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Aces High General Discussion / Re: IL2 as an alternate - been a while
« Last post by GasTeddy on Today at 02:52:56 AM »
You calling me names or somebody else?

The O' Club / Re: For those who like pretty buttons and knobs
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 02:31:40 AM »
When ya get tired of that ya do this
(Image removed from quote.)


Every POS Deer in the county knows I have one.  I'm certain they are actually Aliens and those "antlers" are actually comms antenna for use when they to try to kill me every time I hit the road.  It's part of the reason I have no guilt whatsoever in violently reducing their numbers and filling my freezers with them every year. 
Technical Support / Re: New wireless headset mic delay
« Last post by SamCoffee on Today at 02:31:40 AM »
Plenty of good hints from Wilkinsonwilfrid there.

For AH Voice, check if you have other apps that use your microphone running in the background, including Edge and Copilot. Also shut down any voice apps that may use the same keys to trigger the microphone. Further, if there's a software included for your new headset, any voice enhancing systems can cause some input delay not to mention the ones that make you sound like someone else.

And finally, especially if you're playing other games with communication ability, do a Restart for Windows before starting a new game. Restart (not Shutdown and normal start unless you keep the Shift button pressed while clicking Shutdown) will clean all settings so there won't be any leftovers interfering in the background.

The information you provided is very detailed, I will look into the operation a bit, thank you!
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 02:19:40 AM »
This is what I'll be focusing on when I hop into it hopefully next week (waiting on the pro clip for the Track IR I bought).  I'm debating whether or not to buy FC3.  I kinda feel like it takes away from the very challenge I wanted to try.  But, then again, I might get in over my head and wind up buying it anyway lol.

Just so you know, you can buy FC3 planes one at a time for cheap.

I've been using TrackIR for decades.  If my better half could tolerate the noise... I'd use Tobii as I have big ears and hate wearing a headset.  So if I gotta wear one, might as well stick with TrackIR (and, I'm "almost" convinced it's Tobii that causes my random USB overvoltage shutdown BS).  Tried VR but it (at least was) such a toejamte-show I gave up.  I don't have the patience.
The O' Club / Re: Simulated Aerial Combat Roundtable
« Last post by Tumor on Today at 02:03:38 AM »
Never flown a warbird but I've done spins in a Piper Tomahawk. It'll lose a wing before you expect it.

Funny coincidence.  I deleted part of my previous post where I was going to reference my experience at the controls of a Piper Tomahawk & Cessna Skymaster as " so limited it has no bearing on my opinion of Sim flight models."
Films and Screenshots / Re: Masters of the Air Scenario Video/Movie
« Last post by MDStampf93 on Today at 12:43:03 AM »
I have hours and hours of film from MoTA I meant to send to you and got completely side tracked and forgot so I apologize for that.
Aces High General Discussion / Re: IL2 as an alternate - been a while
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 12:29:48 AM »
You calling me names or somebody else?
Friday Squad Operations / Re: Southern Penetration Frame 3
« Last post by Spikes on Today at 12:29:18 AM »
They will be available when HT has a chance to get the AHEvents site back up - assuming it has to do with his ISP changes this week.
Friday Squad Operations / Re: Southern Penetration Frame 3
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 12:28:03 AM »
Thanks for the fun. First day back in a while and I had a blast. Was very curious about the logs. Would it be possible to post them here?

Not sure if you can pull up the logs and cut and paste or if it the only option is to post via the site.
Aces High General Discussion / I'm back
« Last post by hazmatt on Today at 12:24:57 AM »
Figured I'd take a break from IL2 for a month. Flew FSO tonight with the AKs and had a bunch of fun even with the lower numbers. I've got say AKs are one of the few squads left that in my opinion are worth a crap. I say this as a non member.
I landed a 110 4 times tonight! Wonder if I got any kills.

We'll see if the mods run me off again. I heard the muted a guy recently who's been calling people pooftas for years for calling somebody a poofta.

I don't have a high level of confidence that I won't be targeted as it seems to me that the mods know they are running without oversight so the can do whatever they want.

The couple of you that feel that you have to attack me over this post instead of realizing that what I say is true should go sit down and have a nice warm cup of.... as you're probably those mods that are causing the problems with many others as well.

Glad to be back! We'll see how long it lasts :)
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