at writing long topics without seeing whole text, so please, don't pick on first issues that you find so aggressively.
I would like to deal this thing out now and talk, and I also expect that you folks do have guts to talk about this, who have been precautious of me.
As last words.., I am sorry if theres been some misjudgements, errors in posts or other wrong issues from my side.
[This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 07-31-2000).]


Originally posted by wolf37:
but look back at all the treads or post you have for somebody that is not paying to play

Do not prejudge results of testing that I can put up in few days of hard playing
Of the issues I've put up with that few days of testing in 1.03, has been annoying many others also, so, it was for the need..
I test while others do without testing.
*signs peace treaty with Wolf37 and shakes hands*


Originally posted by eskimo:
You bring it on yourself.
Like a foul-smelling loud-mouthed drunk entering a fine resturant and shouting,
You bring it on yourself.
Get a clue Fishu.

Honestly, I wan't to end this type of posts...
I've read enough of replies in threads where people more likely replies to me in the way they do because they think like you.
How about giving a chance for peace?
you don't know if you don't try.
[This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 07-31-2000).]

I have been attacking on people if they have been attacking on me.
Are you trying to make me whine now by being such aggressive like on purpose?

Originally posted by eskimo:
People don't get your "jokes".
So either stop trying to make them, or stop claiming whatever you regret writing as a "joke".

I do usually always put " " or " " smiley if its joke or kiddingly said.
P-47 thing was said kiddingly and if you dont understand, it does not mean you must attack on me.


Originally posted by AKDejaVu:
I went back and re-read that thread. Fishu, you need to seek medication for that ego. Seriously (Note no smiley face).
Somebody tries to compliment another pilot on how well he handled an aircraft and you try to turn it into whatever the hell that was. You may also have noticed... that only 1 pilot responded to you in a derogatory manner... not "people". Thanks for using that to start yet another thread about your favorite person.

So, you're saying that I can't deal things out with people?
Tell me, why is people so precautious, and not giving me a chance now when I want once that?
"Somebody tries to compliment another pilot on how well he handled an aircraft and you try to turn it into whatever the hell that was."
Oh really?
How do you know? how do you know if I haven't been playing and when I did, I didnt say anything?
Honestly akdejavu, you seem to be just stubborn with this "fishu sucks" thing, because now you're even lying.
[This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 07-31-2000).]

funked, it seemed that most of the problem is in the discussion side, not in the o'club, wheres not those people or my posts that I wanted to speak.
Besides, you probably havent even seen the original post which I erased due to that it was just waste of effort when people reads it fast through and tells their automated answer. (which i would hear in any other thread)
Problem is that I do test results that I have, and when people comes to tell me something, they dont listen or try to listen me, and some of them very visibly just tries to whine about my posts.
I do stupid posts after I began explaining so that people would understand and then it gets deeper when one thread is split into ten subjects.
Then again, this is not personal or I would have solved it already, so thread is the only way to reach people to deal things out.
Besides, "about an argument with someone", that was example of that what I get, very clear example.
and that was nothing personal with Wolf37, but with all, who does that sort of posts in another way. (you might go look other threads and you find those people who just wants to whine at me on purpose)
Example should tell that theres other cases as well with other people. (did you even read my thread completely?)
excuse me, but I tell from experience and tests in AH and what seems completely BS according to that all what I've read.
Somehow people has not seen me a single time saying somethings fine, I wonder hows that, when theres many times when I have said so that this is cool and so on.
About criticism on me, if you're talking about this thread, then you must know that I am trying to deal things out and make people understand that they might have mistaken in some parts of discussions.
When I in other discussions do that what you call 'whine', because of other peoples 'whine', I try to explain my point and make people understand it in cases that they dont understand. (I am usually trying too much to make people understand my point, even if they dont want to understand, and theres few)
So Toad, are you willing to give me a chance or not? tell it clearly
hmm, did you see my original post?

Perhaps I'll better quit worrying what people thinks, what they misunderstand and whine..... just keep in the facts without worthless whines to make people understand.
Why would I care anyway about that now when I've seen that most of them doesnt care what I say after few loud mouths have been talking too much crap.
Most of my stupid posts are because of people talking too much crap about different things and the begining is forgotten.
Sounds like good to forget their whines and opinions.
Like good friend of mine said, 'screw them if they dont try to listen'


Originally posted by funked:
Fishu I didn't read any of it. It's obviously got nothing to do with the game, just with your personal issues, and it belongs off-topic.

This is AH discussion issue for me, where few seems to want to just blame on me and I want to deal it out with them who feel so. ok?


Originally posted by Cobra:
One of the first things I learned working on my family's farm in Kansas was this.....when you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you should do is stop digging!

but I don't like that 'if you dont like it, forget it' theme...
that way kind of sounds like I should just walk away, forget all and not deal it out with people..
I'd like to be friends again not read too often those guys posts that just on purpose wants to whine on me because I have done the same more and more aggressive as thread goes on with the same stupid topic that has nothing to do with that whole thread..


Originally posted by Kieren:
I don't want to pile on here, Fishu. I am curious of one thing though:
Why do you think people respond negatively to you?
Not a flame- I just feel sometimes we already know the answers to the questions we ask.

Not all, but few certain ones seems to just reply to me everytime they can if they just can bring bad sides of my talking up...
It is like the example I gave with wolf37, but that is just example where from you can't miss the idea of my meaning.
Of course other that sort of stuffs are not as visible...
some of them do that because they like me as much as I like them..
Often I also read messages where people does not read my post completely and then writes their own, and I do read theirs, reply to it and they still does not get my meaning because they dont try to understand what they read...
sometimes that begins to feel that there is something personal going on when they keep so stubbornely from trying to understand me.
(as I reply to that in effort to make him understand, he replies what he does and then more people joins up to blame on me)
Would like to tell more precisly my meaning here but that would again count as too much whine and some certain people wouldnt maybe want to read it and understand completely.
this is reply to Kieren, so no flames from other than him, ok?


Originally posted by wolf37:
hi all:
did i start all this

Not really, but partly yes...
Kind of got enough of that when people begins to flaming my posts.
Yours was good example in most clearest form of that how few people reacts to my posts. (most of the people however does that less visibly though, but point gotten with example)


Originally posted by Maverick:
Your problem isn't people whining about you. It is you. You told me in a post you are a student and can't afford to pay to play. Then act like a good student and spend time listening instead of talking. You speak of things you do not have direct experiance with and try to tell those who DO have experiance, (even a career in the subject) that they are wrong. You need to sit back and leave the BBS posting alone for a bit.
You don't play the SIM, you have no real business criticising it if you don't use it. You sure don't have any business criticising others who have experiance in the subjects they are posting about.

Sometimes it is hard to listen when your counterpart does not listen you and you just keep trying to get him listen.
Most of my long posts which many counts as whine, are just efforts to make people understand my meaning.
..what more replies there comes, well, then I must admit that it looks more like worthless whining after all that BS with irrelevant topics between there.
When I did play for few days 1.03, I did play it very much per day during the period and I am alot up for testing things when I do.
I get bored if I can't test things out...
Alot like hackers who are mostly just curious and tests things etc., though, I am not hacker and I don't know anything about hacking.. but those people are curious like me.
Maybe its just that I talk alot and makes it look like i critize alot?
Usually those critics are more visible than good stuff... (like murder vs. saved wale, get the point?)
I speak about that what I am somewhat certain and what goes against that what I've read.
I read alot of World War 2, and I have done so for very many years. (IMO its very intresting)
and I might well be heading for military career, at least almost certainly going to army. (Finlands constitution..)
But then, who in AH really has experience with World War 2? I doubt theres many.
I critize if I have sufficient experience of the subject under main arena conditions, or otherwise very visible flaw that would be most certainly fixed later or sooner even without me.
Give me source where Pz-IVh gets killed through front plate by 20mm cannon from distance of +400 yards, for example. (I have done this under main arena conditions often)
Then another thing, when I am paying, what will you do then?
I really doubt that paying really has something to do with this.
I heard recently that there reads in mein kampf that he who yells louder and tells more roadkill, wins.. (I have not verified this though, one guy said that on one chat to a guy who had that quote in his web page)
Anyhow, that seems very true in this UBB.

ops wrong thread
[This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 08-01-2000).]

You don't have idea of that how much experience I get in few days of play if I am up for testing couple things.
and main arena conditions is same as main arena if you didn't already realise.
Talking of superior knowledge and all the other stuff, read your own messages, you're having your superior knowledge with me here.


Originally posted by Kieren:
There is a language barrier I believe you struggle through, and what is probably a more telling point, a cultural one as well. As far as I know Finnish is your native language. You speak pretty good English, so people tend to forget you are not native to the language. More, there are subtle nuances to any culture- more like social taboos- and inevitably you cross them occasionally. That is entirely understandable and forgiveable.
Always remember that, if many people contest your point-of-view, the very least you should do is re-examine it yourself. They just might be seeing something you missed. If people are responding negatively to you, ask yourself, honestly, "Why?". If you see anything that causes you to be flamed, decide if you control it or not. Make the change or get used to the fire. This isn't to suggest not sticking to a valid viewpoint, only that one must leave room for the possibility that occasionally anyone can be wrong.

Finding right word is not easy at times... I must admit that..
I have decided though that if I find some stubborn guy that does not wan't to listen me, I'll quit replying to him... (sounds like good way to reduce amount of whine)


Originally posted by Maverick:
You started the thread and asked for the information. I, against my first thought, decided to give it a try thinking it was a real request. It seems to have been an error on my part.
Please note, no smileys of any type in either post.

Yes, I admit, sorry about that... my mistake I believe.
But there is lots of other who are talking BS too though..
It's morning here and I found out that ADSL provider is not working and using 33.6k.. wrong sort of way to wake up and get angry.


Originally posted by bloom25:
First I should say that I have the greatest respect for you, Fishu. IMO I think that people get a little bit angry (annoyed?) with your posts for a few reasons.
B. Often they have a hidden sarcastic tone to them, or are obviously totally biased to one side or the other. (Usually to the effect of "All US planes in AH are overmodelled because the game is made by people in the US.")
C. People think that you don't play the game enough to have a 100% valid opinion.
(Considering that we have had 4 patches for 1.03, IMO only playing it for a few days does not give you an accurate understanding of the current status of the game.)
I think it's important to say that I feel you are entitled to post whatever you wish. No matter what others say, this game wouldn't be the same without you.
Don't take the above post as a whine or "flame" against you, it isn't. I was only trying to give you my honest opinion to your question.

I Might have respect in the plane, but not in the UBB, must fix that problem..
(If that mantra: "fish, shut up" would work someday, many would be happy)
What more replies I do into the thread, that more stupid it gets (and makes people angry) and that will get a change (realised that its not worth arguing that much)
Well, currently it is just because it seems that US has got those toys for everything..
They could have put there B-17F for example, when every game has B-17G, then it would give those sluggish high altitude german interceptors some chances... (though, I haven't tried recently how german planes flies high altitude now, but that was just poor example ok?)
I don't whine if I don't know
I haven't been complaining for while now when I don't have any fresh test results which would give me a reason for criticism.
(just arquing, mostly.. even worst than criticism, I figure)

Your post is least to be taken as flame or whine, it is what I have asked for.. (sort of)
Way to type reasons is well thought..
Considering that almost everyone in Finland will study english in school, I don't think that my english is 'very good'
Been figuring whether I should drop level of requirements for AH.
I have always been too much of realism 'geek'
Makes me get annoyed if something is too easy (bored too..)
might be the cause for that criticism of mine.

All of the above was just from one thread!


[This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 08-13-2000).]
Aces High DickweedHBG: