Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: SpinMan on July 03, 2010, 02:50:52 PM

Title: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: SpinMan on July 03, 2010, 02:50:52 PM
Please for the love of god do something about this.  I have no understanding why this is the way it is.  For my monthly subscription I EXPECT to have a choice where I can fly.  With the amount of time available to me to actually get on-line and enjoy some air time, I find it extremely frustrating to see this.  180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue.  If something does not get done about this I am canceling my subscription and wont bother your forums with my whining again.  At the very least some kind of explanation for why this is, cant we just have a cap of 500 per arena and allow those to choose where they fly?  Done!  Guess I'll go wash the car instead of getting some of my monies worth on-line!
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 03, 2010, 02:55:32 PM
Please for the love of god do something about this.  I have no understanding why this is the way it is.  For my monthly subscription I EXPECT to have a choice where I can fly.  With the amount of time available to me to actually get on-line and enjoy some air time, I find it extremely frustrating to see this.  180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue.  If something does not get done about this I am canceling my subscription and wont bother your forums with my whining again.  At the very least some kind of explanation for why this is, cant we just have a cap of 500 per arena and allow those to choose where they fly?  Done!  Guess I'll go wash the car instead of getting some of my monies worth on-line!

Search: Arena Caps

How's the radar treating you?

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Rino on July 03, 2010, 03:02:16 PM
     Funny, I feel I get plenty for my 50 cents a day.  Plus you get to rant for free, what a bargain!  :D
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: palef on July 03, 2010, 03:21:07 PM
I know how the OP feels, but one isn't allowed to complain about it so don't, mmmkay?

The fanbois roll out a long list of apparently reasonable arguments and suggestions supporting the Arena Caps, which in reality simply aren't plausible.

What it comes down to though is that HT consider large numbers of customers sharing an arena a bad thing for business because everyone behaves badly.

You can't win this argument SpinMan, so it's best to apologise to everyone for being deluded or make good on the threat to leave.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: texastc316 on July 03, 2010, 03:38:25 PM
Who are you exactly?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kilo2 on July 03, 2010, 03:41:49 PM
Who are you exactly?

Always the worst response "who are you" like it matters if you are known or not.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 03, 2010, 03:55:21 PM
Always the worst response "who are you" like it matters if you are known or not.


My first thought is it is a "two week'r" so the money thing is a moot point.

My second thought is, this is the first time this has happened after spending untold hundreds on this game?

Third thought, other arena.  Go sneak a v-base.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: guncrasher on July 03, 2010, 04:06:09 PM
Two weeker turns into no coming back same as a monthly payer who gets tired of caps.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: palef on July 03, 2010, 04:08:07 PM
Exactly Semp.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 03, 2010, 04:11:13 PM
Or  you  could  just  go  to   the  oth  er  a re na.

The game is what you make of it.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: grizz441 on July 03, 2010, 04:15:38 PM
How about just putting a simple note on the startup screen next to the arena numbers?  "What are arena caps?" You click it, and a simple in game note appears and informs.

Any 2 weeker or ignorant vet can get their information right there before huffing and puffing over to the bbs or the 'delete account' section.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 03, 2010, 04:23:05 PM
Herding arenas? I thought this was going to be about sheep or dipstick horde behavior.  :headscratch:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: SpinMan on July 03, 2010, 04:23:42 PM
Who are you exactly?

Just because I'm not known to you please dint be so ignorant as to assume I'm a 2 weeker:)  Ive been flying since before many of you have even owned computers:)  Texas I'm sure you don't even remember 3 1/2 floppy or tape drives:)  Anyways a Lil tongue in cheek there.  Ive been flying since the beginning of AW1, anyone remember the Genie server on DOS?  In any respect whats the point your making,? Being dictated to as a customer doesn't sit well with me and it shouldn't with you.  Clearly those of you who are not old enough to understand how you should be treated as a customer just keep getting mom and dads debit each month and carry on your opinion here carries no weight.  Those of you who pay your own bills and have an issue with not being able to fly with friends because your chosen arena is closed to you and the other hardly has any action speak up here and let HTC decide if they are going to make a better compromise or not.  I will be walking with my account pending the action or lack there of taken here.

PS and thank the rest of you for constructive input.  We the customer are responsible to request improvements in the products we pay for!

Spin (Widow Makers)
AW Spin (Aw Trainer)
Dmd Spin (The Damned)
As Spin (Airstrike)
Spin (Genie)
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kilo2 on July 03, 2010, 04:24:29 PM
Post is a knee jerk reaction.

I am sure a great many of you have been annoyed with the caps. I know I have.

Fanboys come out of the woodwork to defend it.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: grizz441 on July 03, 2010, 04:27:02 PM
I will be walking with my account pending the action or lack there of taken here.

That's pretty dumb.  There are actually very good reasons why those pesky caps are in effect.   They get in the way but they do more good than harm.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 03, 2010, 04:30:47 PM
Those of you who pay your own bills and have an issue with not being able to fly with friends because your chosen arena is closed to you and the other hardly has any action speak up here and let HTC decide if they are going to make a better compromise or not.  I will be walking with my account pending the action or lack there of taken here.

PS and thank the rest of you for constructive input.  We the customer are responsible to request improvements in the products we pay for!

Spin (Widow Makers)
AW Spin (Aw Trainer)
Dmd Spin (The Damned)
As Spin (Airstrike)
Spin (Genie)
Arena caps have been around for a while and yet there are still just as many people playing. All your talk about taking your money elsewhere, just do it because your chest thumping isn't going to get you any further than the 20 other people who have complained about it over the years. Either crap or get off the pot.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: guncrasher on July 03, 2010, 04:44:20 PM
More than 20 have complained.  I bet only 20 like arena caps.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: SpinMan on July 03, 2010, 05:02:59 PM
well then explain grizz.  I dont fly as often as you so Id like you to look at this from any other perspective than your own.  Looking fowd to some flight time then meeting with trying to find a fight in an arena with 46 sticks....perhaps I dont have the time to do that, perhaps Id like to just jump into a populated arena and find a fight.  Is that too much to ask for the subscription I pay?  Im not here to start or provoke a flame fest but ive been around long enough and invested enough time and money into whats finally become AHII that I feel I have the right to ask more of our service provider, this is important to me, im asking all those who care about this to voice along with me.  If there is enough demand then change will happen if not then I will wait for the next evolution of the game to return.  I quit this game for 10 yrs I'll do it again:))
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: grizz441 on July 03, 2010, 05:11:40 PM
Arg, my searching is not working well so I'll 'splain for ya.

Firstly, two arenas are needed now because of the growth of the game, that is a given.  Secondly, players are magnetized to the arena with the most players, which is a constant domino effect problem so offering two arenas with free choice is not enough.  It will always end up as 600 players and 0 players.  So HTC had to be creative in coming up with a way to force players to balance the arenas since we cannot do it on our own.  You can still get in the arena of your choice if you try hard enough but around noon every day, it is difficult.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: oakranger on July 03, 2010, 05:14:55 PM
 They change the radar setting so give it time. i bet Hitech will do something new arena numbers.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Rino on July 03, 2010, 05:35:50 PM
Post is a knee jerk reaction.

I am sure a great many of you have been annoyed with the caps. I know I have.

Fanboys come out of the woodwork to defend it.

     And the Anti-Fanboys come out to namecall and other wonderfully useful things.  Like it's a crime
to like the games you play.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: The Fugitive on July 03, 2010, 05:40:11 PM
I know how the OP feels, but one isn't allowed to complain about it so don't, mmmkay?

The fanbois roll out a long list of apparently reasonable arguments and suggestions supporting the Arena Caps, which in reality simply aren't plausible.

What it comes down to though is that HT consider large numbers of customers sharing an arena a bad thing for business because everyone behaves badly.

You can't win this argument SpinMan, so it's best to apologise to everyone for being deluded or make good on the threat to leave.

Your allowed to complain all you want, but it isn't going to do any good. While "caps" suck nobody has come up with any better way that is fair to populate 2 arenas. Many have tried and all have failed due to one thing or another.

As the OP posted, it's your $15, but remember your $15 is being paid for what HTC is supplying, and they are supplying a game WITH caps.

Not that it matters, but I never played Genie, I started when AW hit AOL. I do remember 5 1/4 inch drives, as well as those lovely tape drives that you would load up your game BEFORE supper so you could play AFTER supper   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: WMLute on July 03, 2010, 05:48:59 PM
Three things.

1) Spin has the right to complain.  I am sure anybody that has encountered 180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue would be miffed about it.  Especially if you have limited time to fly.

2) I don't think a better way has been put forth.  There have been some recently that HiTech seemed to think had merit (think he complimented the OP on his COAD writing) but until a change is made we have to make do with what we got.

3)  For gawd sakes Spin learn to add our Squad Avatar and make a Signature.  I've known ya' for 15+ yrs now, am you CO, and STILL didn't know this was you until your 2nd post.  (yes i'll write up a quick "how to" in the Squad forum down @ the bottom of the page) 

Do like all the other WidowMakers Spin and just blame NwBie.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Bear76 on July 03, 2010, 06:01:11 PM
Who are you exactly?

Just because I'm not known to you please dint be so ignorant as to assume I'm a 2 weeker:)  Ive been flying since before many of you have even owned computers:)  Texas I'm sure you don't even remember 3 1/2 floppy or tape drives:)  Anyways a Lil tongue in cheek there.  Ive been flying since the beginning of AW1, anyone remember the Genie server on DOS?  In any respect whats the point your making,? Being dictated to as a customer doesn't sit well with me and it shouldn't with you.  Clearly those of you who are not old enough to understand how you should be treated as a customer just keep getting mom and dads debit each month and carry on your opinion here carries no weight.  Those of you who pay your own bills and have an issue with not being able to fly with friends because your chosen arena is closed to you and the other hardly has any action speak up here and let HTC decide if they are going to make a better compromise or not.  I will be walking with my account pending the action or lack there of taken here.

PS and thank the rest of you for constructive input.  We the customer are responsible to request improvements in the products we pay for!

Spin (Widow Makers)
AW Spin (Aw Trainer)
Dmd Spin (The Damned)
As Spin (Airstrike)
Spin (Genie)

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 03, 2010, 06:01:48 PM
Who are you exactly?

Textast316 are you the grand wizard of these forums ? Who cares who he is. Is he not allowed to make a comment unless he has more than one star beside his name? You forum junkies are funny to watch. Your probably thinking: "How dare that one star dweeb make a comment on my forums!"
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Bear76 on July 03, 2010, 06:05:15 PM
Textast316 are you the grand wizard of these forums ? Who cares who he is. Is he not allowed to make a comment unless he has more than one star beside his name? You forum junkies are funny to watch. Your probably thinking: "How dare that one star dweeb make a comment on my forums!"

Do you really think the number of stars matters to anyone?  :lol
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: pervert on July 03, 2010, 06:06:23 PM
Three things.

1) Spin has the right to complain.  I am sure anybody that has encountered 180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue would be miffed about it.  Especially if you have limited time to fly.

2) I don't think a better way has been put forth.  There have been some recently that HiTech seemed to think had merit (think he complimented the OP on his COAD writing) but until a change is made we have to make do with what we got.

3)  For gawd sakes Spin learn to add our Squad Avatar and make a Signature.  I've known ya' for 15+ yrs now, am you CO, and STILL didn't know this was you until your 2nd post.  (yes i'll write up a quick "how to" in the Squad forum down @ the bottom of the page) 

Do like all the other WidowMakers Spin and just blame NwBie.

I wanna know who this guy is??
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 03, 2010, 06:07:06 PM
Do you really think the number of stars matters to anyone?  :lol

Apparently it matters to Textast316.........
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 03, 2010, 06:13:15 PM
Apparently it matters to Textast316.........
Actually it doesn't. I have as many stars as TexasTC does and I irritate the pee out of him on a regular basis.

He asked that question because of how the OP presented his displeasure. It's a legitimate question in that regard.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Guppy35 on July 03, 2010, 07:01:32 PM
Textast316 are you the grand wizard of these forums ? Who cares who he is. Is he not allowed to make a comment unless he has more than one star beside his name? You forum junkies are funny to watch. Your probably thinking: "How dare that one star dweeb make a comment on my forums!"

Didn't seem to stop you from commenting did it? :)

With Spin being a long time player, I'm sure he remembers the dial up days, and all the waiting too.  You either follow the herd or start a new one which is why some of us try and keep Blue busy when we get to fly. 

There will be no magic answer.  HTC has explained it many times. 

All that being said, I seem to be able to get into any arena I want to get into and the wait has never been long.  I'd guess that my flying time is about as limited as Spin's too.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 03, 2010, 07:28:47 PM
Didn't seem to stop you from commenting did it? :)

With Spin being a long time player, I'm sure he remembers the dial up days, and all the waiting too.  You either follow the herd or start a new one which is why some of us try and keep Blue busy when we get to fly. 

There will be no magic answer.  HTC has explained it many times. 

All that being said, I seem to be able to get into any arena I want to get into and the wait has never been long.  I'd guess that my flying time is about as limited as Spin's too.

It didn't seem to stop you from commenting on my comment about Testas316 comment did it?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Wreked on July 03, 2010, 08:00:14 PM
It didn't seem to stop you from commenting on my comment about Testas316 comment did it?

Could you say that agin a little slower?  some of us sheep herders / buffers / spit16 drivers didn't quite follow all that comment about wadda ya call him's comment about the comment he was commenting on ..... I think!!

....cheers eh! :D

...oh ya Spin - there has to be a dozen+ threads on "Caps" (do a search) - many with replies from Hitech giving the reasoning - a business decision.
Suck it up and hang around - a small price we have to endure to play one of the best sims out there!
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: uptown on July 03, 2010, 08:31:29 PM
Gee whiz, never seen this topic brought up before.  :confused:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: palef on July 03, 2010, 08:46:41 PM
Or  you  could  just  go  to   the  oth  er  a re na.

The game is what you make of it.


Actually it isn't. It's what the community makes of it. The very best thing about this game getting together a squad of like minded people and enjoying their company. The arena caps prevent that over and over. It could be viewed as my "fault" because my time zone doesn't synch very well with the rest of the world, but it is maddening to watch caps never dip below the maximum allowed in the arena where the important part of your AH community resides.

Grizz - in terms of "many" reasons why the caps are implemented I've only ever seen one official explanation for them being implemented and that is simply that HTC perceive that people behave badly in large arenas.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 03, 2010, 09:17:20 PM
Actually it isn't. It's what the community makes of it. The very best thing about this game getting together a squad of like minded people and enjoying their company. The arena caps prevent that over and over. It could be viewed as my "fault" because my time zone doesn't synch very well with the rest of the world, but it is maddening to watch caps never dip below the maximum allowed in the arena where the important part of your AH community resides.

Grizz - in terms of "many" reasons why the caps are implemented I've only ever seen one official explanation for them being implemented and that is simply that HTC perceive that people behave badly in large arenas.

And the community seems to insist on whining about not being able to fly in the full arena instead of adapting and flying where you can.  Make it a squad dictum to go to the less full arena first. 

Problem solved.

Shouldn't actually playing the game be one of the top priorities or is it more of a social networking type of thing?

I still think 24 hour a day caps would keep the numbers between the two LW arenas closer because... they would be in effect all the time.  No time for the numbers in one arena to grow disproportionately larger than the other.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: palef on July 03, 2010, 09:22:15 PM
That argument doesn't work, because the squad doesn't log in as a whole at the same time.

The social networking is more important to me. The fact that I can play this game with real people and indulge my WWII fetish with a bunch of like minded people is the best part of it. If it was solely gameplay I wouldn't have moved from AW to AH.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: texastc316 on July 03, 2010, 09:33:09 PM
Textast316 are you the grand wizard of these forums ? Who cares who he is. Is he not allowed to make a comment unless he has more than one star beside his name? You forum junkies are funny to watch. Your probably thinking: "How dare that one star dweeb make a comment on my forums!"

no wizard here, not even a forum junky. Definitly not one to come in here and threaten to leave because I dont like something in the game, caps, radar, hoing, etc. I dont care, simple as that. If you dont like the game, leave. We all do from time to time, if I get tired of it I leave, I come back when Im ready. I dont threaten to take my $15 bucks and go home if HT doesnt meet my demands. I dont cry when something is changed for an obvious reason. You do. Look at all the threads over and over about the Cap or anything that is constantly brought up, whined about, explained til everyone that accepts it is blue in the face. This is one of them. Dont like it: leave, you dont want to understand it, not anybody else problem but yours. Its not that big a deal. People come and go. Your still in a tizzy over radar, ice your taint and get over it, its just a game.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Blooz on July 03, 2010, 09:59:47 PM
That argument doesn't work, because the squad doesn't log in as a whole at the same time.

The social networking is more important to me. The fact that I can play this game with real people and indulge my WWII fetish with a bunch of like minded people is the best part of it. If it was solely gameplay I wouldn't have moved from AW to AH.

Sure it works.

You're in an arena they can't get in to so you move to their arena. They're in an arena you can't get in to so they move to you.

Piece o' cake.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: palef on July 03, 2010, 10:24:36 PM
Sure it works.

You're in an arena they can't get in to so you move to their arena. They're in an arena you can't get in to so they move to you.

Piece o' cake.

I think you may want to rephrase that statement. I know what you mean, but that line doesn't work.

My bugbear is when you are talking about LWO having a cap of 300 with 350 people in it and LWB have a cap of 350 and 42 people in it. There is no way I would even ask squaddies to abandon target rich LWO to go to LWB and its side hopping milk runners. It's actually vaguely rude to expect people to ruin their fun because 1 person can't get into an arena when 12 (or more are already in there and having a ball.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: rvflyer on July 03, 2010, 10:39:07 PM
well then explain grizz.  I dont fly as often as you so Id like you to look at this from any other perspective than your own.  Looking fowd to some flight time then meeting with trying to find a fight in an arena with 46 sticks....perhaps I dont have the time to do that, perhaps Id like to just jump into a populated arena and find a fight.  Is that too much to ask for the subscription I pay?  Im not here to start or provoke a flame fest but ive been around long enough and invested enough time and money into whats finally become AHII that I feel I have the right to ask more of our service provider, this is important to me, im asking all those who care about this to voice along with me.  If there is enough demand then change will happen if not then I will wait for the next evolution of the game to return.  I quit this game for 10 yrs I'll do it again:))

 :airplane: Don't need a change, works fine the way it is. Other night I needed to get into Orange for Squad night it was 285/200, I was in in less then 3 minutes because with those numbers Blue fill up rapidly so Orange cap soon jumps to
300 or more. Also some of you that whine about EW or MW ought to fly them more often, some of the best fights are found in those arenas, never have a problem finding fights in either EW or MW. I am pretty loyal to my chess piece in Orange and Blue but in other arenas have no problem to changing countries to low number side and have a lot of fun causing grief for the rolling base takers. :devil

This has been flogged so many times you  would think everyone understood it by now.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: CAP1 on July 03, 2010, 11:02:39 PM
in all the years i've been playing, i've never once had trouble getting into any of the arenas.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Tarstar on July 03, 2010, 11:04:53 PM
Arena caps, can be a headache but they are there for a reason.. Search it, read it and let it go.. Not going to change and there is always a place open to fly and fight.. The longest I've had to physically wait for "my" arena to open was 20 mins.. The avg. time for that inconvenient but occasional nuisance is probably more like 2 mins. or less..

They would not be there without reason....

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Guppy35 on July 03, 2010, 11:05:24 PM
It didn't seem to stop you from commenting on my comment about Testas316 comment did it?

I rest my case :)
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Blooz on July 03, 2010, 11:28:06 PM
My bugbear is when you are talking about LWO having a cap of 300 with 350 people in it and LWB have a cap of 350 and 42 people in it. There is no way I would even ask squaddies to abandon target rich LWO to go to LWB and its side hopping milk runners. It's actually vaguely rude to expect people to ruin their fun because 1 person can't get into an arena when 12 (or more are already in there and having a ball.

So sorry. I got confused. I thought when you posted this two posts ago..."The social networking is more important to me. The fact that I can play this game with real people and indulge my WWII fetish with a bunch of like minded people is the best part of it. If it was solely gameplay I wouldn't have moved from AW to AH." it was actually something that you believed. I was apparently wrong and apologize.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: SpinMan on July 04, 2010, 12:13:15 AM
They change the radar setting so give it time. i bet Hitech will do something new arena numbers.

Grizz im all for choice and I understand the community not being able to self balance, but there is a better option, make a static cap, call it 300, 250 switch it up until a good balance is felt within the community.  Im no genius here but ive seen this game evolve through just about every eventuality.  AW,AWI, II, III, had many many arenas, most of the vets you enjoy flying with today I saw as noobs starting out, some even are still around that were flying a long time before me.  The choice of arenas is great for variation of maps and terrains, back when I played 2 or 3 or 4 hours a night and often more this setup would probably not bother me as it doesnt you, but now it affects me adversely and Im venting.  The thousands of dollars ive invested in AH and those companies before should listen to the community and if they dont then as the companies before will be superceeded ask HTC how he started aces high?  Folks were so po'd at certain ways the game was going and the powers that be seemed to not listen or were unwilling to invest the capital to effect the change to meet with the tech available to provide us with better value for money.  Nothing changes if nothing gets said! 
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: SpinMan on July 04, 2010, 12:21:35 AM
And the community seems to insist on whining about not being able to fly in the full arena instead of adapting and flying where you can.  Make it a squad dictum to go to the less full arena first. 

Problem solved.

Shouldn't actually playing the game be one of the top priorities or is it more of a social networking type of thing?

I still think 24 hour a day caps would keep the numbers between the two LW arenas closer because... they would be in effect all the time.  No time for the numbers in one arena to grow disproportionately larger than the other.


Why not go one step further, have the server just switch out players at random to keep the numbers equal, one minute your in the HQ on Orange and the next your in the HQ on blue :O  HTC should be working on a "BETTER" compromise!
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: THRASH99 on July 04, 2010, 12:30:14 AM
Please for the love of god do something about this.  I have no understanding why this is the way it is.  For my monthly subscription I EXPECT to have a choice where I can fly.  With the amount of time available to me to actually get on-line and enjoy some air time, I find it extremely frustrating to see this.  180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue.  If something does not get done about this I am canceling my subscription and wont bother your forums with my whining again.  At the very least some kind of explanation for why this is, cant we just have a cap of 500 per arena and allow those to choose where they fly?  Done!  Guess I'll go wash the car instead of getting some of my monies worth on-line!
Well, one thing that I don't get about the arena caps is that I'll see for example 111/100 in the orange, exit and come back onto the online arenas board, then I'll see it says 113/100. I don't get when the arena is locked and you can't get in, people for some reason are still getting in?! :headscratch:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 04, 2010, 12:31:42 AM

Why not go one step further, have the server just switch out players at random to keep the numbers equal, one minute your in the HQ on Orange and the next your in the HQ on blue :O  HTC should be working on a "BETTER" compromise!
Yeah, great idea until you become one of those players who gets "randomly switched out" then you will be right back in these forums whining about that too.

Awesome idea...not
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: palef on July 04, 2010, 12:42:20 AM
So sorry. I got confused. I thought when you posted this two posts ago..."The social networking is more important to me. The fact that I can play this game with real people and indulge my WWII fetish with a bunch of like minded people is the best part of it. If it was solely gameplay I wouldn't have moved from AW to AH." it was actually something that you believed. I was apparently wrong and apologize.

You're still confused.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: goxwerd on July 04, 2010, 01:55:29 AM
it is just silly to drop the caps that low.

All 100 caps do is make it so you get a 180/100 until everyone for the night logs off and it is 60/100 and 12/150

150 or 200 should be as low as they should go.

Sucks when i get on ready to do some flying and i see  180/100 and 20/150.  I just say forget it and dont bother playing. 
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: froger on July 04, 2010, 02:05:40 AM
How about just putting a simple note on the startup screen next to the arena numbers?  "What are arena caps?" You click it, and a simple in game note appears and informs.

Any 2 weeker or ignorant vet can get their information right there before huffing and puffing over to the bbs or the 'delete account' section.


best of luck,

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kilo2 on July 04, 2010, 02:09:27 AM
     And the Anti-Fanboys come out to namecall and other wonderfully useful things.  Like it's a crime
to like the games you play.  :rolleyes:

Who said being called a fanboy was a negative thing.

Its only negative if you can't see the other side of an argument, complaint, whine etc.....
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: bmwgs on July 04, 2010, 04:33:40 AM
Well, one thing that I don't get about the arena caps is that I'll see for example 111/100 in the orange, exit and come back onto the online arenas board, then I'll see it says 113/100. I don't get when the arena is locked and you can't get in, people for some reason are still getting in?! :headscratch:

What happens is the cap is constantly changing.  It goes up and down.  A lot of players are bouncing in and out of other arenas trying to get into a specific arena because of the numbers, squad or what ever.

As the cap. numbers go up and down, player that are bouncing back and forth may eventually see the number below the cap. On one of their back and forth bounces, they may see the cap is 199/200.  They now can enter the arena they wanted to enter.  At the same time they saw the cap. at 199/200, ten other players, who were doing the same thing also saw this, so they entered the arena.  Once your screen shows that you can enter the arena, its not a contest to see you can push the button first.  All the players that happen to see that the lower cap. are able to enter the arena.  Of course this changes the cap. so now the numbers go back up, but there may have been 2, 10, 20 players that entered the arena during that moment in time.

This is why you may see it jump from 202/200 to 215/200, for a given moment in time the cap. lowered, and several players at that given moment were able to entered the arena, which then effected the cap. by causing it to go up.

At least I think that's how it works.   :D

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: bj229r on July 04, 2010, 07:05:33 AM
I find it slightly annoying at times, but I don't fly with a much of a group. At any rate, the "280 of 200" thing never lasts more than 10-15 min.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Greziz on July 04, 2010, 07:45:56 AM
I am with spin on this having caps is just plain frustrating and annoying. Also the way you all just snobbishly and elitestly write off people LEGITIMATE complaints of a game doesn't help this community you be a big enough arse and no one will stay to long if they game is getting on their last nerve and you just troll them out for finnally standing and saying I am tired of caps limiting my gameplay or I am tired of said other complaints you might just be permenently alienating yet another friend you could be sharing good kills or sorties with. Last I checked I have never seen more than 600 people logged into this game at once. Last time I checked that was a very fine line in the internet Massively Multiplayer Games, This fine line is the line of staying afloat and playable to just one day slowly dieing like a kid with a fever. This slow decay happens when person a leaves and the game loses a friend possibly slowly bringing person b down to where he leaves which could always cause some one else to decide to move on especially if these people are friends well you lose enough people the servers start to get a little ghost towny soon you only have 1 arena then soon your game could just be dead. I would rather with all my heart see this game thrive I want to see aces high2 have 4 latewar servers with about 100-200 people in each and every server 24/7 The game is a very hardcore game though so the majority of the market cant handle the lack of instant satisfication and bail early to go play ace combat or something similar however a game like this and EVE online can all thrive and flourish given time and a lack of effort to RUN people out. By the way eve is a space mmorpg that almost went under a couple of times because of how hardcore it is and unforgiving however almost 6-8 years later I haven't followed it to closely it now has world wide popularity and is one of the few mmorpgs that has lasted the long haul against the wow giant.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 04, 2010, 07:51:18 AM
. At any rate, the "280 of 200" thing never lasts more than 10-15 min.

At the time you are flying at, maybe.
At my prime time, it lasts for extend periods.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Rino on July 04, 2010, 08:56:11 AM
Who said being called a fanboy was a negative thing.

Its only negative if you can't see the other side of an argument, complaint, whine etc.....

     Well I've been here right around a decade, and the only person who was ever not meant it
as an insult was AKAK when he called me Phanboi.  So I guess I am biased by years and years
of it being an insult.  You sure weren't intending it that way in your post.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: BaldEagl on July 04, 2010, 09:02:22 AM
I hope I can remember all the comments I wanted to respond to.

First of all, were'nt the AWI arenas limited to only 50 people?  It's been a while so I could be wrong but IIRC that about doubled in AW2 (or was it 3)?  Anyway, there's a solution for those nostalgic for the old days; make a bunch of arenas limited to 50 players each with pyramids for mountains that cause you to explode if you touch them.

That thought leads me to this next one; an arena with 45 players in it can actually be more fun than one with 200 people, particularily if it's a small map and everyone is fighting.  I'm not sure why more people don't just give Blue a chance.  For my own part I just log into whichever arena's open but I will try to change or even log off if the only one I can get to has a lame map or no good action.

That leads to this; for the most part it's easy to get into the full arena as long as you knock on the door a few times.  The only time that's not true is right after noon central when the caps first take effect.  I got disco'd during that stretch one weekend afternoon and just logged off.

I agree that the caps can be frustrating.  For me it's not a squad thing but I hate being disco'd and not being able to get back in.

In conclusion, I don't think anyone (except maybe the SOAR's) want to play in an arena with five people and no fighting so to that degree I think HT's come up with possibly the only solution possible, however, I do believe there are tweaks that should be made.  I think Orange should always be big maps and Blue always small maps and the caps should be 2:1 between them.  I think the timing of the implementation and release of the caps should be revisited, particularily on the weekends.  I think there should be some accomodation for a player who discos and for those in squads.  A few tweaks like this would alleviate a lot of the most frequent frustrations and still retain the intent of the caps.

I can't think of any other viable solutions even though I am a genius.   :D
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: The Fugitive on July 04, 2010, 09:24:22 AM
Grizz im all for choice and I understand the community not being able to self balance, but there is a better option, make a static cap, call it 300, 250 switch it up until a good balance is felt within the community.  Im no genius here but ive seen this game evolve through just about every eventuality.  AW,AWI, II, III, had many many arenas, most of the vets you enjoy flying with today I saw as noobs starting out, some even are still around that were flying a long time before me.  The choice of arenas is great for variation of maps and terrains, back when I played 2 or 3 or 4 hours a night and often more this setup would probably not bother me as it doesnt you, but now it affects me adversely and Im venting.  The thousands of dollars ive invested in AH and those companies before should listen to the community and if they dont then as the companies before will be superceeded ask HTC how he started aces high?  Folks were so po'd at certain ways the game was going and the powers that be seemed to not listen or were unwilling to invest the capital to effect the change to meet with the tech available to provide us with better value for money.  Nothing changes if nothing gets said! 

OK Spin lets do it your way. HTC sets the cap at 300, you log in and your number 310, that means your stuck in an arena with 9 other guys. Would that make you more happy than you are now? Seeing as the community CAN'T police itself the first 300 people on WILL all go to the first arena.... it doesn't even matter if its orange or blue, it's the population that matters.

On the other hand HTC's way has 200 in the first arena and the other 110 are in the second arena. Sure you still can"t get into the "200" arena, but atleast you have 110 people in the second arena making it more playable for EVERYONE.

I am with spin on this having caps is just plain frustrating and annoying. Also the way you all just snobbishly and elitestly write off people LEGITIMATE complaints of a game doesn't help this community you be a big enough arse and no one will stay to long if they game is getting on their last nerve and you just troll them out for finnally standing and saying I am tired of caps limiting my gameplay or I am tired of said other complaints you might just be permenently alienating yet another friend you could be sharing good kills or sorties with. Last I checked I have never seen more than 600 people logged into this game at once. Last time I checked that was a very fine line in the internet Massively Multiplayer Games, This fine line is the line of staying afloat and playable to just one day slowly dieing like a kid with a fever. This slow decay happens when person a leaves and the game loses a friend possibly slowly bringing person b down to where he leaves which could always cause some one else to decide to move on especially if these people are friends well you lose enough people the servers start to get a little ghost towny soon you only have 1 arena then soon your game could just be dead. I would rather with all my heart see this game thrive I want to see aces high2 have 4 latewar servers with about 100-200 people in each and every server 24/7 The game is a very hardcore game though so the majority of the market cant handle the lack of instant satisfication and bail early to go play ace combat or something similar however a game like this and EVE online can all thrive and flourish given time and a lack of effort to RUN people out. By the way eve is a space mmorpg that almost went under a couple of times because of how hardcore it is and unforgiving however almost 6-8 years later I haven't followed it to closely it now has world wide popularity and is one of the few mmorpgs that has lasted the long haul against the wow giant.

You can complain all you want. The problem is first, people have been complaining for years and guess what WE STILL HAVE CAPS! Why is that? It's because like it or not it the ONLY fair way ANYONE has come up with to populate 2 LW arenas. Hitech has said he will listen to ANY proposal to do it differently as long as it populates the two arenas fairly/evenly.  You can say YOU think the numbers are going away and the game will fail if this continues....blah, blah blah, but Hitech has said his numbers have INCREASED since he split the arenas and added the dynamic cap system. Without seeing the numbers, it's up to you to decide if it's the truth or not, but the numbers of people on-line when I log in seem much higher than before so I tend to believe him. 

Caps are here to stay. Work WITH THEM, it's a lot less stressful and you can have a bit more fun.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Sweet16 on July 04, 2010, 10:31:04 AM
Been an AH subscriber for just about 3 years or $540.00 worth. This makes me a paying customer. I am a 56 year old retired MSgt. which means I pay my own bills. I do not like the caps and I believe they should be done away with.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 04, 2010, 10:40:34 AM
See Rule #4
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: guncrasher on July 04, 2010, 10:51:30 AM
make the caps closer to each other and we will stop whining it is just that simple if ht wants to have them.  Or get rid of them like most want. 

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: grizz441 on July 04, 2010, 10:55:29 AM
Or get rid of them like most want.  


"We know not what we want."
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: CHAPPY on July 04, 2010, 10:55:48 AM
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: papjohns on July 04, 2010, 10:57:07 AM
See Rule #4
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: FLS on July 04, 2010, 11:05:43 AM
Spin, HTC would like to have a better solution and I'm sure they would be grateful if you have one. There have been many suggestions but arena caps are the best solution they have currently. There are many threads about it if you care to read  them. Search for "arena caps" with the quotation marks.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 04, 2010, 11:14:20 AM
What's with the anger? Good job disrespecting a vet :)
I am a vet pops. No anger, just intolerance for such nonsense to justify whining.

These are the caps as of right now...11:15 Central U.S. time.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: fudgums on July 04, 2010, 11:17:36 AM
Yall are so lucky with pings under 700.

btw the arena cap changes at 1PM EST, 12PM CNT, and so on.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Yeager on July 04, 2010, 11:29:20 AM
Arena caps isnt an issue for me since I avoid the LW arenas like the plaque.  However I do agree that HTC ought to lift the cap on LW.

LW Blue with 30 peeps actually looks kinda fun. 

Lastly, always treat people with respect.  Always.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: The Fugitive on July 04, 2010, 12:45:28 PM
Been an AH subscriber for just about 3 years or $540.00 worth. This makes me a paying customer. I am a 56 year old retired MSgt. which means I pay my own bills. I do not like the caps and I believe they should be done away with.

Been an AH subscriber for just about 10 years or $1800.00 worth. This makes me a paying customer. I am only a 52 year old, and only got to 2nd class petty officer in my 4 years in the Navy, which means I pay my own bills. I do not like the caps and I believe they should be done away with, however, I know at this time there is no better way to populate two LW arenas (...and we will never have a single MA again) so I enjoy what we do have.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 04, 2010, 01:57:14 PM

12:01 PM Central Time I bet.   :D

Caps just put into effect.  If caps were up 24 hours a day you would never see this.

Nothing like selective evidence.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: choker41 on July 04, 2010, 02:00:31 PM
It only bothers me when I can't get into the same arena with squaddies.  Lately we've been flying blue just for this purpose.  I logged onto blue today and the perk multiplier was 5.00.  I upped a Mossie killed 10 objects and a flack panzer and got 24 perks.  That almost made up for my Tempest I lost in a disco yesterday of 60.  I'm torn between all of this.  I think keep caps in Orange and Blue at 400 and open up a Pink arena for some of us who need perk points.  J/k...caps at 400 would be awesome.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 04, 2010, 02:18:20 PM
Nothing like selective evidence.

Yes, that picture is selective evidence. Unfortunately, for a lot of us it's what we experience every day.

Let me phrase it in an admittedly very polemic way: ;)

When I joined AH, I was able to play with 200-300 players on a map each evening. Now it's about 100 most of the time, with extended periods of less than 100. And not, because we have less players in AH... but because HTC concluded that 600 on a single map is not good for gameplay & business. US players can still play with 200-300 most of the time...

And yes, it's huge difference having 200 players actually fighting, or having 150 in one arena, with many of them just sitting in tower to secure their spot and 50 in the other.

 J/k...caps at 400 would be awesome.

Unfortunately, this would make the problem worse. Or do you think 400/400 and 20/400 is going to be more popular?

I'm afraid all solutions consisting of just increasing cap minimum ain't solutions at all.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Reaper90 on July 04, 2010, 02:37:09 PM
Unfortunately, this would make the problem worse. Or do you think 400/400 and 20/400 is going to be more popular?

I'm afraid all solutions consisting of just increasing cap minimum ain't solutions at all.

I think 400/400 and 20/400 would be just fine.

For those of us that like a fight, the heavily populated arena would be a very active one with plenty of fighting everywhere. For the toolshedders and people who want to roll undefended bases but can't stand the thought of not flying a LW low-ENY ride, the "ghost town arena" would be just their speed.

Seriously? Why cap ANY arena at less than 250 EVER?? If the whole reason the caps are in place is because someone decided 600 or more people in a single arena was bad, m'kay, well then.... cap it at a lower number but one that makes sense. If I go to log in during the middle of the day EST, I don't want to see orange capped at XXX/100 and no one in LWB. I have absolutely no interest in going to a vacant arena and starting a fight between myself and auto-ack.

I defy anyone to tell me why any arena needs to be capped at 100 or 150 just to force people somewhere else when capping at 250 or 300 would be of no detriment to the higher populated arena. The people who want to be in the lower populated arenas will go to the lower populated arenas anyway, all the rediculously low cap does is tick off the people who want to do more than spend 20+ minutes hunting for another person to fight.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Infidelz on July 04, 2010, 02:41:23 PM
Please for the love of god do something about this.  I have no understanding why this is the way it is.  For my monthly subscription I EXPECT to have a choice where I can fly.  With the amount of time available to me to actually get on-line and enjoy some air time, I find it extremely frustrating to see this.  180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue.  If something does not get done about this I am canceling my subscription and wont bother your forums with my whining again.  At the very least some kind of explanation for why this is, cant we just have a cap of 500 per arena and allow those to choose where they fly?  Done!  Guess I'll go wash the car instead of getting some of my monies worth on-line!

Indeed I feel your pain sometimes. It can be inconvenient. Such a wide disparity leads me to think there is a slight flaw in the criteria for arena caps. Being that its human designed there is always a chance that things will foul up. Hopefully they can do something to fix this up so it occurs more gradually. Can't remember how many times i have had to wait to get into an arena because me squad mates where in there.

Also, lets keep it positive. Spin just venting and making an input. If people aren't free to complain how can the game improve?

I am Infidelz
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 04, 2010, 02:53:11 PM
Please for the love of god do something about this.  I have no understanding why this is the way it is.  For my monthly subscription I EXPECT to have a choice where I can fly.  With the amount of time available to me to actually get on-line and enjoy some air time, I find it extremely frustrating to see this.  180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue.  If something does not get done about this I am canceling my subscription and wont bother your forums with my whining again.  At the very least some kind of explanation for why this is, cant we just have a cap of 500 per arena and allow those to choose where they fly?  Done!  Guess I'll go wash the car instead of getting some of my monies worth on-line!

Some people just can't be satisfied and get all melodramatic like an angst ridden school girl.  If you would learn how the arena caps work, you'd know that your choice is not being limited or restricted in any way.

When you quit, can I have your stuff?

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 04, 2010, 03:00:18 PM
Well, one thing that I don't get about the arena caps is that I'll see for example 111/100 in the orange, exit and come back onto the online arenas board, then I'll see it says 113/100. I don't get when the arena is locked and you can't get in, people for some reason are still getting in?! :headscratch:

People aren't still getting in.  The arena cap limit changed to a lower number than the population in the arena.  Read about the arena caps and how they work and you won't be confused.  Sheesh...

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 04, 2010, 03:02:03 PM
I hope I can remember all the comments I wanted to respond to.

First of all, were'nt the AWI arenas limited to only 50 people?  

IIRC, 100 then 150 and then finally 200.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Reaper90 on July 04, 2010, 03:41:44 PM
If you would learn how the arena caps work,

I'm perfectly aware of both the HOW and the WHY for the caps.....

you'd know that your choice is not being limited or restricted in any way.

So tell me this: When I try to log in during the middle of any given day, and all of my other squaddies that are currently on are in LWO, but I'm locked out because the numbers are something stupid like 145/100, and LWB is 18/250, EW and MW are ghost maps, and the DA is... well, the DA....

Then tell me how my choices are not limited or restricted in any way?

If you try and tell me to "go make a fight in LWB" (with the 5 or 6 cons on either side in that arena, or with the auto-ack at an undefended field) and that to do so is or should be an equal choice to flying with my squaddies in LWO where there actually is a fight, you're crazy.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kvuo75 on July 04, 2010, 04:22:52 PM
12:01 PM Central Time I bet.   :D

Caps just put into effect.  If caps were up 24 hours a day you would never see this.

I think that is the best solution..

OR, as I've suggested in the past, lower the cap to 50, so you end up with 50 and 50 instead of 100 and 0..

some ppl think 50 is not enough though.. i cant argue against that really... However I have found good fights with less than 50 in an arena.. at least with the new radar you can find out where they would be :)

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 04, 2010, 06:23:59 PM
See Rule #4
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 04, 2010, 06:29:44 PM
What's with the anger? Good job disrespecting a vet  :headscratch: Nowhere in his post did he spew any hatred, he just voiced his opinion.

I don't like the caps either, but until there is a better solution good luck getting ridd of them. And by the way, there are more than just a few people (as some indicate here) that hate this system. So what is the fix? Find a better solution, then offer it in lieu of the current system. Of course I am an active duty Major, and by voicing my opinion I guess my IQ isn't high enough for your standards either....

 :salute :salute Well Said Major!! Thank you for you current Service Sir..
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 04, 2010, 07:58:58 PM
As an Army veteran, I sir would like to thank you for your service Sweet16. Please disregard Gyrene81 insult. Clearly he cannot comment on another persons post without trying to insult them..
Here's an insult for persons voluntary service in the military is an automatic entitlement to anything that the government doesn't give them; nor is their age; any individual insinuating that their 15 dollars a month should hold so much value to HTC as to force them to change a business decision based on whether or not the individual in question likes it, shows a lack of good judgement and questionable intellect.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 04, 2010, 09:01:12 PM
Here's an insult for persons voluntary service in the military is an automatic entitlement to anything that the government doesn't give them; nor is their age; any individual insinuating that their 15 dollars a month should hold so much value to HTC as to force them to change a business decision based on whether or not the individual in question likes it, shows a lack of good judgement and questionable intellect.

You Gyrene81 said :" Obviously you didn't achieve your rank due to your IQ, and it hasn't improved with age."

He made a comment about something in the game that he would like changed. Your response was to say that he had a low IQ. I think that a person with a normal or higher  IQ would not have responded the way that you did to his comment.  :devil :devil
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: guncrasher on July 04, 2010, 09:46:11 PM
Here's an insult for persons voluntary service in the military is an automatic entitlement to anything that the government doesn't give them; nor is their age; any individual insinuating that their 15 dollars a month should hold so much value to HTC as to force them to change a business decision based on whether or not the individual in question likes it, shows a lack of good judgement and questionable intellect.

I think the reason people dont join the game is the attitude of some the old timers who think they are helping HT.  somebody will ask a question and right away they are either idiots or noobs.  If they would only keep their mouth shut instead of insulting everybody that doesnt agree there would be more of us.  Arena caps is the reason I quit several times, and if there was another game almost as good as this one I would be gone in a second.  So lots of us put up with not the game but you people that have been around only because we really have no choice.

These reminds me some much of the AA old timers who would tell new comers to sit in the back and keep their mouth shut till they learned something, when It shouldda been the other way around.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: rvflyer on July 04, 2010, 10:13:17 PM
I think 400/400 and 20/400 would be just fine.

 :airplane: Makes no sense, what about the 401st guy that wants to fly in with the 400/400 crowd? Now he is going to be in the same boat as all the rest of the cap whiners
because he can't get in to that arena to fly with his buds.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: rvflyer on July 04, 2010, 10:26:23 PM
Been an AH subscriber for just about 3 years or $540.00 worth. This makes me a paying customer. I am a 56 year old retired MSgt. which means I pay my own bills. I do not like the caps and I believe they should be done away with.

 :airplane: Caps don't bother me but I do  :salute   you for you service, and all other military men and women that might be reading this BB. and especially on this day that those of us that live in the US
            celebrate our Independence day.

Vietnam 67-68
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 04, 2010, 10:50:56 PM
I think the reason people dont join the game is the attitude of some the old timers who think they are helping HT.  somebody will ask a question and right away they are either idiots or noobs.  If they would only keep their mouth shut instead of insulting everybody that doesnt agree there would be more of us.  Arena caps is the reason I quit several times, and if there was another game almost as good as this one I would be gone in a second.  So lots of us put up with not the game but you people that have been around only because we really have no choice.

These reminds me some much of the AA old timers who would tell new comers to sit in the back and keep their mouth shut till they learned something, when It shouldda been the other way around.


I think you give the old timers waaaay to much credit.  In effect feeding their own self-importance.

As for asking questions, personally I did research when I had a question.  I use the search function.  I read alot.  If I can't find an answer, I'll ask a stupid question.

The problem is A. Cap "questions" are rarely questions but, in reality, a whine for pity, which few, if any, are going to give here.  And, B.  The "question" has been answered repeatedly by the good folks at HTC.  (Yes, I'm a fanboi (

Arena caps is the reason I quit several times

Doesn't seem to be working.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 05, 2010, 12:55:58 AM
I think you give the old timers waaaay to much credit.  In effect feeding their own self-importance.

As for asking questions, personally I did research when I had a question.  I use the search function.  I read alot.  If I can't find an answer, I'll ask a stupid question.

The problem is A. Cap "questions" are rarely questions but, in reality, a whine for pity, which few, if any, are going to give here.  And, B.  The "question" has been answered repeatedly by the good folks at HTC.  (Yes, I'm a fanboi (

Doesn't seem to be working.


Do you think that if enough people complain about a problem with the game that Aces High will take notice of all of the complaints showing up in the forums and at least look into the problem? I'm just curious.. Where would a player voice his complaint if not on Aces High forums? CAPS can be a pain at times when your trying to join your squad and cannot get in to the arena but it not usually a major problem. After a few tries, I manage to get in.  :salute :salute
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 05, 2010, 12:57:29 AM
:airplane: Caps don't bother me but I do  :salute   you for you service, and all other military men and women that might be reading this BB. and especially on this day that those of us that live in the US
            celebrate our Independence day.

Vietnam 67-68

 :salute RVflyer. Thank you sir for your service..
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 05, 2010, 12:59:03 AM
He made a comment about something in the game that he would like changed. Your response was to say that he had a low IQ. I think that a person with a normal or higher  IQ would not have responded the way that you did to his comment.  :devil :devil
He made a comment insinuating he was entitled to something he isn't entitled to or did that go over your head? I'm guessing you think it's ok for someone to say "I've spend X number of dollars here, I served my country and I'm old so you should do what I want you to". That is what you're saying isn't it? I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but, someone with as high of an IQ as I have or higher is intelligent enough to know the only place where that implied entitlement applies is in one's own home. Nowhere else.

I think the reason people dont join the game is the attitude of some the old timers who think they are helping HT.  somebody will ask a question and right away they are either idiots or noobs.  If they would only keep their mouth shut instead of insulting everybody that doesnt agree there would be more of us.  Arena caps is the reason I quit several times, and if there was another game almost as good as this one I would be gone in a second.  So lots of us put up with not the game but you people that have been around only because we really have no choice.

These reminds me some much of the AA old timers who would tell new comers to sit in the back and keep their mouth shut till they learned something, when It shouldda been the other way around.

If you're talking about length of time in AH, you have been here longer than I have. If you're talking age, the people with the attitude you describe are generally (with some exceptions) under 40 and do just as much trash talking in the arenas as they do in the forums. Of course there are a few old geezers who feel they are entitled to some special treatment by HTC and everyone else due to one lame reason or another.

The arena cap issue has been around for a long time. All it takes is for someone to present a viable alternative, or better solution than no arena caps for HTC to consider the possibility. Posting horse manure like "if you don't change it I'm taking my $15 elsewhere" or "because I served my country and have spent hundreds of dollars you should do what I want", will get the exact responses it deserves. If you don't agree with the type and manner of those responses, tough, I happen to be one of the many people who isn't bothered by the arena caps, ENY, radar settings or anything else that gets whined about in these forums on a regular basis by supposed adults.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Guppy35 on July 05, 2010, 02:00:39 AM
Been an AH subscriber for just about 3 years or $540.00 worth. This makes me a paying customer. I am a 56 year old retired MSgt. which means I pay my own bills. I do not like the caps and I believe they should be done away with.

I've been paying for AH for a lot longer.  I paid for my son's account for a number of years too so I've spent much more on AH.    I really don't mind the caps so I think they should stay.

Doesn't my comment look just as silly as yours? 
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: rvflyer on July 05, 2010, 03:36:14 AM
I've been paying for AH for a lot longer.  I paid for my son's account for a number of years too so I've spent much more on AH.    I really don't mind the caps so I think they should stay.

Doesn't my comment look just as silly as yours? 

 :airplane: I think they should take the caps key off of keyboards :)
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: greens on July 05, 2010, 04:49:12 AM
UH............uh heeheehee............uh uh uh...........  heeheee
 I HATE IT TO MAN------------OH IN
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: RTHolmes on July 05, 2010, 04:55:00 AM
someone with as high of an IQ as I have or higher is intelligent enough to know the only place where that implied entitlement applies is in one's own home. Nowhere else.

its a shame that someone as smart as you didnt manage to learn some basic good manners along the way ...
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: The Fugitive on July 05, 2010, 09:21:04 AM
Do you think that if enough people complain about a problem with the game that Aces High will take notice of all of the complaints showing up in the forums and at least look into the problem? I'm just curious.. Where would a player voice his complaint if not on Aces High forums? CAPS can be a pain at times when your trying to join your squad and cannot get in to the arena but it not usually a major problem. After a few tries, I manage to get in.  :salute :salute

If someone has a complaint they should take it strait to HTC. An email works, if not that a phone call. The boards are a public forum and anyone can post anything they like (with in the rules posted by is their boards after all). Suggestions and requests and even complaints can be posted here but nobody should really expect anything to come of it but an occasional good discussion, or more likely a lot of flaming  :devil

HTC people do read the boards, and I have seen changes and additions to the game that seem to have come from request/suggestions on the boards (tho they may have been working on these things before it was suggested).
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 05, 2010, 09:21:22 AM
Do you think that if enough people complain about a problem with the game that Aces High will take notice of all of the complaints showing up in the forums and at least look into the problem? I'm just curious.. Where would a player voice his complaint if not on Aces High forums? CAPS can be a pain at times when your trying to join your squad and cannot get in to the arena but it not usually a major problem. After a few tries, I manage to get in.  :salute :salute

But it's not a problem because you and your whole squad can go to the other arena.

Yes, it's a pain but there are alternatives.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: dmdchief on July 05, 2010, 10:25:20 AM
First off does anyone on here remember what it was like when we was all in the same arena??????? The lagging, the framerate that would suddenly drop to 5-10, the  constant warping because there was so many objects in view, both planes and structures...... A whole lot of that went away when he came up with the two arenas if they was both populated, then in a few weeks everybody was just going to the same arena again and the same complaints started up,   abbra cadamra  arena caps in place.   Ya'll talk about how much you have paid well figure up 16.46 a month (because I pay sales tax) since aug 2001 when I went full time, my point being I had rather put up with the cap on the arena and the eny than go back to the constant frame rate loss, warping, and the associated whininng that come from it.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Bronk on July 05, 2010, 10:54:09 AM
15 min warning then boot the arena. Problem solved. :aok
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Reaper90 on July 05, 2010, 11:27:17 AM
:airplane: Makes no sense, what about the 401st guy that wants to fly in with the 400/400 crowd? Now he is going to be in the same boat as all the rest of the cap whiners
because he can't get in to that arena to fly with his buds.

400 would be OK with me because it would rarely have even 400 in it... the chances of being the unlucky 401st would be near zero......

The unlucky 101st, however, all the time....
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: hlbly on July 05, 2010, 11:52:04 AM
  I think Orange should always be big maps and Blue always small maps
+1 to this
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Sincraft on July 05, 2010, 12:49:28 PM
completely agree. while subscriber #'s are down, get rid of arena cap. 
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 05, 2010, 12:53:06 PM
completely agree. while subscriber #'s are down

Are they?

While I have noticed a certain declain in players online, and the (silly) "AH Activity Index" is considerably lower right now as it was a few years ago, I still wonder where you all get your information about subscriber numbers from... ;)
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 05, 2010, 12:53:11 PM
completely agree. while subscriber #'s are down, get rid of arena cap. 
So you know exactly how many paying subscribers there are at any point in time? You must be sitting in the HTC offices quite a bit, but then you're not a staff member so how are you getting that information?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Traveler on July 05, 2010, 02:07:13 PM
     Funny, I feel I get plenty for my 50 cents a day.  Plus you get to rant for free, what a bargain!  :D

Is your internet connection free?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Traveler on July 05, 2010, 02:10:10 PM

What it comes down to though is that HT consider large numbers of customers sharing an arena a bad thing for business because everyone behaves badly.

what exactly does that mean "everyone behaves badly"  I don't get it. 
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Traveler on July 05, 2010, 02:14:05 PM
Your allowed to complain all you want, but it isn't going to do any good. While "caps" suck nobody has come up with any better way that is fair to populate 2 arenas. Many have tried and all have failed due to one thing or another.

As the OP posted, it's your $15, but remember your $15 is being paid for what HTC is supplying, and they are supplying a game WITH caps.

Not that it matters, but I never played Genie, I started when AW hit AOL. I do remember 5 1/4 inch drives, as well as those lovely tape drives that you would load up your game BEFORE supper so you could play AFTER supper   :rolleyes:

Except on Tuesday nights, I guess on Tuesday HT doesn't thing caps are important.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Traveler on July 05, 2010, 02:31:24 PM
OK Spin lets do it your way. HTC sets the cap at 300, you log in and your number 310, that means your stuck in an arena with 9 other guys. Would that make you more happy than you are now? Seeing as the community CAN'T police itself the first 300 people on WILL all go to the first arena.... it doesn't even matter if its orange or blue, it's the population that matters.

On the other hand HTC's way has 200 in the first arena and the other 110 are in the second arena. Sure you still can"t get into the "200" arena, but atleast you have 110 people in the second arena making it more playable for EVERYONE.

You can complain all you want. The problem is first, people have been complaining for years and guess what WE STILL HAVE CAPS! Why is that? It's because like it or not it the ONLY fair way ANYONE has come up with to populate 2 LW arenas. Hitech has said he will listen to ANY proposal to do it differently as long as it populates the two arenas fairly/evenly.  You can say YOU think the numbers are going away and the game will fail if this continues....blah, blah blah, but Hitech has said his numbers have INCREASED since he split the arenas and added the dynamic cap system. Without seeing the numbers, it's up to you to decide if it's the truth or not, but the numbers of people on-line when I log in seem much higher than before so I tend to believe him. 

Caps are here to stay. Work WITH THEM, it's a lot less stressful and you can have a bit more fun.

You could have one arena with no caps, or two arenas and let the customers go where they want.  It seems to work on Tuesdays .
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: rvflyer on July 05, 2010, 02:39:05 PM
You could have one arena with no caps, or two arenas and let the customers go where they want.  It seems to work on Tuesdays .

  :airplane: I hear more rants about TT than any other day of the week because of the huge numbers and people having FR and lag problems.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: The Fugitive on July 05, 2010, 02:59:32 PM
You could have one arena with no caps, or two arenas and let the customers go where they want.  It seems to work on Tuesdays .

Suggest away, HTC has stated that they will not go back to a single main arena full time. They have the proof in numbers that it was bad for the game.

What don't you people get?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: uptown on July 05, 2010, 03:35:48 PM
Would someone please tell me why folks would rather come here to the BBS to complain about arena caps, then just log in to the Blue arena?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: RTHolmes on July 05, 2010, 04:14:03 PM
the fights are better in here ;)
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: uptown on July 05, 2010, 04:19:38 PM
 :rofl alrighty then  :rofl
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: bravoa8 on July 05, 2010, 04:23:06 PM
Hard headed squadies don't wanna go to the blue with you when the orange is full?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: FALCONWING on July 05, 2010, 04:53:10 PM
Well I was one of the most vociferous against arena caps when they came out....and i still don't care for them...I must say that in general I have no problem getting into the arena I want when I want.  Of course it can often mean exiting and reentering the game a number of times to find the numbers i need to get into the arena i annoyance but not a deal breaker.  Costs me typically bout 5 minutes.

I guess I would like to understand the benefit of arena caps in order to support them other words how have they helped the game?

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: bj229r on July 05, 2010, 05:19:42 PM
It's likely somethin that could be best quantified on an excel spread sheet
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 05, 2010, 05:27:10 PM
Well I was one of the most vociferous against arena caps when they came out....and i still don't care for them...I must say that in general I have no problem getting into the arena I want when I want.  Of course it can often mean exiting and reentering the game a number of times to find the numbers i need to get into the arena i annoyance but not a deal breaker.  Costs me typically bout 5 minutes.

I guess I would like to understand the benefit of arena caps in order to support them other words how have they helped the game?


I can search the boards for direct quotes if you like but apparently numbers were going down when there was one large arena.

After the split, numbers were going up again.

So, Split = Growth.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kilo2 on July 05, 2010, 05:28:12 PM
Suggest away, HTC has stated that they will not go back to a single main arena full time. They have the proof in numbers that it was bad for the game.

What don't you people get?  :rolleyes:

It is not a question of "getting it" or not. As a paying customer one of our few rights is to complain about something if we don't like it.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 05, 2010, 05:29:14 PM
Is your internet connection free?
So, you wouldn't have an internet connection if it wasn't for AH?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: The Fugitive on July 05, 2010, 07:24:44 PM
It is not a question of "getting it" or not. As a paying customer one of our few rights is to complain about something if we don't like it.

OK complain all you want, it isn't going to change. Either accept it, or go play WoW.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kilo2 on July 05, 2010, 07:33:30 PM
OK complain all you want, it isn't going to change. Either accept it, or go play WoW.

So I can still complain. Who cares if its going to change or not. At least they know not everyone is happy with it.

Thats the great thing I don't have to accept it or leave.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: bmwgs on July 05, 2010, 07:46:05 PM
OK complain all you want, it isn't going to change. Either accept it, or go play WoW.

That's a pretty blanket statement.  I find it hard to believe that HTC does not listen to their customers, it being a complainant or praise.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Traveler on July 05, 2010, 08:03:20 PM
Suggest away, HTC has stated that they will not go back to a single main arena full time. They have the proof in numbers that it was bad for the game.

What don't you people get?  :rolleyes:

Except on Tuesday.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Traveler on July 05, 2010, 08:08:22 PM

  :airplane: I hear more rants about TT than any other day of the week because of the huge numbers and people having FR and lag problems.

Not according to HT, HT has stated on more then one occasion that any one server could hold up to 1000 players with no great impact.  I asked him directly 4 years ago when all this cap business started.  The reasons for the caps was not to improve performance.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Traveler on July 05, 2010, 08:14:11 PM
Suggest away, HTC has stated that they will not go back to a single main arena full time. They have the proof in numbers that it was bad for the game.

What don't you people get?  :rolleyes:

What I don't get is if no caps is "bad for the game" why TT?  What I don't get is "the proff in numbers" doesn't exists on Tusdays, What I don't get is why that should make you "rolleyes".
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: The Fugitive on July 05, 2010, 09:47:57 PM
What I don't get is if no caps is "bad for the game" why TT?  What I don't get is "the proff in numbers" doesn't exists on Tusdays, What I don't get is why that should make you "rolleyes".

One night a week isn't going to hurt his business, people have a choice. I don't fly on Tuesdays due to the atmosphere (tho I'm going to try it again now that the radar has been changed) and that is my choice. If it was every night my choice would be to cancel my subscription like many others did.

HTC has said that it isn't going to change. In all the years here I've only seen him change 2 things back. He knows people think this sucks, but when it comes to his business or disappointing people, my guess is he's going to side with his business.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: gyrene81 on July 05, 2010, 11:04:59 PM
Not according to HT, HT has stated on more then one occasion that any one server could hold up to 1000 players with no great impact. 
No great impact on the server is what he meant. A lot of people still experience frame rate drops and lag issues when there is a lot of activity, those symptoms do not affect the server.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: TW9 on July 06, 2010, 12:07:42 AM
I never really liked the caps but only because with the huge maps the action across the board is pretty watered down. If the maps reflected the avg amount of players per arena on any given night (Ie 1/2 to 3/4 the current amount of fields) it wouldn't bother me so much.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 06, 2010, 12:44:04 AM
Hilights from:,289630.0.html (,289630.0.html)

One, single thread from 2 (gasp!) months ago.   :furious

More people = a social cess pool

Been there, done that.

Quote from: ZetaNine on May 23, 2010, 03:15:09 PM                                                       
this is like asking NBC in the mid 90's to move Seinfeld away from Thursday night.

too many of the old timers here are jaded...and there are other ways to appease them... (open a "Skilled Ace" Arena and cap it at 50) 

titanic tuesday is a smash hit...there's no denying that.

No it is not.  Total arena numbers are lower for TT than any other night of the week.  It does exactly what we knew it would do and what we witnessed before we switched to the split arenas.

Quote from: ZetaNine on May 23, 2010, 03:20:45 PM
total cop out.

Nope.  It is quantifiable.  You can chose not to believe that, but that does not make any less of a truth.  Do you really think we sit around here trying to find ways to piss off the customer base?

we have explained it many many times, go do some research because even if we explain it again you still will not believe the simple facts.

More people have fun, HTC makes more money.

When I have a choice of creating more fun or not, what do you believe I will always choose.

Is it possible I put my money where my mouth is when I do research on arena changes and the effect of that arena change along with all other things we do?


No it does not always make a difference on bigger maps. Past a certain point making maps bigger does not allow for more players.

First, we used to play only small maps, players asked to also have the bigger maps included,so now there is a mixture.

2nd it does not change the problem of people not being able to get into a full arena.

3d When 1 arena is a large map and the other is a small one (this currently happens) has it changed the issue in any way?

And multiple arenas is here to stay, the only issue is different ways to split the populations reasonably equaly. I may try just simple multiple arenas all at 150.

I see once again you do not wish to find the answer to your question by doing a few searches. And you have it completely backward we retain more players with a split arena, this is not debatable but a proven fact.


Quote from: ZetaNine on May 24, 2010, 09:44:34 PM
at the risk of beating a dead horse....perhaps a customer email survey would be a good idea.

That will never happen.  I will fight that to my dieing day to make sure that never happens.  This is how companies get labeled as SPAMMERS.  We already have a problem with several ISP's and free email services due to people complaining about getting emails from us.  You know the emails about billing warnings, answers to support questions and stuff.

You have no idea how many actually get the email, read the email, or answer the email due to the problems associated with SPAM control.

A survey is not going to tell HiTech anything that is not already known about this situation. 

As a matter of fact, this very thread shows how the customer would run us out of business to get what they want.  We cannot sustain growth with a single large format arena.  It cannot be done.  Anything that could be done to try and sustain it was tried.  Still, even after years of explaining it, over and over again, we still have people coming in here lamenting about it.

Persoanlly, I spend more time on this topic than anything else I do.  Yes, I know people allow themselves to get frustrated by it.  People also stubbornly cling to the idea that the only arena to have fun in is where the biggest numbers are.  That is a paradigm I wish I could change.  It would make all of this moot.

If you want to help, come up with a better way to implement the split arenas.  Keeping in mind the goal is to make sure they are all populated with enough players to make those arenas fun to play in.  Also keep in mind, HiTech has already tried numerous methods before settling on the current one.

Quote from: A8EJay on May 25, 2010, 08:17:50 AM
If all the arenas are capped at 150, you will 2 players right away, me and my bro.  Not everyone likes small crowds in the arenas.  The only thing that made me want to quit when i first started is the attitude of some of the players on the game, just downright rude and dont yu dare ask for ANY kinda help when youyr new, all u get is ALT-F4 anwsers.   Not threating just saying.  And what exactly is the limit when things start to turn into a "cesspool"?  300? 400?

And this is why I would never run a poll on these type of topics.

The only thing that made me want to quit when i first started is the attitude of some of the players on the game, just downright rude and dont yu dare ask for ANY kinda help when youyr new, all u get is ALT-F4 anwsers.

What if larger arena's promote more of this type behavior. We have a man who will leave even though he does not see that the larger arena is creating the reason he is leaving.

The key to this is give people what they want, not what they ask for, because most often they are 2 very different things.


Shall I continue?

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Reaper90 on July 06, 2010, 08:19:47 AM
I like split arenas. I pretty much avoid TT becuase with soooo many people on my FR is terrible and I see wayyy too much lag.

Split arenas = good. One big arena = bad (for HT's business, us, the children, the whales, etc etc)

But I still haven't heard anyone give me one single good reason that an arena EVER has to capped at a rediculously low number like 100 or 150 people, especially a big map.

Bueller? Bueller?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 06, 2010, 08:56:41 AM
I like split arenas. I pretty much avoid TT becuase with soooo many people on my FR is terrible and I see wayyy too much lag.

Split arenas = good. One big arena = bad (for HT's business, us, the children, the whales, etc etc)

But I still haven't heard anyone give me one single good reason that an arena EVER has to capped at a rediculously low number like 100 or 150 people, especially a big map.

Bueller? Bueller?

The lower the cap begins the faster the two arenas equalize.  No other reason.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Reaper90 on July 06, 2010, 09:36:20 AM
The lower the cap begins the faster the two arenas equalize.  No other reason.


Unless you're like me (and I think a lot of people are, because I have ZERO interest in spending what time I have available in a nearly empty arena fighting auto-ack and wishing there was a con somewhere to engage), where you either 1) give up, log, and go do something else, or 2) wait however long it takes and however many tries it takes (wasted time IMHO) to get into the arena where something is happening.

Like I said, I'm not opposed to the caps, but I just feel the numbers they're capped at should be reasonable. If I'm locked out because I'm the 251st or 301st person, well, they were getting full anyway and had reached the point where more is not better, so to speak.

100 or 150 is rediculous and irritating.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 06, 2010, 09:44:13 AM
Unless you're like me (and I think a lot of people are, because I have ZERO interest in spending what time I have available in a nearly empty arena fighting auto-ack and wishing there was a con somewhere to engage), where you either 1) give up, log, and go do something else, or 2) wait however long it takes and however many tries it takes (wasted time IMHO) to get into the arena where something is happening.

Like I said, I'm not opposed to the caps, but I just feel the numbers they're capped at should be reasonable. If I'm locked out because I'm the 251st or 301st person, well, they were getting full anyway and had reached the point where more is not better, so to speak.

100 or 150 is ridiculous and irritating.

But raising the cap just exasperates the problem.  It would keep the disparity between the two arenas even longer.

At least with the 100 or 150 cap the larger arena isn't an issue because there is essentially the same number of people in both arenas.  It invalidates the argument that everyone uses about being in the "bigger" arena because there is no "bigger" arena.

It seems like your problem is there is only 100 or 150 people to fight instead of the caps.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: TW9 on July 06, 2010, 10:34:46 AM
shadup wrongway you're making too much sence
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: guncrasher on July 06, 2010, 11:29:51 AM
both ma arenas are usually off by 100 or more players, this is not equality.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Reaper90 on July 06, 2010, 03:04:33 PM
But raising the cap just exasperates the problem.  It would keep the disparity between the two arenas even longer.

But why is the disparity between the two arenas a problem as long as they more populated arena isn't "too populated?" The "problem" only becomes a problem when we have 400, 500 or more people in an arena, that it becomes the "cesspool" apparently that Skuzzy referred to. If LWO has 250 and LWB only has 30, why does that matter? LWO in this case has plenty of fights everywhere but not too many people, LWB is empty enough to satisfy low-ENY toolshedders, auto-ack fighters, and undefended base-rollers who don't want a fight.

At least with the 100 or 150 cap the larger arena isn't an issue because there is essentially the same number of people in both arenas.

except for those who didn't log in when they couldn't go where they wanted.

It invalidates the argument that everyone uses about being in the "bigger" arena because there is no "bigger" arena.

Once again, why is one arena being more populated a problem as long as there aren't too many people there?

It seems like your problem is there is only 100 or 150 people to fight instead of the caps.

Kinda yes, and kinda no.

Yes, because most times I've ever been on having as few as 100 or so people in an arena, especially a big map, is a recipe for "not too damm much going on in here," and I pay to have a fight, preferrably a big one. No, because 25 or 30 players per country spread scross a big map is almost as boring as 4 or 5 players per country. And it's not the caps themselves that are the blame, but the rediculously low number they're set at that are to blame.

By the time you get 150 in an arena you're just starting to get the action going. Why cap it at that point just so you can force people into the arena where nothing as happening? It's almost as if the AH god looked down and said "What is this? 150 people in an arena?? We can't have a fun fight starting there, let's cap it before the fun gets better, and force people into LWBoring." At least let the arena fill up to the "optimum number" before locking the door.

I still say caps are good but should never be set below 250 or 300.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: bustr on July 06, 2010, 04:26:14 PM
Too bad the game doesnt have player numbers responsive "Transformer" maps.

What would be a "Transformer" map?

I'm sure after all this time HiTech has worked out how much territory 20 players really use to fight each other. Create a map that grows or morphs in territory size proportionatly to the number of players using it. Currently the strat moves to the backfeild after a certain number of feilds are taken as a morphing action. Why not have 3 or 4 map overlays like rings that respond to player numbers that ever increase territory equaly outward from a central very small "IDEAL" 20-40 player combat map. Every map transformation just increases the number of additional feilds you have to capture to win the war.

It's probably not fesable but, I get tired of watching you guys chew on each other. I've flown AW and AH for almost 20 years and POTW calls me "grandpaw". In all that time I was impressed with a consistant factor. The overall creativity and intelligence of the kind of person drawn to the game. I don't know that any of us has the answer to this complex issue. But chewing on each other and HiTech has never been very productive. HiTech is concerned about it which is obvious. He split the LWMA , instituted ENY and CAPs. All WE have ever done about it is abuse the game rules on ch200, whine at HiTech and DEMAND MORE or threaten to leave......while you are at it do you want your congress man to hold a hearing and get even for you by nationalising Aces High? I can see it..."Ace the Bammer High" the finest multiculteral online love fest your tax dollars can afford curtosy of a single disgruntled player getting even.

I'm sure the government will chain HiTech to his desk so you can come by on weekdays to horse whip him because he abused you so much by not giving you exactly what you want........ Oooh does this mean 190's that fly faster than 262's and out turn spitfires at any speed while cloked like a Klingon battel cruiser......Sounds like World of Warcraft.........I hear they got nekkid girlies on one of the WoW servers.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: pervert on July 06, 2010, 07:00:12 PM
Please for the love of god do something about this.  I have no understanding why this is the way it is.  For my monthly subscription I EXPECT to have a choice where I can fly.  With the amount of time available to me to actually get on-line and enjoy some air time, I find it extremely frustrating to see this.  180/100 Orange 46/250 Blue.  If something does not get done about this I am canceling my subscription and wont bother your forums with my whining again.  At the very least some kind of explanation for why this is, cant we just have a cap of 500 per arena and allow those to choose where they fly?  Done!  Guess I'll go wash the car instead of getting some of my monies worth on-line!

Why not just email him this? rather than posting it here? A big arena is actually harder to find an equal fight in TT once a week is a cesspool of dweebery, and always has been even back in the old arena. The whole cancelling my subscription threat how lame  :lol  either cancel it or complain to htc posting it in public as a threat is pathetic 'throw my toys out of pram'  :cry
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 06, 2010, 11:35:33 PM
But why is the disparity between the two arenas a problem as long as they more populated arena isn't "too populated?"
Yes, because most times I've ever been on having as few as 100 or so people in an arena, especially a big map, is a recipe for "not too damm much going on in here," and I pay to have a fight, preferrably a big one. No, because 25 or 30 players per country spread scross a big map is almost as boring as 4 or 5 players per country. And it's not the caps themselves that are the blame, but the rediculously low number they're set at that are to blame.

The disparity is a problem because the argument that is first and always brought up is "I can't find a good fight". 

At 12:01 central, when caps kick in, the numbers are usually 200ish/100-30/150.

With 24hr caps, where caps would never have to kick in, you would probably see 100/100-130/150, negating the above argument.

except for those who didn't log in when they couldn't go where they wanted.

Why do they want to be where they want to be?  We've removed the "can't find a fight".  It must be the "can't fly with my squaddies".  We know how to fix that.  We can do that now.  Everyone change arenas.

Yes, because most times I've ever been on having as few as 100 or so people in an arena, especially a big map, is a recipe for "not too damm much going on in here," and I pay to have a fight, preferrably a big one. No, because 25 or 30 players per country spread scross a big map is almost as boring as 4 or 5 players per country. And it's not the caps themselves that are the blame, but the rediculously low number they're set at that are to blame.

By the time you get 150 in an arena you're just starting to get the action going. Why cap it at that point just so you can force people into the arena where nothing as happening? It's almost as if the AH god looked down and said "What is this? 150 people in an arena?? We can't have a fun fight starting there, let's cap it before the fun gets better, and force people into LWBoring." At least let the arena fill up to the "optimum number" before locking the door.

The funny thing is is that most of the cap threads that aren't about "I can't fly with my squaddies", IE: prime time USA are about right after caps begin at noon where everyone is in the other arena.  The one you can't get into rarely has more than 200 people in it anyway.

Caps all the time, both arenas would be prime to "just starting to get the action going" all the time when at non-peak times.

9:07 AM July 5th:


By your argument, there's no point in flying anywhere at this time.  With 24hr caps, the numbers would be identical but you, and everyone else, would be forced into the one arena with 20 people, which would fill up quickly and approach the 100 in the full arena in a short time.  I mean, what else are you going to do?   :eek:

This may be the fatal flaw of my argument however.  How many would see the 20 and just say "screw it" and not populate the arena?

My solution to that would be, don't show the numbers.  "OPEN" or "FULL" only.

With a hard cap of 100, anyone leaving that arena would open a spot.  The "screw it"s would have a better chance of getting into the "full" arena as well.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Blooz on July 07, 2010, 12:25:22 AM
Hmmm...searched a bit. Didn't find anything about.......

Anyone thought of floating caps 24hrs and changing the maps at 12noon and 12midnight?

Small maps during off peak hours changing to large maps for prime time?

Only thing is the reset....would that be a problem? I seem to remember resets being a problem people getting dumped in the middle of flights and such. How do we get around that? Even so, if it's not a problem, would a reset at midnight central US time every night be a problem?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: RTHolmes on July 07, 2010, 02:52:16 AM
How many would see the 20 and just say "screw it" and not populate the arena?

my guess - many
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Reaper90 on July 07, 2010, 07:51:35 AM
The disparity is a problem because the argument that is first and always brought up is "I can't find a good fight". 

Capping the more populated arena at 100 and forcing everyone to the dead arena creates this problem, Wrongway, not solves it, at least not for quite some time until the dead arena slowly populates. By then I've found something better to do.

With 24hr caps, where caps would never have to kick in, you would probably see 100/100-130/150, negating the above argument.

24 hour caps at 100 or 150 per arena would be idiotic, man. Good grief! LOL

Why do they want to be where they want to be?  We've removed the "can't find a fight".  It must be the "can't fly with my squaddies".  We know how to fix that.  We can do that now.  Everyone change arenas.

So if I go to log in, and 3 or 4 or more of our squaddies are in LWO and no one in LWB, I pm them and tell them all to drop the fight they're in and change arenas so they can also not have anyone to fight against? YAY!! Let's all attack the auto-ack together!!!


The funny thing is is that most of the cap threads that aren't about "I can't fly with my squaddies", IE: prime time USA are about right after caps begin at noon where everyone is in the other arena.  The one you can't get into rarely has more than 200 people in it anyway.

I'll take an arena with close to 200 people in it over one with 9 or 15 or 20 or whatever, 7 days a week 110% of the time.

By your argument, there's no point in flying anywhere at this time.  With 24hr caps, the numbers would be identical but you, and everyone else, would be forced into the one arena with 20 people, which would fill up quickly and approach the 100 in the full arena in a short time.  I mean, what else are you going to do?   :eek:

By your argument, those arenas would be 101/100 and 9/150...... no thanks. I'd rather be the 102nd person, not the 10th. I'd rather have 200+ people to play with, but at 9am, you take what you can get!  :)

This may be the fatal flaw of my argument however.  How many would see the 20 and just say "screw it" and not populate the arena?

:raises hand:

My solution to that would be, don't show the numbers.  "OPEN" or "FULL" only.

Would solve a lot of problems, wouldn't it? But my guess is people would complain more, not less!

With a hard cap of 100, anyone leaving that arena would open a spot.  The "screw it"s would have a better chance of getting into the "full" arena as well.

How 'bout a hard cap of 300 and we're both happy?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kvuo75 on July 07, 2010, 08:33:17 AM
24 hour caps at 100 or 150 per arena would be idiotic, man. Good grief! LOL

considering hitech himself has suggested he might just try multiple arenas with hard cap of 150 each, I have a feeling 150 is his magic number.

How 'bout a hard cap of 300 and we're both happy?

i think that is into cesspool territory, according to HTC.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: SlapShot on July 07, 2010, 02:43:42 PM
Change the "Players/Max" column to "Status" ... and the status would only be "Open" or "Full" ... presenting those numbers causes more angst than what their worth as far as I am concerned.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 07, 2010, 03:31:23 PM

considering hitech himself has suggested he might just try multiple arenas with hard cap of 150 each, I have a feeling 150 is his magic number.

Unfortunately, 150 is where it's starting to be fun for me. But since caps, I have to stay up until US prime time (about 1-3am here) for such numbers. At my prime time there are 150-250 players online, but split between two arenas.

Yes, I know I sound like a broken record... but along with the recent dar range changes, it's greally building up a lot of frustration for me.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kvuo75 on July 07, 2010, 04:08:50 PM

Unfortunately, 150 is where it's starting to be fun for me. But since caps, I have to stay up until US prime time (about 1-3am here) for such numbers. At my prime time there are 150-250 players online, but split between two arenas.

Yes, I know I sound like a broken record... but along with the recent dar range changes, it's greally building up a lot of frustration for me.

we're on about the same time of day it seems.. like right now...  its orange(pink) 149/100, blue 103/150..   i can't see what the difference would be if all 252 were in one arena, other than country channel and 200 would scroll faster.  but, if u say it's fun for you, so be it, i cant tell you what's fun for you.. I personally find enough to do right now in blue with 103 ppl.. if it's a little slow at times, I go outside and have a smoke. ( you can alt-tab and work on a chart :)


Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: RTHolmes on July 07, 2010, 04:42:51 PM
150 in an arena is the absolute bare minimum for a fight. thats 50 per side, 25 per front. of the 25, 5 afk or sitting in manned guns leaves 20 active on each front. of the 20 maybe 5 in gvs leaves 15 in aircraft. 5 in buffs leaves 10 in fighters/attack planes. say 2 of em doing buff intercept leaves 8v8 fighters/attack planes fight on each front. thats the same as a squad duel, except a couple of those are 2 weekers who are just bait/flying around the first base they arrive at when they log in, killshooting and augering. if you're very lucky, 150 in an arena might make a decent fight at one single base on each front assuming no one wants to take bases and the sides are even and not ganging 2 countries on 1.

if you want to see/take part in the full range of tactical and strategic activities the game offers, or do anything close to historical mission profiles you need min 300 in an arena, at that stage you can choose the kind of game experience you want.

arenas with more than 600 may create bad gameplay issues, but arenas with less that 300 cause different gameplay issues, which are equally detrimental imho.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kvuo75 on July 07, 2010, 05:43:10 PM
150 in an arena is the absolute bare minimum for a fight. thats 50 per side, 25 per front. of the 25, 5 afk or sitting in manned guns leaves 20 active on each front. of the 20 maybe 5 in gvs leaves 15 in aircraft. 5 in buffs leaves 10 in fighters/attack planes. say 2 of em doing buff intercept leaves 8v8 fighters/attack planes fight on each front. thats the same as a squad duel, except a couple of those are 2 weekers who are just bait/flying around the first base they arrive at when they log in, killshooting and augering. if you're very lucky, 150 in an arena might make a decent fight at one single base on each front assuming no one wants to take bases and the sides are even and not ganging 2 countries on 1.

that all sounds good in principle, but at the moment i count 9 bases flashing on our fronts..  and the countries are 32/33/41.

maybe our idea of a good "fight" is different.. I personally don't care for the full bar vs full bar (or more) cluster-F's that you see when theres 100+ on each side (well, sometimes it's a blast, I must admit), But I usually have better actual fights in things that are usually under 5v5. more commonly even less..

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: RTHolmes on July 07, 2010, 05:52:10 PM
that all sounds good in principle, but at the moment i count 9 bases flashing on our fronts..  and the countries are 32/33/41.

yeah but 1 wirb rolling to a town/ 1 buff or suicide attack plane on a pork sortie does not constitute a "fight" for me. 5v5 at 9 bases (10v10 inc buffs and GVs) is 350ish (inc afks) ...
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kvuo75 on July 07, 2010, 06:29:57 PM
yeah but 1 wirb rolling to a town/ 1 buff or suicide attack plane on a pork sortie does not constitute a "fight" for me. 5v5 at 9 bases (10v10 inc buffs and GVs) is 350ish (inc afks) ...

that also looks good, but does not match experience... with 350 ppl, I expect to see giant missions because "screw the furballers" -- it looks like 2 full bar of people not trying to "win the war" , so the generals go "anyone not in the furball, let's take a base", and you end up with 30 people in a frickin mission.  you dont end up with 5v5's or anything close to it.

also, sometimes 1 good wirble (practice long range dive/toss bombin) or a solo set of buffs (practice 21cm rockets) is just what I wanna deal with and it's fun!  
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 07, 2010, 06:43:06 PM
I have more hours in buffs than in fighters this tour... absolutely unthinkable  before, but a utter lack of battles/targets had forced me into it. I'm desperately looking for any bigger fights... but there are none. I'm looking for my old favorite prey.. high buffs, going deep into my territory by skipping dar - there are none anymore, no real "hunt" possible. I even miss NOEs...
I'm not looking to up for single fighter in a sector, that might immediately rtb if he sees my on his dar, covering my base too. I'm not looking for another DA experience in the MA.  :(
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Nwbie on July 07, 2010, 09:04:29 PM
     Well I've been here right around a decade, and the only person who was ever not meant it
as an insult was AKAK when he called me Phanboi.  So I guess I am biased by years and years
of it being an insult.  You sure weren't intending it that way in your post.

Hiya PhanBoi... < -- take it as an insult... :) (this seems to be the veterans thread, next thing you know NB will pop in with a comment ).. or jeez - here's an oldie - sehob shows up and comments...

Spin.... Arguing in here about arena caps is as frustrating as hoping wrag will sing on key.... or that Rocky will cover your six... or that I wouldn't steal your killz.. etc..   :)


Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: pluck on July 08, 2010, 06:43:05 AM

The problem is A. Cap "questions" are rarely questions but, in reality, a whine for pity, which few, if any, are going to give here.  And, B.  The "question" has been answered repeatedly by the good folks at HTC.  (Yes, I'm a fanboi (

Doesn't seem to be working.


 :aok agree, and I'll throw in a lol
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: pluck on July 08, 2010, 07:28:40 AM
I think battle sizes have more to do with maps and mentality than they do with numbers.  Obviously if there are 100 people in an arena, fights don't have the same population potential.  On the other hand, 300 people on a big map isn't always a fight fest either.   I don't fly much anymore, got a few hops in last week though.  Went to the more populated arena...nothing at all going on.  No fights, just small brief skirmishes here, a horde over there, a few bases flashing with no dar and a single dot overhead.  Went to the "unpopulated" arena, great and long fights all night.  To be fair, I've also been on when nothing going on in either arena.  I guess the point is, that population does not equal quality, either in fight or community quality.  It can, but if something is shown to be untrue once, than it is not true.     

switching sides also helps alot.  luckily I'm in a squad that doesn't mind mixing it up to find/try to create a fight someplace.

I realize that time can be a big pain, such as when caps are activated.  I didn't see anywhere, anyone, offering up an idea as to how to implement a change that would keep arena balancing in without using this method though.  Obviously HTC isn't going back to the 1 ma, how many years has it been?

Comparing AH to a mmorpg like eve is just silly. Completely different game mechanics.

guess I'm just another stupid fanbooooi. oh well.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: thndregg on July 08, 2010, 08:08:25 AM
I have more hours in buffs than in fighters this tour... absolutely unthinkable  before, but a utter lack of battles/targets had forced me into it. I'm desperately looking for any bigger fights... but there are none. I'm looking for my old favorite prey.. high buffs, going deep into my territory by skipping dar - there are none anymore, no real "hunt" possible. I even miss NOEs...
I'm not looking to up for single fighter in a sector, that might immediately rtb if he sees my on his dar, covering my base too. I'm not looking for another DA experience in the MA.  :(

I hear ya', buddy. We still put up our B17's on a regular basis, and we do still get chased after by lots of bad guys, but you're right. Where's the hunt when you already know where we're at?

A few nights ago, we set out in various attack A/C to knock out radars at certain bases to attempt to create a blind spot in Rookland to run our B17's through. Overall, we hit most of what we were after. We then set out in our heavy bombers, but of course, the radars popped back up one by one by the time we got there.

To be self-sufficient within HiTech's game settings is not enough. Ordinarily, I would pork the radar factory and city to attempt to increase radar resupply time, but that is no longer realistic to expect to do that and SURVIVE. I want to be able to have a chance at survival. I would like to retain just enough "fog-of-war" to make self-situational awareness a key part of game play.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: RTHolmes on July 08, 2010, 08:16:50 AM
^ :aok
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 08, 2010, 08:27:39 AM
Obviously if there are 100 people in an arena, fights don't have the same population potential.

And this is the issue. Oh, I completeley agree with you: You can have bad nights with many people, and very good ones with just a few.
But overall, it's a matter of statistics. The potential is much smaller with 60 or 100 players, and if you have to cope with that numbers every evening when you had 250 players before the caps were invented, you surley note the difference. And you might get jealous about the players that still see that numbers. ;)
With 100 or less players, you hardly get the whole package. When I joined AH, every evening was like a free buffet. Take part of a GV battle, a huge buff raid, a base sneak, a valiant defense for hours - the chances are much higher that I could find everything very moment. Again, of course you could face a generally sucky night ( I don't pretend the grass was always green "back then", heck, I even logged out of TTuesday because I couldn't find any fights) , but that's much rarer that with 100 or less players. And the size of battles does matter to me. Currently I look at the map and see a single dot here, a single dot there... (and the hunt for intruding buffs at high alt is almost completely gone)
For the standard US player, caps changed the game from having two arenas of 300 players each instead of a single 600 players one. But at my prime time it's two 100 arenas instead of a single 200 players arena. And one of them full of people just not logging out out of fear they can't get back in ;)

I didn't see anywhere, anyone, offering up an idea as to how to implement a change that would keep arena balancing in without using this method though.

I did ;)
The current problem is, that the caps are kicking it when the numbers are rising most quickly, which absolutely makes sense in one way. Unfortunately it's at a time when total numbers still do not support full gameplay in two arenas. But if HT would just move the time caps are kicking in to a later point, the disparity between the two arenas would be too big, and the 2nd one would fill up even slower, making it more unfair. And just setting the min cap much higher (to 300 or 400) as some proposed would just be one of those solutions that sound great, but won't work as intended (as much as they would help me personally)

That's why I once proposed the cap'n'boot method.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: groundfeeder on July 08, 2010, 08:56:30 AM
I have more hours in buffs than in fighters this tour... absolutely unthinkable  before, but a utter lack of battles/targets had forced me into it. I'm desperately looking for any bigger fights... but there are none. I'm looking for my old favorite prey.. high buffs, going deep into my territory by skipping dar - there are none anymore, no real "hunt" possible. I even miss NOEs...
I'm not looking to up for single fighter in a sector, that might immediately rtb if he sees my on his dar, covering my base too. I'm not looking for another DA experience in the MA.  :(


   I'm sure you remember my other post.....This is the exact thing i warned the community what would happen with the new radar settings( which don't work quite right anyway) I did take your advise and,well learned to fight better, turns out i ain't half bad, in fact when i get serious I can be fairly damn good!
Finding same problem as you, no high buffs, and "runners" I don't ever remember as many of them, and for the life of me cant figure out why.
Yesterday I had four cons coming into a shore base , they where spread out a bit and it looked like a pork run. The thing is the nearest enemy base was 3 sectors away....shot down one 38L and then the rest, just turned away....all in different directions :headscratch:
As far as the arena caps, it has been unusually hard to get in lately, when i did eventually get in, there was about 30% not in flight. The arena campers are whats killing the caps.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: pluck on July 08, 2010, 10:11:09 AM

   I'm sure you remember my other post.....This is the exact thing i warned the community what would happen with the new radar settings( which don't work quite right anyway) I did take your advise and,well learned to fight better, turns out i ain't half bad, in fact when i get serious I can be fairly damn good!
Finding same problem as you, no high buffs, and "runners" I don't ever remember as many of them, and for the life of me cant figure out why.
Yesterday I had four cons coming into a shore base , they where spread out a bit and it looked like a pork run. The thing is the nearest enemy base was 3 sectors away....shot down one 38L and then the rest, just turned away....all in different directions :headscratch:
As far as the arena caps, it has been unusually hard to get in lately, when i did eventually get in, there was about 30% not in flight. The arena campers are whats killing the caps.

auto booting arena campers might help caps, then again, who knows how many many people are afk in the other arena which may be helping to prop up the cap of the more populated arena.  Personally I don't think it will be a "easy button" solution.  Maybe people will try to get into the populated arena more frequently, leaving the other arena more unpopulated, which isn't desireable either.

I think the "running" "lack of high buffs" is AH mentality rather than gameplay changes.  They've always been here.  Maybe more, maybe not.  There are less NOE's, so maybe this is how these guys are going to avoid fighting now.  There will always be a portion of the population looking to avoid meaningful combat.  Really not much difference in my eyes.  If someone is running, can't fight em.  If giant NOE horde, basically the same, fight stopper.  

just my thoughts.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 08, 2010, 10:18:53 AM
I think the "running" "lack of high buffs" is AH mentality rather than gameplay changes.

No. it happened from one day to another, right after the dar circles where extended.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: pluck on July 08, 2010, 11:52:30 AM

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: pluck on July 08, 2010, 12:04:37 PM
No. it happened from one day to another, right after the dar circles where extended.

I guess what I meant was, if it's not one thing, it's another.  It's nearly impossible to get some to fight if they don't want to.  At least with the dar changes, defenders have a chance to launch some defense.  I'm sure the changes were aimed at a broader scope.  It is unfortunate that there are friendly casualties as well.  I do find it strange to hear of more running, I'm just not sure how that relates to dar.  You get the advantage on someone, they look at dar and book it ;)  As it relates to buff flying, I definetly respect your opinion though, as it is an activity I seldom engage in.  I would be interested to hear if well organized missions with buffs could be successful with escorts.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 08, 2010, 12:25:48 PM
 I would be interested to hear if well organized missions with buffs could be successful with escorts.

Yes... but that's a bit my point: For the solo flyer it's much less feasible. It's been reduced to "brute force & ignorance". No more trying to get into enemy territory alone by carefully planning your route.
And same about the experience of going out to hunt them, to look where the con that makes the darbar might be, guessing correctly where he might going to (is he approaching or already on his way home?) Now a 10 seconds look at the dot: ahh, there he is, and he's moving towards xxx.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 08, 2010, 04:01:53 PM
Yes... but that's a bit my point: For the solo flyer it's much less feasible. It's been reduced to "brute force & ignorance". No more trying to get into enemy territory alone by carefully planning your route.
And same about the experience of going out to hunt them, to look where the con that makes the darbar might be, guessing correctly where he might going to (is he approaching or already on his way home?) Now a 10 seconds look at the dot: ahh, there he is, and he's moving towards xxx.

Well Said Lusche :salute

I used to enjoy flying bombers deep into enemy territory and playing that game of cat and mouse. I enjoyed that part of the game. I think that part of the game is gone now with these new settings. I'm not trying to take away from the guys who like the furball fight. I just dont enjoy that aspect of the game. After playing now for two weeks with the new settings, I realize that I no longer enjoy playing the game as much, and havent been playing as much. Some nights I would log on, set a route and take a long range bombing mission to the strats and play cat and mouse with a defender guessing where I am based on the dar. That was my idea of fun playing the game.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 08, 2010, 05:38:31 PM
Yes... but that's a bit my point: For the solo flyer it's much less feasible. It's been reduced to "brute force & ignorance". No more trying to get into enemy territory alone by carefully planning your route.
And same about the experience of going out to hunt them, to look where the con that makes the darbar might be, guessing correctly where he might going to (is he approaching or already on his way home?) Now a 10 seconds look at the dot: ahh, there he is, and he's moving towards xxx.
Well Said Lusche :salute

I used to enjoy flying bombers deep into enemy territory and playing that game of cat and mouse. I enjoyed that part of the game. I think that part of the game is gone now with these new settings. I'm not trying to take away from the guys who like the furball fight. I just dont enjoy that aspect of the game. After playing now for two weeks with the new settings, I realize that I no longer enjoy playing the game as much, and havent been playing as much. Some nights I would log on, set a route and take a long range bombing mission to the strats and play cat and mouse with a defender guessing where I am based on the dar. That was my idea of fun playing the game.

So Hitech not only killed NOE raids by lowering the dar altitude, forcing people to fight, he also effectively killed milk running by extending dar range, forcing people to fight,

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 08, 2010, 05:41:35 PM
So Hitech not only killed NOE raids by lowering the dar altitude, forcing people to fight, he also effectively killed milk running by extending dar range, forcing people to fight,


Whats wrong with milk running if that is what the player likes to do? The same can be said for furballing, Gv'ing, etc.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 08, 2010, 05:50:04 PM
he also effectively killed milk running

He didn't kill milk running. A real milk runner did not fly deep into enemy airspace to attack the low-value, highly defended strat targets. Milkrunning was and still is done completely differently.

I can milk the same way I could before. The increased dar ranage has no influence on that at all.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: AWwrgwy on July 08, 2010, 06:31:30 PM
Whats wrong with milk running if that is what the player likes to do? The same can be said for furballing, Gv'ing, etc.
He didn't kill milk running. A real milk runner did not fly deep into enemy airspace to attack the low-value, highly defended strat targets. Milkrunning was and still is done completely differently.

I can milk the same way I could before. The increased dar ranage has no influence on that at all.


Nothing wrong with milk running.  What's wrong with finding the milk runners?

And Lusche, no one ever flew deep into enemy territory to hit strats, did they?   ;)

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 08, 2010, 06:36:10 PM
Whats wrong with milk running if that is what the player likes to do?

Why waste money playing a PvP centric game when you're too timid to engage in combat?  That's all milk running is, attacking undefended targets to avoid having to engage in combat and risk being shot down.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: grizz441 on July 08, 2010, 06:37:33 PM
Why waste money playing a PvP centric game when you're too timid to engage in combat?


teh airplanez!  :airplane: :airplane:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: lyric1 on July 08, 2010, 06:39:07 PM
That's all milk running is, attacking undefended targets to avoid having to engage in combat and risk being shot down.

He must have been flying to Nit bases then. :bolt:
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 08, 2010, 06:40:40 PM
And Lusche, no one ever flew deep into enemy territory to hit strats, did they?   ;)

Yes people did. But this was no milk running in any way.

Milk running is maximizing own score by attacking a relatively high value, but hoepfully undefended "easy target"

And that's why, if you were trying to do a milk run, you stayed away from the strats deep in enemy territory.  There were (and are) much better targets, with lot less defenses, more value in score and much less likeliness of being intercepted.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 08, 2010, 07:17:17 PM
Why waste money playing a PvP centric game when you're too timid to engage in combat?  That's all milk running is, attacking undefended targets to avoid having to engage in combat and risk being shot down.


Ack Ack, is it not up to the player how he or she chooses to play the game that they paid for ?  :salute
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 08, 2010, 07:20:36 PM
He must have been flying to Nit bases then. :bolt:

Thats a good one! :aok :aok
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Ack-Ack on July 08, 2010, 07:28:46 PM
Ack Ack, is it not up to the player how he or she chooses to play the game that they paid for ?  :salute

Never said it wasn't, just wondering why would someone waste money playing a PvP game when they do whatever they can do to avoid PvP.

It's like paying for cable TV when you don't own a TV.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Rino on July 08, 2010, 07:28:46 PM
Ack Ack, is it not up to the player how he or she chooses to play the game that they paid for ?  :salute

       Absolutely, however it's perfectly ok to redicule those actions as well.  You can't realistically expect
applause for milkrunning now can you?  Oh yeah, when you disagree with someone then give a salute,
it must be a Jersey style one eh?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: lyric1 on July 08, 2010, 08:01:14 PM

It's like paying for cable TV when you don't own a TV.

Well that explains it. I knew there must have been a reason.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 08, 2010, 11:46:24 PM
      Absolutely, however it's perfectly ok to reticule those actions as well.  You can't realistically expect
applause for milkrunning now can you?  Oh yeah, when you disagree with someone then give a salute,
it must be a Jersey style one eh?

Just because I disagree with Ack Ack I still try to show respect when I saluted. Do you prefer otherwise?  You can ridicule milk runners or me all you want. It still isn't going to stop me from playing my game the way I want.. I didnt ask you for any applause either!!!
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 08, 2010, 11:49:09 PM
Well that explains it. I knew there must have been a reason.

My TV is on blocks in the front yard. LOL
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Guppy35 on July 09, 2010, 12:13:41 AM
Just because I disagree with Ack Ack I still try to show respect when I saluted. Do you prefer otherwise?  You can ridicule milk runners or me all you want. It still isn't going to stop me from playing my game the way I want.. I didnt ask you for any applause either!!!

I think you miss the point.  Why not get an old copy of European Air War or something similar.  You could fly against the computer all you want.  It wouldn't cost you monthly.  There was a really nice game specifically for flying B17s too that came out after that.  Highly detailed and you could fight no one all you wanted then.

What AKAK and Rino are wondering is why you'd pay for a game that allows you to test yourself against other real life players and then not do it?
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 09, 2010, 12:18:19 AM
I think you miss the point.  Why not get an old copy of European Air War or something similar.  You could fly against the computer all you want.  It wouldn't cost you monthly.  There was a really nice game specifically for flying B17s too that came out after that.  Highly detailed and you could fight no one all you wanted then.

What AKAK and Rino are wondering is why you'd pay for a game that allows you to test yourself against other real life players and then not do it?

Trust Me. I get killed plenty trying to take bases. Spent two hours tonight trying to take a Vbase with my squad and other Bish in a Sherman, and got killed about as many times as I got kills. This is not about avoiding the fight because I never do. It was about taking away the stealth and surprise part of the game. Many of you guys think that people who like NOE's or strat runs are avoiding fights. This is not the case. Before the changes there was still a chess game element to the game. Strat or HQ bombing runs or defense is a great example. I would plan my route and play cat and mouse with the fighter who ups to defend. I couldnt see where he was but the dar showed that he was there.  Now there is no stealth or surprise. Just look for the red dots. Some may disagree with me. Every person has an opinion on this. This one just happens to be mine...
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Guppy35 on July 09, 2010, 12:21:24 AM
Trust Me. I get killed plenty trying to take bases. Spent two hours tonight trying to take a Vbase in a Sherman, and got killed about as many times as I got kills. This is not about avoiding the fight because I never do. It was about taking away the stealth and surprise part of the game.

And you believe a single Sherman should be able to take a base?  Nothing stealth about a tank :)
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: sky25 on July 09, 2010, 12:24:40 AM
And you believe a single Sherman should be able to take a base?  Nothing stealth about a tank :)

I was with my squad and about 20 other Bish !! I think you are missing the point my friend..  I think tanks are alot more about stealth and tactics than planes are now. In a tank my enemy wont see me unless I make a bad move. I wont see him unless he makes a bad move.  With planes, I can see them taking off anywhere on the map now. Just look for the red dot. At least before the dar bar left you guessing as to where they might be at any given time ...
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kvuo75 on July 09, 2010, 08:43:27 AM
I would plan my route and play cat and mouse with the fighter who ups to defend. I couldnt see where he was but the dar showed that he was there.  Now there is no stealth or surprise. Just look for the red dots. Some may disagree with me.

well assuming you were over ENEMY territory, in an ENEMY dar, you still dont get any red dots. and never did. it has not changed at all.  the enemy can see YOU easier, but you still don't know where he is aside from the bar.

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 09, 2010, 08:46:18 AM

well assuming you were over ENEMY territory, in an ENEMY dar, you still dont get any red dots. and never did. it has not changed at all.  the enemy can see YOU easier, but you still don't know where he is aside from the bar.


You have misinterpreted sky :)
He didn't claim he could have seen enemy dot before.
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: kvuo75 on July 09, 2010, 08:53:26 AM
perhaps, just wanna make sure people aren't exaggerating the situation.. because AH people NEVER do that  :D

Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: caldera on July 09, 2010, 09:14:22 AM
He didn't kill milk running. A real milk runner did not fly deep into enemy airspace to attack the low-value, highly defended strat targets. Milkrunning was and still is done completely differently.

I can milk the same way I could before. The increased dar ranage has no influence on that at all.


Milktard!  ;)
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Lusche on July 09, 2010, 09:15:08 AM
Title: Re: Herding Arenas !!!
Post by: Becinhu on July 09, 2010, 11:50:14 AM
How does one milk a snail? Do they even have nipples?