Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: JUGgler on May 21, 2011, 05:50:56 PM

Title: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on May 21, 2011, 05:50:56 PM
100+ delivered flew for almost 4 years from 1939-1943, mostly ground attack  :aok

Just for fun comparisons  F4U-1C, 200 delivered 1943-1944 almost exclusively ground attack

P47M 130 delivered late 1944, many many problems with this model initially, 15 confirmed air to air victories

B-239 Brewster, 44 delivered- 400+ kills vs very inexperienced and very poorly led Russian aircraft

Less than 100 ME163s were delivered

From the info I can't find it seems the spitfire mk16 was delivered in very low #s by the end of the war, I also believe "the lions share" was relegated to ground attack  <-- I could be wrong here. Info on the mk16 is very hard to find.  for me anyhow

Numbers on the TA152 are quite low I'm sure

Anyhow out of all these rides the Westland Whirlwind served much longer and arguably impacted WW2 more than any of the above

Soooooooooooooo lets have it  :aok


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MachFly on May 21, 2011, 05:55:17 PM
Wait so do you want it because we have planes that were produces in smaller numbers or because it will actually have something to do in AH?
I think it would be a hangar queen, mossy6 is capable of doing it's job and it has an ENY of 30.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: mbailey on May 21, 2011, 07:05:45 PM

Numbers on the TA152 are quite low I'm sure

I think i read somewhere around 160 ro 170, but this is from memory, not sure if its correct, or im mistaking it for something else.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on May 21, 2011, 07:17:44 PM
I think i read somewhere around 160 ro 170, but this is from memory, not sure if its correct, or im mistaking it for something else.

Less than 50 Ta152s were built.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on May 21, 2011, 08:01:30 PM
Ah, one of my all-times faves, the Whirlwind...




Another old Whirlwind thread:,237815.0.html (,237815.0.html)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Drano on May 21, 2011, 08:02:21 PM
It's got two engines. Good enough for me. :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on May 21, 2011, 08:41:11 PM
Ah, one of my all-times faves, the Whirlwind...




Another old Whirlwind thread:,237815.0.html (,237815.0.html)

it looks like a mossie that went on a diet.

how would it fair against the mossie fighter/p38's/110s and any other twin engined fighters in the game?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MachFly on May 21, 2011, 08:47:42 PM
it looks like a mossie that went on a diet.

how would it fair against the mossie fighter/p38's/110s and any other twin engined fighters in the game?

I have not read much about it's performance but it seems that it's underpowered. It has 2 885 hp engines and an empty weight of 8000lb. 
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: STEELE on May 21, 2011, 09:50:20 PM
it looks like a mossie that went on a diet.

how would it fair against the mossie fighter/p38's/110s and any other twin engined fighters in the game?
It only climbs 1,500 fpm (slower than a 110c) and only holds 60 rounds per cannon,
so the same firing time as a Spit V, not too good.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: mbailey on May 21, 2011, 10:17:05 PM
Less than 50 Ta152s were built.

Yep, 43 that they can account for, just read it. I was thinking of something else.

Not sure how reliable this source is but............

+1 on the Whirlwind  :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Raphael on May 21, 2011, 10:38:40 PM
Thats an ugly bird!!! +1!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vadjan-Sama on May 21, 2011, 11:28:53 PM
is ugly, like a slim mossy.. I like it  :rock

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Rob52240 on May 22, 2011, 12:29:18 AM
only 60 rounds per gun?  I'll pass.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 22, 2011, 05:06:26 AM

Before you knock it compared to what we already have, remember the Whirlwind was essentially a 1930s design and an attempt to answer the demand for heavier fighter armament. A Teddy Petter design it typically had some notable features for its day. One of the first fighter aircraft with a bubble canopy (with rear-view mirror incorporated), less frontal area than a Hurricane, excellent handling characteristics and large Fowler flaps (for which the rear section of the nacelles also tipped downwards, see photo). What the pictures don't illustrate is the diminutive size, it was only slightly larger than some of the single-engine fighters of the day. Quickly nickname the Crikey for its (comparatively) high speed!

Powered by a development of an even earlier Rolls Royce V12, it was originally thought that the compact (but troublesome) Peregrine engine would eventually become the standard fighter engine for the forthcoming war until the Merlin replaced it. Shows how quickly was the pace of development in those times. Spitfires and Hurricanes mounting cannon and Rolls Royce discontinuing manufacture of the Peregrine marked the end of this promising design.







Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on May 22, 2011, 05:18:08 AM
What if you cross the mossie and the 262?   
You get the Whirlwind!   
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 22, 2011, 05:26:51 AM
I have a schematic for the Mark I which hints at leading edge slats. I also can't confirm if the props contra-rotated, I know this was accommodated with the Peregrine engine. Anyone have some good literature on it?

P.S. Sorry Bino, I didn't read your link until after I posted. I have inadvertently replicated some data here.  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Rob52240 on May 22, 2011, 06:45:49 AM
I didn't mean to give the impression that I was against adding more planes to Aces High.  After all, more planes are better than less planes.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 22, 2011, 07:47:36 AM
60 rounds per gun is still 240 20-mm Rob, not a bad loadout for such a small fighter. All clustered in the nose too. Yummy.  :banana:

Interesting, the props apparently turned the same way, clockwise when viewed from the rear. And yet the Peregrine could easily have its rotation handed, that was one of the sources of development issues and simplified on the Merlin. I wonder why they deemed it unnecessary to have contrary rotating props?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bruv119 on May 22, 2011, 07:59:23 AM
+1  just because it looks smurfy and it is British   :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 22, 2011, 08:18:10 AM
+1  just because it looks smurfy and it is British   :D

Smurfy!  :mad:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bruv119 on May 22, 2011, 08:20:24 AM
i did say ugly with an f   oops .    :o
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: HawkerMKII on May 22, 2011, 08:21:02 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 22, 2011, 08:38:44 AM
i did say ugly with an f   oops .    :o

Never speak to me again. You're dead to me now.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: icepac on May 22, 2011, 10:57:19 AM
Sure flew a lot more combat missions than the p63.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Liberator on May 22, 2011, 01:42:39 PM
Cool plane, +1
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: curry1 on May 22, 2011, 07:57:02 PM
That is a very cool plane that I would definitely fly.  In fact it is probably the sexiest plane I have ever seen thanks for posting this.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on May 23, 2011, 09:15:16 AM
I have a schematic for the Mark I which hints at leading edge slats. I also can't confirm if the props contra-rotated, I know this was accommodated with the Peregrine engine. Anyone have some good literature on it?

P.S. Sorry Bino, I didn't read your link until after I posted. I have inadvertently replicated some data here.  :salute

No problem, Nrshida!  :salute  Nice images.

Just imagine if the Whirlwind had been available in strength during the Battle of Britain?  After all, the first prototype did fly in October of '38.

Some sources refer to leading-edge Handley-Page slats that were disabled in the field, which seem to be shown in this cut-away drawing...

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 23, 2011, 11:10:10 AM
Yup I read the same. Problems with control cables were suggested. Also noted that the aircraft was so stable in slow flight that they were deemed unnecessary.

You seldom see a plane request so well received around here! Given that your thread Bino, dates back to 2008 and that I also found this thread dated 2002:-,237815.0.html

A request getting on for ten years old, I have concluded that HTC must have already begun work on the AH Westland Whirlwind by now in secret. Probably modelling the rear view mirror is giving them problems  :banana:

My excitement is only marred by the realisation that I will have to now build another throttle. A dual quadrant this time. Anyone fly a Mosquito regularly using a dual throttle? Is there any practical advantage? I always wondered.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: DemonFox on May 23, 2011, 12:00:28 PM
I say +1 for any early war ride we don't have. The fact that it only carried 60rpg doesn't really matter because the fact is that you have 4 guns all mounted in the nose so no convergence issues meaning it will rip apart anything as long as you can fire in bursts.
I did look into this and the plane is a bit slower then I though it would for it's size but it's still quick. About 360mph is max speed.
Someone said something about dual throttles and  not sure but I think because the plane is fairly light and low drag I think the throttles would help a lot because the engines are pretty far apart compared to a P-38 or Mossie.

All in all big ol' PLUS 1!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 28, 2011, 01:25:32 AM
I was wondering, if HTC ever included this model, what they should do about the leading-edge slats? I read they were disabled because of reliability issues with the control cables (which HTC doesn't model) and were technically a field modification (which HTC doesn't allow), although the aircraft as used normally had them disabled they were still technically there. Also a control cable implies manual operation. Could they be linked to the flap control in AH or would they have to be a separate control?

Secondly regarding the twin engines, I only have a single throttle and have most always flown single-engined planes so I just don't know, but is it possible to turn one engine off at a time with Aces High or to have say one engine at half power and the other on full power with WEP for example?

Finally I cannot clearly visualise the resultant torque from a twin-engined aircraft were the props turn in the same direction. I was thinking these effects would probably announce more on such a small and light aircraft compare to a Mosquito for example. I have a feeling but can anyone with a deeper aviation knowledge / experience sum it up please?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on May 28, 2011, 01:57:20 AM
Secondly regarding the twin engines, I only have a single throttle and have most always flown single-engined planes so I just don't know, but is it possible to turn one engine off at a time with Aces High or to have say one engine at half power and the other on full power with WEP for example?
Yes, you can select an engine and the throttle, and other engine commands, will only affect that engine.  Default is having all engines selected at once though.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on May 28, 2011, 02:00:14 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Pigslilspaz on May 28, 2011, 02:20:10 AM
Lovely bird, I saw it and right away thought what's that 262 doing with props and a bullseye on the side?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 28, 2011, 02:35:26 AM
Thank you Karnak. So given two separate throttles you can work each engine completely separately, engine off and on and WEP and so on simultaneously?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on May 28, 2011, 02:46:50 AM
Thank you Karnak. So given two separate throttles you can work each engine completely separately, engine off and on and WEP and so on simultaneously?

Correct.  It is one of the things that makes me want the new Thrustmaster stick and throttle so much.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 28, 2011, 04:37:20 AM
Thanks Karnak :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: iron650 on May 28, 2011, 06:27:03 AM

+1 To any new early/mid war plane. What's with the 262 and the props? Love the warbird though.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 28, 2011, 06:59:53 AM
I'm still very curious if anyone can explain the net resultant torque effect question. I'm trying to read up but it quickly degenerates into Mathematics, which is a language I have trouble with  :cry
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tinribs on May 28, 2011, 08:10:21 AM
+1 for the whirlwind and for anyone who hasnt seen this yet.
I love it even more. :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 29, 2011, 01:53:14 AM
I found this picture on the website of the R.A.F. Museum:-


You can see the open radiator flaps and get an idea of how small it was for a twin-engined fighter when you see the men standing next to it. You can also just see the rear view mirror at the top of the canopy.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: LCADolby on May 29, 2011, 09:37:40 AM
That would great alongside Mossies and Lancs on town attack duties  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: kilo2 on May 29, 2011, 09:43:01 AM
Less than 50 Ta152s were built.

57 with two 152cs so 59 total.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on May 29, 2011, 09:47:43 AM
I found this picture on the website of the R.A.F. Museum:-


You can see the open radiator flaps and get an idea of how small it was for a twin-engined fighter when you see the men standing next to it. You can also just see the rear view mirror at the top of the canopy.

great photo :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on May 29, 2011, 09:55:59 AM
I'm still very curious if anyone can explain the net resultant torque effect question. I'm trying to read up but it quickly degenerates into Mathematics, which is a language I have trouble with  :cry

a tendency to yaw under full power (during take-off and climbing) would be about it I imagine, just like a single engine fighter. P-factor means the thrust lines are offset from the prop axes slightly:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 29, 2011, 01:27:17 PM
Aha! So suddenly the light bulb begins to glow (dimly). So P-Factor is very similar to the effect that limits the top speed of helicopters, that the advancing blade produces more lift than the receding blade. In this case the down stroking side of the rotating propeller?

So even with same direction props the effects are dampened by the thrust spacing from the centreline which with the Whirlwind is also the C of G? Won't this spacing from the centreline affect hard turns and manoeuvres like Wingovers also?

Basically there seems there isn't a huge advantage then to contra-rotating propellers? Apparently not enough to encourage the designers to hand one of the Peregrine engines, which was easily done apparently.  

Thank you RTHolmes, that drawing helped a lot!  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Soulyss on May 29, 2011, 02:22:33 PM
Thank you Karnak. So given two separate throttles you can work each engine completely separately, engine off and on and WEP and so on simultaneously?

I use the CH throttle and it has three buttons on the front (top) of the gripe that are easy to reach with the index, middle, and ring fingers.  I have the left button mapped to Select Engine 1, the middle to Select All, and the right to Select Engine 2 and with a little practice you can manipulate both engines fairly easily.  It's actually not the useful in a fight, and only comes in handy in a couple specific situations and if you screw it up you're likely to end up in trouble.  In most cases the loss in thrust from cutting one engine isn't worth the increase in roll (speaking of 38 flying here).
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 31, 2011, 03:12:46 AM
Does it at least help with wingovers Soulyss? You P-38 lot have contra-rotating props though, aren't I right in thinking that they both turn outwards? Reading about twins doesn't that kind of make both engines the critical one in the case of failure?

Are there any Mosquito specialists that use a dual throttle?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on May 31, 2011, 10:29:47 AM
Does it at least help with wingovers Soulyss? You P-38 lot have contra-rotating props though, aren't I right in thinking that they both turn outwards? Reading about twins doesn't that kind of make both engines the critical one in the case of failure?

Are there any Mosquito specialists that use a dual throttle?

I actually use independant throttle control from time to time in the 110 and boston, mostly for stall recovery but it can also help with extreme "yaw" inputs when that "exreme yaw" is required, usually this induces the stall for which I can use indepentent control to recover from, it's kind of like a meri-go-round  :banana:

In the end "independent control" is an option single engine planes do not have, albeit very difficult to gain bennefit from !

Yes it can help with "wingovers"  be gentle though young samuri  :salute

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on May 31, 2011, 01:04:26 PM




Looks like a Mossie and a Hurri IIc had a kid.  :rock

I can't help but to look at that bird and think she would be an awesome little ride. A little slow but by all accounts she was a wonderful thing to fly.

 :pray HiTech  :pray
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Krusty on May 31, 2011, 01:14:59 PM
I have a throttle quadrant. I use 2 throttles for all twin-engine planes. Using it for turns and special manuvers does almost nothing. It's so insignificant it will not win nor lose a fight.

However it is greatly immersive, and IMO fun. When you fly some of those twins that have terrible tail slide stalls, it is one of the only ways to get out of spins. Example: 110 flap spins can be disrupted into normal spins with differential throttle controls. Then you can recover from the spin in the normal manner.

Outside of that it doesn't make you turn tighter or anything. The only example I can think of, and this is somewhat rare, is the perfect vertical hammerhead. Even then if you can pull this off ("if") it can still cause other problems. It's no magic bullet or anything.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 31, 2011, 03:10:17 PM
Thanks for those great pictures Reaper. That completes the inflight set I believe. Might add the ground-based ones later, loading up with bombs and cannon. Some pictures of the crews.

I found this on YouTube. The guy is apparently trying to make a documentary on the Whirlwind. Not sure he's got very far but there is some nice footage in his trailer:

Thanks JUGgler and Krusty for the dual throttle information. I think it potentially adds another dimension and immersion as Krusty said. I'd be very interested to see what you could do at the edges since the Whirlwind was apparently so docile at the stall.

I reckon Reaper is right, the Whirlwind would be endless fun. Interesting gun package, superb visibility, those enormous flaps and an extra dimension with the twin engines. Sure it's slow by LW standards, we'll just have to stick around and fight then.  :rock

What an epic wishlist thread! Almost totally positive comments.

 :pray HiTech :pray

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on June 01, 2011, 01:00:22 PM
I've seen some numbers posted concerning climg rate and speed, anyone have any data on other performance? Turn rate and radius, roll rate, etc?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 02, 2011, 04:51:23 AM
I believe I have now rung out the internet like a sponge and found the following remaining resources. I think those with extensive printed libraries must now take over.

The first article has some data about power outputs on 87 octane fuel and some performance figures at various altitudes:-






Alas no data regarding roll rates and turning etcetera. I can't find any flight test reports, it's mostly anecdotal stuff regarding excellent flight characteristics and docility of handling. Moyes article also makes some comment about this.

This second scanned article explains the slats where 'eventually' wired shut because they suspected at least one aircraft had been lost due to slat failure. Thus they did fly with manual slats operational at first at least and were modified in the field later:-





I found these pictures of the cockpit (apologies for small size and quality):-




And these miscellaneous photographs:-







Best of all I found this bit of British Pathe footage which includes some nice detailed shots, the loading and dropping of bombs and some low-level flying and nice flypasts when rtb. You can even hear the engine sounds here and there. It's a wmv file (40mb):-

( (

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: STEELE on June 02, 2011, 08:17:38 AM
Looks a heck of a lot like a Gloster Meteor!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 23, 2011, 05:35:38 PM
I found a few more images for those who are interested.
















I have also some parts of blueprints with aerofoil sections, spars and so on. Also a few details like the control rods for the manual slats etc. There are also two more videos of original footage, surely the last of those.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JOACH1M on June 23, 2011, 05:43:56 PM
I found a few more images for those who are interested.
















I have also some parts of blueprints with aerofoil sections, spars and so on. Also a few details like the control rods for the manual slats etc. There are also two more videos of original footage, surely the last of those.

The 3rd photo looks like there hispano 20mm  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 24, 2011, 09:26:57 AM
The 3rd photo looks like there hispano 20mm  :)

 :aok On no account look down the end of those tubes Jo, you might get something in your eye  :lol

Was a little tricky to get a copy of this film, but here it is. At 40 seconds you can see the enormous Fowler flap in operation, plus the radiator flap working in conjunction. Some taxiing, and a takeoff and a grass strip landing, plus some detail shots.

( (

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on June 24, 2011, 09:43:19 AM
nice film :aok

landing speed looked very high in that film :headscratch:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 24, 2011, 11:41:05 AM
They did say the landing speed with the Whirlwind was a little high, but that comment was relative to its peers of course including the Hurricane Mark I and Spitfire Mark I.

I saw that he had his flap fully deployed which I think explained the nose low approach which yes did look a bit fast. He seemed to slow down quickly on the flare. Could you hazard a guess at the touchdown speed?

I also discovered that the prototype had contra-rotating props which was dropped from the production version, even through the handing of the Peregrine could be easily reversed. You can see this on the handed props of L6844 in an earlier posted photo. Interesting that they dropped it, eh P-38 pilots?  ;)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on June 24, 2011, 02:19:26 PM
It is too bad the Whirlwind was designed with Peregrines instead of Merlins.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on June 24, 2011, 03:13:36 PM
Merlin engines would have been the Westland Welkin High Altitiude fighter project.

The Whirlwind was such a small airframe with two engines, how much evolution by more powerful engine upgrades could it have gone through before the Mossi and Beau were a better all around 2 engined choice for the same jobs? For Aces High purposes it will be a low level brother of trouble with the Beaufighter probably equaly flown by the fans of both.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Scherf on June 24, 2011, 05:09:57 PM
Once upon a time when the earth was green, I went throught part of the UK National Archives (then the Public Records Office) online listing of files, looking for flight test reports.

I believe I found a reference for Whirlie tests, will see if I can dig out the file number.

Nota Bene, I don't have the actual file, some bright young spark would actually have to go to Kew to copy it themselves, or pony up for a researcher to do it for them.

Edit - Found the reference, it's AVIA 18/691, "Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials".
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on June 27, 2011, 10:45:56 PM
Bumpity bump bump!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Guppy35 on June 28, 2011, 12:09:04 AM
Someone say Beaufighter?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on June 28, 2011, 03:09:43 AM
Someone say Beaufighter?
Now Guppy, how much mud moving would you do with that Beaufighter?  I bet you'd spend more time spreading Beau parts over the landscape trying to use it as a fighter than moving mud with it.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 28, 2011, 03:14:55 AM
Bea, Bea, Bea, Whirlwind  :rock

Lately I can't sleep because I've been worrying about the Whirlwind ( True she's a beaut, how can two engines not be fun, perfect armament and visibility, am/fm radio and electric windows etc. BUT...

All of the subjective comments regarding it's wonderful handling, especially its stability at slow speeds aside the wing loading still seems a little high at over 40 lb/ft². Even though reports suggest it was more than a match for the early 109s, they could just mean in terms of speed etcetera, which was after all apparently the obsession of the day.

My current favourite that we actually have in Aces High, the Nakajima Ki-84-Ia is around the 35 lb/ft² mark. Why I bring that plane up is because they both have similar flaps which increase wing area when deployed. Even the Nakajima's wing loading looks on the high side compared to other aircraft that I know I can compete with in a close in manoeuvring fight (again slow speed stability and turn radius playing an important role).

My question is: given the Whirlwind has that truly enormous Fowler flap (please refer to the video in my previous post) which extends for perhaps more than two thirds of its 45 ft wingspan, as well as manual slats, could we expect a similar improvement in turning radius at slow speeds than the (relatively) high wing loading suggests?

Can you calculate or rather estimate an adjusted wing loading with the flap deployed? Is there a rough way to work out the increased lift?

Are any of the mathematically minded, aerodynamically knowledgeable players interested enough to furnish an explanation to a humble student with dyscalculia but a genuine interest?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on June 28, 2011, 04:58:31 AM
i guess it would turn like a 110c. Its just a speculation, but i "guess" the same size, weight, about the same engine power and wing area will make theese planes simmilar.
You know that the ki-84 is an amazing brick without flaps, its turn radius is 600 yard-ish. Slightly better than the 109K or the pony. But with those fowler-wonders it can turn in 445yards as Gonzo's charts, but the very low speed handling is better than any other aircraft in game. Gonzo says the niki turns in 415 yards, but you know ho easily can the ki84 outscissor the niki.
   So, those flaps made a 25% boost in the turn radius and an azzkicker boost in the low-speed handling. I think we can expect the same result on this Whirlwind too. The 110C can turn around in 600 yards too without, 430 with flaps. I "think" the Whirlwind was able to do the same or a little bit better. This turn radius is better than the spit16s, with better very-low-speed handling expected from the fowler-design.
   Again, im not an expert, its just shameless speculation.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 28, 2011, 05:29:25 PM
That's a very useful opinion bud. Don't really fly the 110, I'll take it for a spin and see what it's like. Split flaps on the 110?

Interesting perspective in the percentage increase with the Fowlers. I'll try and at least make a rough estimate of the increase in area, of course the angle changes too. Does anybody know if leading edge slats also contribute to lift or only stability or perhaps they do add lift by giving the ability to hold a higher angle of attack?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Guppy35 on June 28, 2011, 05:32:40 PM
Now Guppy, how much mud moving would you do with that Beaufighter?  I bet you'd spend more time spreading Beau parts over the landscape trying to use it as a fighter than moving mud with it.

Absolutely!  Give me my VIF and off I go.  4 20mm and 6 303s.  I can have all kinds of fun with that :)

Give me some shipping convoys to go after and I might start spreading Beau parts over water a lot too!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B-17 on June 29, 2011, 12:41:52 AM
It only climbs 1,500 fpm (slower than a 110c) and only holds 60 rounds per cannon,
so the same firing time as a Spit V, not too good.

so, no gunner=not as good as 110

but 2 engines=better than spit V?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on June 29, 2011, 12:57:22 AM
so, no gunner=not as good as 110

but 2 engines=better than spit V?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B-17 on June 29, 2011, 01:04:47 AM
The Whirlwind has no gunner, which means no tail cover, which means not as good as the Me 110, but it has 2 engines, which means room for one failure, which is an area lacking in a Spit v.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on June 29, 2011, 01:41:05 AM
The Whirlwind has no gunner, which means no tail cover, which means not as good as the Me 110, but it has 2 engines, which means room for one failure, which is an area lacking in a Spit v.

the tail gunner on the 110 is of little to no use, it barely can defend the 110, and is basically a BB gun.

Most 110 pilots find it more of a hinderance, and dump the ammo out of it on takeoff as an attempt to shed some weight.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B-17 on June 29, 2011, 01:43:22 AM

the tail gunner on the 110 is of little to no use, it barely can defend the 110, and is basically a BB gun.

Most 110 pilots find it more of a hinderance, and dump the ammo out of it on takeoff as an attempt to shed some weight.

First night in the DA on my two weeks, I shot down two guys with those twin machine guns.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on June 29, 2011, 03:58:28 AM
Idk why you quoted Steele. He never mentioned the lack of the tail gunner, anyway your chances are better in the 110 is you try to use your maneuverability not those BBs. Yes the 110c is quite nimble, i have no problems against spits in it. Steele also mentioned that the firing time is very short, same as the spit5, about 6-7 seconds.

did some more research, and found that the fowler flaps biggest advantage is the improved turn rate over the radius. The P38 turns a sustained circle in 20 seconds without and 18.2 seconds with flaps, while the turn radius is still very large. The ki turns around in 17.5 without, and 15.8 with flaps. Just to compare, the 109s flaps only imrove 0.5-0.7 seconds on the turn rate, and even the f4u1a turns 19.2 without and 18.7 with flaps while the turn radius becames very small. The pony or the jug loses some turn rate when they open their flaps while the turn radius decreases about 20-25%.
So, what the fowler wonder really improves is the turn rate, not the radius.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 30, 2011, 02:16:08 AM
Thing is though, because flaps increase the lift, and Fowler flaps especially so, doesn't this automatically decrease the radius as well because you can get slower and still make the turn?

I'm still not completely clear on the radius versus rate business, but I have observed what your data suggests especially about the Corsair.  :headscratch:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on June 30, 2011, 02:26:37 AM
Are we talking about sustained turn rate?  Some flaps produce an enormous amount of drag compared with lift, and engine power alone will not compensate.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on June 30, 2011, 04:39:49 AM
Are we talking about sustained turn rate?  Some flaps produce an enormous amount of drag compared with lift, and engine power alone will not compensate.
Thats it. Maybe the fowler design is producing less drag, allowing the engine to pull the plane around quicker in the sustained?

Any experts??
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: mechanic on June 30, 2011, 05:00:13 AM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Scherf on July 03, 2011, 01:18:41 AM
Nice bunch o' Whirly pics starting here:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Guppy35 on July 03, 2011, 01:24:21 AM
Just remember that the Whirlwind didn't really amount to much.  The engines were poor and unreliable and frankly the service record was poor.  Had she been a world beater, you can bet there would have been more of them.  As she wasn't a world beater, there were not more of them :)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 03, 2011, 03:00:19 AM
I think it was a sound design let down by engines which were approaching the end of their developmental lifespan, whereas the Merlin series was just starting out, and the airframe couldn't accommodate a larger unit, so that was the end of that. Regardless the aircraft did make a long and valid contribution to Britain's war effort.

For Aces High my feeling is that the criteria of 'world beater' is a poor measure for whether an aircraft should be included or not, or indeed if it would be fun to fly and fight in or not.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Guppy35 on July 03, 2011, 03:05:04 AM
I think it was a sound design let down by engines which were approaching the end of their developmental lifespan, whereas the Merlin series was just starting out, and the airframe couldn't accommodate a larger unit, so that was the end of that. Regardless the aircraft did make a long and valid contribution to Britain's war effort.

For Aces High my feeling is that the criteria of 'world beater' is a poor measure for whether an aircraft should be included or not, or indeed if it would be fun to fly and fight in or not.

Not until after the Beaufighter :)

At least that one was there from beginning to end, and served everywhere in large numbers.  2 engines and 4 20mms on that one too :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 03, 2011, 03:32:43 AM
Oh now I see what you were doing. Bog off and make a separate Beaufighter thread  :P

I think all the interesting aircraft should be included. I like fighters so obviously the Whirlwind interests me more. The first Whirlwind request thread I could find was dated about ten years ago. I'm sure it's the same for the Beaufighter too.

Incidentally I met a Canadian Beaufighter pilot once. He was once shot in the cockpit area and had to fly home on one engine with a smashed windscreen. He said he never did worry about anything much in life after that day.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on July 03, 2011, 03:55:48 AM
Just remember that the Whirlwind didn't really amount to much.  The engines were poor and unreliable and frankly the service record was poor.  Had she been a world beater, you can bet there would have been more of them.  As she wasn't a world beater, there were not more of them :)
How many 109 g-6s were built? Was it a world beater aircraft?  ;)
Seriously, Beaufighter or Whirlwind, its equal to me. Both are valid requests, unlike someone elses experimental jets...
I "think" the game is more fun if not all you have is spit16, pony, tempest or 262. The British planeset is quite short except the line of spitfires. IMO this should be at high priority, right after the update of the old 3d models, the russian update (jak-9, jak-3, tu-2/pe-2) and the german medium bomber (ju-188 or he-111/do-217 as EW).
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: lyric1 on July 03, 2011, 09:42:53 PM
Bung it in it looks ugly enough to be cool.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Guppy35 on July 05, 2011, 12:57:49 AM
Here ya go Whirlwind fans.  Images 248-265.  Try and contain yourselves :)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 05, 2011, 01:39:44 AM
Been there, raided the stash like pirates, left one tomato spinning on the plate and left  :banana: Thanks.

Some of the pictures of the pilots and ground crews are very atmospheric.

Yup, that nose means business. What would you guess, a maximum of twelve inches between bores? Close in snap shots, tracking shots, long range shots, no troublesome convergence issues. Surely this would be the most versatile fighter armament (in AH I mean). I think the essence of the Whirlwind is here. Get rid of the big engine in the nose, slide two smaller engines out into the wings just to make room for the guns.

Does anybody know what the maximum range is in Aces High for the Hispano round by the way? I heard a rumour that after 1000 yards .50 cals disappear (cease to be modelled) for instance. Is this true?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Guppy35 on July 05, 2011, 01:46:43 AM
60 round drums for those 20s though.  250 each for a Beaufighter's 4 20mm, and you get 6 303's too :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 05, 2011, 01:51:54 AM
Yeah but with the Whirlwind you don't need an armorer scurrying around in the weapons bay changing drums in the dark  :rock

240 rounds in total is still fairly healthy for a fighter, but I suppose no longer firing time than a Spit V. Have to be choosy about your shots.

Two different kinds of aircraft really. Where is the most recent Beaufighter request thread? I'll have a read of it.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on July 05, 2011, 02:15:34 AM
Yeah but with the Whirlwind you don't need an armorer scurrying around in the weapons bay changing drums in the dark  :rock
I am pretty sure later Beaufighters had Hispano Mk IIs that were belt fed.

240 rounds in total is still fairly healthy for a fighter, but I suppose no longer firing time than a Spit V. Have to be choosy about your shots.
That is the same ammo load as Spitfires Mk VIII, IX, XIV and XVI have for their two cannons and most people consider the Spitfire's ammo load to be light.  The Mosquito Mk VI has 700 rounds for its four cannon and that often seems light.

Two different kinds of aircraft really. Where is the most recent Beaufighter request thread? I'll have a read of it.
Here you go:,255408.0.html
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 05, 2011, 03:19:32 AM
Some great pictures in that thread. Thanks.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on September 25, 2011, 10:22:08 PM

I want this :rock
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bagrat on September 26, 2011, 12:31:57 AM
It's got two engines. Good enough for me. :D

second! :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on September 26, 2011, 05:15:51 AM
AVIA 18/691, "Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials.

I went online and asked for a quote from the public records office to get it copied and put on a CD to send to Hitech. They quoted 199 quid! Now I want the Whirlwind but...

A little aside, they have air combat reports online: Ministry Combat Reports
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Noir on September 26, 2011, 06:36:43 AM
AVIA 18/691, "Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials.

I went online and asked for a quote from the public records office to get it copied and put on a CD to send to Hitech. They quoted 199 quid! Now I want the Whirlwind but...

A little aside, they have air combat reports online: Ministry Combat Reports

awesome  :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 26, 2011, 07:12:32 AM
AVIA 18/691, "Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials.

I've also just applied for a copy using a different approach. I'll hear within 10 working days they said. Thank you for finding this Baggy. We'll do our best to get a copy by fair means or foul.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on September 26, 2011, 10:13:29 AM
We only need 197 people to donate a quid each and we're there - hehehe.

I didn't find it by the way, its from an earlier post - credit to Scherf.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on September 26, 2011, 11:08:50 AM
from the whirlwind chapter of Flying Under Fire, William J Wheeler:






( (
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on September 26, 2011, 01:50:26 PM
Way cool, thanks for posting.

Had to laugh, though, at the bottom photo of the air-show wingtip-to-wingtip diamond formation being captioned as a "loose finger-four".   :rofl

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JOACH1M on September 26, 2011, 02:19:40 PM

I want this :rock
great, shida's gonna crazy again  :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 26, 2011, 03:15:22 PM
Many thanks for sharing that RTHolmes, I'm off to read that now  :rock

great, shida's gonna crazy again  :D

( <- me
( <- you


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on September 26, 2011, 03:22:21 PM
np ;)

240 rounds in total is still fairly healthy for a fighter, but I suppose no longer firing time than a Spit V. Have to be choosy about your shots.

assuming you can arm the pairs of cannon separately its the same firing time as any spit from IX onwards except the 2 cannon are centre mounted or a burst of all 4 if its a tough aircraft, sounds pretty good to me :aok

anyone got a whirlwind pilots notes to check?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 26, 2011, 03:42:36 PM
I don't know what the situation is with the Hurricane Mark IIc in real life, I know in Aces High you can separate the four cannons into two sets of primary and secondary fire, however the Whirlwind had a single fire button on the yoke, similar to the Spitfire Mark I (I think you roll the collar for safe / live). I think HTC's choice varies on how to model primary and secondary fire. Perhaps someone can shed some light on this.

Would certainly be a marksman's aircraft, I think I've seen a video of a 1000 yard killshot in an AH Mosquito somewhere about (YouTube I think).
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Seanaldinho on September 26, 2011, 05:06:37 PM
+10  :D :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: vonKrimm on September 27, 2011, 05:59:12 AM
S.A.P.P needs a dedicated adversary, so adding the bird means S.W.A.T. (Secret Whirlwind Association for Tards) could be formed; may be be even name it W.H.E.A.T.I.E.S.?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 27, 2011, 09:23:53 AM
S.A.P.P needs a dedicated adversary, so adding the bird means S.W.A.T. (Secret Whirlwind Association for Tards) could be formed; may be be even name it W.H.E.A.T.I.E.S.?

Cobblers!  :old:

It's reassuring that there is so much support for the inclusion of an early war, non uber ride  :banana:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: AHTbolt on September 27, 2011, 06:12:58 PM
Now that would be a great Wirble killer, would be hard to see on the deck. :airplane:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: AHTbolt on September 27, 2011, 06:45:04 PM
Just found this.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on September 27, 2011, 10:13:57 PM
There is a group that's trying to build a static-display full scale replica in time for the Westland Centenary in 2015: (
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 28, 2011, 12:51:49 AM
I'm already a member of that group, that's where some of the rarer photos posted in this thread came from. I also stole the blueprints and all their paper clips  :banana:

Whilst searching for a copy of AVIA 18/691 on t'internet, I found this very detailed photograph of the cockpit:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 01, 2011, 06:25:14 PM
I just got my quote from the National Archive for a copy of 'AVIA 18/691 - Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials', applied for a downloadable electronic document, no printing, no binding, no CD burning, also £199  :mad:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on October 02, 2011, 11:06:04 AM
They must pay their staff a good rate for scanning documents! I'll have to get a job up there.

We'd better start a 'Whirlwind Fund'. Only £1 from 199 peeps - cough up everyone :0)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B4Buster on October 02, 2011, 01:08:35 PM
Any sexy aircraft with two engines gets my vote  :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B-17 on October 02, 2011, 04:36:15 PM
Any sexy aircraft with two engines gets my vote  :aok

Like this? :D

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Pigslilspaz on October 03, 2011, 01:14:28 PM
Like this? :D


Don't think he's a chubby chaser, sorry
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 05, 2011, 02:40:17 PM
They must pay their staff a good rate for scanning documents! I'll have to get a job up there.

I have no idea how they can justify this fee. You'd think such things would be free to the public by now.

Isn't that transport aircraft the one from the original Flight of the Pheonix? You could probably fly a circuit in a Whirlwind in there  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on October 06, 2011, 09:03:23 AM
Why give things away when you can charge?

That transport is a post war Flying Boxcar I think, completely irrelevant post, I can see why he as such a high post count!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B4Buster on October 08, 2011, 09:34:45 AM
Like this? :D


She's a beaut!
Don't think he's a chubby chaser, sorry

Only as long as my friends don't see me  :bolt:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: AHTbolt on October 08, 2011, 02:02:00 PM
Thats the C119 flying boxcar, made one jump out of one. Was so underpowered we ran down the runway 3 times before we got in the air.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on October 14, 2011, 08:50:38 PM
Bumpity Bump Bump, let us not forget  :aok

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on October 15, 2011, 09:41:14 AM

How can this not be a fun fighter. EW it would be one of the hardest hitting with 4 20mm cannons. and in the MA well some of us are crazy  :x
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 15, 2011, 12:48:47 PM
I recently acquired some of the blueprints:-







The high lift devices were quite extensive and a little similar to a modern airliner. If anyone knows how to recalculate a wing loading with all these both the slats and flaps deployed I'd love to know:-


Prototype in the wind tunnel:-


Random detail shots:-

















Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on October 15, 2011, 01:11:21 PM
I call "Photoshop" on this one!  Or maybe just "retouch", depending on when the picture was doctored.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 15, 2011, 01:29:11 PM
I think you're right!  :rofl

Err, I hasten to add I didn't make it  :uhoh
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 16, 2011, 02:40:54 AM
Just expanding on the blueprint I already showed above:-


Here are the aerofoil sections at each numbered rib posistion above:-




I thought this information might be helpful for anyone trying to make a 3d model of the aircraft  :pray

Just out of interest, if anyone with a good knowledge of aerodynamics could help I'd really like to calculate, even roughly, what the fully extended flaps and slats would do to the wing loading. I really think this is one of the most interesting features of the aircraft. It's almost like the old fashioned version of swing wings. The Whirlwind's Fowler flap is enormous and extends for more than two thirds of the 45 ft wingspan. Looking at the Imperial War Museum Footage it looks like it extends to just over 45 degrees. Additionally the manual slats are in two parts with the outer section covering half of the total span (with the inner section between the engines and fuselage). The outer section seems to project further than the 109's automatic slats.

How do you work it out? Do I just calculate the additional surface area of the flaps in planform? Surely I need to account for the angle as well. What about the slats, do they add more lift of just increase the angle of alpha before a stall sets in?



Come on HTC, give us the precious  :lol:-


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Pigslilspaz on October 16, 2011, 02:42:48 AM
mind now = blown.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Noir on October 16, 2011, 05:41:37 AM
great post, let me reinstall Blender  :D
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on November 07, 2011, 06:44:58 AM
He is something for the skinners if we ever get her...

Whirlwind P7094 " Bellows Argentina".


This was one of 12  purchased by the "Fellowships of the Bellows" for the RAF.

A brief summary of the Squadron's first experiences with Whirlwinds during the period where it re-formed at Drem(June 1940) through to the end of 1941.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on November 07, 2011, 06:54:11 AM

"Hints and Tips for Beginners (And Others) in Whirlwind Bombers Attacking Shipping"

"Keep your camera button pressed on your run in. so that you can prove to the Intelligence
Officer it was a 4000 tonner and not a 150 ton coaster. Most Intelligence Officers have
never heard of a ship of more than 1000 tons anyway, and your be able to say “I told you
so” when the combat film comes back."

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on November 07, 2011, 06:56:28 AM
"Summary of Operations with Whirlibombers, 07 November 1942 - 29 November 1943"

With the Whirlibomber finally withdrawn from service to be replaced by the Typhoon, this document summarises the Squadron's operations with Whirlibombers in terms of bombs dropped, casualties inflicted on the enemy, and decorations won.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Butcher on November 07, 2011, 07:25:31 AM
What if you cross the mossie and the 262?   
You get the Whirlwind!   

I'd certainly vote on the whirlwind without question.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MAINER on November 07, 2011, 10:17:08 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 07, 2011, 12:57:28 PM
I'd be happier than a dog with two tails if we got the Whirlwind, but I just don't see it happening chaps, not after the recent plane pole and discussions about holes in the planeset  :cry
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on November 07, 2011, 01:51:07 PM
It's like a twin-engined Hurri IIc, only faster!

<------ wants Whirlwind soooooo badly!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 07, 2011, 02:02:32 PM
I am also amazed by the positive response in this thread, just seems like there are so many aircraft that must come first (the community seems to assert), although I honestly think the Crikey would be a lot of fun and a real challenge.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on November 07, 2011, 02:44:16 PM
I am also amazed by the positive response in this thread, just seems like there are so many aircraft that must come first (the community seems to assert), although I honestly think the Crikey would be a lot of fun and a real challenge.
This will prob become the new Beau-level requested aircraft after the beu gets added, then hangered.  :uhoh
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 07, 2011, 02:47:21 PM
First Whirlwind thread I could find was also dated almost 10 years ago.  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Pigslilspaz on November 08, 2011, 12:42:11 AM
This will prob become the new Beau-level requested aircraft after the beu gets added, then hangered.  :uhoh

What says the Beau will be a hangar queen?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on November 08, 2011, 02:38:32 AM
What says the Beau will be a hangar queen?  :rolleyes:
Give me a good reason to take a Beau over a mossie? and it cant be "because it has an itty bitty torp!".
Its been discussed already in 2 separate forums during the polls, How the beau will most likely be active the first week, then hangered for the Mossie.

It'll be nothing but a novelty plane that a few will fly.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on November 08, 2011, 03:25:31 AM
Dear Tyrannis,
not everyone wanna fly the biggest and the best aircrafts all the time. Some may have fun with an earlyer one or with that "itty bitty torp". lolz
Also the beau could really shine in the scenarios.
+1 for the beau and the whirlwind. IMO the russki and the japanese planeset has much bigger holes to fill, but right after them i would be happy with theese rides.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 08, 2011, 03:38:38 AM
Yes quite so. Tyrannis I hereby sentence you to one week of flying the Spitfire Mark I in the Late War Main Arena (where Midway is currently serving a similar sentence for talking too much on channel 200)  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: icepac on November 08, 2011, 08:32:12 AM
Tyrannis only speaks for late war uber plane lovers.

In early or mid-war the Beau is a beast and has amazing acceleration from rotation to good maneuvering speed for upping right under an enemy cap.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B4Buster on November 08, 2011, 09:30:29 AM
I imagine the Beau will soak the rounds up better than the Mosquito. I'm guessing it will be a more stable gun platform, too, but I'm not basing that off of any actual data.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 08, 2011, 09:35:31 AM
Tyrannis only speaks for late war uber plane lovers.

Well that's okay too, variety and diversity are important.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: matt on November 08, 2011, 10:34:16 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Wmaker on November 08, 2011, 11:16:15 AM
I'd be happier than a dog with two tails if we got the Whirlwind, but I just don't see it happening chaps, not after the recent plane pole and discussions about holes in the planeset  :cry

Well, I have to say that the gaping holes in the Japanese and Russian planesets should be plugged before anything else.

But I've always thought that Whirlwind was very very beautiful and cool aircraft. I'd most certainly fly it. It is a pity it was such a minor player.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on November 08, 2011, 11:45:59 AM
Tyrannis only speaks for late war uber plane lovers.
This is where your wrong.
I flew in EW/MW/AVA more than i did LW.

The beu will do in MW just as it does in LW. only a few handpicked people will fly it for novelty effect. everyone else wont even give it a second glance.
Only way it could find a solid purpose in-game is if it made it into the EW, and even then barely anyone goes in there.
The AvA is fun, But the beau wouldn't be available all the time.
Scenarios is its only spotlight.

Im sorry the truth hurts guys. But face it, the Beau is a novelty plane that only a few of the BBS players &players in game will actually stick with. Other than that, it'll be a hanger queen.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on November 08, 2011, 03:39:30 PM
nm, I'm dumb
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on November 08, 2011, 03:42:50 PM

Tyrannis Sorties per arena last month: :D
EW 30
MW 3
LW 49

Thats for jacking the Whirlwind thread and going off on the beau :t
You fail in the sense that  you looked at only last month, instead of overall.  :rolleyes:
I spend the whole summer of 10' in both EW and MW with SOAR. barely ventured into LW.
Only reason i go into LW now is because its where the 20th goes. Otherwise, im ether in MW,AVA, or EW, if EW has a decent crowd.
Next time do your research better before you attempt to  :ahand somebody.  :rolleyes:

Edit: i do occasionally go into LW for the tank battles. mainly because its the only place to find a decent tank fight now a days.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: skorpion on November 08, 2011, 07:32:33 PM
PURSE FIGHT!!!! Tyrannis VS. The other people here who know that the Beau has value.  :banana:

+1 for the whirlwind/beaufighter.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on November 08, 2011, 08:08:03 PM
PURSE FIGHT!!!! Tyrannis VS. The other people here who know that the Beau has value.  :banana:

+1 for the whirlwind/beaufighter.
Atleast these people can put up a valid argument against me.  ;)

Still waiting on someone to tell me how the Beau wont be a hanger queen. Not seeing anything so far. (Other than the scenarios part, and the few nostalgic crowd who may fly it for a bit)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: skorpion on November 08, 2011, 08:13:37 PM
Atleast these people can put up a valid argument against me.  ;)

Still waiting on someone to tell me how the Beau wont be a hanger queen. Not seeing anything so far. (Other than the scenarios part, and the few nostalgic crowd who may fly it for a bit)
id like to see one good "valid" argument you've ever made.

oh wait that doesnt exist.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on November 09, 2011, 12:28:46 AM
Atleast these people can put up a valid argument against me.  ;)

Still waiting on someone to tell me how the Beau wont be a hanger queen. Not seeing anything so far. (Other than the scenarios part, and the few nostalgic crowd who may fly it for a bit)
just ask the B.O.S.S guys.

Skorpion, really? Really? Go marry him!

end of the hijack, this thread is about this:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tyrannis on November 09, 2011, 01:17:19 AM
just ask the B.O.S.S guys.

Skorpion, really? Really? Go marry him!

end of the hijack, this thread is about this:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Volron on November 09, 2011, 01:43:26 AM
So, this was discussed earlier, but to try and get it back on track, Whirlwind vs 110 C4.  Advantages/Disadvantages and of course, when facing against each other...
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 09, 2011, 05:58:51 AM
I'm afraid we don't have a great deal of detail regarding the Whirlwind's flight characteristics apart from anecdotal reports. As mentioned in this thread there is an Air Ministry Flight Test report but you have to pay £200 to get a copy of it.

I've been trying to work out the effect the slats and Fowler flap would have on the turning ability and manoeuvrability but I don't have enough depth of understanding of aerodynamics to make any more than estimations.

Climb rate of the Whirlwind is about 60% that of a Spitfire Mark V.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: B4Buster on November 09, 2011, 07:46:37 AM

Beaufighter Operator Support Services

Skorpion, really? Really? Go marry him!

no kidding
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Wmaker on November 09, 2011, 01:23:10 PM
Generally I've understood that Whirwind was much liked as far as handling chracteristics go. The thing that was critisized was the high landing speed for a fighter of its generation.

Pilot's Notes mention engine assisted approach speed of 110-115mph IAS. In clean configuration at 10,200lbs (close to normal loaded weight)  the aircraft started to vibrate at 140mph IAS and pitched down (stalled at 110-115mph) and vent into a spin if stick was held back. With landing gear and flaps down the aircraft stalled at 90-95mph IAS.

General comments about flying the Whirlwind:

Philip J.R. Moyes noted in Aircraft in Profile 191: The Westland Whirlwind:

    The basic feature of the Whirlwind was its concentration of firepower: its four closely-grouped heavy cannon in the nose had a rate of fire of 600 lb./minute – which, until the introduction of the Beaufighter, placed it ahead of any fighter in the world. Hand in hand with this dense firepower went a first-rate speed and climb performance, excellent manoeuvrability and a fighting view hitherto unsurpassed. The Whirlwind was, in its day, faster than the Spitfire down low and, with lighter lateral control, was considered to be one of the nicest "twins" ever built… From the flying viewpoint, the Whirlwind was considered magnificent.[11]

Bruce Robertson, in The Westland Whirlwind Described, quotes a 263 Squadron pilot as saying, "It was regarded with absolute confidence and affection.” [8]

The aircraft is well summed up by Francis K. Mason’s comments in Royal Air Force Fighters of World War Two, Vol. One:

    Bearing in mind the relatively small number of Whirlwinds that reached the RAF, the type remained in combat service, virtually unmodified, for a remarkably long time…The Whirlwind, once mastered, certainly shouldered extensive responsibilities and the two squadrons were called upon to attack enemy targets from one end of the Channel to the other, by day and night, moving from airfield to airfield within southern England.[12]

The last words on the subject were perhaps best stated by Dr. G. Buckwell who, as a young Sergeant Pilot with 263 Squadron, was shot down in a Whirlwind over Cherbourg. "The Whirlwind was great to fly - we were a privileged few": (
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Wmaker on November 09, 2011, 01:29:47 PM
B-239 Brewster, 44 delivered- 400+ kills vs very inexperienced and very poorly led Russian aircraft


Anyhow out of all these rides the Westland Whirlwind served much longer and arguably impacted WW2 more than any of the above


Brewster, for example, served longer. And almost 500 kills tells a lot about the 'impact'.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 09, 2011, 04:17:05 PM
That's great information Wmaker, thanks for posting that!

Does lateral control simply pertain to yaw? I found the information about the change in stall speeds with flap deployed and retracted particularly interesting. That sort of confirmed my assessment of the increase in lift area. Is there any mention of the manual slats? Were they deployed simultaneously with the flaps (field modification not withstanding)?

Given the service the Whirlwind gave, especially in the time it served and what happened on the channel dash, you can see why it might have a special place for British players.

If you have any pictures to contribute from your library they would be very much appreciated  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Volron on November 11, 2011, 12:27:06 AM
How would the Whirlwind compare against the Ki-45?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Pigslilspaz on November 13, 2011, 07:56:12 PM
How would the Whirlwind compare against the Ki-45?

It would win in the 262 lookalike contest.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on November 14, 2011, 06:09:12 AM
How would the Whirlwind compare against the Ki-45?

In a 1v1 my money is on the Whirly.  From what I have read about both planes it seams that the Ki-45 was no match for P-40s in a dogfight but the whirly went head to head with 109 and 190s and managed to hold their own.

For attack roll the Ki45 would take that as the weapon load out is impressive, though having a 37mm gun on the nose would degrade performence somewhat.

The whirlwind is a very clean body and if it holds its E like a mossie does, this could be a very deadly fighter in the right hands.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Butcher on November 14, 2011, 10:26:38 AM
In a 1v1 my money is on the Whirly.  From what I have read about both planes it seams that the Ki-45 was no match for P-40s in a dogfight but the whirly went head to head with 109 and 190s and managed to hold their own.

For attack roll the Ki45 would take that as the weapon load out is impressive, though having a 37mm gun on the nose would degrade performence somewhat.

The whirlwind is a very clean body and if it holds its E like a mossie does, this could be a very deadly fighter in the right hands.

The Ki-45's 37mm was fitted to attack american bombers, however the early models had a hand loaded 37mm that was horrible inaccurate let alone could only fire 2 rounds per minute. Later on I know the 37mm became automatic, I am not sure if the accuracy was improved or not or if it was even the same cannon.

One thing I always pondered why its gun package was never really upgraded, at least 2x20mm and 2x12.7mm would of at least given it a pounch.
Early models only had a single 20mm and pair of 12.7's, I believe the hand loaded 37mm came after that.

Basically its like firing the 75mm on the B25H, with less accuracy and a 37mm instead of a 75mm.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on December 02, 2011, 01:14:29 PM
BUMP!  This again  :aok :aok

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 02, 2011, 04:27:12 PM
Hopefully a little more reading material on the way soon  :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Butcher on December 02, 2011, 06:17:54 PM
When can we vote on it ? tomarrow? Sweet.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: USAF2010 on December 03, 2011, 01:44:54 AM
If we get the Hampden along with it, totally.....

+1 in any case
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Seadog36 on December 05, 2011, 06:21:57 AM
+1 It would be a monster in Early War and very respectable in Mid :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on December 05, 2011, 07:15:35 AM
+1 It would be a monster in Early War and very respectable in Mid :aok

and in late war it would still be alot of fun to fly!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Volron on December 05, 2011, 01:29:09 PM
Booo   Hissss    Boooooo   Hisssssss

No.  No, no, no, no.  I say NO...

...because it's not being added soon enough. :D

I'm curious to what parts will start to shed when compressed...  Tail looks mighty squishy at high speed.... :noid
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 11, 2011, 05:41:53 PM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on December 12, 2011, 08:37:09 AM
Nice pic nrshida.

Come on now, we only need 100 blokes to donate  £1 ($1.50 exchange rate?) each to get the  performance and handling file scanned from the public records office. Then send it off to Hitech and we should have it about 2 weeks after that? You know it makes sense!  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on December 12, 2011, 01:39:16 PM
Nice pic nrshida.

Come on now, we only need 100 blokes to donate  £1 ($1.50 exchange rate?) each to get the  performance and handling file scanned from the public records office. Then send it off to Hitech and we should have it about 2 weeks after that? You know it makes sense!  :)

IN   :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 12, 2011, 01:48:58 PM
Nice pic nrshida.

Come on now, we only need 100 blokes to donate  £1 ($1.50 exchange rate?) each to get the  performance and handling file scanned from the public records office. Then send it off to Hitech and we should have it about 2 weeks after that? You know it makes sense!  :)

IN  :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on December 12, 2011, 01:51:39 PM
£100? where is this doc?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 12, 2011, 03:18:42 PM
I'm afraid it's £199 RTHolmes, public records office. That's for an electronic version by the way.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on December 12, 2011, 04:26:19 PM
where is this public records office? surely someone local could pop in with a digi camera and copy it all for free? if its in the UK isnt it free to access (although they can charge what they like for providing copies ...)?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 12, 2011, 07:46:11 PM
Apparently you can't do that, the £199 is for them to fetch it for you. It's in the National Archive:-

AVIA 18/691, "Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials".

Says it's in Kew.

Both Baggy and I applied for a copy and the quotation was £199, in my case that was for a downloadable electronic version.  :rolleyes: :cry

Unless anyone knows of another way to access such things? I also expected access to this kind of stuff to be free or else very close to it.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Scherf on December 12, 2011, 08:02:09 PM
I believe the 199 quid is for them to copy the file and supply it to you direct. Retrieving the original hardcopy in Kew is free, one should be able to photograph it oneself, though don't take that as gospel, it's been years since I was there. There should be details about making one's own copies / photos on the TNA website.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 12, 2011, 08:34:23 PM
You might be right about reading it. I'm not sure about photographing it. I'd go and see but I'm a long way from Kew at the moment. Anyone nearby?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on December 13, 2011, 04:31:22 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on December 13, 2011, 05:06:52 AM
I have also managed to find some detailed design DWGs (dated 1938-1939)






Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on December 13, 2011, 05:13:26 AM



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on December 13, 2011, 06:02:16 AM
You can photograph the documents, theres a reference to switching off flash in the do's and dont's of visiting and looking at the archives. Is there a charge for physically fetching the document for you? I couldn't see anything referring to one.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 13, 2011, 07:10:11 AM
Thanks for contributing those resources Fish42, especially the paint scheme pictures. Reserve me one of the skins with the black and white wings please. Actually they are all nice  :banana:

You can photograph the documents, theres a reference to switching off flash in the do's and dont's of visiting and looking at the archives. Is there a charge for physically fetching the document for you? I couldn't see anything referring to one.

We need a brave volunteer to take one for the team. Who lives closest to Kew? I won't be in England until next summer.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on December 13, 2011, 07:34:36 AM
Does anyone live in London? Speakup!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on December 19, 2011, 10:50:41 AM
100+ delivered flew for almost 4 years from 1939-1943, mostly ground attack  :aok

Just for fun comparisons  F4U-1C, 200 delivered 1943-1944 almost exclusively ground attack

P47M 130 delivered late 1944, many many problems with this model initially, 15 confirmed air to air victories

B-239 Brewster, 44 delivered- 400+ kills vs very inexperienced and very poorly led Russian aircraft

Less than 100 ME163s were delivered

From the info I can't find it seems the spitfire mk16 was delivered in very low #s by the end of the war, I also believe "the lions share" was relegated to ground attack  <-- I could be wrong here. Info on the mk16 is very hard to find.  for me anyhow

Numbers on the TA152 are quite low I'm sure

Anyhow out of all these rides the Westland Whirlwind served much longer and arguably impacted WW2 more than any of the above

Soooooooooooooo lets have it  :aok




Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on December 20, 2011, 07:45:49 AM
I live SW of Guildford, but would be prepared to take a day off and obtain stuff from Kew if it's for AH.  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on December 20, 2011, 10:00:44 AM
Martyn you are a Starburger!
nrshida probably knows most about the file and getting it. I think we could share your costs so you won't be too much out of pocket.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on December 20, 2011, 11:02:31 AM
I would consider it a fun job. Happy to pay for the travelling myself. Someone email me with details (e.g. Name of document needed, format(s), where to go, who to see and/or website info etc.). I can't do much until the New Year (Jan) but it shouldn't be a problem.

I might even get the files for the Wellington, Halifax, Sunderland, Defiant, Swordfish if needed ... ?

Or how about the uber killing machine, the Fairey Battle! (... or rather the uber killed machine ... :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: USAF2010 on December 20, 2011, 02:53:40 PM
I would consider it a fun job. Happy to pay for the travelling myself. Someone email me with details (e.g. Name of document needed, format(s), where to go, who to see and/or website info etc.). I can't do much until the New Year (Jan) but it shouldn't be a problem.

I might even get the files for the Wellington, Halifax, Sunderland, Defiant, Swordfish if needed ... ?

Or how about the uber killing machine, the Fairey Battle! (... or rather the uber killed machine ... :)

Forgetting the Hampden!!!!!!  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 27, 2011, 10:32:04 AM
I would consider it a fun job.

 :banana: :banana: :rock

Martyn, the document we are after is called:-

AVIA 18/691, "Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials".

Here is the URL pertaining to this document:-

The document resides in Kew, at the National Archive. Might be worth checking before you make the trip if they charge you to fetch it. In any case you need to make an appointment with the document so it can be there on the day you are, as they don't do a 'while you wait' service.

Its legal status is 'Public Record' so in theory you have the right to view it. I have no idea about your rights regarding copying it.

There's an Aces High medal in it for you sir, if you pull off the mission successfully.

This thread will now self destruct (

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on December 27, 2011, 11:00:03 AM
As per your request, I have requested a notification of a request to notify me to see an email with the notification of the request which will reveal the estimate and explanation as to how to request the digital copying of the data.

Now tell me how one can tell this system was designed by a civil servant...

It'll be images, probably black and white TIFF, maybe inside a PDF (I'm not sure). If there's lots of text and if it is in this format, then I have access to OCR software (it came free with MS Office 2003, but few people realise that).

Anyway, short summary: OTW


(dum dum, da da daaa, dum dum, doo doo doo, dum dum, da da daa, tiddle dee, tiddle doo, yah-dah)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Scherf on December 27, 2011, 02:31:36 PM
Kew was fun last time I was there, some years ago now. Sooooo many distractions....

Full of research nerds naturally, but one or two of them were passably yummy grad students working on their thesis, you seem tense baby, tell me all about it, does it hamper your social life, Im a man of action online, let me ease your worries...
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on December 28, 2011, 12:55:38 PM
"Thank you for contacting the National Archives with your request for an estimate for the cost of copies of records. In view of the large number of pages to count in this request we are unable to process this estimate."


I'm gonna split this into two tasks: -
1. Find out more about the document(s) - I presume we want to concentrate on tangible/physical flight data.
2. Visit the place with a view to finding out what their 'too much work to be bothered with' threshold is.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on December 28, 2011, 01:43:50 PM
to save makin 2 trips, use (this form ( to have the documents retrieved from storage and waiting for you on your arrival. you can preorder 6 different docs.

do you have a decent digi camera to photograph the pages? you may want to practice to get the settings right before you go, pretty sure you cant use flash but theres details on the website. they supply copy stands which will be very useful if your camera has a tripod mounting screw socket.

you will also need a Reader's Ticket (

edit: if you dont get round to it I could chip over there, but it will be end of Jan before I can take the time off.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: surfinn on December 28, 2011, 02:47:38 PM
would make an interesting target to shot at  :t +1
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on December 28, 2011, 02:52:30 PM
I have phone camera only. I want to investigate paper copies as I can scan them at work, which would be better than letting an amateur try to take pics. I don't know if the demi-gods at Hitech would like paper copies as well as digital. It all depends on the document size (i.e. number of pages). Also, I didn't realise what else you can get there, so I want to dive in and learn about it.

Furthermore I figure we may need other documentation later on (e.g. Wellington, Halifax, Lysander) and they may have some documentation on the evaluation of other non-British aircraft which may be useful too.

I will keep you guys up to date on progress.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Pigslilspaz on December 28, 2011, 09:59:22 PM
Any place like this in the States? If so, I know where my next vacation is lol.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on December 29, 2011, 05:22:21 AM
Not very helpful are they!

Here is another likely candidate - Fairey Firefly - AVIA 15/580
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on December 29, 2011, 09:46:12 PM
would make an interesting target to shot at  :t +1

Be very very careful what you wish for!  :devil

I can tell ya if it makes it into the game I may just never fly anything else! OK, OK, rarely fly anything else!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 30, 2011, 02:14:46 AM
would make an interesting target to shot at  :t +1

Look at the birdie and smile, please ignore the flash surfinn  :lol



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on December 30, 2011, 07:45:39 AM
I have phone camera only. I want to investigate paper copies as I can scan them at work, which would be better than letting an amateur try to take pics. I don't know if the demi-gods at Hitech would like paper copies as well as digital. It all depends on the document size (i.e. number of pages). Also, I didn't realise what else you can get there, so I want to dive in and learn about it.

the archive has the original docs which you can look at and photograph onsite in the reading room for free. or they can supply you with scans but that costs £200 as mentioned earlier.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Butcher on December 30, 2011, 09:53:24 AM

Look at the birdie and smile, please ignore the flash surfinn  :lol



Oh look 20mm Porn!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on December 30, 2011, 10:10:37 AM
Any place like this in the States? If so, I know where my next vacation is lol.

Library of Congress?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Pigslilspaz on January 01, 2012, 07:54:57 AM
Library of Congress?

 :bhead :bhead :bhead

Well I just had a stupid.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on January 06, 2012, 09:16:04 AM
I've ordered paper copies. I now have to wait until they've been copied and are available for pick up, then I'll pootle up to Kew pick them up and have a nosy around.

My intention is to scan and then send them to the Gods at AH (if they want copies) so that we can hopefully have this nice little bird available some day.

As we now (or shortly) will have a new classification of aircraft, I wonder if we should also consider the Lysander next as it is a completely different animal to the Storch and yet falls into the same category ... ? Or does it? Comments?

I'm not sure that the Lysander was actually used in the same way as the Storch. Anyone know?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 06, 2012, 10:20:25 AM
My intention is to scan and then send them to the Gods at AH (if they want copies)

We certainly do Martyn. Upload and share please. The documentation is now in the public domain after all  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on January 09, 2012, 04:54:01 AM
How much did they charge for the paper copies Martyn?

I would think the British equivalent of the storch would be the Auster? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Dig out the files for the Fairery Firefly while your up there!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on January 09, 2012, 06:05:03 AM
since they scan the docs the same way, whether its supplied on paper or disk, I'd guess about ... £199.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on January 09, 2012, 06:50:19 AM
How much did they charge for the paper copies Martyn?

I would think the British equivalent of the storch would be the Auster? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Dig out the files for the Fairery Firefly while your up there!

I've asked for: -
     1. AVIA 18/691
     2. AVIA 15/580

Charge: £185.40

Still waiting for news that they've been copied.

I think you're right about the Auster. And the American equivalent would have been the Grass Hopper.

So where does the Lysander fit in? I guess it doesn't.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on January 09, 2012, 08:59:04 AM
So it's fifteen quid cheaper than getting em scanned.

I made an Airfix Lysander when I was a lad and that had attachments to the wheel spats with small bombs I seem to remember - but that was a long time ago :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on January 09, 2012, 10:04:43 AM
The Lysander was really an EW bird. Totally outclassed even early on. The only useful thing it might be used for is rescuing pilots or GV crews (to save perks from being lost). A situation we don't have in-game. <sigh>.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 13, 2012, 02:09:50 PM
Here's an interesting article which features a Whirlwind pilot's experiences.





 :salute to the Supermarine Walrus crew I think. I found the story quite sobering at the end.

I hope the resolution is good enough to read.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: FTJR on January 13, 2012, 11:16:39 PM
Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 14, 2012, 11:14:17 AM
I was most moved by the letter he wrote for his parents. It's easy to forget playing this simulator what the real impact on real lives was, of what all these fellows went through.

It's a bit hard to read from the scans so I wrote it out for everyone:-

By the time you read this I shall have been reported missing or killed. Be brave - I have died as I wanted to die, I have enjoyed every minute of my flying, but have always regretted that it caused you worry.
   You have been the most wonderful parents any boy could have wished for - you have given me every opportunity, every chance to make good, every encouragement. You have humoured my moods, admonished me gently when I have been wrong.
   Goodbye for now and thank you for twenty wonderful years.
Your son

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on January 17, 2012, 07:31:12 PM
Oh my, how'd this get here?


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: blood_scout67 on January 18, 2012, 10:50:17 AM
i would love to see the westland as it know for its hard armor(well hard for those times) and great speed and manuvaring not to mention the firepower 4 hispano cannons they could rip apart a messer 110 with just a squeez :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: DrBone1 on January 18, 2012, 11:41:45 AM
Where is Nrshida at with all the info on this Bird!!!  :joystick:

Why has it not been added!!!!  :joystick:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 18, 2012, 06:10:40 PM
Where is Nrshida at with all the info on this Bird!!!  :joystick:

Why has it not been added!!!!  :joystick:

I really have nothing left to contribute. I have spent hours and hours searching for resources and have shared everything I could find. I honestly think on this moment there are no more internet resources available. All that remains is some drawings regarding aerofoil sections only interesting if you are going to make a 3d model.

Frankly I can't see HTC adding this aircraft soon as it's slow, won't climb well and is British. There are far more attractive late war monsters for people to wish for and then also the perceived holes in the planeset. The Bristol Beaufighter boys have been waiting just as long.

It's obviously a popular suggestion. The earliest Westland Whirlwind thread I could find was dated almost ten years ago. This thread has currently had 4595 views and nary a bad word said against its addition. I really haven't seen that many Wishlist threads get the same reception and everyone has contributed whatever they have.

I think this aircraft would offer absolutely unique attributes in the world of Aces High and would be an awful lot of fun (and take a long time to master) but I'm not going to hang my hopes out on it because I'll only get frustrated & disillusioned.

One final thing I can offer is the following gif that I made. Any other fans of the Whirlwind feel free to incorporate it into your avatars to show solidarity and support for its eventual inclusion :pray


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on January 19, 2012, 06:54:15 AM
I'm still waiting for the National Archives to let me know when the information is ready for collection.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on January 19, 2012, 08:28:31 AM
Give them a nudge Martyn, they have probably nodded off while copying it!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on January 19, 2012, 09:17:04 AM
I have - twice. No response.

I may have to put on my black death vest, find my best german helmet, get on my easy rider, practice my most evil grin and visit them personally.

Perhaps this time I'll wear my jeans too, because some bits can be less intimidating in this cold weather.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: pangea on January 19, 2012, 10:34:48 AM
I support adding the Westland Whirlwind to AH.  Thanks and <S> to all who have worked so hard to make this happen.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: blood_scout67 on January 19, 2012, 12:08:04 PM
westland whrilwind is amazing go westland !!!!!!!!!!!! :rock
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on January 23, 2012, 06:41:17 PM
oops, I left the window open and this came back,  sorry

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on February 06, 2012, 09:58:44 AM
Any news from the records office Martyn?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on February 06, 2012, 10:58:33 AM
I have been informed that the records 'should' be ready for me to collect by Tue 7th Feb.
They 'should' notify me by email - but they haven't.
As I needed to book a day off, I've given them a 2 day grace period and I'm going up on Thursday (provided the transport system doesn't collapse under the incredible weight of a quarter inch of snow!).

Once got, I'll then need to ascertain how to get the information up on the interweb. It depends on how much there is. Even the archive people aren't too sure. I might also take copies and snail-mail them to AH for their own records - but again, it depends on size.

I will let you guys know as it happens.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on February 06, 2012, 11:00:04 AM
(double post)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 06, 2012, 01:13:50 PM
Martyn, if it's possible please make these documents available to us also. The information is legally in the public domain. Given the work some of us have put into this thread and the spirit of sharing that exists here.

If you need help uploading it let me know, you can use The GFC file sharing service if it helps.  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on February 06, 2012, 01:25:51 PM
Let me make myself clear.
I have no intention of keeping this information to myself, despite the cost.
I shall come to you if I need help - but I do have access to technology.
The only limitations are my time and the quantity of material involved.
I'll keep you up to date as/when/if things happen.
So far its looking good - but still no word from the archives. I shall be ringing them Wednesday if they don't get in touch beforehand.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on February 10, 2012, 07:16:39 AM
OK, I've got a box of documentation from the Nat. Archives.

For all you UK-Type-People, the National Archives at Kew is a pretty nice place. It has an Internet Cafe, a proper Cafe/Restaurant and a shop that seems to sell some WW2 books (amongst others of course). Well worth a visit if you want to do some research - but check the website first JIC.

I have scanned all the AVIA 18/691 (Westland Whirlwind) documents. They were originally foolscap so they're now scanned into A3 mulitple page TIFF files. There are 8 files, sizes vary from 300KB to 3.5MB. Some of the pages are poor quality though.

I'm not sure if I can process these any different, I still need to check what my home scanner can do. Let's see if the current files are OK as a source first.

Also, I have AVIA 15/580 documentation - but there's an awful lot of it and it needs sorting first.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Brownien on February 10, 2012, 05:22:44 PM
cool plane +1 :rock
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 11, 2012, 03:29:02 AM
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Taken from: Air Ministry and successors: Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment: Reports and Notes AVIA 18/691 Whirlwind aircraft: performance and handling trials. - Date range: 1940 - 1942 - The National Archives, Kew.

This data courtesy of Martyn  :salute for your efforts sir and thank you.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on February 11, 2012, 07:20:47 AM
If the 'Hitech Gods' need any specific information and/or clarification then let us know.

I also have the Fairey Firefly data but that's far more complicated. There's an awful lot of it.
I shall be working through that more slowly.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on February 12, 2012, 10:50:03 AM
Thanks for your efforts Martyn - we can expect this aircraft to be added in about 2 weeks!  :cool:

Re the Firefly. HTC would only need the Mk I stuff as this is the only version that saw combat in WWII. Is that easily sorted or do you have to trawl through loads of stuff to get the data for it?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Volron on February 12, 2012, 11:28:22 AM
I am having a lot of trouble trying to read a few of those pages.  When clicking to zoom in, it keeps it nice and tiny instead of coming into actual page size, so it makes it impossible to read some of them, especially the last one.  I believe that is something you can take care of though.  If it still readable in front of you but can't really make out things on screen, you will have to send either copies or the real deal to HTC.  In the end, I think they would prefer to receive the paper documentation vs an email but only they can really comment on their preferences at this point.

Regardless, very nice work! :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 12, 2012, 11:32:25 AM
I'll upload bigger versions tomorrow.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on February 12, 2012, 01:18:14 PM
Thanks for your efforts Martyn - we can expect this aircraft to be added in about 2 weeks!  :cool:

Re the Firefly. HTC would only need the Mk I stuff as this is the only version that saw combat in WWII. Is that easily sorted or do you have to trawl through loads of stuff to get the data for it?

I've got a lot to trawl through regardless. The quality isn't that great and some of the copies seem to be out of order.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 12, 2012, 01:45:00 PM
Anyone know of a free OCR service?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on February 12, 2012, 02:18:31 PM
even decent OCR software wont work with that quality scan :(
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on February 12, 2012, 02:57:52 PM
Send it to me and I'll key it in  - 30 years a typesetter! I'll help where needed Martyn.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Martyn on February 12, 2012, 03:40:30 PM
Send it to me and I'll key it in  - 30 years a typesetter! I'll help where needed Martyn.

Thanks - nrshida has the scanned docs for the Whirlwind. I need to sort the Fairey Fairefly info then scan them in too.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 12, 2012, 11:37:17 PM
You'll have them today Baggy  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Shuffler on February 13, 2012, 11:58:54 AM
Nice work guys.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 13, 2012, 03:18:12 PM
I hope this is better. Unsorted but in a hurry. Sorry for that but no more time today  :salute









Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 15, 2012, 07:33:43 AM
Does anyone know if it is possible to calculate the climb rate from the chart but without the bombs?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JVboob on February 17, 2012, 04:42:44 PM
im a twin engine junky stable at slow speeds!! :) love it small love it 4 20's aside from ammo love it and it will help with gunnery skills annnnnd speed isnt too bad either def a +1!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on March 28, 2012, 07:45:54 PM
oops, how'd this get here?   :huh

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on March 29, 2012, 10:47:47 AM
Just scanned this top to bottom again. We sure made a good thread didn't we?

Someone spruced up the Wikipedia page since the last time I visited, adding these two pictures:-



Does anyone have a scanned copy of this pamphlet? It is Profile Publications No.191:-


WMaker, you mentioned pilot's notes, are those available online somewhere?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Wmaker on March 29, 2012, 10:50:57 AM
nrshida, PM me your e-mail.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on March 29, 2012, 11:11:24 AM
nrshida, PM me your e-mail.

 :banana:   :salute

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Scherf on March 30, 2012, 03:08:22 PM
That climb chart is also a MIL, the Whirly did WEP at +9 lbs boost.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on March 30, 2012, 07:06:33 PM
It's kinda reminds me of a Mossie's Minime...+1 again, I want this almost as bad as the meteor.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Seadog36 on April 05, 2012, 11:00:39 AM
What's up with the 1/2 black underbelly on some spits and the whirlwind? Never got that story...
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on April 05, 2012, 01:43:25 PM
it was an early version of the invasion stripes used by the allies later in the war.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on April 21, 2012, 04:13:54 PM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on April 22, 2012, 11:50:29 AM
 :pray :pray :pray

"Dear God, please send down the Westland Whirlwind to Aces High, and cure cancer, and end hunger, and stop the wars, and lots of other important stuff....  but give us the Whirlwind first, m'kay? Please?"

 :pray :pray :pray
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 22, 2012, 12:30:33 PM
I have some more information from the pilot's manual which I will post shortly  :banana:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on April 22, 2012, 03:02:31 PM
Hey shida, you have this book?


EXCELLENT resource, tons of pilot reports and detailed info on every single whirlwind produced, from date built to each and every one's final fate.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 23, 2012, 02:14:01 PM
No I'm afraid I don't have that book. I'm a bit strapped at the moment with materials for my course. I'd love to see some snippets though if you feel inclined to share with us fellow Crikey fans  :pray

Some interesting information from the Pilot's Manual regarding the flap and slats, the operation of which had been somewhat of a mystery until now:-

Interconnection of Fowler flap, root slats and radiator shutters

   6.   These components are interconnected and cannot be operated separately; the movement of the Fowler flap automatically controls the others,

   8.   It should be noted that, unlike most present hydraulic flap controls the movement of the flap is progressive with the movement of the flap control lever.

   18.   The root slats are hydraulically operated and controlled by the movement of the flap. The root slats are closed whilst the flap is up but when the flap is lowered to the take-off position a trip lever operates the hydraulic valve for the slat jacks and the slats are immediately fully opened. They will remain fully open during any further movement of the flap but will close again when the flap moves up past the quarter-travel position...

   19.   The outer slats are entirely automatic in operation.

Important. -    The aeroplane should not be flown above certain speeds with the flaps depressed. It should be remembered that setting the radiator shutters for maximum cooling also depresses the flaps, so the aeroplane must not be flown at very high speeds in maximum cooling position. The maximum permissible speeds for various flap positions are as follows:-

(a)   Flaps depressed about 10⁰, to give maximum cooling position of radiator shutters - 300 m.p.h. A.S.I.

(b)   Flap depressed half-way - 200 m.p.h. A.S.I.

(c)   Flap fully down for landing - 160  m.p.h. A.S.I.

I was encouraged by the reasonably high speeds the flaps can be deployed at, and that the operation of the flap also operates the inner slat, so it is a little bit like a mini airliner when it comes to high lift devices.

Also that the outer wing slats were automatic in operation just like the 109 (Handley-Page design). Presumably fitted for the same reason as the 109.

I'm definitely viewing the Whirly now more as the illegitimate love child of a back-alley rendezvous betwixt C Hog and Mosquito.  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: danny76 on April 25, 2012, 05:24:28 AM
Much prettier than its younger namesake as well  :uhoh

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Charge on April 25, 2012, 07:48:09 AM
"What's up with the 1/2 black underbelly on some spits and the whirlwind?"

When mostly operating above friendly skies in interception role it is easier for flak directors to detect friend from foe. I.e. the same reason why later on the airfield cover 190-D9s had the red striped underbelly.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JOACH1M on April 25, 2012, 08:56:30 AM
More tater food :)  :banana:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 25, 2012, 12:38:51 PM
Just keep climbing young Jo. Four Hispanos mounted in the nose, less than 12 inches apart, tends to negate an awful lot of excess power  :old:

What is the longest Aces High Mosquito shot on record by the way?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on April 28, 2012, 07:53:54 AM

(a)   Flaps depressed about 10⁰, to give maximum cooling position of radiator shutters - 300 m.p.h. A.S.I.

(b)   Flap depressed half-way - 200 m.p.h. A.S.I.

(c)   Flap fully down for landing - 160  m.p.h. A.S.I.

Wow, those flap speeds could make this even more fun then I was thinking.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on April 28, 2012, 08:42:10 AM
What is the longest Aces High Mosquito shot on record by the way?
Dunno what the longest is, but I've downed a fleeing P-51D at about 1000 yards.  I don't think I'd have taken that shot in a Whirlwind though as it doesn't have the Mosquito's ammo load.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 28, 2012, 04:25:20 PM
Wow, those flap speeds could make this even more fun then I was thinking.

Yup. Don't forget about the slats too, almost the Grumman Tomcat of its day  :banana: Well, we can dream can't we  :pray

I figure the ability to drop that Fowler flap and slats at a medium speed, plus the very long reaching armament and excellent energy retention might compensate for the mediocre climb rate. What do you reckon?

Dunno what the longest is, but I've downed a fleeing P-51D at about 1000 yards.  I don't think I'd have taken that shot in a Whirlwind though as it doesn't have the Mosquito's ammo load.

Do we know what the maximum range of the Hispano is as modelled in game? I heard some rounds cease to exist after a certain distance. I've also snipped a P-51D wing off with a P-39's 37-mm once at 1000 yards indicated. Was the last round too. He was also fleeing. Strange  :lol

I was wondering if some of you fellow fans of the Westland Whirlwind might consider appending this to your signatures to show support (and naturally display your fine taste in aircraft  :lol). It's mixed black and white to reflect the underside paint job:-

(center))Westland Whirlwind(color=white) Appreciation Society(/color)(/center)

Just replace each curved bracket with its equivalent square one to get this:-

Westland Whirlwind Appreciation Society

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JOACH1M on April 29, 2012, 12:03:37 AM
Just keep climbing young Jo. Four Hispanos mounted in the nose, less than 12 inches apart, tends to negate an awful lot of excess power  :old:

What is the longest Aces High Mosquito shot on record by the way?

:banana: :airplane:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on May 13, 2012, 10:26:08 PM
Ahem!!  cough cough, spit, gurgle, choke, cough!!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 13, 2012, 11:38:35 PM
You know this aircraft in Whirlybomber format would make a vital contribution to the Aces High ground war  :banana:  :rofl
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 20, 2012, 02:02:50 AM
Many thanks to my friend Zack1234 for obtaining and scanning this article:-









Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on May 20, 2012, 06:48:15 AM
A total laic's question:
was there any Merlin-equipped version of the Whirlwind? What were the differences between the Whirlwind and the Welkin? Is there any chance for the Welkin to meet the criteria?
Couse those could be real decent performers.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 21, 2012, 10:48:14 AM
I'm not sure the Welkin would be very useful or even qualify. Yes it has the much larger Merlin engines but it gained a lot of weight not just the wings and fin but also the pressurised cockpit. It also lost all of the interesting high lift devices.

Interestingly the Welkin had the same high altitude problems as the U2 did a lot later. Teddy Petter's next high altitude project (the Canberra) had low-aspect ratio wings.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on May 21, 2012, 11:18:34 AM
No Merlin version of the Whirlwind was attempted.  If I recall, redesigning it to take the much larger Merlin was judged not worth the effort.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on June 26, 2012, 07:53:07 PM
Damn! this was stuck on my shoe when I entered, sorry   :angel:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on June 27, 2012, 07:52:14 PM





C'mon Dale, I mean, my GOD, we've got praying babies, puppies, kittens, and a praying monkey 'fer Christ sakes!!! What more do you want????
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on June 28, 2012, 06:50:07 PM
I really really want this
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JOACH1M on June 29, 2012, 12:56:45 AM
I really really want this
That's what she said!  :bolt:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 29, 2012, 01:03:34 AM





C'mon Dale, I mean, my GOD, we've got praying babies, puppies, kittens, and a praying monkey 'fer Christ sakes!!! What more do you want????

Ha ha ha, epic!

Yes please HTC, some of us are getting on in terms of Aces High years (which are like dog years only worse), please give us old coots potentially the most challenging / rewarding / fun plane out there, certainly different in nature from the normal variation on a standard theme stuff. We Crikey pilots would show these whippersnappers a thing or two, with their huge horsepower engines. Let's see you outrun / out-climb a dozen well aimed Hispano rounds flying in close formation  :old:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Charge on June 29, 2012, 03:31:02 AM
Don't hold yer breath guys. It took 10 years to get 410 in game since it was requested first time.   :lol

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 29, 2012, 03:40:13 AM
The first Whirlwind Wishlist thread I could find dates from approximately the same period.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on June 29, 2012, 02:22:21 PM
And besides, the Whirlwind served longer than the 410, arguably with greater impact given that there were only 2 squadrons of them. They wrought havoc on enemy shipping in the Channel and ground targets in France. The Whirlwind pilots greived for their loss when they were forced to move to the Typhoon... This was a very loved little plane

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 29, 2012, 03:06:25 PM
For me personally this is also a very emotive aircraft because it epitomises the fighting spirit of my homeland at a time when they literally fought for their very survival. Most poignantly the eight Whirlwinds that fought to their deaths outnumbered in the channel dash. One gets sentimental with maturity.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on June 29, 2012, 06:16:37 PM
I agree.

If not for the British at that time, who knows what the next few years would have been for far more people.

When I was a child I lived in Luton. My father earned his silver C at the Dunstable Downs gliding the slopes. Tiger Moths and Dragon Rapides are fantastic living art by Mr. Dehavilland which were frequent sights and a ride for me once. I can never forget the smell of warm doped fabric in just mowed feilds. The tiger Moths acted as glider tugs. I was once afforded the privlege as a child of sitting in a spitfire at a war memorial display near the Downs.

For the history and thanks to the brave heros all those years ago, this would be a great addition to the game.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Seanaldinho on June 29, 2012, 06:32:11 PM
I agree.

If not for the British at that time, who knows what the next few years would have been for far more people.

When I was a child I lived in Luton. My father earned his silver C at the Dunstable Downs gliding the slopes. Tiger Moths and Dragon Rapides are fantastic living art by Mr. Dehavilland which were frequent sights and a ride for me once. I can never forget the smell of warm doped fabric in just mowed feilds. The tiger Moths acted as glider tugs. I was once afforded the privlege as a child of sitting in a spitfire at a war memorial display near the Downs.

For the history and thanks to the brave heros all those years ago, this would be a great addition to the game.

Oh the Dragon Rapide... one of the most beautiful planes ever created.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on June 30, 2012, 07:38:50 AM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Eric19 on June 30, 2012, 02:12:34 PM
+1 for this beautiful aircraft
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 06, 2012, 02:33:35 AM
Apparently Classic Aircrames make a model of this aircraft in 1:48th scale but I've been unable to find one for sale on eBay:-


Coorrr, look at the nacelles on that one, and look at the length of those wings. I definitely would  :banana:

Also have a look at this fellow's efforts, he built a 1:32nd scale model. FROM SCRATCH!

Scroll down a bit for the finished model, and then look back through the pages for his build.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on August 02, 2012, 02:50:03 PM


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on August 04, 2012, 10:16:31 PM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: lyric1 on August 05, 2012, 07:48:27 AM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 06, 2012, 08:34:23 AM
Hasn't this awesome, fun little aircraft not been added yet? I've been away from Aces High for absolutely ages!  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on September 06, 2012, 03:31:12 PM
The Old Plastic Model Kits ( site lists a special-order 1:32 scale vacuum-formed kit (includes resin and cast metal parts) for US $100.  And from the description, it sounds like an expert-modeler kind of kit.

Apparently Classic Aircrames make a model of this aircraft in 1:48th scale but I've been unable to find one for sale on eBay:-


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 18, 2012, 07:30:12 PM
The Old Plastic Model Kits ( site lists a special-order 1:32 scale vacuum-formed kit (includes resin and cast metal parts) for US $100.  And from the description, it sounds like an expert-modeler kind of kit.

1:32 is a bit too big for me. Another Classic Aircrames 1:48 just went on ebay but it was over $80  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on October 02, 2012, 10:05:47 PM
This! For Shida  :aok



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 04, 2012, 06:07:40 AM
This! For Shida  :aok




 :rock   :salute

I'm afraid I don't have anymore material to contribute. Except the original pilot's manual. No one wants to see that, right?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Beermat on November 26, 2012, 12:47:11 PM
I recently acquired some of the blueprints:-

Just to clear this up.. did you 'acquire' these, or are you in fact posting the content of the Whirlwind project site, without accreditation and without acknowledgement of the actual copyright holders  - in several cases AgustaWestland, and in one ca se - the wing section sketches, me.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on November 26, 2012, 01:25:34 PM
If this is the attitude The Whirlwind Project (which Ive never heard of until today) takes towards potential sponsors/researchers/contributers or indeed just people who have recently discovered this interesting aircraft, then I dont see much of a future for it. Good manners cost nothing.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 26, 2012, 03:44:47 PM
Just to clear this up.. did you 'acquire' these, or are you in fact posting the content of the Whirlwind project site, without accreditation and without acknowledgement of the actual copyright holders  - in several cases AgustaWestland, and in one ca se - the wing section sketches, me.

Crikey, it's the extinct aeroplane police!  :old:  :bolt:

Yes I 'acquired' them from the Whirlwind Project website, you don't mind me copying them here do you?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Beermat on November 27, 2012, 03:22:50 AM
Apologies - I was a little miffed, as the author of some of that material myself I hope that people will understand.

As RTHolmes says, Good manners cost nothing. I don't mind copying, just a little acknowledgement. Also, the site has warnings about material being copyrighted, and we did say to AgustaWestland that we would be very hot on reproduction of some of their images.

Future for the project? I am not sure that was ever in question. Please take a look at www.whirlwindfighterproject.o rg. there are a lot of researchers and helpers putting in a lot of time to gather this material and more that now has to remain off the site as owners are concerned about copyright.

Finally, I should have done this first. My name's Matt Bearman, I have only ever built Hawker bits before and whe Whirlwind is the biggest and most fun thing I have done. The project is still in the 'design' phase, which (as the vast majority of the drawings were destroyed) is, as you would imagine, a long one. We have the leading lights in Whirly stuff on board, as well as some 'big hitters' in the historic aircraft re-creation / restoration world helping in the background. RTHolmes, feel free to join in - and we don't usually have any kind of 'attitude'. Apologies.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 27, 2012, 07:16:24 AM
Hi Matt,

I apologize if I didn't credit you. As soon as I saw the dates on the working drawings (1938 and 1939) I assumed the Copyrights had expired (more than 70 years old) and they were therefore Public Domain. I didn't notice your drawings were more modern as I was in a hurry.

My intention was simply to gather all of the material I could find in case HTC decides at some point to add this aircraft to the game.  :pray

Any internal construction details were merely shared out of interest and to show the workings of the slats etc. Your wing sections are especially useful because of the simulation method HTC employs, but if you wish I will remove them from this thread. Not that I particularly see a conflict of interest, both factions are enthusiastic about the same old bird, we just express it in different ways.

I'd be interested to know how you derived the sections by the way.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RTHolmes on November 27, 2012, 05:34:02 PM
Hi Matt

Sorry if I was a little abrupt, welcome to the AH forums :)

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Beermat on November 29, 2012, 03:20:13 AM
Thanks for the welcome!

Yes, we are approaching our interest in different ways, and it would be great to work together on this. The thing about the Westland design drawings is we are concerned not to upset AgustaWestland - it is their blessing that gives us a much better chance of this succeeding than previous attempts at this 'holy grail' project. Legal copyright is a moot point, but we wish to remain on the side of the angels regardless!

Those profiles are fairly OK, but be warned that the outer wing sections were 'stretched' from the pure NACA profile to 'fit' along the diagonal frames, not line-of-flight. I measured this from the copy of the drawing reproduced on this thread, so may not be nanometre accurate (in fact, for reasons of 3d geometry and wing taper, which I'm sure you'll be familiar with, they definitely won't be, but the deviation in aerofoil is near-neglegable). They were not going to be used for our build. No, you are OK, leave them there - this thread now serves as a pointer to our project, so I guess it's a good thing..

There will be a CAD Whirly produced, complete with every component listed in the parts manual. I am not techy enough to know whether one can render something from this, but we should be able to make something available. Just not for quite a while! In the meantime make free with what you can glean from the site (you might have to register to get the good stuff), just keep on acknowledging where source is known in return. Ta!


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on November 29, 2012, 07:00:24 PM
I just want to add that I promise I will fly this exclusively for a full tour as soon as it's added :pray
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 29, 2012, 08:01:20 PM
Yes, we are approaching our interest in different ways, and it would be great to work together on this. The thing about the Westland design drawings is we are concerned not to upset AgustaWestland - it is their blessing that gives us a much better chance of this succeeding than previous attempts at this 'holy grail' project. Legal copyright is a moot point, but we wish to remain on the side of the angels regardless!

I must admit Matt, I find AgustaWestland's Copyright claim to be tenuous in the extreme, but since Aces High is more concerned with the external shape for the flight model and the details of the internal construction more important to you guys, we wouldn't do anything to jeopardise your access to further information they might have for you.  :salute

If we one day get the Crikey added to Aces High, perhaps you could also give us a mention on your website. Some of us would be more than willing to give training to members of the project as a special gesture (this game has a very steep learning curve). Just have them quote the special secret discount code: '219DownWithSausagePlanes'  :lol

I just want to add that I promise I will fly this exclusively for a full tour as soon as it's added :pray

Thank you for your support MK-84!  :banana:

Remember to vote Whirlwind in the next election!  :lol
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on November 29, 2012, 08:12:45 PM
Oh I will, unless the Meteor is in the vote too, that's going to be one hard decision  :cry
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Scherf on November 29, 2012, 08:39:21 PM
Don't know if this has been posted before:

Some links to Whirly project clips there as well.

I too begin to hanker for this bird.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 29, 2012, 08:42:08 PM
Don't know if this has been posted before:

Some links to Whirly project clips there as well.

Sound good don't they?

I too begin to hanker for this bird.

The more the merrier!  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on November 29, 2012, 09:00:26 PM
It's probably been brought up but is there any aircraft we have in AH that we could reasonably compare performance to?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 29, 2012, 09:12:40 PM
It's probably been brought up but is there any aircraft we have in AH that we could reasonably compare performance to?

I think there really isn't anything close. She's not fast compared to the typical LW stuff and doesn't especially climb well. The energy retention should be impressive given the weight and slippery aerodynamic shape. The wing loading doesn't seem impressive but from the pilot's manual we've gathered that the huge Fowler flap comes out at quite a high speed, probably fairly close to the corner speed. Also there is a good deal of leading edge slat, which implies great low-speed stability.

I conjecture something like a miniature P-38 / more nimble Mosquito with some flying characteristics of the C Hog, just slower. The aircraft is smaller than it appears also, not a lot bigger than a Hurricane.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on November 29, 2012, 09:28:23 PM
So I should stop wishing for the Red Ryder for Xmas and wish for this?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Beermat on November 30, 2012, 07:29:51 AM

If we one day get the Crikey added to Aces High, perhaps you could also give us a mention on your website. Some of us would be more than willing to give training to members of the project as a special gesture (this game has a very steep learning curve). Just have them quote the special secret discount code: '219DownWithSausagePlanes'  :lol

Of course!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on November 30, 2012, 11:01:58 AM
How good would this look:


If done to the same standard as this:


 :banana: :banana: :banana: :pray

Bustr said the gunsight was the same. Also see some common instruments.

New Hurricanes have a mirror someone said?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bruv119 on November 30, 2012, 05:06:40 PM
I heard the installation of the mirror is for zack1234 to make sure his hair is still looking good.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on November 30, 2012, 10:42:43 PM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 01, 2012, 04:07:49 AM
I heard the installation of the mirror is for zack1234 to make sure his hair is still looking good.

Zack's got dreadlocks, his hair always looks good.  :old:

Control column is also the same. Interestingly I think you can see the Whirlwind would have better frontal visibility (as the 'What Fighter 1940' review found) if you use the two shoulder rails and main six gauge instrument panel as reference.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: FTJR on December 01, 2012, 05:49:53 AM
Zack's got dreadlocks, his hair always looks good.  :old:

Control column is also the same. Interestingly I think you can see the Whirlwind would have better frontal visibility (as the 'What Fighter 1940' review found) if you use the two shoulder rails and main six gauge instrument panel as reference.

Would expect so, no big engine to peer over, just a gentle sloping nose cone
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Scherf on December 01, 2012, 06:33:48 AM
^ You still talking about Zack?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Lusche on December 01, 2012, 06:34:57 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 01, 2012, 06:51:03 AM
 :lol  :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Beermat on December 02, 2012, 03:04:35 AM

I must admit Matt, I find AgustaWestland's Copyright claim to be tenuous in the extreme

I've been told by a genuine officer of the Extinct Aeroplane Police that one area Westland could have us on is under Section 12 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 - - where original tech drawings and diagrams are considered as 'Graphic Work' ("any painting, drawing, diagram, map, chart or plan") Ref Section 4, Para 2(a), and therefore have a 70 year rule applied measured from the first date of public release. I know it's arguable, but there you go..
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on December 02, 2012, 05:35:32 AM
That Copyright pertains to literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works and those are computer reproductions of working drawings - none of the above.

Copyright does not prohibit all copying anyway. Quick look on Wikipedia:-

Fair use and fair dealing:  Copyright does not prohibit all copying or replication. In the United States, the fair use doctrine, codified by the Copyright Act of 1976 as 17 U.S.C. Section 107, permits some copying and distribution without permission of the copyright holder or payment to same. The statute does not clearly define fair use, but instead gives four non-exclusive factors to consider in a fair use analysis. Those factors are:

The purpose and character of your use.

The nature of the copyrighted work.

What amount and proportion of the whole work was taken, and

The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

Have they got a lot more blueprints in private that they are withholding until you agree to a new Copyright agreement Matt?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Beermat on December 02, 2012, 01:59:12 PM
The copyright pertains to Graphic works - from the Act:- "'Graphic Work' ("any painting, drawing, diagram, map, chart or plan")

Reproduction is the exact issue - That is why it is called copyright. Should one print those plans in a book, they will have arrived there via a computer. And copyright law would very much still pertain.

Patent applies to the designs described by the drawings, Copyright applies to the drawings themselves.

You have quoted the US Copyright Act - I am more familiar with the UK equivalent.

There is clause in the UK Act that seems equivalent to the doctrine in the US one, so that reproduction for academic or research use is indeed allowed. However, it does clearly prescribe the use of appropriate acknowledgement in this circumstance.

There's no hidden agenda - just a gentleman's agreement to honour their request. They are not aware of any more material, but it doesn't mean that more rummaging won't unearth it. To allow us to rummage in their archive - which is on their HQ and factory site - we need their goodwill.

AAaaanyway - I know it's all very arguable - and I am not a lawyer. Having said all of this, I would always be minded to acknowledge my sources even if there wasn't anything to gain nor legal imperative.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JVboob on December 19, 2012, 05:28:34 AM
I WANT THE WHIRLY DOOOO whilwing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its sexy and has 2engines +1 x's a million
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on January 20, 2013, 08:42:25 AM
I found this out in the cold, suffering from neglect and exposure.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: phatzo on January 20, 2013, 02:46:22 PM
It's a bit of a shame that the Westland Welkin never went into production, it would have been a great High alt buff buster over the strats.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: tuton25 on January 20, 2013, 03:01:36 PM
Wouldn't the Welkin be similar to the Mossie Mk. 30
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: phatzo on January 20, 2013, 03:49:30 PM
Wouldn't the Welkin be similar to the Mossie Mk. 30
The Welkin was conceived due to the appearance of the Ju 86 high alt bomber (which never really eventuated). It was armed with four Hispano cannon and had a pressurised cockpit and was capable of 420mph at 40k.

check out the wing
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 20, 2013, 04:48:19 PM
( The Welkin sucks arse! It hasn't even got any slats. Rubbish!  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: phatzo on January 20, 2013, 05:16:54 PM
( The Welkin sucks arse! It hasn't even got any slats. Rubbish!  :old:
sorry for the highjack, I just thought it made an interesting footnote.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 20, 2013, 05:24:22 PM
 :rofl No problem, just some of us are so enthusiastic about the Crikey  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RedBull1 on January 20, 2013, 05:26:45 PM
Gentlemen, I've come to a conclusion about said Westland Whirlwind.

It is indeed a plane.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 20, 2013, 05:29:24 PM
Gentlemen, I've come to a conclusion about said Westland Whirlwind.

Awesome ain't it? Just look at those nacelles on it. You definitely would wouldn't you Redbull, be honest.  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RedBull1 on January 20, 2013, 05:33:27 PM
Awesome ain't it? Just look at those nacelles on it. You definitely would wouldn't you Redbull, be honest.  :banana:

Well...I dunno if I am honest is kinda...well...OK fine

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 20, 2013, 05:34:24 PM
Tell us what you really think  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Debrody on January 20, 2013, 05:34:55 PM
Jaks and Lagg-3
Tu-2 or Pe-2
He-111, Do-17Z or Ju-188
 :aok :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on January 20, 2013, 09:23:50 PM

Praying monkey still asks "Please can have?"
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JVboob on January 22, 2013, 07:00:02 PM
it was very small plane. ive read a lil bit a bout them and for early war it was a fast plane with puts it as an average mid war speed probably faster than hurries but slower than any spit past a 5. i want i want i want!!!!!!! 38 is bigger than this we need a small twin engine! +1
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on April 28, 2013, 09:32:54 PM
Still, This  :rock  :x


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 11, 2013, 03:49:42 AM
Some very interesting information in here which suggest the characteristics of the aircraft. Especially notable is the operation of the flap and slats.

The original Pilot's Notes:-

( (

Click on image to download. Many thanks to WMaker.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on June 14, 2013, 09:30:34 AM
The WW pilot's notes are awesome. Thanks, man.  :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: LCADolby on June 14, 2013, 09:33:02 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: BluBerry on June 14, 2013, 10:10:46 AM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RedBull1 on June 14, 2013, 10:27:40 AM
You would think after 24 pages of mostly positive reviews they would consider at least making a poll with it :noid
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 14, 2013, 12:28:00 PM
You would think after 24 pages of mostly positive reviews they would consider at least making a poll with it :noid

I love you Redbull. I just wanted you to know that  :banana:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RedBull1 on June 14, 2013, 12:30:58 PM
I love you Redbull. I just wanted you to know that  :banana:
I love you too, but I can't cheat on zack. :cry :confused:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 14, 2013, 12:50:07 PM
I love you too, but I can't cheat on zack. :cry :confused:

We can still dream about winging Westland Whirlwinds together over Tank Town and dying heroically together like those poor old chaps in the channel dash  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: lyric1 on June 15, 2013, 04:42:54 PM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 15, 2013, 04:48:19 PM
Wow many thanks Lyric  :rock
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: lyric1 on June 15, 2013, 05:10:37 PM
Wow many thanks Lyric  :rock
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bino on June 17, 2013, 08:57:52 AM
We can still dream about winging Westland Whirlwinds together over Tank Town and dying heroically together like those poor old chaps in the channel dash  :banana:

I'd really like to see what might happen in a "what-if" Battle Of Britain FSO event with some Whirlwinds.  *sigh*

This is me pining for the Peregrines.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on June 17, 2013, 04:53:23 PM
I love you Redbull. I just wanted you to know that  :banana:

WOW, now I am jealous.

I have virtually by my lonesome reached deep down in the goo that is "past threads" to dig this out and keep it alive only to have you give your love to another!

Heart broken, true pain and disbelief.

It was all for you shida   :cry :cry

Is his shoe size bigger?  :(

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RedBull1 on June 17, 2013, 09:00:49 PM
WOW, now I am jealous.

I have virtually by my lonesome reached deep down in the goo that is "past threads" to dig this out and keep it alive only to have you give your love to another!

Heart broken, true pain and disbelief.

It was all for you shida   :cry :cry

Is his shoe size bigger?  :(

JUG it's nothing personal, but I think he prefers the size of my K4's taters to the size of your 110's rear 7.7mm  :uhoh

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 19, 2013, 03:42:19 AM
WOW, now I am jealous.

I have virtually by my lonesome reached deep down in the goo that is "past threads" to dig this out and keep it alive only to have you give your love to another!

Heart broken, true pain and disbelief.

It was all for you shida   :cry :cry

Is his shoe size bigger?  :(


 :rofl :rofl

JUGgler, you don't write, you don't call....

 :lol  :salute

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 19, 2013, 03:43:37 AM
I'd really like to see what might happen in a "what-if" Battle Of Britain FSO event with some Whirlwinds.  *sigh*

This is me pining for the Peregrines.

Yes! Vote early warbirds in the next election!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on June 19, 2013, 04:28:04 PM
So if you get this thingy, will you promise to be quiet and quit pestering Hitech??

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Zacherof on June 19, 2013, 05:35:17 PM
So if you get this thingy, will you promise to be quiet and quit pestering Hitech??

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on June 19, 2013, 06:53:13 PM
So if you get this thingy, will you promise to be quiet and quit pestering Hitech??


C. Boomerang!!!  :airplane:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on June 20, 2013, 02:37:51 AM
C. Boomerang!!!  :airplane:

Danged squadmates taking advantage of an old mans sense of loyalty........

So if you get this thingy, will you promise to be quiet and quit pestering Hitech??

D. Boomerang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OOps!!! Just to cut off Guppy at the pass......................... .................

E. BeauFighter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's it. You blokes owe me a pint for the shameless plugs. I bet you two are going to let me slave over a hot gunsight to give you historical reticles too.......Hmmm, didn't I already do that?? See I'm old....... :old:

Good thing the missus keeps me in IPA.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on June 21, 2013, 10:48:42 AM
38 downloads of the Pilot's Notes. Any speculation as to how it would compare to existing AH aircraft?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on July 11, 2013, 02:32:09 PM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 11, 2013, 03:38:54 PM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Fish42 on July 19, 2013, 06:12:41 PM

Some more Whirlwind facts

–Although the existence of the Whirlwind was undisclosed to the general public until 1942 the Germans were well informed on this type and it appeared in detail in the small  Kriegsflugzeuge books that every German soldier had in his knapsack! Also in the aircraft recognition manual from the Kriegsmarine, the type was amply illustrated including position of fuel tanks, armour and armament!

-Below 5000 m the Whirlwind could out-climb both Spitfire and Hurricane. Maximum speed was almost equal than that of the Spitfire, but it was faster than the Hurricane. In spite of its higher wing loading and larger dimensions it could out-turn both Spitfire and Hurricane by using differential throttle settings of the both engines. Above 5000 m both Spitfire and Hurricane were superior on all points!

Camouflage and markings

The production Whirlwinds supplied to no. 263 squadron in 1940-1941 had the standard early ‘Battle of Britain’ scheme dark green/dark earth and sky type S.  As usual at that period for aircraft not yet fully operational at least a number of early Whirlwinds flew temporary with the underside of the port wing painted semi mat black. Spinners and band on rear fuselage were sky type S. Fin flashes and R.A.F. roundels were standard as mandatory. The Whirlwinds as supplied to no.137 squadron in 1942 had the standard dark green/medium sea grey/ mixed light grey colours; also with sky type S spinners and fuselage band. Wing leading edge of the outer wings was painted yellow. No. 263 Sq Whirlwinds were later also re-sprayed in standard dark green/medium sea grey/mixed grey. No. 263 squadron Whirlwinds carried the call sign  HE + – on both sides of the fuselage roundel. No. 137 squadron Whirlwinds used call sign SF + -.


P6974 Z-HE in Characteristic Colours During Operation Spartan.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JohnnyHeelz on July 19, 2013, 08:54:35 PM
Who punted this?


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 20, 2013, 02:12:19 AM
Thanks Fish42. Very nice profile!

Who punted this?


Well we do punt it from time to time because it is a very popular wishlist thread and we've gathered an awful lot of factual information about the Crikey. Just in case HTC is looking for something unusual and fun to include next. You never know  :pray

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on August 04, 2013, 03:29:58 PM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: aztec on August 04, 2013, 04:42:36 PM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: FTJR on August 04, 2013, 10:06:10 PM
awful lot of factual information about the Crikey.

Was that its nickname? Crikey?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on August 05, 2013, 10:06:51 AM
It was called the Crikey because at the time (1940) it was very fast at low level.

It would be nice to see this added at some point, can't have too many twins!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on August 22, 2013, 06:29:50 PM
Those who forget the past, are doomed to never have this!   :salute

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: tuton25 on August 22, 2013, 07:59:55 PM

-Below 5000 m the Whirlwind could out-climb both Spitfire and Hurricane. Maximum speed was almost equal than that of the Spitfire, but it was faster than the Hurricane. In spite of its higher wing loading and larger dimensions it could out-turn both Spitfire and Hurricane by using differential throttle settings of the both engines. Above 5000 m both Spitfire and Hurricane were superior on all points!

Which model spitfire are they comparing this to???
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 22, 2013, 09:44:15 PM
Which model spitfire are they comparing this to???
Spitfire Mk Ia most likely.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on August 22, 2013, 10:54:11 PM
Spitfire Mk Ia most likely.

^This^. Slow by LW standards, but think of the Whirlwind as a bastard child of a Hurri I and a Mossie, with Ki-84 flaps.

Actually played a significant part in the early defense of England, but was relegated to anti-shipping roles and ground attack until the squadrons that flew it were forced to give it up and go to the Typhoon.... a change most of the pilots hated. The Whirlwind was loved by its pilots, and not surprisingly did very well against 109's and 190's when they encountered them.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 23, 2013, 07:22:52 AM
The Whirlwind used Rolls-Royce Kestrel engines that were at the end of their development potential and were unreliable.  Westland's decision to use Kestrels left no development path forward that didn't require extensive and expensive redesign to use the heavier Merlin engines.  That doomed the Whirlwind's longtime viability.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on August 23, 2013, 08:25:21 PM




Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on August 23, 2013, 08:32:24 PM
The Whirlwind used Rolls-Royce Kestrel engines that were at the end of their development potential and were unreliable.  Westland's decision to use Kestrels left no development path forward that didn't require extensive and expensive redesign to use the heavier Merlin engines.  That doomed the Whirlwind's longtime viability.

See Westland Welkin.

In all of the books I've read on the Whirlwind, the reliability of the Kestrel was never mentioned as a problem. Power (or lack thereof) and further development potential, yes. But not reliability and serviceability. A lot of what killed the Whirlwind was politics, too, and inept company management.

The reality is, though, the pilots that flew them loved them. They did very well with them in very high risk missions, fared well against the German fighters they encountered, and ultimately decried being forced out of them when they transitioned to Typhoons. They loved their Whirlwinds, and with good reason.

Later development doesn't matter much when you consider the Whirlwind's actual contribution while it was in service. The Brewster didn't have much future beyond EW, yet it's contribution was enough to warrant addition, and it's no hanger queen. The Whirlwind would be just as deserving, IMHO. And would likely be just as widely used, maybe more.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on August 23, 2013, 08:57:26 PM




Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 24, 2013, 07:59:18 AM

I was not arguing against the Whirlwind.  I think it has a place in AH, though it is not at the top of my list of what I think should be added but it is on it.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on August 24, 2013, 08:08:20 AM
I'd love to see this plane in the game. It looks like a mossie that has not been fed enough.

This is a good example of an unusual plane (i.e. not in many games) that gave a good historical combat record, early war, and that will not be a total hangar queen. There are some even more historucally significant planes to add, but this one can take a respectable place near the top of the queue.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on August 24, 2013, 08:54:17 AM
Nitpicking I know but the engine used in the Whirlwind was the Peregrine - developed from the Kestrel. Would like to see this in game one day - if we could have it in about 2 weeks that would be fine.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on August 24, 2013, 09:37:20 AM

You're absolutely right..... Peregrine. I haven't really read anything Whirlwind related in about a year, didn't even think too much when I quoted Karnak...

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 24, 2013, 09:57:01 AM
Oops. I was going off of memory and got Kestrel in my mind.  Yes, Peregrine.

I do recall reading it had reliability issues though, one of the main things that kept its role in the Battle of Britain to a minimum.  It surely would have been useful there.

I do think the Beaufighter, Tu-2 and SM.79-II would be higher on the list, but should a screenshot of it appear on the front page I'll do do nothing but make positive comments.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 24, 2013, 03:18:37 PM
For shame, Kestrel engine. Well done Baggy  :ahand :rofl :rofl

Of course there is a lot of assertion about the priority on the Wishlist over what is needed for historical representation and the Whirlwind qualifies for this too, especially to eccentric ex pats who get all misty eyed for days gone bye, sniff.

But actually I think for a (really) early war bird it would have some very interesting attributes. The slippery shape and weight promise excellent energy retention, and those slats and smallish twin engines suggest vertical stability to rival the 190s. Then there's that gun package which will provide for a lot of shortcomings of speed and climb rate. Now to mention the almost 1940s Tomcat-like mode changing between slats and flap retracted and deployed.

I think the speed would restrict its competitiveness against faster birds, and it would likely always be a cult aircraft, but boy are we going to keep them honest if they ever mix it up with us  :old:  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 24, 2013, 03:24:53 PM
Also Reaper, fantastic pictures. The chap in the second one has the word 'blimey' written all over his face  :lol

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: No9Squadron on August 24, 2013, 04:14:33 PM
One word: Beaufighter. Pearls before swine as they say...

Whirlwind was basically a rhubarb plane mainly in 42/43, I don't recall it being operational in 44 and afaik it operated across the English Channel and nowhere else. It's not a no, but it's way behind Beaufighter and Catalina, but well in front of Boulton Paul Defiant. I'd probably have to place it behind Swordfish in terms of history made, e.g. Taranto/Bismarck, but it does make a nice alternative to Spit5 and Hurri.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 24, 2013, 04:15:40 PM
Cobblers!  :old:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: No9Squadron on August 24, 2013, 04:19:34 PM
Well I agree with you that wikipedia can be cobblers...

but it does say it ended service in 1943 and only 2 squadrons flew it. 6000 Beaufighters were built, I'm not sure if that includes the DAP Beaufighter. Still I don't disagree, it's a lovely plane and would look good in AH.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 24, 2013, 04:25:40 PM
The Westland Whirlwind should be extremely far ahead of the Catalina.  The Catalina simply has no role in AH and none of the proposed roles for it are good ideas or useful.  This includes scenario use.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 24, 2013, 04:50:41 PM
Well I agree with you that wikipedia can be cobblers...

but it does say it ended service in 1943 and only 2 squadrons flew it. 6000 Beaufighters were built, I'm not sure if that includes the DAP Beaufighter. Still I don't disagree, it's a lovely plane and would look good in AH.

A lot of the criteria which players bicker over about which should be included before something else for historical significance or any other criteria is, well, simply player's opinion and assertion. One look at the current planeset shows that isn't the only or even necessarily a massively significant factor. This game's historical aspect is rather undermined for instance by most of the gameplay having allied planes fight allied planes and so on (events aside).

I'd rather have the Whirlwind than the Beaufighter because I think I'd have more fun in it and enjoy seeing how competitive I could make it against 'better' fighters. That said I hope you also get your Beaufighter  :salute

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 24, 2013, 04:56:27 PM
I am pretty sure that in a duel the Whirlwind would dominate a Beaufighter.  It is probably a better fighter than any twin engined fighter in the game other than the P-38s and Mossie for duels.  Might even be better than the P-38G and Mossie for duels, but I suspect their speed and climb rates would overpower it.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 24, 2013, 05:06:32 PM
I am pretty sure that in a duel the Whirlwind would dominate a Beaufighter.  It is probably a better fighter than any twin engined fighter in the game other than the P-38s and Mossie for duels.  Might even be better than the P-38G and Mossie for duels, but I suspect their speed and climb rates would overpower it.

I didn't mean to compare the Whirlwind to the Beaufighter Karnak, just meant I'd rather have a quirky fighter than an attack aircraft, personally.

I think my longest proper shot in a Mossie was about 1000 yards which is 3000 feet (I'm thinking UP here) and the guns are even more densely mounted. Short clip of course but you'd have to say that's a dangerous weapons layout at a longer range than standard?

Perhaps wishful thinking. Anyway, despite the popularity of this thread and the magnificent contributions and the potential of something completely different, I don't rate the chances of us actually getting the Whirlwind very highly :cry :cry :cry

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 24, 2013, 05:13:58 PM
No, probably not.

I do suspect we'll see a Beaufighter sooner rather than later though.  The last vote placed like so:

1) Me410
2) Yak-3
3) Beaufighter
4) Meteor

There is a funny thing about the planes in the #1 and #2 spots.....

As to threads, there is a Beaufighter thread that is more than twice as long if I recall correctly.

For what its worth, I'd personally get more use out of the Whirlwind.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 24, 2013, 05:19:48 PM
No, probably not.

I do suspect we'll see a Beaufighter sooner rather than later though.  The last vote placed like so:

1) Me410
2) Yak-3
3) Beaufighter
4) Meteor

There is a funny thing about the planes in the #1 and #2 spots.....

As to threads, there is a Beaufighter thread that is more than twice as long if I recall correctly.

For what its worth, I'd personally get more use out of the Whirlwind.

I found the first Whirlwind Wishlist thread also dated about ten years ago. About the same time as the first Beaufighter thread.

Well it's a Wishlist, we can still wish and I think this is an epic thread  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on August 27, 2013, 06:22:17 PM
Don't vote Hitech out dropping this thing on us as the HTC random choice for whatever reasons he has decided we need something. Not to insult this audience but, look at the Brewster and the years of effort by a few. Then one day there it was. The Whirlwind will probably be a watch what you ask for, it may not be what you expected moment. He111 comes to mind.

After such a long post over this ride. The posts in the first week after it's introduced should be epic. I have to admit from a LWMA standpoint. I'm not sure what you would use it for, other than to showcase your real expertise and skill for translating ACM prowess into any ride you choose. That would be worth seeing. I doubt this will be a beginners ride.

As for the Beau. Historically it has a good place waiting for it in the game. Maybe your bribe deliveries aren't making it to the new office in Ft. Worth........
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on August 29, 2013, 12:55:52 PM
I think we all know what to expect from the Whirlwind, it's an airframe introduced in 1940 and not developed any further, so it will certainly struggle in the LWMA. I think behind the Beaufighter it would be an interesting addition.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 29, 2013, 03:08:51 PM
He111 is pretty much exactly what I expected of it.  So is the Me410.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on October 03, 2013, 07:48:15 PM

 :rock :rock :rock

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Volron on October 03, 2013, 07:58:06 PM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tank-Ace on October 03, 2013, 09:25:04 PM
Slow beast. Only 360 mph.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 03, 2013, 11:18:51 PM
Your K-4 is slow compared to later aircraft.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on October 05, 2013, 09:41:27 AM
I think we all know what to expect from the Whirlwind, it's an airframe introduced in 1940 and not developed any further, so it will certainly struggle in the LWMA.

If you mean it won't be the ride of choice for runners, you're right. It will also "struggle" in that the ammo count will mean those with poor aim will be bingo sooner rather than later.

Beyond that, I don't see it "struggling" any more than the Brewster, Ki-43, or Hurri IIc. Excellent turning ability, excellent low speed handling, deadly lethal cannon package, great views, robust airframe with twin engine survivability.... think of it as a small, slower Mossie that turns like a Brewster.

It will be a challenging aircraft in the LWMA, and you won't see many of the "avoid a fight at all costs" flyers in them.

I'm totally OK with that.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 05, 2013, 10:05:45 AM
I'll wing with you Reaper, if and when it arrives  :banana:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: zack1234 on October 05, 2013, 10:28:10 AM
Will it as awesome as the 410?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on October 05, 2013, 10:32:26 AM
I'll wing with you Reaper, if and when it arrives  :banana:



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on October 05, 2013, 10:35:36 AM
Will it as awesome as the 410?

The 410 is less awesome than a parrot.


An ex-parrot.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on October 05, 2013, 02:00:30 PM
If you mean it won't be the ride of choice for runners, you're right. It will also "struggle" in that the ammo count will mean those with poor aim will be bingo sooner rather than later.

Beyond that, I don't see it "struggling" any more than the Brewster, Ki-43, or Hurri IIc. Excellent turning ability, excellent low speed handling, deadly lethal cannon package, great views, robust airframe with twin engine survivability.... think of it as a small, slower Mossie that turns like a Brewster.

It will be a challenging aircraft in the LWMA, and you won't see many of the "avoid a fight at all costs" flyers in them.

I'm totally OK with that.

Ok mate don't shoot me I'm on your side! I was replying to this:

Don't vote Hitech out dropping this thing on us as the HTC random choice for whatever reasons he has decided we need something. Not to insult this audience but, look at the Brewster and the years of effort by a few. Then one day there it was. The Whirlwind will probably be a watch what you ask for, it may not be what you expected moment. He111 comes to mind.

After such a long post over this ride. The posts in the first week after it's introduced should be epic. I have to admit from a LWMA standpoint. I'm not sure what you would use it for, other than to showcase your real expertise and skill for translating ACM prowess into any ride you choose. That would be worth seeing. I doubt this will be a beginners ride.

As for the Beau. Historically it has a good place waiting for it in the game. Maybe your bribe deliveries aren't making it to the new office in Ft. Worth........

I want it as much the next man :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on October 23, 2013, 06:41:50 PM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 23, 2013, 11:42:24 PM
You're absolutely right JUGler, the lack of activity on the Aces High homepage is a clear indication that the Whirlwind is nearly ready for release.  :banana: :joystick: :old:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on October 24, 2013, 08:20:20 AM
About 2 weeks then?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: ReVo on October 24, 2013, 10:41:22 AM
You're absolutely right JUGler, the lack of activity on the Aces High homepage is a clear indication that the Whirlwind is nearly ready for release.  :banana: :joystick: :old:

Lies! They're hard at work on my Ki-100!  :noid
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 24, 2013, 12:16:39 PM
Lies! They're hard at work on my Ki-100!  :noid

Oh I'm also with you on that wish Revo (actually more likely) I've touched the last existent Ki-100 and it hums with human history.

But, the Whirlwind is a sexy beast and would be the ultimate eccentric experienced gentleman's ride, what?  :old:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: ReVo on October 24, 2013, 01:10:13 PM
Oh I'm also with you on that wish Revo (actually more likely) I've touched the last existent Ki-100 and it hums with human history.

But, the Whirlwind is a sexy beast and would be the ultimate eccentric experienced gentleman's ride, what?  :old:

Please, please, please tell me you have photos of this experience. *drool*
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 24, 2013, 01:28:40 PM
Please, please, please tell me you have photos of this experience. *drool*,296722.0.html

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: ReVo on October 24, 2013, 01:51:59 PM,296722.0.html

I may be a dedicated Luftweenie, but the Ki-61 was my first true love in Aces High. That is a beautiful aircraft..
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 24, 2013, 02:03:12 PM
I may be a dedicated Luftweenie, but the Ki-61 was my first true love in Aces High. That is a beautiful aircraft..

That aircraft has now been moved and is on display at R.A.F. Cosford. My Brother got a photograph inside the cockpit, sorry for the bad quality, but well, if you saw how he got it...

( (

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on October 24, 2013, 02:05:35 PM
That aircraft has now been moved and is on display at R.A.F. Cosford. My Brother got a photograph inside the cockpit, sorry for the bad quality, but well, if you saw how he got it...

( (

What is 'sitting on someone's shoulders', Alex?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 24, 2013, 02:19:58 PM
I can't say, we'd be blacklisted from future visits to the R.A.F. museum. You should of seen what he did to the Mosquito  :bolt:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MK-84 on October 24, 2013, 05:16:41 PM
I can't say, we'd be blacklisted from future visits to the R.A.F. museum. You should of seen what he did to the Mosquito  :bolt:

Was he doing a little wing walking?  :noid
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 24, 2013, 11:08:02 PM
Was he doing a little wing walking?  :noid

No he wouldn't do that. A couple of Ninja-like sprints across barriers. I thought a security camera or two might see him  :frown:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: XxDaSTaRxx on October 25, 2013, 12:51:37 AM

Before you knock it compared to what we already have, remember the Whirlwind was essentially a 1930s design and an attempt to answer the demand for heavier fighter armament. A Teddy Petter design it typically had some notable features for its day. One of the first fighter aircraft with a bubble canopy (with rear-view mirror incorporated), less frontal area than a Hurricane, excellent handling characteristics and large Fowler flaps (for which the rear section of the nacelles also tipped downwards, see photo). What the pictures don't illustrate is the diminutive size, it was only slightly larger than some of the single-engine fighters of the day. Quickly nickname the Crikey for its (comparatively) high speed!

Powered by a development of an even earlier Rolls Royce V12, it was originally thought that the compact (but troublesome) Peregrine engine would eventually become the standard fighter engine for the forthcoming war until the Merlin replaced it. Shows how quickly was the pace of development in those times. Spitfires and Hurricanes mounting cannon and Rolls Royce discontinuing manufacture of the Peregrine marked the end of this promising design.







:uhoh My eyes     But still... +1
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 25, 2013, 01:14:03 AM
:uhoh My eyes     But still... +1

It's the hooters isn't it bud? Fantastic aren't they  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on January 07, 2014, 10:54:36 AM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: BuckShot on January 08, 2014, 01:45:12 PM
Think this would be perked in Early war?

~S~ Buck
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on January 09, 2014, 06:18:59 AM
Think this would be perked in Early war?

~S~ Buck

I'd +1 this after an Italian and Soviet bomber. Early war perkie bird? Maybe.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on January 26, 2014, 09:47:44 PM

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on January 27, 2014, 11:43:50 AM
Haven't we got this yet?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: BuckShot on January 27, 2014, 02:50:50 PM
Cool looking plane. It reminds me of a pod racer.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on January 28, 2014, 12:22:13 PM
Bring on the twins!

We just got the Tu-2 and "recently" the 410. Now the stage is set to get the Whirlwind and Beaufighter!

... and mossies, MOAR mossies! F.II, FB.XVIII, F.XXX, B.V...
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on January 29, 2014, 08:51:06 AM
Definitely a pretty plane. Looks like fun.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Baggy on January 29, 2014, 10:16:44 AM
For those who don't know, there is an organisation trying to fund a replica build.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: morfiend on January 29, 2014, 10:34:36 AM
Bring on the twins!

We just got the Tu-2 and "recently" the 410. Now the stage is set to get the Whirlwind and Beaufighter!

... and mossies, MOAR mossies! F.II, FB.XVIII, F.XXX, B.V...

  Oh..... the F.XXX please!!!!!   I think the beaufighter really needs to be added as it could be involved in plenty of events and an overall versatile aircraft.

   Then I guess the wirlwind would make a fine early war bird,I'd like to see how it would compare with the 110C.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tank-Ace on January 29, 2014, 10:36:12 AM
I'd +1 this after an Italian and Soviet bomber. Early war perkie bird? Maybe.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 26, 2014, 03:01:04 AM
Been missing for a while. Do we haz the Crikey yet?  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on February 26, 2014, 08:18:11 AM
I llike it and I really don't care if it ends up in the hangar for most of the MA play. What will be really kewl is using it in scenario play in its hysterical role.

By that standard, I also say: Blenheim.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Reaper90 on February 26, 2014, 11:28:57 PM
Been missing for a while. Do we haz the Crikey yet?  :banana:


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 27, 2014, 12:07:35 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on February 27, 2014, 12:16:39 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Bruv119 on March 01, 2014, 04:57:27 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RedBull1 on March 02, 2014, 04:42:07 PM
you guys... :rofl
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Stresser on March 02, 2014, 04:56:06 PM
I llike it and I really don't care if it ends up in the hangar for most of the MA play. What will be really kewl is using it in scenario play in its hysterical role.

By that standard, I also say: Blenheim.


I agree. The Whirlwind would also be an interesting addition to early war FSO events.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on April 17, 2014, 12:06:16 PM
Lest we forget!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Tank-Ace on April 17, 2014, 04:50:31 PM
Lest we forget!


I would do so gladly.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 17, 2014, 06:13:22 PM
I would do so gladly.

Move along Luftweenie, this isn't the thread you're looking for.  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: danny76 on April 18, 2014, 12:50:45 AM
Move along Luftweenie, this isn't the thread you're looking for.  :old:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 18, 2014, 11:44:10 PM
Lest we forget!

I was wondering JUGgler, you fly a P-47 as I recall and are American I think. Why do you personally like the Whirlwind?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on April 19, 2014, 10:39:28 AM
I was wondering JUGgler, you fly a P-47 as I recall and are American I think. Why do you personally like the Whirlwind?

Maybe for the same reason that I, an American F4U fan, think the Sparviero would be a good addition to AH. (And why I promoted the I-16, the He-111 and currently promote the Yamato, Shokaku, the D4Y and the B6N).
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 19, 2014, 12:11:49 PM
Maybe for the same reason that I, an American F4U fan, think the Sparviero would be a good addition to AH. (And why I promoted the I-16, the He-111 and currently promote the Yamato, Shokaku, the D4Y and the B6N).

I wasn't implying racism just discounting nationalism as a reason for wanting a very eccentric and arguable uncompetitive aircraft. JUGgler flies the wings off that P-47 if you've never ran across him, bends it like Beckham  :rock

You mean the Savoia-Marchetti SM.79? How can I say this kindly? Bit unaesthetic bud  :eek:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on April 19, 2014, 12:55:48 PM
Bit unaesthetic bud  :eek:

Not convinced that's a prime qualifier for legitimacy.  Have you seen a Stuka? ;)

Another 'ugly plane' I advocate:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 19, 2014, 02:07:25 PM
Not convinced that's a prime qualifier for legitimacy.  Have you seen a Stuka? ;)

I agree. It's interesting to consider aesthetics and fitness for purpose. I had to write a paper on it recently. My present opinion is some things coincidentally look naturally right to a layman but somethings that look horribly wrong  are actually right when you test them in their domain. Compare the Mosquito and the Transavia Airtruk for example.

Then there's the whole cultural layer. Tank-Ace obviously hates the Whirlwind but I conversely think 109s look a bit displeasing.

Another 'ugly plane' I advocate:


She's not bad. Decent set of proportions. Surely the co-pilot is facing the wrong way though. What a schoolboy's (


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JUGgler on August 20, 2015, 09:36:18 PM

From the dust bin  :aok

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Volron on August 20, 2015, 10:18:54 PM
Needs 10% more pic. :)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JVboob on August 21, 2015, 02:02:14 AM
I would love to see this but the B25J needs to be here first along with many others
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: BuckShot on August 21, 2015, 06:44:23 AM
+1 to Westland Whirlwind

We need this tiny twin!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 21, 2015, 07:39:23 AM
I would love to see this but the B25J needs to be here first along with many others
B-25J isn't even in the same conversation as the Whirlwind.  It is just a new version of an existing airframe.  Whirlwind exists in the conversation with things like the Beaufighter, Meteor, Ki-45, J2M, Ki-44, G.55, SM.79-II and Pe-2, you know, airframes that are completely without representation in the game.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on August 21, 2015, 10:57:21 AM
Sho-ki! Sho-ki! Sho-ki! Sho-ki!

Not uber... not even all that competent... But I want it.

And yes, the Whirlwind, we should have it. In general, strike twins are underrepresented, imj, though the addition of the TU-2 has helped.

+1 and by all means...
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JVboob on August 22, 2015, 04:17:43 AM
I just always bring the B25 J up due to the fact the C is a sitting duck and the H is just dumb IMO
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on August 22, 2015, 04:39:08 AM
I just always bring the B25 J up due to the fact the C is a sitting duck and the H is just dumb IMO
Which is appropriate in a discussion about which variants of existing airframes in AH to add, but the work load to add a variant is far lower than the workload to add a new plane so they are not comparable.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on August 24, 2015, 05:13:30 PM
The Whirlwind would be a sexy little scrapper. Guess the Mossi aficionados would say their jag was in the shop, so today they are just fooling around a bit. We will never know for sure until Hitech releases it how it really handles low, slow with flaps out on WEP....... :joystick:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: alpini13 on September 08, 2015, 06:56:09 AM
what about the aircraft that were made in far greater quantities and have a place in this game...but are not  ju-52,ju-188.j2m3,g-55,he-177,sm-79,british tanks,grant tank,just to name a few.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: BuckShot on September 08, 2015, 07:14:31 AM
what about the aircraft that were made in far greater quantities and have a place in this game...but are not  ju-52,ju-188.j2m3,g-55,he-177,sm-79,british tanks,grant tank,just to name a few.

...or the Westland Whirlwind
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on September 08, 2015, 10:03:12 AM
what about the aircraft that were made in far greater quantities and have a place in this game...but are not  ju-52,ju-188.j2m3,g-55,he-177,sm-79,british tanks,grant tank,just to name a few.
Wishing for the whirlwind does not exclude any other plane from being added.
The whirl will have a relatively high value for its service numbers - with heavy firepower, jabo capability and relatively good performance, it will see some MA use. While on scenarios/events it is limited to the BoB era, those are very common and popular special events.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: alpini13 on September 08, 2015, 08:11:52 PM
who said anything about excluding any plane....but look at the time frame, the last aircraft added was the tu-2...that was january 2014.  if we are going to get a new aircraft or vehicle every 1 and a half years.i think there are better aircraft and vehicles to choose from than the swirlwind...but hey, keep it on the list. it may appear in the year 2134.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on September 08, 2015, 09:25:38 PM
who said anything about excluding any plane....but look at the time frame, the last aircraft added was the tu-2...that was january 2014.  if we are going to get a new aircraft or vehicle every 1 and a half years.i think there are better aircraft and vehicles to choose from than the swirlwind...but hey, keep it on the list. it may appear in the year 2134.
What makes you think the time HTC is working on AH3 can be used to predict the rate at which units will be added once v3.00 is released?  That seems a fairly absurd position to hold.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: PJ_Godzilla on September 09, 2015, 08:49:46 AM
who said anything about excluding any plane....but look at the time frame, the last aircraft added was the tu-2...that was january 2014.  if we are going to get a new aircraft or vehicle every 1 and a half years.i think there are better aircraft and vehicles to choose from than the swirlwind...but hey, keep it on the list. it may appear in the year 2134.

And, i'm assuming that there would be a "chunky" variant as well.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on September 23, 2015, 03:20:37 PM
Any of you guys unsure Waffle isn't spending his time bringing all of the AH1 vintage models up to AH3 standards? If you install the alpha, there is a new TBM model to look at along with historic gunsights installed in every aircraft. And updates to the CV along with all of the new airfields, villages, towns and strats. Oh, and clouds with miles of shadows over the terrains, and sheep in their own arena. All of the post lighting effects.

I'm not sure how so many in this forum have such good inside info on Waffle's production abilities when many seem to have not shown up in the open alpha yet, or spent time over the last year in the closed alpha.

So what's Waffle's bribe, I want the round glass gunsight in the Spit MKI.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: MOSQ on October 23, 2015, 03:11:01 PM
+1 on the Whirlwind.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Monza2 on November 08, 2015, 09:35:48 AM
I belong to a group in the UK who are recreating a Westland Whirlwind. From what I can find out it was faster than the early Spits, could out turn or stay with a Hurricane and out climb both till they had engine updates. It was only slightly large than the Hurricane but had a combined 1800hp. Its major problem was its high landing speed. This was due to the the very aerodynamic design that included forward wing edge oil coolers, the Spit and Hurrie had flared out vents that created drag. A very interesting design that never had the chance to reach its full potential
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on November 09, 2015, 02:09:27 AM
A very interesting design that never had the chance to reach its full potential
I absolutely agree. In many ways it is similar to the mosquito, except of course that it was designed for a very different purpose. The next Brit twin engine Fighter was the DH Hornet - the evolution of the mossie into a single seat day Fighter. It was a total monster. I imagine the whirlwind could have been something similar had it been continued. Too bad that the RAF did not have a real need for a twin day Fighter (and Fighter bomber till the arrival of mossie FB.VI). It would have been interesting to see its development.

It is still a very good addition to the AH early war roster that may get some use even in the MA.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on November 10, 2015, 05:33:36 PM
I bet a small group of players will have an instant affinity with this ride's strengths and make others whine in here about it being over modeled. And too much fire power..............

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on February 04, 2016, 01:16:36 PM
Just checking in to see if my lost Imageshack pictures have been restored and indeed they are. What a relief. Also a terrible thought that such a wealth of resources painstakingly uploaded by a lot of people to make a truly award-winning wishlist thread are in fact 'perishable' over time. Probably the best thing would be to model the Whirlwind asap as soon as AH3 is released. Yes probably the safest thing to do all round  :devil  :banana: :bolt:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: morfiend on February 05, 2016, 01:09:57 PM
Heya Shida, I hope all is well with you and yours!

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: JVboob on April 03, 2016, 07:14:22 PM
I still want muh whirlybird!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +1
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: save on April 04, 2016, 04:35:27 PM
Then the Fw190a9 would be done in an hour (3cm longer cooling ring than the A8 ), and 20mph faster

Which is appropriate in a discussion about which variants of existing airframes in AH to add, but the work load to add a variant is far lower than the workload to add a new plane so they are not comparable.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 30, 2016, 02:22:55 AM
Here's an interesting thought. The neighbouring Beaufighter wishlist thread (,255408.0.html) has been viewed 67,788 times and this one 34,262 so far (2:1). However the production figures are 5,928 Beaufighters to 114 Whirlwinds (52:1!). I'd have thought the Whirlwind a far less known / interesting aircraft.

So either this thread is doing (/has done) good work to raise the profile or there's an awful lot of closet Whirlwind fans around that don't say very much  :noid  +1s would really help. Well, that and whisky sent to Texas, apparently. 

Who wants to join a dedicated Whirlwind squadron for the MA when it gets included? :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Lusche on April 30, 2016, 04:33:02 AM
Who wants to join a dedicated Whirlwind squadron for the MA when it gets included? :banana:

That would have been great in my time  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on April 30, 2016, 06:50:18 AM
Here's an interesting thought. The neighbouring Beaufighter wishlist thread (,255408.0.html) has been viewed 67,788 times and this one 34,262 so far (2:1). However the production figures are 5,928 Beaufighters to 114 Whirlwinds (52:1!). I'd have thought the Whirlwind a far less known / interesting aircraft.

The Beaufighter is essentially a slower, less maneuverable Mossie. It would be very useful for scenarios but in the MA it would just have a niche role as a torpedo-carrying fighter bomber. The Whirlwind would see a lot more use in the MA. I'd guess that near the deck it would be faster than anything that could out turn it and out turn anything faster, plus its got Fowler flaps, counter-rotating props, a bubble canopy and four nose-mounted Hizookas. It ought to have a popularity in the MA out of all proportion to its RL importance to the RAF.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 30, 2016, 07:35:41 AM
That would have been great in my time  :old:

You'll just have to come back  :rock

The Whirlwind would see a lot more use in the MA. I'd guess that near the deck it would be faster than anything that could out turn it and out turn anything faster, plus its got counter-rotating props, a bubble canopy and four nose-mounted Hizookas. It ought to have a popularity in the MA out of all proportion to its RL importance to the RAF.

It'll get murdered by everything built after 1943  :rofl  We'll be all too busy looking good to care though, especially in a squadron strength  :banana:

Only the prototypes had contra-rotating props Greebo. They dropped that feature for the production aircraft, even though it was very easy to achieve with the Peregrine. I think the energy retention and slow-speed handling and turning would be also very useful assets, make Corsair pilots envious. Plus the armament and visibility as you say. Short clip though so you'll have to be a sniper shot! Did I mention it's got an inbuilt rear-view mirror. Is that doable now in AHIII?

If it gets included I'll teach everyone who joins the squadron how to do a true hammerhead turn with a single throttle.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on April 30, 2016, 09:11:13 AM
Its way too slow to be an uberplane but there are still people who fly Zeroes, Brewsters, Spits and Hurricanes in the MA and this thing would be a menace to them all. Even the bore and zoom brigade will be wary of being sniped by that gun package.

It ought to be a great field defence aircraft. Shame about the lack of counter rotating engines though.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 30, 2016, 11:56:00 AM
Its way too slow to be an uberplane but there are still people who fly Zeroes, Brewsters, Spits and Hurricanes in the MA and this thing would be a menace to them all.

Yup for sure. If it handled like imagined I'd be in it an awful lot. Twin-engines really an extra dimension.

Even the bore and zoom brigade...

 :rofl :rofl :rofl :aok

It ought to be a great field defence aircraft. Shame about the lack of counter rotating engines though.

Yeah shouldn't be too much of a drawback. I find the Mosquito more stable in the vert than the P-38 somehow. Well more in the recovery I suppose.

Sufficient skinning reference material in this thread for you should it be needed Greebo? In the extremely unlikely event it's needed  (

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: LCADolby on April 30, 2016, 12:20:13 PM
Who wants to join a dedicated Whirlwind squadron for the MA when it gets included? :banana:

If you are the CO, I'm in
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 30, 2016, 12:49:39 PM
If you are the CO, I'm in

Well hurrah and huzzah, God save the King, rule Britania and boo sucks to Harry the Hun  :banana:

First standing order: everyone help each other with flying technique, always do something stupid if it's more funny than sensible and always be a Gentleman in the Sid James
and Terry Thomas stylee, remember that rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools.

Second standing order: refer to order one.  :old:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on April 30, 2016, 04:19:43 PM
Sufficient skinning reference material in this thread for you should it be needed Greebo? In the extremely unlikely event it's needed 

I vaguely recall keeping some info from the Beaufighter thread but I haven't for the Whirlwind. While I'd love to see it in the game I just can't see it being introduced any time soon.

What I'm generally looking for first when I start a new skin template is a panel line diagram that also shows the rivet layout. Also photos of the aircraft to compare to HTC's shape, as well as photos and diagrams of details like the gear and inner gear doors etc. Photos showing camouflage schemes and weathering are not a priority at this stage but are stored for later.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on April 30, 2016, 09:12:13 PM
What I'm generally looking for first when I start a new skin template is a panel line diagram that also shows the rivet layout. Also photos of the aircraft to compare to HTC's shape, as well as photos and diagrams of details like the gear and inner gear doors etc. Photos showing camouflage schemes and weathering are not a priority at this stage but are stored for later.

I stole the blueprints and put them here. Does this show the panel lines and rivets well enough?:-,313538.msg4198413.html#msg4198413

Some nice profiles courtesy of Fish42 on this page:-,313538.msg4250843.html#msg4250843

While I'd love to see it in the game I just can't see it being introduced any time soon.

Whisky, we need a Patreon account for whisky. This one was HiTech's favourite wasn't it?:-

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on May 01, 2016, 02:27:24 AM
I stole the blueprints and put them here. Does this show the panel lines and rivets well enough?:-

Some nice profiles courtesy of Fish42 on this page:-

That would be enough info to base a template on. There's more variation of camo schemes than I was expecting too, given there's only a couple of squadrons to choose from.

I think the rarity of the Whirlwind is what will prevent it getting in, HTC only seem to do rare types if they are German or American...... ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 03:00:16 AM
That would be enough info to base a template on. There's more variation of camo schemes than I was expecting too, given there's only a couple of squadrons to choose from.

I think the rarity of the Whirlwind is what will prevent it getting in, HTC only seem to do rare types if they are German or American...... ;)

Well it is of course at the discretion of HTC to include whatever they choose. Many contributors to this thread have expended a lot of energy to collate all of the information that could be found to make the job easier for them if they decided to include it. Blueprints, technical data, cross-sections, control surface, flaps and slats operation, paint schemes, the original pilot's manual and even the restricted evaluation reports obtained from Kew. That's why I was checking if you would have enough data to proceed, with your skinning skills. I dare say you won't find a more comprehensive and motivated wishlist thread.

We, as ordinary players, can't do more anymore than that.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on May 02, 2016, 04:30:46 AM
I hope it does get in and I think there is plenty of info here for the external shape to be created. I'd much rather see this than say a Meteor.

Can't say what level of data is needed to determine flight or damage modelling but British planes tend to be well documented in this regard. From past experience one of the things that can be an issue for HTC with aircraft that no longer exist in a museum somewhere is finding info for the internal cockpit art. Not just the dashboard, but what the seat, floor, control column, pedals, minor controls, cockpit back and sides looked like.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 03:44:19 PM
I hope it does get in and I think there is plenty of info here for the external shape to be created. I'd much rather see this than say a Meteor.

Can't say what level of data is needed to determine flight or damage modelling but British planes tend to be well documented in this regard. From past experience one of the things that can be an issue for HTC with aircraft that no longer exist in a museum somewhere is finding info for the internal cockpit art. Not just the dashboard, but what the seat, floor, control column, pedals, minor controls, cockpit back and sides looked like.

Very good point Greebo, the voice of experience, many thanks. Hold the phone...

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:25:18 PM
First some structural stuff pertaining to the cockpit:-



Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:26:55 PM
Orthogonal cross section (very handy for positioning I think):-

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:28:23 PM


Starboard with seat removed:-

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:30:56 PM
Earlier version Starboard (seat present):-

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:34:43 PM
I know I included the instrument panel once before but I'm too lazy to check which one. This one shows some floorboard detail:-

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:35:34 PM
...and this one seems to be a very high resolution version of the one I might have posted before:-


Some nice gauge detail there too. The gunsight I think Bustr already identified from an early Spitfire or Hurricane. The mount is partially present in the earlier picture.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:39:56 PM
Finally there have been at least three 1:48th scale models of the Whirlwind an the cockpits only seem to vary in level of detail really. This is a good shot showing the fuselage edge and canopy relationship:-


and a bit of a typical floor and seat rendition. The floorboards correlate with the black & white photographs of the real cockpit:-

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on May 02, 2016, 04:42:46 PM
This link is easier for the gunsight.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:45:39 PM
Nice Bustr, thanks. What would the reticule have looked like? A red one?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 04:55:31 PM
This link is easier for the gunsight.


I couldn't find your picture on Wikipedia. This would therefore make the high res picture at the top of this page the early model I think, looking at the differences.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on May 02, 2016, 05:22:23 PM
The reticle is the standard RAF 100mph ring with range and wing span bar. It had an orange diffuser which would cause that large orange outline glow you see in online pictures when the brightness knob was full up.

I recently duplicated that effect for AH3.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 05:26:41 PM
The reticle is the standard RAF 100mph ring with range and wing span bar. It had an orange diffuser which would cause that large orange outline glow you see in online pictures when the brightness knob was full up.

I recently duplicated that effect for AH3.

Let's see! Let's see!  :banana: :banana: :banana:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 05:43:38 PM
Just some additional new images which showed up during this search. Fowler flap detail (not flaps, for there is only one!):-

Fully closed there's always a small slit for radiator outlet. This would be the setting for flying at speed:-


Flap in takeoff position (or when running hot). With the lever in this position the inner (hydraulic) root slats are also fully opened (and stay like that down to full flap down setting):-


I think I posted this one before, fully extended, but good for comparison:-


It's quite a bit of 'extra' wing. Goes right out to the dihedral. I tried to calculate the surface area but realistically I need a model to do that. I think the single massive Fowler flap with tilting nacelles one of the coolest features. Just repeating the earlier info from the official pilot's manual:

The maximum permissible speeds for various flap positions are as follows:-

(a)   Flaps depressed about 10⁰, to give maximum cooling position of radiator shutters - 300 m.p.h. A.S.I.

(b)   Flap depressed half-way - 200 m.p.h. A.S.I.

(c)   Flap fully down for landing - 160  m.p.h. A.S.I.

I'm afraid I don't know how to calculate the corner speed, but getting half flap down already at 200 m.p.h. and then progressively more as you slowed would be very useful in an AH fight. The kind I always seem to end up in anyway  :banana:

Additional to the root slats there were also automatic outer slats just like the 109. Bit of a cacky photo (sorry for that) but here you can make out the outer (automatic) slats flopped out. They are also pretty long!:-


The high-lift devices anticipated later commercial airliners I think it's fair to say.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 02, 2016, 05:50:40 PM
Also, one final interesting thought, would this technically be a blown flap, looking where the prop is?:-


Fantastic. I now believe in my Walter Mitty head of delusion that I could land and takeoff from an AH carrier vertically  :rofl

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on May 02, 2016, 08:26:00 PM
Let's see! Let's see!  :banana: :banana: :banana:

As far as I can tell in the beta everything depends on the sun for illumination beyond just being the sun. This time of day in the beta is the best to see the orange over glow specific to the MKII because of the orange diffuser.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 03, 2016, 06:21:51 AM
Looks great. Thanks Bustr.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on May 03, 2016, 12:56:03 PM
Those magic flaps in AH will make the corsair go hide under a rock...
deploy at 300 mph
leading edge slats
huge area both leading and trailing
and in the prop wash...

It looks like the illegitimate child of a P38 and an F4U, with a Mosquito for an uncle.
Except it is earlier than all of them.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on May 03, 2016, 01:21:06 PM
I predict some genius at using the obvious like with F3 and the IL2, will have this thing turned into the next impossibly magical UFO turny thing with BFG9000 firepower. Then the A6m, Brewster and Yak3 will become distant memories while the perk the MagicSWhirly crowed uses up miles of forum posts trying to get it perked.

With 4 hispanos in the nose, not getting that thing on your first BnZ pass may be your last because hispanos are good to about 1200. With those flaps and slats, think of it as a British flying wirbelwind.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it just hovers and hoses you. It has to be perked, only sissies and weenies fly a wirbel and "hover hose". Oh the inhumanity of it all, what was Hitech thinking. This is the real end of the game and any kind of real ACM.........

And there will be a cadre of pilots who will develop a skillset to counter the "hover hose" while making fun of the perk it crowd....... :ahand
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on May 03, 2016, 02:04:15 PM
I predict some genius at using the obvious like with F3 and the IL2, will have this thing turned into the next impossibly magical UFO turny thing with BFG9000 firepower. Then the A6m, Brewster and Yak3 will become distant memories while the perk the MagicSWhirly crowed uses up miles of forum posts trying to get it perked.

With 4 hispanos in the nose, not getting that thing on your first BnZ pass may be your last because hispanos are good to about 1200. With those flaps and slats, think of it as a British flying wirbelwind.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, it just hovers and hoses you. It has to be perked, only sissies and weenies fly a wirbel and "hover hose". Oh the inhumanity of it all, what was Hitech thinking. This is the real end of the game and any kind of real ACM.........

And there will be a cadre of pilots who will develop a skillset to counter the "hover hose" while making fun of the perk it crowd....... :ahand

LOL  :aok Good read.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nooby52 on May 03, 2016, 02:35:13 PM
"hover hose". I love it.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on May 03, 2016, 03:48:15 PM
With 60 RPG no one is going to be hosing in it for long, what's that about 6 seconds worth?

Compared to a Hurricane Mk IIC the Whirlwind is about 20 mph faster, has much better all-round visibility, better gun placement but only 2/3 the ammo. Its also got about a 10% better power loading which should help climb rate but with flaps-in a 25% worse wing loading. With the Fowler flaps out it increases the wing area enough so that the Whirlwind would then have only about a 15% worse wing loading. Fowler flaps should help the low speed lift more than by just increasing wing area but by how much is anybody's guess.

So I reckon it would a slightly faster, better climbing, maybe slightly worse turning Hurri IIC that you can see out of but with a short clip and not much range. An interesting plane and probably not an MA hangar queen but its not going to get everyone out of their P-51s.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Zimme83 on May 03, 2016, 04:17:52 PM
Sounds like an equal to the 110c, w better cannons..
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on May 03, 2016, 05:31:28 PM
It will be interesting to how Hitech implements the slow speed handling with the flaps and slats. In fact the comparison to the Hurri is relevant but, after the Brewster and Yak3, who knows until the gamey numpties get their hands on it. I bet ghi will be the first to find a way.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: BuckShot on May 03, 2016, 09:30:42 PM
Firing only two guns at a time would help save ammo.

It works in the Hurri 2, probably even better paired close like on the Whirlwind.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: FLOOB on May 05, 2016, 03:32:16 AM
Will it be as craptacular as the other two engine "fighters"?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Zoney on May 05, 2016, 08:39:55 AM
Like the 262 ?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on May 05, 2016, 01:17:03 PM
Will it be as craptacular as the other two engine "fighters"?
what are you suggesting?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on May 06, 2016, 01:11:51 PM
He must have voted for the Me410 thinking it would be the uber twin engined 109 of 109's with a mondo gun package to craptastic on everyone. Remember all the broken hearts after it was released?

Twin engined fighters in this game have small followings of players who have succeeded in discovering how to make them dance. The rest of the player base ups in one as a insta tower ticket. The craptastic label pretty much covers their assessment of the amount of interest they have in learning how to make them dance.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on May 07, 2016, 02:20:28 PM
That is absurd. The mosquito and P-38 rule supreme in the MA if there is half a competent pilot behind the wheel. Even the 410 can be dangerous in the hands of a dedicated pilot as Torquilla demonstrated - repeatedly. It is true that in the hands of someone who flew nothing other than La7s, these planes are like buses. The terrains of AH are littered with pieces of La7s that thought the mosquito is a bus.

The Whirlwind will make people cry.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 07, 2016, 02:31:09 PM
The Whirlwind will make people cry.

It's making me cry right now that we don't have it  :old:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: morfiend on May 07, 2016, 06:08:26 PM
 I seem to recall the slats were wired shut?   I could be mistaken so plz correct me,if it's true I wonder if HTC would bother with modeling them.


Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 08, 2016, 12:42:14 AM
I seem to recall the slats were wired shut?   I could be mistaken so plz correct me,if it's true I wonder if HTC would bother with modeling them.


That was technically a field mod when they moved to Whirlybomber mode. Same business with the 109: there was a wiggle as they opened. There is an erroneous report that the slats made the wings snap off. That originates in a post-war 'journalistic' article. There's no evidence that that ever hapened and the Whirlwind operated for a long time with the Handley Page Slats fully operational.

Certainly those that fought and died in the channel dash were pre-Whirybomber, full slats.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Zacherof on May 08, 2016, 08:25:38 PM
Will it be as craptacular as the other two engine "fighters"?
Hope your not talking about the 110 and 410. Although the 110 flies circles around its older brothers
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on May 09, 2016, 08:55:23 AM
That is absurd. The mosquito and P-38 rule supreme in the MA if there is half a competent pilot behind the wheel. Even the 410 can be dangerous in the hands of a dedicated pilot as Torquilla demonstrated - repeatedly. It is true that in the hands of someone who flew nothing other than La7s, these planes are like buses. The terrains of AH are littered with pieces of La7s that thought the mosquito is a bus.

The Whirlwind will make people cry.

The P-38 and the Mossie are the best twin engine fighters of the war. The 110 is also at the top of th elist. People think NEW will better than what we have, but it isn't in this case, it's a step backwards.

That why the P-63 needs to ahead of the Whirlwind. The P-63 is the P-39 upgrade for Late war. It is missing from the plane set. and poeple in Late war [by far the most popular Arena] will fly it because the P-39 can;t cut it there.

The Whirlwind will be used by a few people in early war and see littel action in Late war where they can just grab a missie or a Lightning.  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on May 09, 2016, 09:37:39 AM
The P-63 saw very little, if any, action in WW2. The Whirlwind only equipped a couple of squadrons but was used extensively by them for a period of two and a half years.

It is also a very different aircraft to any other twin in the game. Its AH equivalents are planes like the Hurri IIC or Spit V, not the Mossie or P-38.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on May 09, 2016, 11:38:21 AM

Your explanations being very precise and informative, will be trumped by emotions until all the kapowi, whizbang, steroid monsters from WW2 are introduced. After all that, you will be told it doesn't need to be introduced because it has no whizbang and failed in WW2 because it couldn't be steroid enhanced like later monsters.

I bet Waffle will have fun making this one and reading the whines from the whizbang kids that Hitech is killing the game introducing losers.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on May 09, 2016, 12:29:00 PM

Your explanations being very precise and informative, will be trumped by emotions until all the kapowi, whizbang, steroid monsters from WW2 are introduced. After all that, you will be told it doesn't need to be introduced because it has no whizbang and failed in WW2 because it couldn't be steroid enhanced like later monsters.

I bet Waffle will have fun making this one and reading the whines from the whizbang kids that Hitech is killing the game introducing losers.

"Emotions" are a pejorative synonym for "what players want"?  You really need to stop insulting everyone that doesn't agree with you.  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on May 09, 2016, 12:31:48 PM
The P-63 saw very little, if any, action in WW2. The Whirlwind only equipped a couple of squadrons but was used extensively by them for a period of two and a half years.

It is also a very different aircraft to any other twin in the game. Its AH equivalents are planes like the Hurri IIC or Spit V, not the Mossie or P-38.

I think all the high volume planes have been covered, so new additions will all be low use.  My question is if the gun package is the the same as a SPitV or a HurryIIc why is anyone going to take a whirlwind up instead of either of those two?  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: guncrasher on May 09, 2016, 12:47:46 PM
vinkman because some people think it would be cool to up 1 for a sorty or two.  then forget about it when they get killed easily.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 09, 2016, 12:48:13 PM
I think all the high volume planes have been covered, so new additions will all be low use.  My question is if the gun package is the the same as a SPitV or a HurryIIc why is anyone going to take a whirlwind up instead of either of those two?  :salute

I think the attributes and predicted characteristics of the Whirlwind have been covered sufficiently in this thread if you care to take your time and read through it. Respectfully Vikman, I think your best bet to have your favourite plane included is to make a similar, comprehensive wishlist thread instead of using this thread as leverage.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on May 09, 2016, 12:53:54 PM
I think the attributes and predicted characteristics of the Whirlwind have been covered sufficiently in this thread if you care to take your time and read through it. Respectfully Vikman, I think your best bet to have your favourite plane included is to make a similar, comprehensive wishlist thread instead of using this thread as leverage.

I did read it. This comment gets to the reasons for adding planes, which Buster and Greebo were making the case for. Valid question
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 09, 2016, 12:57:41 PM
I did read it. This comment gets to the reasons for adding planes, which Buster and Greebo were making the case for. Valid question

Frankly your approach seems a little disingenuous and, well, lazy. You can't swan in, poo poo a decent thread, the result of considerable hard work from a lot of people for a long time, because you'd prefer something else. Well you can, I can't imagine it working though.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: LCADolby on May 09, 2016, 01:04:42 PM
Shida, did you just poo poo a poo poo?!  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 09, 2016, 01:06:18 PM
Shida, did you just poo poo a poo poo?!  :old:

Naturally  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on May 09, 2016, 02:01:54 PM
Frankly your approach seems a little disingenuous and, well, lazy. You can't swan in, poo poo a decent thread, the result of considerable hard work from a lot of people for a long time, because you'd prefer something else. Well you can, I can't imagine it working though.

Apologies it seemed like a hijack attempt. My point was more along the lines of "why people ask for planes" I used my plane as example of "why" I want it, not "that" I want it.

Sorry if it seemed like a Hijack. But I wonder why people are passionate about planes that already have performance replicas in the hangar, they just look different. I got that impression about the Whirlwind BECAUSE I read the thread. I learned that it's a slower, worse turning Mossie with less ammo. I wonder, who then is going to take one out of the hangar other than people who think it looks cool?  Maybe that's enough.  :salute
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: LCADolby on May 09, 2016, 02:18:36 PM
Naturally  :old:
Well, I hope so, Shida. You know, if there's one thing I've learnt from being in the Army, it's never ignore a pooh-pooh. I knew a Major, who got pooh-poohed, made the mistake of ignoring the pooh-pooh. He pooh-poohed it! Fatal error! 'Cos it turned out all along that the soldier who pooh-poohed him had been pooh-poohing a lot of other officers who pooh-poohed their pooh-poohs. In the end, we had to disband the regiment. Morale totally destroyed... by pooh-pooh!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 09, 2016, 02:50:41 PM
I learned that it's a slower, worse turning Mossie with less ammo.

I got  completely different impression from this thread.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 09, 2016, 02:52:45 PM
I knew a Major, who got pooh-poohed, made the mistake of ignoring the pooh-pooh. He pooh-poohed it! Fatal error!

 :rofl :aok
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Greebo on May 09, 2016, 05:36:38 PM
I learned that it's a slower, worse turning Mossie with less ammo. I wonder, who then is going to take one out of the hangar other than people who think it looks cool?  Maybe that's enough.  :salute

I think you may be getting the Beaufighter and Whirlwind a little mixed up. The Beaufighter would essentially be a slower, worse turning and climbing Mossie, although tougher and with a little more firepower and the ability to carry a torpedo. The Whirlwind was a much smaller and lighter aircraft than these two and was by all accounts very maneuverable, more in line with a Hurri II or a Spit V. The Hurri II gets used and that is slower than a Whirlwind, nothing with four Hispanos is going to be a hangar queen.

I'd class the P-63 with other end of the war uber planes like the F7F, F8F and He 162 which would have an impact on the game out of all proportion to their miniscule effect on WW2. There are very few fighters that saw significant service in WW2  left to model that would also be competitive in the MA but I can think of a few. There is the Gloster Meteor, the Fiat G.55 and the Ki 100. If you include variants of existing rides there is the high-alt Mosquito Mk 30 and the Mustang Mk IA, which was the RAF's four cannon variant of the P-51A. The Allison Mustangs were very fast below 10K where most MA fighting is done.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: morfiend on May 09, 2016, 05:43:03 PM
That was technically a field mod when they moved to Whirlybomber mode. Same business with the 109: there was a wiggle as they opened. There is an erroneous report that the slats made the wings snap off. That originates in a post-war 'journalistic' article. There's no evidence that that ever hapened and the Whirlwind operated for a long time with the Handley Page Slats fully operational.

Certainly those that fought and died in the channel dash were pre-Whirybomber, full slats.

  So I did read that the slats were wired shut,just that it was done in the field.

  Another question,did the peregrine engine use the same or similar carburation to the early merlins,as in a nonpressurized deal that would cut out under neg G's?

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Karnak on May 10, 2016, 01:26:53 AM
I think all the high volume planes have been covered, so new additions will all be low use.  My question is if the gun package is the the same as a SPitV or a HurryIIc why is anyone going to take a whirlwind up instead of either of those two?  :salute
Pe-2, Wellington, Beaufighter, D4Y, B6N, SB2C, Ki-45, SB-2, Do-17, Ju188, Do217, He177, Halifax, Sterling.

Lots of high volume stuff that hasn't been added.  Not all of it is appropriate, but you can hardly say all high volume stuff has been added.

We know you want the P-63, but be honest about your request and don't misrepresent what is left to be added or project your desires onto the rest of us.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 10, 2016, 01:27:10 AM
  So I did read that the slats were wired shut,just that it was done in the field.

Yes I believe that's correct. I think they were just playing it safe and trying to wring the last bit of usefulness out of the airframe in the Whirlybomber role.

  Another question,did the peregrine engine use the same or similar carburation to the early merlins,as in a nonpressurized deal that would cut out under neg G's?

Very good question Morf. So this is slightly educated conjecture on my part because I couldn't find anything official on this regarding the Peregrine. I think the Merlin was particularly susceptible to cut out on negative G because it used an updraught SU carb. Extended neg-G (over 2 second they say) caused flooding not starvation contrary to what is commonly believed. Tilly's orifice restricted the flooding and did nothing to supply extra fuel. The Peregrine used downdraft carburetion so I think the problem was about the same magnitude as the Mitsubishi Zero: gradual loss of power, lots of spluttering and then eventually a cut out once the float chambers began to empty. But that's a lot of parabolic flightpath.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on May 10, 2016, 09:17:15 AM
I think you may be getting the Beaufighter and Whirlwind a little mixed up. The Beaufighter would essentially be a slower, worse turning and climbing Mossie, although tougher and with a little more firepower and the ability to carry a torpedo. The Whirlwind was a much smaller and lighter aircraft than these two and was by all accounts very maneuverable, more in line with a Hurri II or a Spit V. The Hurri II gets used and that is slower than a Whirlwind, nothing with four Hispanos is going to be a hangar queen.

I'd class the P-63 with other end of the war uber planes like the F7F, F8F and He 162 which would have an impact on the game out of all proportion to their miniscule effect on WW2. There are very few fighters that saw significant service in WW2  left to model that would also be competitive in the MA but I can think of a few. There is the Gloster Meteor, the Fiat G.55 and the Ki 100. If you include variants of existing rides there is the high-alt Mosquito Mk 30 and the Mustang Mk IA, which was the RAF's four cannon variant of the P-51A. The Allison Mustangs were very fast below 10K where most MA fighting is done.

Thanks for the info

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Vinkman on May 10, 2016, 09:19:59 AM

... don't misrepresent what is left to be added or project your desires onto the rest of us.

As if.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on May 08, 2017, 03:42:10 AM
I guess this awesome little aircraft must be in the next batch of new fighter planes I expect. Aces HIGH. Yes definitely. New fighter planes. For fighting. Maaaaaaaarvelous  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 30, 2017, 06:35:15 AM
Oh my bloody magnificent cockpit shots on page 35 have gone because the owners of Photobucket want to buy 430 Scuderias. Don't they know they self-destruct after one hour of driving?

I think I still have the originals. Any suggestions for future-proof photo uploading? Obviously we have to consider the longevity of a Wishlist request for such an oddball fighter  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: lunatic1 on July 30, 2017, 09:02:38 AM
you do know this wish was started May 21st 2011- 6 years ago? if they didn't do it by now it ain't gonna happen
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 30, 2017, 09:24:02 AM
you do know this wish was started May 21st 2011- 6 years ago? if they didn't do it by now it ain't gonna happen

It doesn't matter, we can hope, document, present and wish. That's what this forum section is for.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on July 30, 2017, 09:50:52 AM
you do know this wish was started May 21st 2011- 6 years ago? if they didn't do it by now it ain't gonna happen
6 earth years is not even 1 year on the planet where HT is from.
He is now at page 5 or so of this thread.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on July 30, 2017, 01:00:02 PM
6 earth years is not even 1 year on the planet where HT is from.
He is now at page 5 or so of this thread.

Yes. Hitech is about to read the jolly exciting part about the world's proportionally largest Fowler flap and the rosewood drinks cabinet.  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Petey on August 01, 2017, 11:49:39 AM

maybe page 6....... heard he has a new interstellar translator/decoder ring.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 01, 2017, 01:04:44 PM
Pure conjecture, but since eeeeeeeverything else has been updated (and after a long well-deserved quiet time in HTC) incorporating more planes seems logical. Only so many late war aircraft left, and they are often uninteresting, therefore...  :banana:

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: RODBUSTR on August 01, 2017, 10:05:00 PM
    I could see  having the WesWirl if early and mid war arenas were back.  If I remember it was Fall 1940 that they went operational.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on August 02, 2017, 09:28:44 PM
    I could see  having the WesWirl if early and mid war arenas were back.  If I remember it was Fall 1940 that they went operational.

And 1942 they went away.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on August 04, 2017, 05:49:44 AM
    I could see  having the WesWirl if early and mid war arenas were back.  If I remember it was Fall 1940 that they went operational.

I've already proposed forming a dedicated squadron if we ever get it!  :banana:

Think there'd be a handful of wingnuts who would master it and fly it everywhere. Some notable sticks do that already with 'uncompetitive' rides. One of those balances two handfuls of late war runners for fun any day I'd say.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on September 29, 2017, 12:44:12 AM
37 PAGES AND 6 YEARS (and four months) PLEASE, With Cragmore on top!!!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Hajo on October 06, 2017, 06:51:28 PM
Many more pages on the Beaufighter and it was an aircraft that served in all theaters throughout the War.  Requested before the whirlwind also.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 07, 2017, 12:07:42 AM
Hope they get their Beaufighter too.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on October 07, 2017, 12:42:04 AM
Hope they get their Beaufighter too.
Beau + whirly on the same update = totally kickass awesome!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on October 07, 2017, 01:07:58 PM
And Sparviero. ;)
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: danny76 on December 03, 2018, 12:38:56 PM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on December 03, 2018, 01:34:05 PM
A mossi6, beau, whirly and 110G show up to mess up a small airfield. How long will that last.......
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on December 03, 2018, 07:27:52 PM
A mossi6, beau, whirly and 110G show up to mess up a small airfield. How long will that last.......

Shouldn't this type a joke have a bar setting?  :cool: :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bozon on December 04, 2018, 03:12:14 AM
A mossi6, beau, whirly and 110G show up to mess up a small airfield. How long will that last.......
M3 ressuply FTW!
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on December 04, 2018, 01:32:52 PM
Arlo swore if they blew up everything a giant 1000ft tall bottle of Bock Beer would suddenly appear. Look for BEERWEP in the skinviwer.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2018, 02:04:11 PM
Arlo swore if they blew up everything a giant 1000ft tall bottle of Bock Beer would suddenly appear. Look for BEERWEP in the skinviwer.

Bock? Nooooo.

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Ciaphas on December 04, 2018, 02:28:06 PM
Bock? Nooooo.


I don't mind the occasional case of lone star

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: bustr on December 04, 2018, 02:52:09 PM
Can you imagine being the lucky SOB D9 who hops over to checkout the darbar and thinks he's got a picking vulcherama 4 kill streak? Then he dives in to pick and all 4 HO him and unload long streams of 20mm and 30mm........ That would finally be the magic flying OstiWirbel. Just show up with a squad full of them and burn everything down.

And 200 lights up with it ain't fair perk a,b,c,d while he lobs 88 at them from the last soon to be dead 88 on the field......... :O

And the POST's to wish list perking all of them becasue they are unfair HOing monsters. I want the Beau and Whirly just to see that.
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: lunaticfringe on December 06, 2018, 10:56:55 AM
the TyPhoon and mosquito not good enough?
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on January 24, 2019, 12:54:03 PM
Found this recently. War Blunder so I watched it without sound. Does look good though.

Armament devastating. Nice to see the automatic slats progressively deploying in contrast to the 109's abrupt popping.

Would have loved to have flown this once with AH's flight model. (

Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 29, 2024, 02:05:23 PM
By my reckoning 13 years 5 months and 8 days is waaaay more than the traditional two weeks needed to introduce a new aircraft. It's perfectly reasonable I think to therefore ask for a progress update  :banana:  :old:
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: Lusche on October 30, 2024, 02:05:33 AM
Title: Re: Westland Whirlwind
Post by: nrshida on October 30, 2024, 07:21:06 AM
One remains optimistic  :rofl

This was a fantastic thread though.  :rock