Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Custom Skins => Topic started by: ink on June 29, 2011, 06:04:26 AM

Title: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 06:04:26 AM
well I have been wanting to give back to AH, tried my hand at map making :O whoa mad time consuming, extremely difficult, major KUDOS to the map makers. :salute

so the next thing I think is skins...well here is my first attempt at skinning a plane.

all criticism's welcome

this particular plane is from the 58th Shimbu tai   flown by Chui toku Ueda


Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: B-17 on June 29, 2011, 06:15:04 AM
Wow, Ink...she looks fantastic. I really mean it. The weathering on her is oustanding. Awesome job :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Debrody on June 29, 2011, 06:22:37 AM
If your first skinning attempt is this...   i cant belive you  : )
Its awsome.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 06:27:37 AM
Wow, Ink...she looks fantastic. I really mean it. The weathering on her is oustanding. Awesome job :salute

thanx man

I cant really take credit for that so much, it was the default skin a lot of the weathering was on it, I did rework it some but, definitely not all, and with out that default skin I would not have been able to make it look like this.

If your first skinning attempt is this...   i cant belive you  : )
Its awsome.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: iron650 on June 29, 2011, 07:09:26 AM
The plane is excellent. Awesome first skinning attempt.  :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: STXAce8 on June 29, 2011, 08:37:20 AM
Looks great for the first time! But I would make the weathering more silver instead of that green.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Dragon Tamer on June 29, 2011, 08:56:32 AM
It looks great but personaly, I think the weathering is a bit heavy.  Please don't change the look of the skin on my account, esspecialy if it's historicaly accurate.  Just stating my personal oppinion.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on June 29, 2011, 09:25:03 AM
Honestly, I don't think it looks that great. It looks like it's a nuclear fuel rod, glowing green.

I think you were intending to make that "metal" showing through, but I'm sorry I just can't get past "seafoam green".

I suspect this is because you simply tweaked the saturation and the tint to change colors on the default.

The chipped paint patterns are also exactly the same:




That will have poor results every time. You really need to create your own layers. You'll need to do your own work and build upon the default, rather than just copy it.

So, my 2 cents (and I think I know a thing or two about skins) is to try harder.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 10:14:38 AM
Honestly, I don't think it looks that great. It looks like it's a nuclear fuel rod, glowing green.

I think you were intending to make that "metal" showing through, but I'm sorry I just can't get past "seafoam green".

I suspect this is because you simply tweaked the saturation and the tint to change colors on the default.

The chipped paint patterns are also exactly the same:




That will have poor results every time. You really need to create your own layers. You'll need to do your own work and build upon the default, rather than just copy it.

So, my 2 cents (and I think I know a thing or two about skins) is to try harder.

well considering the skin I normally fly is yours, which is by far my favorite skin in ALL the plane set,  I am very interested in what you have to say when it comes to this...I did do layers, not quit the way you describe in your tutorial, I have been using the combo of GIMP/Photofiltre for many years, so I know a bit about that program that most just don't understand......if you think all I did was "tweak" the saturation well sorry you are wrong there, far more work then just that....also "seafoam" green I don't see it :headscratch:  you saying the area where the paint has peeled looks seafoam green ?   my monitor don't show it like that, I noticed someone else said that its green also....hmmmm

like  I said I cannot take credit for the weathering....I did mess with it a small bit only.

I do respect your opinion when it comes to skinning for sure, and I appreciate the input.

and thanx to every one else for their honest opinion this is what I need....I Love this game, and want to show my appreciation, this is about the only way I can do that.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on June 29, 2011, 10:21:32 AM
if you think all I did was "tweak" the saturation well sorry you are wrong there, far more work then just that....also "seafoam" green I don't see it :headscratch:  you saying the area where the paint has peeled looks seafoam green ?   my monitor don't show it like that, I noticed someone else said that its green also....hmmmm

Yes, that's the green.

I noticed you did cover up some of the tail area and paint over it (and a couple of other areas, flaps, etc), but most of the rest looks relatively untouched. You can see the original everything. It looks (at least to me, not knowing what you did) like you just took a layer and used "variations" on it, or changed the saturation/contrast/tint levels.

Perhaps it might help if you described what you mean when you refer to keeping the original weathering? You can't keep the weathering if you've done your own layers, as they would cover it up. That confuses me.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 12:04:09 PM
Yes, that's the green.

I noticed you did cover up some of the tail area and paint over it (and a couple of other areas, flaps, etc), but most of the rest looks relatively untouched. You can see the original everything. It looks (at least to me, not knowing what you did) like you just took a layer and used "variations" on it, or changed the saturation/contrast/tint levels.

Perhaps it might help if you described what you mean when you refer to keeping the original weathering? You can't keep the weathering if you've done your own layers, as they would cover it up. That confuses me.

I used layers on certain parts of the skin to get rid of the arrow, to keep the red circles or should I say to bring the red circles back, I used clone tool to get the rivets back, dodge and burn tool,other tools that I cant recall, really just a lot of experimenting,  I also tweaked the colors to get it Brown.(I wanted a black skin, but no KI84's were black, yes I know some sources say their were black skins, but I am pretty sure they are wrong :()
as far as the weathering goes, I allowed it to show though the layers,  I was thinking about getting rid of it, seeings how this is a kamikaze plane and would not necessarily be around long enough to get weathered, but I did not, just because I think it looks better with the weathering....

they way you describe using layers is not the way I did it, when it comes to art work and using GIMP I do it different, I need to get it done in a reasonable amount of time with good results, I know this is not the "end" product, I am still experimenting with the many different ways of doing it, your "way" is definitely not the only way of getting it done, I am not saying your way is "wrong" just too damn time consuming for me.
  I only used 3 "layers" to build it up.

I could go in and "change" the weathering "pattern" but the default skin is so badass and looks awesome I decided to let it show,  I see now that was a mistake.

like my Tattoo's I have my own way of doing things, and I am sure in time I will master this, hell I had Tattooist's tell me I was "doing" it wrong, if I can create a tattoo so realistic that the guys dog tried to attack it...ya I think I should be able to get this down :D
( his dog tried to attack it, best complement I ever got was from a dog :rofl

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: EskimoJoe on June 29, 2011, 12:23:57 PM
Ink.. I'd fly it  :aok

A suggestion - you can hit your enter key to put a line between image URLs, this (imho) helps with presentation by
putting a small space between images. Just my opinion though  :)
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 12:29:34 PM
Ink.. I'd fly it  :aok

A suggestion - you can hit your enter key to put a line between image URLs, this (imho) helps with presentation by
putting a small space between images. Just my opinion though  :)

thank ya

never crossed my mind to do that....hehe

I'll have to remember that. :salute 
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Fencer51 on June 29, 2011, 12:41:26 PM
What Krusty is saying is that you modified the basic skin, and left alot of it as your skin.  We all reuse things such as wheels, props, gear struts and the interior colors most of the time.  But it looks like you just painted over the colors on the default skin and modified those areas leaving the rest of it the same.  Thats not how you should do it.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on June 29, 2011, 12:49:51 PM
(I wanted a black skin, but no KI84's were black, yes I know some sources say their were black skins, but I am pretty sure they are wrong :()
as far as the weathering goes, I allowed it to show though the layers,  I was thinking about getting rid of it, seeings how this is a kamikaze plane and would not necessarily be around long enough to get weathered, but I did not, just because I think it looks better with the weathering....

they way you describe using layers is not the way I did it, when it comes to art work and using GIMP I do it different, I need to get it done in a reasonable amount of time with good results, I know this is not the "end" product, I am still experimenting with the many different ways of doing it, your "way" is definitely not the only way of getting it done, I am not saying your way is "wrong" just too damn time consuming for me.
  I only used 3 "layers" to build it up.

I could go in and "change" the weathering "pattern" but the default skin is so badass and looks awesome I decided to let it show,  I see now that was a mistake.

I snipped just a few of your responses there.

1) You are right they were not black. However it was not a kamikaze plane. That was the thought when I did my Ki-84 skin, however it turns out with a bit more research the Ki-84s were too valuable to use for that purpose (and there were plenty of other older craft to do the job). These Ki-84s often escorted the kamikaze groups, but were the cover against US planes, rather than suicide pilots. They would have some weathering due simply to the heavy use and the weather and the quality of paint/primers in Japanese use.

2) I think I'm safe in saying that, while there are MANY different roads to take, yours is in fact the wrong one to take. You're not skinning a plane, or applying much actual paint. 3 layers? That's literally doing almost nothing. While you put effort into it, you really need to put some of your own effort in, rather than using 95% of the original. You need to paint your own parts, put on your own markings, etc. Even if you get creative with the mixing of details, with how you want to mimick what's on the default, you still need to do the work yourself. That's not subjective, that's just the right way to do it. You have to do it yourself. The first one is always daunting, but once you get over that uncertainty you'll find it's much easier than you thought it would be. Time consuming or not, that's how you do it. The thing about skins is there is no race. There is no time limit on it. If you only get so much done in a week, a month, a year, you just keep doing it when you have the free time. You don't need marathon sessions.

3) I mean this with no insult or ill will, simply as an attempt to help somebody get on the right path to figuring out how to skin....

The mistake was simply covering up part of the default. I'm not trying to be elitist nor to be snobbish or anything, but that's not skinning. Even if you make something look like something else that has already been done, or even if you want to do the exact same subject as somebody else, you have to do it. Otherwise it's like stealing somebody's work. I've heard one or two cases of that happening with AH skins in the past and the person copied was not happy at all.

Granted the default skins are there to use as a template, so it's a bit of a fine line, but I think if you want to work with skins you need to do much more than you have already. Work on just getting the solid colors in place, then work on the details. As you now the software that will help you greatly in figuring out how to do it. The "how" you do it is up to you, and this goes back to your subjective comments. It is subjective, and for the most part there is no wrong way as long as the results hold up (and as long as you didn't rip off somebody else's work). They just don't hold up here, and the effort isn't there.

I'm not picking on you, it's just not very good to try to skin that way. I wanted to comment on it to help (possibly).
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Butcher on June 29, 2011, 12:56:17 PM
thanx man

I cant really take credit for that so much, it was the default skin a lot of the weathering was on it, I did rework it some but, definitely not all, and with out that default skin I would not have been able to make it look like this.


I think you did an excellent job, I would surely make this my primary skin for the 84! <S>
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 03:19:38 PM
I snipped just a few of your responses there.

1) You are right they were not black. However it was not a kamikaze plane. That was the thought when I did my Ki-84 skin, however it turns out with a bit more research the Ki-84s were too valuable to use for that purpose (and there were plenty of other older craft to do the job). These Ki-84s often escorted the kamikaze groups, but were the cover against US planes, rather than suicide pilots. They would have some weathering due simply to the heavy use and the weather and the quality of paint/primers in Japanese use.

2) I think I'm safe in saying that, while there are MANY different roads to take, yours is in fact the wrong one to take. You're not skinning a plane, or applying much actual paint. 3 layers? That's literally doing almost nothing. While you put effort into it, you really need to put some of your own effort in, rather than using 95% of the original. You need to paint your own parts, put on your own markings, etc. Even if you get creative with the mixing of details, with how you want to mimick what's on the default, you still need to do the work yourself. That's not subjective, that's just the right way to do it. You have to do it yourself. The first one is always daunting, but once you get over that uncertainty you'll find it's much easier than you thought it would be. Time consuming or not, that's how you do it. The thing about skins is there is no race. There is no time limit on it. If you only get so much done in a week, a month, a year, you just keep doing it when you have the free time. You don't need marathon sessions.

3) I mean this with no insult or ill will, simply as an attempt to help somebody get on the right path to figuring out how to skin....

The mistake was simply covering up part of the default. I'm not trying to be elitist nor to be snobbish or anything, but that's not skinning. Even if you make something look like something else that has already been done, or even if you want to do the exact same subject as somebody else, you have to do it. Otherwise it's like stealing somebody's work. I've heard one or two cases of that happening with AH skins in the past and the person copied was not happy at all.

Granted the default skins are there to use as a template, so it's a bit of a fine line, but I think if you want to work with skins you need to do much more than you have already. Work on just getting the solid colors in place, then work on the details. As you now the software that will help you greatly in figuring out how to do it. The "how" you do it is up to you, and this goes back to your subjective comments. It is subjective, and for the most part there is no wrong way as long as the results hold up (and as long as you didn't rip off somebody else's work). They just don't hold up here, and the effort isn't there.

I'm not picking on you, it's just not very good to try to skin that way. I wanted to comment on it to help (possibly).

I had a long response to ya but after reading it, I realize I am defending....which I am not gonna do.

as far as I knew the default is there for us to modify/use to make skins, which is exactly what I did, I am not gonna get into a debate of what is the right way of skinning.

I used the program and its tools to do the work.

 ether way thanx for the input.

I think you did an excellent job, I would surely make this my primary skin for the 84! <S>

thank ya man :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on June 29, 2011, 04:03:10 PM
Ink it's not about defending what you did. It's about the effort put in. If you only want to do 1 hour of effort for a skin, you probably will never get it approved by HTC. It's not any one thing, it's just the nature of the craft. Nascar drivers don't just put 10 minutes into a race. Arwatermelonects don't stop on the first floor of a skyscraper. etc.

So, keep in mind this wasn't personal nor was it meant to be hurtful, but if somebody puts a mustache on the Mona Lisa, are they really creating anything new? (disclaimer: Not saying any of these skins are the same quality as the Mona Lisa, just using an example)

EDIT: I think if you tried it the traditional way you wouldn't be bad at all. Knowing the software is generally the hard part. If time is your main concern, don't sweat it. Just do what you can, save the file, and it will be there when you have more free time. I think playing around is a good way to learn, but that the quality in the screenshots shown above isn't the greatest and probably wouldn't be good enough to accept into the game. Then again I'm no HTC, and I'm not the one reviewing them. They rejected my first 2 skins, and I must say it was for the better because I tried harder and eventually got better.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 04:38:02 PM
Ink it's not about defending what you did. It's about the effort put in. If you only want to do 1 hour of effort for a skin, you probably will never get it approved by HTC. It's not any one thing, it's just the nature of the craft. Nascar drivers don't just put 10 minutes into a race. Arwatermelonects don't stop on the first floor of a skyscraper. etc.

So, keep in mind this wasn't personal nor was it meant to be hurtful, but if somebody puts a mustache on the Mona Lisa, are they really creating anything new? (disclaimer: Not saying any of these skins are the same quality as the Mona Lisa, just using an example)

I put a hell of a lot more time into it then an hour... more like ten, trust me I know all about putting time into something to get it right, how many hours do you think I put into that dragon head?

take a guess how many hours I spent on this? its 18by24 with a paint brush.

or this? same 18by24 with a paint brush, incidentally this is my second portrait painting.


what about this


if you were to guess 50+ hours on each one you might be close, but still shy.

 my point is you are not talking to some noob who does not know what it takes to make something look good, I created those pieces from scratch, my hand my eye.....skinning is a process and I know that, what you said was not hurt full it was arrogant, at least that's how I took it, but that could be just me and not your intention at all, that's why I changed my reply.

you would have gotten a lot further if you would have said something like, "hey looks decent but it still looks too much like the default", BAMM I would have totally saw your point with out the arrogant attitude, again I am not saying that's what you were doing, but it is how I took it, and of course mention the seafoam green or anything glaringly off.  

I went back and looked at the bmp now all I can see is the damn seafoam green :rofl


I had no intention of submitting it yet, not by any means....this to me is definitely something I want to get as perfect as possible...I put it out here to get feed back simple as that, would people like it? is it even worth doing...such like that.

time is an issue...I do have 6 kids with my wife, and I am living on borrowed time, so ya I want to get it done as fast as possible and still yield a great skin.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Fencer51 on June 29, 2011, 08:20:24 PM
10 hours on a skin is nothing.

Now if I took your painting of the reptile, changed the tail color bands and posted it as my own work.. would that be ok with you? 

Thats what you did to the default skin.  You modified it slightly, changing the tail color and few fiddly bits and then posted it as your own work.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 08:41:59 PM
10 hours on a skin is nothing.

Now if I took your painting of the reptile, changed the tail color bands and posted it as my own work.. would that be ok with you? 

Thats what you did to the default skin.  You modified it slightly, changing the tail color and few fiddly bits and then posted it as your own work.

I never took credit for the weathering...not even close...... and yes I worked on just about every part of the plane, actually every part of the plane, has my touch to it, it is more then "slightly" modified.
   show me where I took credit for the soon as someone mentioned that, I immediately said it was from the default skin, and with out it I would not have been able to make it look like that :aok

and I am sure ten hours on a skin is not a I already said, I am not done..didn't say it was done...didn't imply it was done......

ehh im done obviously you have reading comprehension issues. so no matter what I say you will read into it what ever you want. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on June 29, 2011, 11:20:08 PM
INK, you're doing it wong!!! Get out of here!!!!! :mad:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 29, 2011, 11:52:22 PM
INK, you're doing it wong!!! Get out of here!!!!! :mad:

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krupinski on June 30, 2011, 02:27:18 PM
I think it's hawt, good ideas can always be improved.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 30, 2011, 02:30:57 PM
I think it's hawt, good ideas can always be improved.

Thank ya Krup...I be working on that.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: IrishOne on June 30, 2011, 04:50:41 PM
jeez ink, you didn't get it PERFECT on your first attempt?!?!  for shame!!!!

looks great to me  :aok      keep it up, i'm sure i'll be rockin INK skins in no time  :rock
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on June 30, 2011, 04:54:30 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm afraid I must.

Are we done with all the muppets gushing? Can we move on? It's really not that great. Don't get me wrong it's not awful, not terrible, but it's not "PERFECT" and so forth. I get you want to support your squadmate, but let's not over-inflate his ego when he's just beginning, eh?

Okay, </RUDENESS> here.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: IrishOne on June 30, 2011, 04:57:49 PM
 :lol     good job ink     :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on June 30, 2011, 05:29:51 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm afraid I must.

Are we done with all the muppets gushing? Can we move on? It's really not that great. Don't get me wrong it's not awful, not terrible, but it's not "PERFECT" and so forth. I get you want to support your squadmate, but let's not over-inflate his ego when he's just beginning, eh?

Okay, </RUDENESS> here.
Not one person said it's perfect. It's the first draft of the guys first skin. Sorry you don't want INK and his " ego" in your little sandbox krusty. If you have nothing other to say than your typical " it's sucks" then just work on the assumption we all get you won't like it.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 30, 2011, 05:42:12 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm afraid I must.

Are we done with all the muppets gushing? Can we move on? It's really not that great. Don't get me wrong it's not awful, not terrible, but it's not "PERFECT" and so forth. I get you want to support your squadmate, but let's not over-inflate his ego when he's just beginning, eh?

Okay, </RUDENESS> here.

over inflating my ego is di...err ego was huge... long before AH :D

thanx my Muppet brothers  :salute

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: kilo2 on June 30, 2011, 06:44:16 PM
over inflating my ego is di...err ego was huge... long before AH :D

thanx my Muppet brothers  :salute


Looks good.

To me you cited your source and building on top of a template and then saying you used the template is ok. People in any art take things from each other all the time either purposely or inadvertently. For instance in writing you may find two similar phrases in two different books by two different authors.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on June 30, 2011, 08:11:22 PM
TY kilo

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Dragon Tamer on July 01, 2011, 08:42:04 AM
You can change the look of the weathering in gimp by using the airbrush to lightly apply a more neutral color to the plane's base color.  I do it by making the entire base layer the way I want it to look, add a little airbrush weathering on a seperate layer and then use the smudge tool to work it around until it looks right.  Sometimes this can take several hours so clear your schedual.  If you are seeing a different color than what others are telling your then maybe your need to modify the settings on your monitor, or it is possibly time to get a new one.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 09:38:34 AM
You can change the look of the weathering in gimp by using the airbrush to lightly apply a more neutral color to the plane's base color.  I do it by making the entire base layer the way I want it to look, add a little airbrush weathering on a seperate layer and then use the smudge tool to work it around until it looks right.  Sometimes this can take several hours so clear your schedual.  If you are seeing a different color than what others are telling your then maybe your need to modify the settings on your monitor, or it is possibly time to get a new one.

thanx for tips  :salute

I didn't see it but once it was mentioned, I went back and then I saw it big time :rofl

I am reworking the whole thing,It's gonna be similar certainly isn't gonna be sea-foam green, and a tad more weathering. been at it all night :t
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 01, 2011, 11:24:58 AM
Not one person said it's perfect. It's the first draft of the guys first skin. Sorry you don't want INK and his " ego" in your little sandbox krusty. If you have nothing other to say than your typical " it's sucks" then just work on the assumption we all get you won't like it.

Slash, you apparently don't frequent these forums too often. Without overgeneralizing too much these forums provide feedback, sometimes needed feedback (needed negative feedback) to let somebody know their work is lacking, or needs improvement. We don't get petty about the skins in question, mostly just look at the work and the details on the skin.

And, er... your "other" muppet brother was saying it was PERFECT, and you other muppets were sharing similar sentiments. I don't care if YOU don't like me slash, I don't think about you enough to worry about it. Don't presume to know me or my responses and please don't inject your own little issues into a thread that doesn't need them. This is a thread for a first-time skinner and his first efforts. Look back almost 10 years on this forum and you'll see anybody else doing this might get laughed out of the community. We're trying to be supportive and guiding, and you aren't helping by trying to imply I'm the bad guy. Take it to the O'club. You won't find me there so have at it.

EDIT: As for Ink, I look forward to more screenshots whenever you get around to them!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 11:42:54 AM
Slash, you apparently don't frequent these forums too often. Without overgeneralizing too much these forums provide feedback, sometimes needed feedback (needed negative feedback) to let somebody know their work is lacking, or needs improvement. We don't get petty about the skins in question, mostly just look at the work and the details on the skin.

And, er... your "other" muppet brother was saying it was PERFECT, and you other muppets were sharing similar sentiments. I don't care if YOU don't like me slash, I don't think about you enough to worry about it. Don't presume to know me or my responses and please don't inject your own little issues into a thread that doesn't need them. This is a thread for a first-time skinner and his first efforts. Look back almost 10 years on this forum and you'll see anybody else doing this might get laughed out of the community. We're trying to be supportive and guiding, and you aren't helping by trying to imply I'm the bad guy. Take it to the O'club. You won't find me there so have at it.

EDIT: As for Ink, I look forward to more screenshots whenever you get around to them!


which Muppet said it was perfect?

to be honest Krusty, I have been working on it all night, but because of yours and fencers attitudes I have no desire to show you the progress.

fencer straight up lied about what I claimed, and you have this holier then thou attitude that grates on me.

like here when you say a Muppet was saying its perfect.....and no one even came close to saying that, its stuff like that...well I will stop.

you did not give any constructive criticism, you basically said it suked and I was completely doing it wrong, I gave you a clue as how to give proper constructive criticism, but yet here you are......ahhh screw it, dude Im done dealing with you, not worth the headache, been up all night and I got work to do. 

you'll see it once its DONE :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 01, 2011, 12:05:21 PM

As to the perfect: I will say sorry for mis-reading IrishOne's post, but the rest of the back-patting posts shared the same sentiment. I will leave it be and try to stay on topic.

Now to the heart of the matter, you taking offense at my and Fencer's comments?

I think you have the entirely wrong attitude for it so far. I said "it's not all that great" and you can look up the quotes. I never said it sucks and you seem to be reading from Slash's comment. I'm not posting out of arrogance nor do I think Fencer lying about anything in this thread.

Fencer didn't lie. Where did he come close? He posted all of 2-3 comments in this thread. It's not like there's much chance. You seem to be thinking something else when you replied to his comment and you said "I never said I took credit for the weathering" -- and I think this is your misunderstanding. He never mentioned weathering specifically. He's talking about just using the default and painting the tail markings on top.

Just to make sure we're on the same terminology: Weathering is final subtle details on a finished skin. Exhaust stains. Dirt kicked up from wheels. Oil leaks. Paint chips. Gun gas streaks.

You are saying you "took" or "kept" this or whatever you want to call it, you kept the default weathering. Only, you can't "keep" the weathering, because it's part of a flat 2D bitmap. The finished package is the final skin. You do anything at all on the skin when you use it as a template, and the weathering is covered up. The only way to keep the weathering is to not put anything over it. To use effects to tweak it, or to use translucent layers that let it show through.

The end result is you're not making the bitmap, it's all just the same default. You're modifying and tweaking it.

Maybe to use an analogy you can relate to more?

Say I took your painting that was the equivelant of 50+ hours of work, hung it in a shadow box with a red light shining on it and called it my own artwork? Clearly some effort went into it, but the main focus is the painting, which I did very little to.

How about this... You're new to skinning and limited on time. Normally I advocate that ALL new skinners MUST learn to do their own panel lines and rivets, etc. It can seem daunting and the first time can take a little time, but it's mostly mental and not due to effort. In your case, I'll share with you my Ki-84 file.

I think you're doing it the way you chose to do it because you don't want to do panel lines or rivets or any of the finer details. You have this feeling it will take too much time and you may or may not be right. If I gave you a photoshop file (.PSD) with layers would that free you up a bit to fill in your own work a bit more? Kind of like giving you a paint by numbers and you get to choose all the colors etc but the lines are there. Saves you some time. What do you think?

P.S. in-progress screen shots and the feedback you get along the way are 100000 times more valuable than after-the-fact screenshots where you are reluctant to change anything. Only posting "DONE" screenshots won't be very helpful to you, the person creating it. I would encourage you to keep posting more. People understand they are works in progress, but new skinners also have to understand they aren't picasso right off the bat, too :)
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 01, 2011, 12:11:46 PM
You should've seen my first skin, ink.   I was proud of it at the time, but looking back I can now say it was the absolute worst piece of junk I have ever seen.   (It was a 354th FG P-47D with the yellow cowl and black skull and crossbones - I think Fencer? has a very nice version of it ingame now).

Skinning takes time to master and experience to develop an eye for details.   My advice is don't rush it.  Do show it, and ask for pointers and tips.   Show up close detail of sections of your skin - 3/4 views are nice for overall but its hard to comment on details if we can't see it really close up, from a number of angles.  Can't tell you how many things (errors) I found in my skins - and I rarely posted more than promo shots so I lsot the opportunity for input from the real experts here.

Take an hour or so and look at every Ki.84 custom skin in external view, up really close  - go around and around it, zoom out and way in.  I look at (and I mean examine in detail painstakingly) works by the top skinners - I esp like Cactuskooler's latest works - for inspiration.   Greebo and Fester also strike me as the most detail-oriented and have styles that I'd like to learn how to do.  Experiment and try to duplicate the effects you like in your skin.

Take a look at Greebo's well-worn Soviet A-20 sometime.  That one snuck in under my radar but since I discovered it I think its one of the top skins in the game.
The paint wear on that one is incredible.

And welcome to skinning.     It really is a good feeling to be able to create something and contribute to the game.  Good Luck!

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 12:19:12 PM
You should've seen my first skin, ink.   I was proud of it at the time, but looking back I can now say it was the absolute worst piece of junk I have ever seen.   (It was a 354th FG P-47D with the yellow cowl and black skull and crossbones - I think Fencer? has a very nice version of it ingame now).

Skinning takes time to master and experience to develop an eye for details.   My advice is don't rush it.  Do show it, and ask for pointers and tips.   Show up close detail of sections of your skin - 3/4 views are nice for overall but its hard to comment on details if we can't see it really close up, from a number of angles.  Can't tell you how many things (errors) I found in my skins - and I rarely posted more than promo shots so I lsot the opportunity for input from the real experts here.

Take an hour or so and look at every Ki.84 custom skin in external view, up really close  - go around and around it, zoom out and way in.  I look at (and I mean examine in detail painstakingly) works by the top skinners - I esp like Cactuskooler's latest works - for inspiration.   Greebo and Fester also strike me as the most detail-oriented and have styles that I'd like to learn how to do.  Experiment and try to duplicate the effects you like in your skin.

Take a look at Greebo's well-worn Soviet A-20 sometime.  That one snuck in under my radar but since I discovered it I think its one of the top skins in the game.
The paint wear on that one is incredible.

And welcome to skinning.     It really is a good feeling to be able to create something and contribute to the game.  Good Luck!


now that is awesome advice!!!!!! Thank you :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 01, 2011, 01:13:23 PM
Response yes/no to my offer?
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Megalodon on July 01, 2011, 02:47:03 PM
I snipped just a few of your responses there.


1) You are right they were not black. However it was not a kamikaze plane.


This very aircraft attacked US ships off Okinawa on May 25th 1945 on a Kamikaze strike..No? none made it to the ships?....all the pilots died? I might be wrong.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: HighTone on July 01, 2011, 03:08:53 PM
Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain INK  :salute

I think you have a good start on a skin I would love to see. Keep at it, so that I may have the pleasure of flying in it one day  :airplane:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 01, 2011, 03:20:16 PM
This very aircraft attacked US ships off Okinawa on May 25th 1945 on a Kamikaze strike..No? none made it to the ships?....all the pilots died? I might be wrong.

Good question, and one up for a bit of debate. Back when I did my 57 Shimbu-Tai skin the big debate was "it's a kamikaze skin!"

I was a little skeptical but at the time I understood it may not have been accepted into the game. I mentioned the debate to HTC when I submitted and said I'd leave it up to their choice. After this I found more info. I found that the Ki-84 units were attached to kamikaze missions but as escorts. The commentary was that the Ki-84s were too important to waste in that way, and escorted the kamikazes in to the target (if they could).

Now, you could say maybe there's a misunderstanding in some of the source material in what part of the mission these planes in the 58th ShimbuTai held, or perhaps they were an exception to the rule.

It's up for debate but I'm inclined to think they had so many thousands and thousands of planes ready and willing to be made into kamikaze (including a number of Ki-43s and older models in flight schools). I think they were not the actual suicide attackers themselves, thus weren't truly kamikaze. Just regular fighters in escort missions.

That's what I'm going with until a better argument comes forth or more info.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 03:28:42 PM
Response yes/no to my offer?

 I didn't read your response at first...honestly it don't matter, I know I put a lot more work into that first one then you and fencer want to admit,  yours and fencer's analogies of the painting I did is no where near the same thing, for one I took that painting, from a clean canvas drew an outline and painted it from there, it has around 250 layers of paint, the big difference is most anyone can take GIMP or paint shop and make a skin or be an "artist", very few can do the painting the way I did. I have been an artist my whole life, I've done huge wall murals, have sold many pieces of artwork, besides the 24 years of Tattooing, I am not a computer geek I have only been using computers for as long as I have been in AH, hell AH is basically the reason I got a computer, been using GIMP about 5 years off and on.

 I was under the impression the default is there for us to modify, and that's exactly what I did.

 it truly is all good, I started again, this time I am stripping it down to the very basics and working it up from there, I have already put down an uncountable number of rivets, that is easy, hell its all "easy" just time consuming.

this response from you was much better and way less holier then thou, so I figured I should respond back.

I am all set with the file, actually your responses got me angry (not that difficult of a thing to do) and in turn pushed me to really think about how to do it, with minimal time and maximum return, definitely gonna take longer then I was hoping but whatever, it is gonna be a sick skin that even you will be surprised at.

I do appreciate the offer of the file.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 03:34:10 PM
Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain INK  :salute

I think you have a good start on a skin I would love to see. Keep at it, so that I may have the pleasure of flying in it one day  :airplane:

Thank ya :salute

Good question, and one up for a bit of debate. Back when I did my 57 Shimbu-Tai skin the big debate was "it's a kamikaze skin!"

I was a little skeptical but at the time I understood it may not have been accepted into the game. I mentioned the debate to HTC when I submitted and said I'd leave it up to their choice. After this I found more info. I found that the Ki-84 units were attached to kamikaze missions but as escorts. The commentary was that the Ki-84s were too important to waste in that way, and escorted the kamikazes in to the target (if they could).

Now, you could say maybe there's a misunderstanding in some of the source material in what part of the mission these planes in the 58th ShimbuTai held, or perhaps they were an exception to the rule.

It's up for debate but I'm inclined to think they had so many thousands and thousands of planes ready and willing to be made into kamikaze (including a number of Ki-43s and older models in flight schools). I think they were not the actual suicide attackers themselves, thus weren't truly kamikaze. Just regular fighters in escort missions.

That's what I'm going with until a better argument comes forth or more info.

there is so much mis information out there, and a lot of the Japanese records were destroyed, I have read that they were used as kamikaze, and that they were not...all I know is as soon as I saw the skin I wanted to fly it  :airplane:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 01, 2011, 03:47:01 PM
Ink as a side point I don't think anybody with GIMP can be an artist. There's a large mental aspect to it, an eye for detail and how things mix etc. You should probably know that many of my skins hit the 50-layer limit that Photoshop 5.1 has imposed, so I am forced to make multiple layers in different files, flatten them down, and import them as a single layer into my main file. I regularly have 30-50 work files for any given skin as I save iterations of my work to always be able to go back to those flattened layers before I flattened them, so I can change how they were flattened. If I had a recent version I'd go past 100 layers in some skins, easily.

I think I only made you angry because I was a tad rude. For that I'm sorry. For any other skinner I would have brought up the same issues though, so I just want you to know I wasn't picking on you or anything  :P

Let me know if you want the PSD file just as a guide/template (even if you do your own stuff).
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 04:01:28 PM
Ink as a side point I don't think anybody with GIMP can be an artist. There's a large mental aspect to it, an eye for detail and how things mix etc. You should probably know that many of my skins hit the 50-layer limit that Photoshop 5.1 has imposed, so I am forced to make multiple layers in different files, flatten them down, and import them as a single layer into my main file. I regularly have 30-50 work files for any given skin as I save iterations of my work to always be able to go back to those flattened layers before I flattened them, so I can change how they were flattened. If I had a recent version I'd go past 100 layers in some skins, easily.

I think I only made you angry because I was a tad rude. For that I'm sorry. For any other skinner I would have brought up the same issues though, so I just want you to know I wasn't picking on you or anything  :P

Let me know if you want the PSD file just as a guide/template (even if you do your own stuff).

its cool man, you like to debate...I have learned that about you, and no I don't think you were picking on me...I am imposable to "pick" on.

once you see what I do if you want help getting those files smaller and saving some time let me know :D
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on July 01, 2011, 05:01:33 PM
Slash, you apparently don't frequent these forums too often. Without overgeneralizing too much these forums provide feedback, sometimes needed feedback (needed negative feedback) to let somebody know their work is lacking, or needs improvement. We don't get petty about the skins in question, mostly just look at the work and the details on the skin.

And, er... your "other" muppet brother was saying it was PERFECT, and you other muppets were sharing similar sentiments. I don't care if YOU don't like me slash, I don't think about you enough to worry about it. Don't presume to know me or my responses and please don't inject your own little issues into a thread that doesn't need them. This is a thread for a first-time skinner and his first efforts. Look back almost 10 years on this forum and you'll see anybody else doing this might get laughed out of the community. We're trying to be supportive and guiding, and you aren't helping by trying to imply I'm the bad guy. Take it to the O'club. You won't find me there so have at it.
EDIT: As for Ink, I look forward to more screenshots whenever you get around to them!
My issue is your attitiude. You don't like my interjection on that then I guess you can just deal with it or report it the moderator. I guess you could read back a few post and try and figue it out but that's on you.

Since you keep bringing up the "Muppet" thing I'll give you some insight. There is an ongoing thread about this project of INK's a few of us have great interest in. We are enjoying ourselves quite a lot with the process of researching ,discussion, and history about the aircraft and this skin. INK and the rest of us full well understand the desire for quality and historical accuracy given the hard work that goes in to the skins we have. With the amount of great skins that are sitting on the shelf, INK's skin need to be the best possible. Hence this whole thread. Constructive criticism was expected, wanted, and needed if this was to be a success. Why the look down your nose nonsense is the first reaction I don't know, but I do not find it surprising. I did know that guys like Oboe were here so I knew it wouldn't be a waste of time despite what else was going to happen. Thank's for bringing me up to speed on this being INK's first skin though. :aok

Sorry INK if I'm speaking too much for you. :D
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 05:27:24 PM
My issue is your attitiude. You don't like my interjection on that then I guess you can just deal with it or report it the moderator. I guess you could read back a few post and try and figue it out but that's on you.

Since you keep bringing up the "Muppet" thing I'll give you some insight. There is an ongoing thread about this project of INK's a few of us have great interest in. We are enjoying ourselves quite a lot with the process of researching ,discussion, and history about the aircraft and this skin. INK and the rest of full well understand the desire for quality and historical accuracy given the hard work that goes in to the skin we have. With the amount of great skins that are sitting on the shelf INK's skin need to be the best possible. Hence this whole thread. Constructive criticism was expected, wanted, and needed if this was to be a success. Why the look down your nose nonsense is the first reaction I don't know but I do not find it surprising. I did know that guys like Oboe were here so I knew it wouldn't be a waste of time despite what else was going to happen. Thank's for bringing me up to speed on this being INK's first skin though. :aok

Sorry INK if I'm speaking too much for you. :D

Ill never down someone for speaking their mind.....Krusty Apologized for being rude, and that's something else I respect....there is help for him yet :D
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: cactuskooler on July 01, 2011, 06:28:43 PM
I remember my first skin - I took the default P-38L skin, changed the paint, added a nose art and called it done. I left on the original panels lines/rivets from the default skin—I saw no reason to redo them just to end up spending time to make them identical. I thought it was a masterpiece. Luckily for me I never ended up showing it to the public. Those who did see it were supportive and helpful though. I submitted it and it was accepted, but all the skin slots were full.

I don't know where the line is drawn between using too much of the default skin and what's acceptable, or if such a line even exists outside of our minds. Regardless, it's better to draw out your own panel lines/rivets. You'll have the flexibility to make them look any way you like - lighter in certain areas, more vivid in others, etc. You can use your panel line/rivet layers to aid in creating other effects, such as metal deformation. If you decide to make a second Ki-84 skin you'll already have your own panel line/rivets drawn out giving you a big head start, rather than having to start from scratch while still being confined to the default skin's details.

Anyways it's still better than my first skin I mentioned previously. The tips the others are giving are all worth reading and following, even if they weren't given too encouragingly. If you truly enjoy the researching, discussion, and history side of skinning, like Slash said, then you already have a leg up on most other first timers. Obviously you have a talent for art and I see no reason why you cannot use that talent here. I'm sure many will enjoy your work and you'll proud of your contributions. Have fun too!

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 01, 2011, 07:11:15 PM
I remember my first skin - I took the default P-38L skin, changed the paint, added a nose art and called it done. I left on the original panels lines/rivets from the default skin—I saw no reason to redo them just to end up spending time to make them identical. I thought it was a masterpiece. Luckily for me I never ended up showing it to the public. Those who did see it were supportive and helpful though. I submitted it and it was accepted, but all the skin slots were full.

I don't know where the line is drawn between using too much of the default skin and what's acceptable, or if such a line even exists outside of our minds. Regardless, it's better to draw out your own panel lines/rivets. You'll have the flexibility to make them look any way you like - lighter in certain areas, more vivid in others, etc. You can use your panel line/rivet layers to aid in creating other effects, such as metal deformation. If you decide to make a second Ki-84 skin you'll already have your own panel line/rivets drawn out giving you a big head start, rather than having to start from scratch while still being confined to the default skin's details.

Anyways it's still better than my first skin I mentioned previously. The tips the others are giving are all worth reading and following, even if they weren't given too encouragingly. If you truly enjoy the researching, discussion, and history side of skinning, like Slash said, then you already have a leg up on most other first timers. Obviously you have a talent for art and I see no reason why you cannot use that talent here. I'm sure many will enjoy your work and you'll proud of your contributions. Have fun too!


Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ACE on July 02, 2011, 12:15:30 AM
I've never ever skinned before.  But that seems to me a good first try. Better looking than the default. Imo.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on July 02, 2011, 05:13:46 AM
This very aircraft attacked US ships off Okinawa on May 25th 1945 on a Kamikaze strike..No? none made it to the ships?....all the pilots died? I might be wrong.


Found this.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 02, 2011, 01:50:47 PM
I've never ever skinned before.  But that seems to me a good first try. Better looking than the default. Imo.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 03:28:48 AM
ok here goes......first I wanna say thanx to everyone who has replied and given their opinion,good or bad.

I completely redid it, I took the default skin, and broke it down to its very base, doing so got rid of 80+% of the panel lines/rivets,I re-created the rivets and panels, that I needed to(which was most of them).
   I did this with no more then 3 layers at any one time, saving as I went, but I didn't save at a certain point so the things that are wrong with it I cant fix :cry
I am gonna start it over,  I don't need to start from scratch at least, and the things that are wrong will be fixed. the line up between the wing roots and body just don't :( cut it

100% of the weathering is my work.....there is less then 5% of the default left in this skin.

good or bad let me know what ya think





Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Debrody on July 03, 2011, 06:07:12 AM
wow whats this junk??
Looks damn realistic, but also this aircraft spent like 50 years underwater. I would be afraid flying this  : )
Could you upload a megaupload link to try it out offline, plz?
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 06:33:35 AM
wow whats this junk??
Looks damn realistic, but also this aircraft spent like 50 years underwater. I would be afraid flying this  : )
Could you upload a megaupload link to try it out offline, plz?


I was wondering if I went to much on the weathering :headscratch:

thing is,  Japanese paint at the end of the war was horrible(from every thing I have read) and their paint peeling was extreme, so I am thinking a guy who has been around in heavy action, his plane would look very worn out.

I will get the file up asap :salute  do you know how to get it to show off line?

in case you don't or for any one else, create a folder in your AH skins folder name it ki84_1, copy and paste both of these files into that folder you should see the skin in the drop down list in hanger....path should look similar to this, C:\Program Files\Aces High\skins\ki84_1.....unless you changed the default save location for the game. 
skin name to look for  "suicide unit 58th Shimbu tai_2"   create a new text document in that same folder you created name it ki84. copy and past this txt file to it.(wont save the file :headscratch:)

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 03, 2011, 07:07:00 AM
Wow - you've demonstrated your pure talent at weathering and its a fearsome ability to be sure.  I have never seen such a work but Debrody is right - its too much.   To me it looks like it spent 50 years in the deep jungle.    You want paint wear, peeling and chipping along seams and major traffic areas but not so much the corroded look you've achieved.   (btw don't destroy this work - save it somewhere at least.)

Other comments:

Lose the bullet holes.   I can add those in the first 5 minutes of any flight I make in it.   :D

Gun muzzle and engine exhaust stains are too strong/dark.   Same for the grease coming out the gear doors.

You can add a gap/shadow line underneath the sliding canopy section to show its a separate piece not attached to fuselage.

You will probably want to readjust the light/dark balance in the rivet layers once you make major changes to the weathering.   They might start to show more strongly than ever, and I suspect they might look a bit too defined and have too much 3D depth.  (The side profile shows this well)

My gawd tho that is an immpressive piece of work!  Thanks for all the angles/closeups.   Somebody get this guy more pictures of paintwear patterns on Japanese fighters!  Lyric?

Q: Why did you switch to brown overall from the green?   

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 07:32:38 AM
Wow - you've demonstrated your pure talent at weathering and its a fearsome ability to be sure.  I have never seen such a work but Debrody is right - its too much.   To me it looks like it spent 50 years in the deep jungle.    You want paint wear, peeling and chipping along seams and major traffic areas but not so much the corroded look you've achieved.   (btw don't destroy this work - save it somewhere at least.)

Other comments:

Lose the bullet holes.   I can add those in the first 5 minutes of any flight I make in it.   :D

Gun muzzle and engine exhaust stains are too strong/dark.   Same for the grease coming out the gear doors.

You can add a gap/shadow line underneath the sliding canopy section to show its a separate piece not attached to fuselage.

You will probably want to readjust the light/dark balance in the rivet layers once you make major changes to the weathering.   They might start to show more strongly than ever, and I suspect they might look a bit too defined and have too much 3D depth.  (The side profile shows this well)

My gawd tho that is an immpressive piece of work!  Thanks for all the angles/closeups.   Somebody get this guy more pictures of paintwear patterns on Japanese fighters!  Lyric?

Q: Why did you switch to brown overall from the green?   

this particular plane was brown. 

haha the bullet holes are my favorite part :cry especially the one in the center of the skulls forehead

I have been looking at Japanese planes from the war till my eyes hurt would be surprised at how much the paint peeled off of those planes, heck I saw a couple planes where there was almost no original paint left.

and that is why I went with so much peeling/weathering.

seriously thank you for your words, I will take what you say and put it in the ol noggin and when I rework it again, you can be sure I will fix certain things you mentioned....... :aok

but but do have to get rid of the bullet holes....... :cry :cry :cry :cry

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Debrody on July 03, 2011, 07:46:07 AM
Thanks for the links.
Your first one looked pretty, this one is amazing detailed, i bet the next will be the most popular Ki-84 skin in no time.
Its all i have to say.
 :aok   <S>

(beware here comes the new star skinner)
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 03, 2011, 08:08:46 AM
No kidding - good to see the artistic talent come out!

I'd check with Skuzzy about the bullet holes.  Since they simulate damage that the game handles I don't know how HTC feels about it.  I haven't seen a skin before that has them.   It'd be maddening/saddening to get an email from HTC saying "Please remove bullet holes and resubmit" because that would likely set you back another skin pack release cycle.  

For what its worth, I think its the apparent depth of the rivets and the black splotchy areas in the skin color that are giving me the impression of corrosion/jungle rot.  It's an incrediblly realistic look though!

One more tip:  when you create your panel lines, be sure to go in game with your skin and look externally at the a/c and operate control surfaces (ailerons, elevators, flaps, rudder) and ensure the panel lines line up with the movement of the surface.  Sometimes they are off between one wing or another (I think that's the case in the '38) so you might need to do some tweaking).

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 08:20:26 AM
Thank you guys...very much thank you :salute

ya that would suk to have it not excepted because of the bullet holes. I have not seen any skins with them so I figured I would do something a bit different.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: STXAce8 on July 03, 2011, 09:39:02 AM
Its da ghooooooossssttttt pplllaaane ooooooo that is coming to hunt down the man that shot him down.  :D Had to do it, just looked like a ghost plane.  :eek:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Karnak on July 03, 2011, 11:11:49 AM
Japanese paint application wasn't very good, but it wasn't that bad.  Japanese aluminum was actually pretty good.  It was an alloy that was stronger than ours for a given weight, but it did corrode.  The Japanese were aware that it corroded, but found it acceptable as it did not corrode in the intended lifespan of a given aircraft's design, e.g. by the time an A6M started to corrode there would no longer be any A6Ms in service. The corrosion took the form of whitish, metal flakes as I recall.

Your Ki-84 really does look like it spent about 20 years in the Philippine jungles.

As to the bullet holes, they are so tightly clustered the only way I can see them having happened would have been from something like a submachine gun while it was on the ground.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: The Fugitive on July 03, 2011, 11:23:58 AM
I think it's over done too, it looks great, but over done. Post some of the pictures you were going by showing the peeling and such. If you can prove it looked that bad it would help its case to get passed.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Debrody on July 03, 2011, 11:42:31 AM
Its da ghooooooossssttttt pplllaaane ooooooo that is coming to hunt down the man that shot him down.  :D Had to do it, just looked like a ghost plane.  :eek:
Ya, definiately a rat rod, but i like it pretty much  : )
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: BillyD on July 03, 2011, 12:32:25 PM
I like it alot....the wear is thick but not inconceivable

dunno about the pre applied bullet holes only qualm.

Great work buddy.... :D

beat to hell Hayate mid section


beat to hell Ki #2   22nd sentai

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: mtnman on July 03, 2011, 12:35:56 PM
Wow Ink! Nice job!

I tend to think it's a bit over-weathered, but then again, it looks pretty hot...

Makes me wonder though- how could we get a few objects on the ground/alongside runways/scattered (lightly) across the landscape of weathered aircraft (or GV) wreckage?

Fantastic start! 

My biggest qualm, honestly, is that I'd like you to do something for an F4U when you get around to it, lol!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Karnak on July 03, 2011, 12:48:03 PM

Those 84s have a lot of paint missing, but they don't look filthy other than that.  ink's looks, well, like it has a lot more than just flaking paint going on.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: BillyD on July 03, 2011, 02:05:11 PM
anyway the case for the wear is evident its not overdone....this vid is bad bellybutton btw....check the Ki at 14 seconds or so....very little paint left at all.

If this vid was posted already sorry
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 02:31:45 PM
thanx for the replies, :salute appreciate the honesty  :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 03, 2011, 02:49:54 PM
Great pics, BillyD!   Top one shows clearly raised head rivets on the vertical fuselage panel section seams.  But the horizontal rows of rivet heads are much less defined.

I don't think anyone is questioning the amount of surface area where the paint has peeled or worn off.  But ink's use of multiple shades of color - greys, whites, browns, and blacks, give the metal surface the appearance of serious corrosion and a rough metal surface.   In the picture, the paint has worn away but the metal underneath is still in fairly good condition.

btw is that a bullet hole at the top of the Hinomaru?      
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 03, 2011, 03:59:00 PM
Its da ghooooooossssttttt pplllaaane ooooooo that is coming to hunt down the man that shot him down.  :D Had to do it, just looked like a ghost plane.  :eek:

Helllllll yeaaaa.

I dont think it is overdone at all. Does every skin have to be the they all have to look like they have been weatherd exactly the same amount? The artist idea is what stands out here. It is unique. Exactly what we need in AH...hellllooooo...something NEW.

I love it INK.. I think that is the coolest skin in a long time...Way better than some of Krusty's work.

Freaken ghost plane is gonna hunt you down.....

Great job.

ps - krusty can go.....and...umm well you know what.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 04:55:06 PM

Agent your too much.... :t

that's a Muppet for you :devil

here is an updated version....I still have the "ghost plane"  version but truly I am not sure which one I like better  :headscratch:

I did think the red was too bright on the "meatballs" I wanted to show a faded paint in some areas
also some paint that was still "vibrant" with the peeling, and chipping from rocks and what not, I really put my heart into this,

thanx all for the replies.

Wow Ink! Nice job!

I tend to think it's a bit over-weathered, but then again, it looks pretty hot...

Makes me wonder though- how could we get a few objects on the ground/alongside runways/scattered (lightly) across the landscape of weathered aircraft (or GV) wreckage?

Fantastic start! 

My biggest qualm, honestly, is that I'd like you to do something for an F4U when you get around to it, lol!

give me details.....which one? how do you want it to look?  I would be Honored to do one for ya, but I need details damnit :furious


Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Tyrannis on July 03, 2011, 05:05:24 PM
is it just me or does anyone else wish weathering wasent included on the skins? idk, i just think it makes the paintjob look bad personally.

i wish ether

1: planes would spawn with a fresh paintjob, and obtain weathering during there sortie.

or 2: every plane spawns with a fresh paintjob, and with each sortie aquires a bit of weathering to its look. but you'd also have a "reset" button for the paintjob incase you didnt like the weathered look.

just my opinion  :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 05:08:21 PM
is it just me or does anyone else wish weathering wasent included on the skins? idk, i just think it makes the paintjob look bad personally.

i wish ether

1: planes would spawn with a fresh paintjob, and obtain weathering during there sortie.

or 2: every plane spawns with a fresh paintjob, and with each sortie aquires a bit of weathering to its look. but you'd also have a "reset" button for the paintjob incase you didnt like the weathered look.

just my opinion  :salute

that would be very taxing on a system.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 03, 2011, 05:46:45 PM

I think you should give it some stress cracks/wrinkles like the plane had the watermelon flown out of it..... and some patches where it was should be a plane that flew 500 sorties then ran out of gas and sat in the jungle for 50 years.

I agree the meatballs needed to be weathered more.

From an artistic point of view its brilliant. Too bad I am a muppet and everybody thinks im saying that becasue of it.

Most of the skins we have are what I would call "typical"....different but nothing have created something great!!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 06:10:16 PM

I think you should give it some stress cracks/wrinkles like the plane had the watermelon flown out of it..... and some patches where it was should be a plane that flew 500 sorties then ran out of gas and sat in the jungle for 50 years.

I agree the meatballs needed to be weathered more.

From an artistic point of view its brilliant. Too bad I am a muppet and everybody thinks im saying that becasue of it.

Most of the skins we have are what I would call "typical"....different but nothing have created something great!!

Thank you very much :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: killnu on July 03, 2011, 06:17:03 PM
I'd fly it!  :aok  I like the heavy weathered look is quite different...but I do not believe unrealistic based on photos posted. 
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 06:21:53 PM
I think it's over done too, it looks great, but over done. Post some of the pictures you were going by showing the peeling and such. If you can prove it looked that bad it would help its case to get passed.

I didn't go by any pictures, except when I was doing the rivets, I just looked at a crap load of pictures on lineof KI84's and just Japanese planes in general, I knew what the plane looked like, I used a pic for placement of the jolly roger also(just remember that)

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: potsNpans on July 03, 2011, 07:05:53 PM
Maybe a little less blur on some of the paint wear, as it might look like it came off as chipping in some percentage.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: BillyD on July 03, 2011, 08:32:39 PM
I changed my mind bout the bullet holes. Gotta leave the one in the skull :)
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 03, 2011, 08:48:24 PM
Congrats to ink for really shaking things up and getting lots of people commenting in this thread!  I agree its a brilliant work, like nothing I've ever seen before.

You know ink, you could do two versions submit 'em both and let HTC decide.   I like the idea of the ghost plane, so you need to get us a screenshot where you've zoomed in enough to make the pilot disappear, that'll REALLY make it a ghost ride!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 03, 2011, 09:45:49 PM
Maybe a little less blur on some of the paint wear, as it might look like it came off as chipping in some percentage.

yes if he can sharpen the contrast without sharpening the base then that would make the pealing-3d effect come off even better.

good idea!!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: lyric1 on July 03, 2011, 10:04:30 PM
That is one beat up bird but I like this one over your first attempt :aok

This link may help you with some of it's pictures.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 03, 2011, 10:11:06 PM
That is one beat up bird but I like this one over your first attempt :aok

This link may help you with some of it's pictures.

( (

dont click on the link.

It shows as a link at first.

then its a picture. dont click on the picture

This link needs to be removed its a security risk.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: lyric1 on July 03, 2011, 10:22:22 PM
dont click on the link.

It shows as a link at first.

then its a picture. dont click on the picture

This link needs to be removed its a security risk.

Really I have used this link all the time never had a problem?

Any way if it is I removed it & provided another.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 03, 2011, 10:27:36 PM
Really I have used this link all the time never had a problem?

Any way if it is I removed it & provided another.


much better. that other link was baaaaddddd.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: kilo2 on July 03, 2011, 10:29:21 PM
The plane looks great in the last photo though the black from the guns looks a bit too black and with a fade effect would be really cool. It really draws the eye right too it instead of the rest of the skin. Personally i like the wear gives the impression that the "plane" is an old warrior who has survived many battles with little time and supplies.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 03, 2011, 11:13:33 PM
Congrats to ink for really shaking things up and getting lots of people commenting in this thread!  I agree its a brilliant work, like nothing I've ever seen before.

You know ink, you could do two versions submit 'em both and let HTC decide.   I like the idea of the ghost plane, so you need to get us a screenshot where you've zoomed in enough to make the pilot disappear, that'll REALLY make it a ghost ride!



Really I have used this link all the time never had a problem?

Any way if it is I removed it & provided another.

awesome site :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Dichotomy on July 04, 2011, 12:25:59 AM

I wander off for a couple of weeks and you are posting this stuff?

You have amazing talent sir.  I'll fly your work any time.  I mean that  :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 04, 2011, 02:08:58 AM

I wander off for a couple of weeks and you are posting this stuff?

You have amazing talent sir.  I'll fly your work any time.  I mean that  :salute

Thank ya very much  :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 04, 2011, 03:51:37 AM
..I suddenly have an urge to fly this plane...

I HATE this plane...but...I want to fly it now....

oh crap... :uhoh
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 04, 2011, 04:38:16 AM
..I suddenly have an urge to fly this plane...

I HATE this plane...but...I want to fly it now....

oh crap... :uhoh


little more work done to it


Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: nrshida on July 04, 2011, 05:09:39 AM
I do admire the weathering Ink, although I am like others more reminded of a lost in the jungle for forty years, Pirates of the Caribbean ghost ship theme. You have explored the limits of weathering but subtlety can often be more effective. This is merely my humble opinion. Please note that Japanese pilot's boots had smooth leather soles (with heels) and they likely did not have access to Timberlands   :frown:

Keep up the good work, I am sure you will contribute some excellent skins  :aok

P.S. I will send you some Hayate books this evening in pdf format, plenty of detail shots as well as full pictures of aircraft in service. Check pms later.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 04, 2011, 05:17:51 AM
I do admire the weathering Ink, although I am like others more reminded of a lost in the jungle for forty years, Pirates of the Caribbean ghost ship theme. You have explored the limits of weathering but subtlety can often be more effective. This is merely my humble opinion. Please note that Japanese pilot's boots had smooth leather soles (with heels) and they likely did not have access to Timberlands   :frown:

Keep up the good work, I am sure you will contribute some excellent skins  :aok

P.S. I will send you some Hayate books this evening in pdf format, plenty of detail shots as well as full pictures of aircraft in service. Check pms later.

 :rofl didn't even think about the boot pattern hahaha....I look forward to them :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: FTJR on July 04, 2011, 05:53:47 AM
Im in awe of the artistry, but can only agree with the others that it is a little too much

But it would be awesome to see in game
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: dhyran on July 04, 2011, 06:03:42 AM


little more work done to it



that one is great!!! We need more planeskins looks like this one! I love stronmg weathered skins!

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on July 04, 2011, 10:25:15 AM
P.S. I will send you some Hayate books this evening in pdf format, plenty of detail shots as well as full pictures of aircraft in service. Check pms later.
Feel free to share :D
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 04, 2011, 03:32:08 PM
I do admire the weathering Ink, although I am like others more reminded of a lost in the jungle for forty years, Pirates of the Caribbean ghost ship theme. You have explored the limits of weathering but subtlety can often be more effective. This is merely my humble opinion. Please note that Japanese pilot's boots had smooth leather soles (with heels) and they likely did not have access to Timberlands   :frown:

Keep up the good work, I am sure you will contribute some excellent skins  :aok

P.S. I will send you some Hayate books this evening in pdf format, plenty of detail shots as well as full pictures of aircraft in service. Check pms later.

But did you see anything else besided the boot print????? look again
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 04, 2011, 03:47:45 PM
But did you see anything else besided the boot print????? look again
Talking about the  hand prints?

Loving this skin though! :D
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 04, 2011, 04:12:15 PM
Talking about the  hand prints?

Loving this skin though! :D

yes and the stress wrinkles on the wing tips too....dam good work I tell you.

" has it...when Ink sais I can get a bunch of kills....I jump in it" (in russian accent) (
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 04, 2011, 04:16:53 PM
yes and the stress wrinkles on the wing tips too....dam good work I tell you.

" has it...when Ink sais I can get a bunch of kills....I jump in it" (in russian accent) (


Ty Marine :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 04, 2011, 04:22:14 PM
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 05, 2011, 09:27:58 AM
There are a lot of different types of wear and tear. As mentioned yours looks like it's been pouded by the elements or underwater for 50 years.

There's sun bleaching, there's sand blasting, there's fading from age, there's a number of things up to and including peeling/chipping.

Now, what the Japanese paint did was peel/flake. It came off. What you're doing is mixing about 10 different types of paint wear and tear that really don't mix. You've got a very heavy splotchy pattern mixed with multiple faded colors then mixed with paint that looks like it's been rinsed off. etc..

I think it's overly extreme and not realistic at all. It's about the logic of the pattern you see. The weathering you have applied isn't logical. No set of circumstances would have combined to give you what you see there. I think it's a good start as many would tend to UNDER-state their first attempt at weathering. That can be hard to overcome and now you don't have to worry about it.

I think what you need to do is go back and check out the pics you looked up for similar planes and take a good look. Dollars to donuts if you find paint chipping/peeling it will be almost crisp. It won't be faded or blotchy in most cases with IJA/IJN and you'll find a harder "edge" to where the paint disappears.

The Japanese paint lacked adherence. That is it didn't stick, and parts came off if it didn't stick. Often along flexible joints, access panels, places of high traffic (walk areas, etc). Now, faded paint denotes a long-term exposure or heavy use. If the paint has stuck around long enough to fade, it isn't going to fall off like that. Scratches are another thing -- they can be on both old or new paint jobs, but will look a little different. Often scratches do not go down "to the bone" and show metal. They also are centered only on areas that would be scratched by ground crew or pilots. For example you use them to break up patterns all the way out on the wings and back. There's not much reason for scratches here unless the ground crew were flogging the ship with palm fronds all day long.

Something a little more realistic is something along the lines of this:




But my question is: Why? You have a clear photo of how the real plane looked. You can see clearly, plain as day, it doesn't look anything like that. All the other planes on the line next to it, as well as similar planes in other units painted the same color, share none of these weathering traits.


Naturally weathering can be subjective, but IMO you can't just go and strip half the paint off a plane that never showed that kind of display in real life. The point is to simulate or replicate the historic profile you have chosen. There are others out there missing half their paint, so I would suggest find some good references, then do that skin if you want to do one beat-to-heck.

Smaller notes:

Bullet holes are a silly thing. No airframe is going back into battle with unpatched bullet holes. They cover and seal the holes when they repair any damage the bullet has done.

Also, the Hinomaru were hand-painted and maintained as a matter of national/cultural pride in most cases. You would never find them in such a sad state on any flying IJA/IJN aircraft.

P.S. Just for reference material:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Debrody on July 05, 2011, 12:35:24 PM
But my question is: Why? You have a clear photo of how the real plane looked. You can see clearly, plain as day, it doesn't look anything like that. All the other planes on the line next to it, as well as similar planes in other units painted the same color, share none of these weathering traits.
Hes just having fun trying his hand. Plus it looks cool. Possibly it wont be accepted as an in-game skin, but who cares? Hes a big talent, im sure his next few skins will impress us even more.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 05, 2011, 02:51:56 PM
Hes just having fun trying his hand. Plus it looks cool. Possibly it wont be accepted as an in-game skin, but who cares? Hes a big talent, im sure his next few skins will impress us even more.

nailed it right on the head, I was having fun.... :salute

your good :D

    Krusty the plane I am doing as far as being in perfect shape, in the only photo of it that I have seen, I am sure it didn't stay that way long,so I plan on depicting it after many a sorties.Battle hardened.

  I understand everything else you said, and appreciate the reply, but I was just having fun. :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Agent360 on July 05, 2011, 07:44:36 PM reference to your last reply (#104)

I respectfully disagree with just about everything you said.

HTC said that skins must be "historically accurate". What exactly does that mean? I take it to mean that all markings must be real and come from a documented flight wing. Usually the proof is a photo or other type of historical documentation such as written descriptions by eyewitnesses or official government descriptions. Obviously this means we cant just make up an imaginary flight must have existed in real life.

I do not think HTC meant to totally remove the ability of the artist to depict the skin in his own artistic way.

Your definition of "historically accurate" and my definition of "historically accurate" differ by a significant amount.

You posted this image

This skin is exactly the thing we should try to avoid....although historically accurate it is quite boring from an artistic point of view. It may be historically accurate by your standard but has little artistic flare.

About the photographs - They are of poor quality. It is impossible to tell EXACTLY what kind of condition the planes were in. And IT DOESNT MATTER anyway....hell why don't we just make all planes look the same just like they rolled off the factory floor? Why put any weathering on the skin? Why does the plane have to look exactly like the only picture of it....why cant the artist impart his vision.

I argue that it is fact very possible that not ALL Japanese planes were maintained in perfect condition. We know that the Japanese were fanatical about maintenance. I do not dispute this.

It is also possible that a plane could re arm during combat having sustained combat damage such as bullet holes...mechanics may have opened the cowl of the engine to check it....oil may have been tracked on the wing by the mechanics giving the pilot water or food. These features would be left on the plane and perhaps removed later or perhaps not..maybe they just didn't have time to worry about that..maybe they needed to put more bullets and fuel in.

What if the plane hit tree branches or tall grass in a on the deck fight....maybe it belly landed on an island....was repaired on site and returned to its unit....would the plane not sustain things like deep scratches, dings, nicks. At the end of the war did they really have time or resources to fix insignificant damage?

The point is can we have some artistic lee way here for gods sake.

Some say the weathering is "overdone" some say it is not. But all agree that it looks bad arse.

Ink's vision was one of a plane that has been flown to its maximum in combat many times and is still Ink's words "battle hardened". I argue that it is not overdone...and in fact looks quite real....most definitly more real than any other skin.

Next think that will happen is he will make a skin that is "too new looking" too "shiny" ...."they never looked like that off the factory floor"....cant wait to get into that post.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Masherbrum on July 05, 2011, 10:31:12 PM
Krusty, why are you busting his chops over this?    I think Ink has done an exceptional job.   Maybe the "weathering is overdone", but my God, it is most certainly unique and the last time I checked his Skin should be legit (minus the bullet holes).   

Nice job Ink.  :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 06, 2011, 09:06:12 AM
Krusty, why are you busting his chops over this?    I think Ink has done an exceptional job.   Maybe the "weathering is overdone", but my God, it is most certainly unique and the last time I checked his Skin should be legit (minus the bullet holes).

What if I skinned Marseille's 109F in bare metal? It would look awesome, wouldn't it?

Or how about I did a B-17 in blue US Navy colors? Those are always popular colors.

How about I put burn marks from an engine fire all around the nose of a P-47, like it burst into flames at one point? Wicked, right?

Flaming skulls on an La7? Neon green flames? I know, an IL2 like this:


 :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 06, 2011, 09:30:10 AM
Now you've done it, Krusty.  I can just hear the requests for that IL-2 skin now.

As far as flaming skulls on the LA-7, this is the art I've always thought would be most appropriate:

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 06, 2011, 12:44:15 PM
twisted metallllll! at....IL2 skin......
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: JOACH1M on July 06, 2011, 01:16:16 PM
What if I skinned Marseille's 109F in bare metal? It would look awesome, wouldn't it?
what would it look like? How did u skin it ingame?
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: EskimoJoe on July 06, 2011, 01:47:02 PM
What if I skinned Marseille's 109F in bare metal? It would look awesome, wouldn't it?

Or how about I did a B-17 in blue US Navy colors? Those are always popular colors.

How about I put burn marks from an engine fire all around the nose of a P-47, like it burst into flames at one point? Wicked, right?

Flaming skulls on an La7? Neon green flames? I know, an IL2 like this:


 :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

Quit exacerbating things. You're making a huge fuss and getting your panties in a wad over something awfully meaningless.

I've become tired of these antics, you're acting as a stubborn child would when he continues an argument with mom even
though he knows he's lost.

Quit stomping your feet Krusty, sheesh.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 06, 2011, 02:05:41 PM
Joe, your insight in the matter at hand is about as deep as a teaspoon. You don't know what you're talking about.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: IrishOne on July 06, 2011, 04:37:29 PM
Joe, your insight in the matter at hand is about as deep as a teaspoon. You don't know what you're talking about.

you DO know what you are talking about, which is why it is so sad to see you constantly naysaying EVERYTHING that isn't yours or your idea, right or wrong.  that being said, you are not the grand poobah of all things warbirds, no matter how thoroughly you have yourself convinced.   so please get off your high horse, maybe just this once?   

P.S. that IL2 skin is pretty wicked, historically accurate or not  :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krusty on July 06, 2011, 04:45:50 PM
No high horse here.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on July 06, 2011, 05:57:22 PM
You're arguing with Cliff Clavin guys. It's pointless and he'll never get past his ego enough to interact with people in a normal manner.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 06, 2011, 06:21:15 PM
What if I skinned Marseille's 109F in bare metal? It would look awesome, wouldn't it?

Or how about I did a B-17 in blue US Navy colors? Those are always popular colors.

How about I put burn marks from an engine fire all around the nose of a P-47, like it burst into flames at one point? Wicked, right?

Flaming skulls on an La7? Neon green flames? I know, an IL2 like this:


 :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

wow dude and I thought there might be help for you...after this post it really shows how infantile you are.

no where did I custom change the original paint job yet you insinuate I did.

I am so done with you. seriously might as well put me on your ignore list.

Krusty, why are you busting his chops over this?    I think Ink has done an exceptional job.   Maybe the "weathering is overdone", but my God, it is most certainly unique and the last time I checked his Skin should be legit (minus the bullet holes).   

Nice job Ink.  :salute

thank ya.

and Agent no way do I put it words way better then I ever could :rock

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Tyrannis on July 06, 2011, 07:00:57 PM
This has been rather amusing to read.  :)
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: B-17 on July 06, 2011, 07:51:38 PM
Krusty has been my main source of entertainment throughout...mostly because he needs this game to be absolutely visually realistic... Even though this IS an online game...that shouldn't be taken seriously. (Or at least to the extent that Krusty takes it to.)

Speaking to Krusty now...

Have you ever seen the skins of the P-51s in racing colors? Or the Easter eggs within the various planes, such as the lyrics to Superfly in the cockpit of the C-47, or the "Rinse and repeat" in the tail turret of the B-29? Granted, this is dedicated to realism, but not so much as to make it stuffy, and limiting how much fun one can have with the various aspects of the game. (*AHEM* skinning!!!)

If you don't like this amazing skin that Ink has created for the Ki-84, then DON'T USE IT! It's not that complicated! It's the same as all of those nameless posters who complain bout the fact that you can see what model of plane the enemy is flying from 3-5k away. If they don't like that, they can just turn it off.

I'm done.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Masherbrum on July 06, 2011, 07:52:12 PM
This has been rather amusing to read.  :)

Hardly.   Someone new to skinning gets blasted for contributing to the Community.   It's pure kiddie-car BS.

Lesson learned for the "Veterans":

It is better to take Ink under your wing and merely say: "Ink you might want to try this, lighten this area, darken this, blotch here, do that with the etc."    Most did just that, rather than to take the tunnel below the low road and say: "Ink you lifted someone's work and these are not even of historical accuracy to put into the game."    Especially some playing the role of "Former IJAAF Ground Crew member".  

Ink never said: "Well boys, here is the final product!"    This is/was/has been a work in progress.   It looks damn good and now that some have their panties in a twist, I hope he continues it.    
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on July 06, 2011, 08:55:44 PM
Read Jay's post Krusty. Twice.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 06, 2011, 09:05:11 PM
Hardly.   Someone new to skinning gets blasted for contributing to the Community.   It's pure kiddie-car BS.

Lesson learned for the "Veterans":

It is better to take Ink under your wing and merely say: "Ink you might want to try this, lighten this area, darken this, blotch here, do that with the etc."    Most did just that, rather than to take the tunnel below the low road and say: "Ink you lifted someone's work and these are not even of historical accuracy to put into the game."    Especially some playing the role of "Former IJAAF Ground Crew member".  

Ink never said: "Well boys, here is the final product!"    This is/was/has been a work in progress.   It looks damn good and now that some have their panties in a twist, I hope he continues it.    

whats funny is it is a real skin :rolleyes:

and I have not changed that :rofl

if you look at the,last one in line, you can see obvious wear and peeling, even on the red circle that is NEVER in bad wear as krusty says :rofl

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 06, 2011, 09:20:42 PM
No high horse here.
Low horse?

This has been rather amusing to read.  :)
Someone is setting a record and trying to dig an online tunnel to, China.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: JOACH1M on July 06, 2011, 10:02:09 PM
Joe, your insight in the matter at hand is about as deep as a teaspoon. You don't know what you're talking about.
If this is aimed at me...I was asking a legit question I did not know
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Krupinski on July 06, 2011, 10:22:48 PM
If this is aimed at me...I was asking a legit question I did not know

It's his time of the month, Joachim, don't sweat it man.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: GNucks on July 07, 2011, 05:38:13 AM
If this is aimed at me...I was asking a legit question I did not know

He was talking to EskimoJoe. Nobody would talk to you like that!  :angel:
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: JOACH1M on July 07, 2011, 07:06:22 AM
He was talking to EskimoJoe. Nobody would talk to you like that!  :angel:
Ooo ok  :lol
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Nr_RaVeN on July 07, 2011, 08:00:43 AM
Ink I just saw this thread.

First off your skin is already better than many. Your detail is really good especially for a first skin.

 I interpreted the weathering as 'almost' to bear metal but not all the way down to bear metal.

The weathering on the high spots looks cool too.

 For a first skin your already off to a great start. Its obvious you have a true artistic eye.

Some guys have no artistic ability but espouse as if they are experts on these forums, when there work at best is flat, sterile, and mediocre.

If you stick with skinning based on what you have produced as a first skin, in no time, if not already, your work will surpass theirs.

 Keep it up! If I can help in any way just PM me.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 07, 2011, 09:40:58 AM
Ink I just saw this thread.

First off your skin is already better than many. Your detail is really good especially for a first skin.

 I interpreted the weathering as 'almost' to bear metal but not all the way down to bear metal.

The weathering on the high spots looks cool too.

 For a first skin your already off to a great start. Its obvious you have a true artistic eye.

Some guys have no artistic ability but espouse as if they are experts on these forums, when there work at best is flat, sterile, and mediocre.

If you stick with skinning based on what you have produced as a first skin, in no time, if not already, your work will surpass theirs.

 Keep it up! If I can help in any way just PM me.

thank you very much :salute

coming soon~ a finished skin of the 58th Shimbu Tai :t
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 08, 2011, 05:51:45 AM
as I promised.....

what I think may be a finished skin :headscratch:

I know it's not perfect and some may say "oh too much weathering" well I like the idea Of it being heavily weathered, in other words "battle Hardened"....... :neener:

I have seen many a KI that were heavily weathered and I just like this look a lot better.

so good or bad let me hear what you think..... :old:

plus I included the BMP/text needed to check it out offline.








Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Tyrannis on July 08, 2011, 06:06:57 AM
as I promised.....

what I think may be a finished skin :headscratch:

I know it's not perfect and some may say "oh too much weathering" well I like the idea Of it being heavily weathered, in other words "battle Hardened"....... :neener:

I have seen many a KI that were heavily weathered and I just like this look a lot better.

so good or bad let me hear what you think..... :old:

plus I included the BMP/text needed to check it out offline.








i personally think the weathering is a little over-done. especially on the tail.

you should make the skull&crossbones a little more clearer. Its the coolest part of that skin, but you can barely see it because of the weathering covering.

just my opinion.  :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Masherbrum on July 08, 2011, 06:07:22 AM
Nice job!     I like the underside as well.   :rock
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Debrody on July 08, 2011, 07:01:03 AM
Ink, just my opinion:
the belly is beautiful. But the top is a step back from the previous model. I guess you pulled the brake on your fantasy and made it after that photo.
In the other hand its ready to be an in-game skin  :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: GNucks on July 08, 2011, 09:49:01 AM
I think the new skin looks much better, ink. Less distracting and a little more realistic in my opinion. In my opinion (double imo's :P) there's no such things as "battle hardened" in aircraft terms, only "worn out". So the previous skin looked to me like something that was getting ready to fall out of the sky. This looks more like a plane that has several more scalps to collect in its lifetime to me.

I second Ty's notion on the tail art, perhaps keep the wear in the area the same but make it look like the pilot makes sure those bones are taken care of? I think it'd look great either way though, really nothing to improve on there.

I don't get the brown belly. How did it get stained so bad? I think it looks cool but I don't understand how it was supposed to get like that... and how hard would it be to just hose it off?

I think the streaks look great and I like the attention you gave to the inside of the wheel wells. I think the wear on all the red circles should look more like the ones on the underside of the wings, less veiny and more patchy.

Great skin!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 08, 2011, 10:30:37 AM
You sure do nice work, ink.   I think this version is more authentic-looking for a war-weary but flyable frontline aircraft.   On the previous version I swear I could see the where the rivets had failed and the dented, corroded panel sections were coming loose from the wing spar!   

Thanks for all the angle shots - it really helps to give comments.

My thoughts:

- I don't know about the shade of brown you've chosen - it looks chocolate to me - is this a valid IJAAF color?   The Simmer's Paint Shop ( has color swatches and may have the best reference color for the Japanese Army Air Force.  You could also check model kit reviews for painting instructions to get the actual name of the color to reference it at Simmers Paintshop   Whatever color it is, if the plane is that war-weary the original color is sure to be faded.

- Something going on between tread and tire sidewall - the colors are not blended well there.  It's a pain to get it right but it'll be worth the effort to do it now, since this skin will probably be in game for years to come.   Btw, go ahead and get detailed with the wheel rim in there.  Detail here can really set your skin apart from the default.   

- I do think the gun muzzle soot is overdone-too large an area, and too dark.   Perhaps nrshida sent you pics that show such heavy of staining around the wing guns?   But I tend to think less is more here.  Also, the aileron gap shadow may be a bit too wide too. 

- the antiglare black on the top of the nose looks too fresh and clean to me - its at odds with the weathering on the rest of the plane.

It's a beautiful piece of work - you seem to have conquered the hardest part of skinning with your first effort!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: lyric1 on July 08, 2011, 03:21:36 PM
I think as time passes here we are going to see some terrific skins in the future if this keeps up.

Well done Ink. :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 08, 2011, 04:52:48 PM
thank you guys...for all your words and tips.

i personally think the weathering is a little over-done. especially on the tail.

you should make the skull&crossbones a little more clearer. Its the coolest part of that skin, but you can barely see it because of the weathering covering.

just my opinion.  :salute

I will rework the tail a bit, thanx :salute

Nice job!     I like the underside as well.   :rock

Thank ya, I was pretty happy with it, after looking at a bunch of skins I noticed that most don't have the exhaust coming over the bottom of the wings, they just have it on the body, that the wing end ups covering, and looks messed up, I wanted to make sure I got that right.  :salute

Ink, just my opinion:
the belly is beautiful. But the top is a step back from the previous model. I guess you pulled the brake on your fantasy and made it after that photo.
In the other hand its ready to be an in-game skin  :aok

Thanx for reply :salute

I think the new skin looks much better, ink. Less distracting and a little more realistic in my opinion. In my opinion (double imo's :P) there's no such things as "battle hardened" in aircraft terms, only "worn out". So the previous skin looked to me like something that was getting ready to fall out of the sky. This looks more like a plane that has several more scalps to collect in its lifetime to me.

I second Ty's notion on the tail art, perhaps keep the wear in the area the same but make it look like the pilot makes sure those bones are taken care of? I think it'd look great either way though, really nothing to improve on there.

I don't get the brown belly. How did it get stained so bad? I think it looks cool but I don't understand how it was supposed to get like that... and how hard would it be to just hose it off?

I think the streaks look great and I like the attention you gave to the inside of the wheel wells. I think the wear on all the red circles should look more like the ones on the underside of the wings, less veiny and more patchy.

Great skin!

I wanted to show the dirt and grime, hell this driver don't care how his plane looks he just kicks arse in it :D

thanx :salute

You sure do nice work, ink.   I think this version is more authentic-looking for a war-weary but flyable frontline aircraft.   On the previous version I swear I could see the where the rivets had failed and the dented, corroded panel sections were coming loose from the wing spar!   

Thanks for all the angle shots - it really helps to give comments.

My thoughts:

- I don't know about the shade of brown you've chosen - it looks chocolate to me - is this a valid IJAAF color?   The Simmer's Paint Shop ( has color swatches and may have the best reference color for the Japanese Army Air Force.  You could also check model kit reviews for painting instructions to get the actual name of the color to reference it at Simmers Paintshop   Whatever color it is, if the plane is that war-weary the original color is sure to be faded.

- Something going on between tread and tire sidewall - the colors are not blended well there.  It's a pain to get it right but it'll be worth the effort to do it now, since this skin will probably be in game for years to come.   Btw, go ahead and get detailed with the wheel rim in there.  Detail here can really set your skin apart from the default.   

- I do think the gun muzzle soot is overdone-too large an area, and too dark.   Perhaps nrshida sent you pics that show such heavy of staining around the wing guns?   But I tend to think less is more here.  Also, the aileron gap shadow may be a bit too wide too. 

- the antiglare black on the top of the nose looks too fresh and clean to me - its at odds with the weathering on the rest of the plane.

It's a beautiful piece of work - you seem to have conquered the hardest part of skinning with your first effort!
thanx :salute

there are no good pics of the "right" color, and much controversy when it comes to Japanese planes,  for this plane I have seen it in three different shades of green and brown, and in black, trust me I did my searching, but then chose what color I thought looked the best, I was wanting to make it black, but after serious searching, none were black so I chose the next closest color.

after looking at it, I also agree the gun muzzle soot is a bit to heavy on the underside, I am gonna rework that a bit.  the paint they must have used for the black nose, on every plane(just about) was NOT worn out the way the rest of the planes were so I left that like it was new....I kinda like it, don't know if I will change that :headscratch:

I think as time passes here we are going to see some terrific skins in the future if this keeps up.

Well done Ink. :aok

thank you I appreciate the words :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: grizz441 on July 08, 2011, 05:00:40 PM
I don't get the brown belly. How did it get stained so bad? I think it looks cool but I don't understand how it was supposed to get like that... and how hard would it be to just hose it off?

Rust doesn't hose off.

Awesome work ink.  :rock
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 08, 2011, 05:02:57 PM
Rust doesn't hose off.

Awesome work ink.  :rock

Thank Ya Grizz :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 08, 2011, 06:36:19 PM
brown belly from a gears up landing ;) lol

Overall - OUTSTANDING job. I'm going to hold off flying the KI until this skin gets thrown in....then it will be all I fly for a while. :D

I do agree that the skull and crossbones should be a tad more visible but other than that, I am in love with this skin lol

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: GNucks on July 08, 2011, 06:38:40 PM
Rust doesn't hose off.

Awesome work ink.  :rock

I thought it was mud. I wasn't criticizing because ink certainly knows more about this plane that I do, I was just asking why it looks like that (never seen it on other skins).
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 08, 2011, 06:55:42 PM
I thought it was mud. I wasn't criticizing because ink certainly knows more about this plane that I do, I was just asking why it looks like that (never seen it on other skins).

mud..... dirt.... rust.....all the above :D

just seems like a plane that is on dirt with all the grease, sortie after sortie for months on end would not look "pretty" especially the belly that is getting hit by rocks, dirt ect ect.....constantly , I may have went a bit over the top, the way the skin stretches over the belly, it "stretches" the skin, distorting it a small bit, which was by the way driving me insane :rofl so I kept working it till I was some what happy......

ya most skins look like they just rolled from the hanger....I can assure you for any skin I make, which I plan on doing more,(even if I am doing it wrong) will not look like that.    I had an absolute blast making this, truly I am an artist, have been my whole life, and to do this for a game I love....well...........seems appropriate  :salute

brown belly from a gears up landing ;) lol

Overall - OUTSTANDING job. I'm going to hold off flying the KI until this skin gets thrown in....then it will be all I fly for a while. :D

I do agree that the skull and crossbones should be a tad more visible but other than that, I am in love with this skin lol


thank ya very much I am glad you like it, I am reworkin the Jolly Roger now :D


Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: caldera on July 09, 2011, 07:24:07 AM
Like someone else remarked, the black on top of the cowling doesn't appear the same age as the rest of the plane.  Also, the meatballs under the wings could have the chipped paint, but not be sun-faded like those on top of the wings.  I like the mud.  The weathering is a bit much, but it is very well done. :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 09, 2011, 05:20:10 PM
I hate to repeat myself but (I keep catching myself looking at this skin), even though I absolutely hate the KI-84....I think I'm going to make it my new plane of choice, with this skin. I get tired of flying "brand new" planes. It's nice to see a "beat up" and "used" air craft, though I do like flying a "new" one every once in a while. :) :)
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Karnak on July 09, 2011, 05:31:45 PM
Out of curiosity, why do you hate the Ki-84 so much?
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 09, 2011, 07:07:46 PM
Not sure lol.

Just one of those planes where I look at it and suddenly think, "I really don't like that plane..." lol!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Karnak on July 09, 2011, 07:53:58 PM
Understood.  That is my reaction to P-40s.  I know a lot of people like them, I don't have anything against them personally, but I just dislike how they look.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Tyrannis on July 09, 2011, 08:12:01 PM
Out of curiosity, why do you hate the Ki-84 so much?
i hate the ki-84 with a passion.

the cocpit is uber small. its wings seem to want to fold with the smallest of pings, it black-outs like crazy...

and yet, i do really well in it.

to me, the ki-84 is that plane that you absolutly hate, but at the same time do really well in.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: mtnman on July 09, 2011, 08:14:22 PM
Not sure lol.

Just one of those planes where I look at it and suddenly think, "I really don't like that plane..." lol!

Ha!  That's how I feel about all of them apart from the F4U, B25, and B17.

I've got say, though, I'm really enjoying the weathering Ink, can't wait to see it on more aircraft as well!
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Karnak on July 09, 2011, 09:00:41 PM
the cocpit is uber small. its wings seem to want to fold with the smallest of pings, it black-outs like crazy...
Maybe I spent too much time in Spitfires, A6Ms and even P-51s, but its wings seem pretty durable to me.  Blackouts are all on you, just because it can pull that tight doesn't mean you should. Cockpit framing is bad on it, but never had a problem with cockpit size.

If this skin gets accepted it will be interesting to see if a few people take to the Ki-84 that previously avoided it.  The skin is too weathered for my taste, but tastes differ.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: GNucks on July 10, 2011, 04:44:01 AM
Tyrannis, blackouts are on the pilot, not the plane. If it "blacks out like crazy" that's good. That means you can "pull 6+ G's like crazy", which is as tight as anybody can turn in the game. Some planes can't turn tight enough to achieve that sort of G-loading at various speeds, that's a serious disadvantage [in turn-fights].
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: EskimoJoe on July 11, 2011, 12:02:52 AM
It looks like a piece of sh!

That being said Ink, I think you did an outstanding job making it look so terrible  :D
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on July 11, 2011, 12:23:16 AM
i hate the ki-84 with a passion.

the cocpit is uber small. its wings seem to want to fold with the smallest of pings, it black-outs like crazy...

and yet, i do really well in it.

to me, the ki-84 is that plane that you absolutly hate, but at the same time do really well in.
I find it to be one of the toughest birds I fly.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 11, 2011, 06:10:24 PM
I find it to be one of the toughest birds I fly.

totally...baddest bird in the hanger :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ACE on July 12, 2011, 03:27:47 PM
its the only plane I fear because with a good pilot in it your dead :devil
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 12, 2011, 05:38:36 PM
its the only plane I fear because with a good pilot in it your dead :devil

until you meet up with a good pilot in a spit :furious
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 12, 2011, 06:09:34 PM
I am becoming addicted to this skinning..... :rofl

a couple screen shots Of the reworking it from are a couple bare metal test shot..... teaser's.....



on a side note looking through more Japanese plane pics they had HEAVY wear and tear :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ACE on July 12, 2011, 08:43:11 PM
until you meet up with a good pilot in a spit :furious
I agree to a certain extent.  If you get the spit slow enough then take the fight vert its easy. 
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: nrshida on July 13, 2011, 02:50:02 AM
Ink, if I may make a constructive observation which pertains to the underside of the aircraft. In the fourth picture of Reply #131 I very much get the impression that the belly is not coated in mud but rather is rusty (as others have observed), which in the colloquial understanding of term, implies the presence of ferrous materials which were not present in the surface panelling of the Hayate. To me it looks like a very astute observation of a rusty car, say, has been depicted (rather well I have to say) as a texture.

However, the skin of the aircraft was made from Duralumin, oxidization of which would announce as a light metallic grey colour rather than the red-brown appearance currently depicted. Furthermore, Duralamin is and was typically coated to prevent oxidization, therefore the surface-wide effect would likely not be present.

I hate to throw a spanner in the works at this stage but to me honesty the belly looks rusty and this detracts from the realism. Would it be possible to alter the colour or in some other way to be more representative of mud, environmental dirt etc? Perhaps you could find some modern colour photos which would show some of the colours of the earth on the Japanese airbases? Where was this squadron based?

Regarding the screenshots of the bare metal texture, perhaps it's useful to know what some of those features are. The two oval shaped black areas you have adjacent to the anti-glare strip are the cowl gun gas ejection ports and these would have a sharp edge as indicated in Busa's skin and the line up photograph you posted. The rear one of these would likely be a good candidtate for some weathering as propellent residue and hot gas would emerge from here.

Also the access panel on the left side of the fusalage had straight edges and radiused corners rather than the Space Invader you have at the moment. There is a very good picture of this on page 26 of the 'Aero Detail 24 Nakajima Ki-84 Frank' book you have.

I think you're doing great and original work which is a refreshing change from what we have now, my suggestions are merely not to overlook some technical issues which would detract from your artistic efforts.

Keep up the good work  :rock

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: oboe on July 13, 2011, 06:45:58 AM
You're a great Ki.84 reference, nrshida.

Along the lines of rust vs mud, I think a quick and dirty way to remove the rust perception is to just dial back the amount of red in the color.

Another difference between the two would be that rust develops in place, and would impervious to wind effect from the plane movign through the air or along the runway, whereas mus would be 'splashed; up onto the airframe while taxiing or rolling down the runway, so it's desposits I think would show strong evidence of wind streaking.

I think Photoshop has a filter which can create a 'wind' look on a layer, but I don't know about Gimp.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on July 15, 2011, 12:35:13 AM
I'm going nuts here!! I want to see her INK!!! :x :x
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: EskimoJoe on July 15, 2011, 12:53:29 AM
I'm going nuts here!! I want to see her INK!!! :x :x

Whoah, hey there! Put your pants back on, cowboy!  :devil
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: LCADolby on July 15, 2011, 05:37:35 PM
as I promised.....








 :O looks good. A part of me keeps looking for the bamboo holding it together.  :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Hajo on July 18, 2011, 06:42:16 PM
Ink my have a creative talent.  Use patient.  Some great constructive help from Oboe, Lyric, and NRshida here.  Even I appreciate that.

You'll have to remember that this skinning community has critqued itself........therefore it is entirely possible they're critiqued themselves into a narrow interpetation.
It is a community of eventually like minded individuals of what should and shouldn't be proper.  Your first attempt imho was fantastic!  Why?  Because IT AIN'T A CLONE!
Did it need some work?  Hell yes!  They all do.  You've brought along maybe an outside the box creativity that is not prevalent here.  Are these skinners good?  Hell yes they are!
You've offered something new and that I like!  Trying to determine weathering from a 60 year old picture that might have sat in a bag is not going to be exact by any means.
And no one can tell me they've "nailed it" from a 60 year old black and white picture.....ain't possible and never will be.
Here is where the artists interpatation comes to play.....and I like individuality and creativity which you have my friend!

Keep on creating!  And do listen to suggestions from those who are respected and respect you also.  Respect is earned.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 18, 2011, 06:47:41 PM
Ink my have a creative talent.  Use patient.  Some great constructive help from Oboe, Lyric, and NRshida here.  Even I appreciate that.

You'll have to remember that this skinning community has critqued itself........therefore it is entirely possible they're critiqued themselves into a narrow interpetation.
It is a community of eventually like minded individuals of what should and shouldn't be proper.  Your first attempt imho was fantastic!  Why?  Because IT AIN'T A CLONE!
Did it need some work?  Hell yes!  They all do.  You've brought along maybe an outside the box creativity that is not prevalent here.  Are these skinners good?  Hell yes they are!
You've offered something new and that I like!  Trying to determine weathering from a 60 year old picture that might have sat in a bag is not going to be exact by any means.
And no one can tell me they've "nailed it" from a 60 year old black and white picture.....ain't possible and never will be.
Here is where the artists interpatation comes to play.....and I like individuality and creativity which you have my friend!

Keep on creating!  And do listen to suggestions from those who are respected and respect you also.  Respect is earned.

hell all I can say to that is :salute  and thank you very much :salute

almost done with the latest version, I gotta stop haha I have like 9 finished KI skins :rofl  but I am not happy with them :furious

this latest one seems to look promising, should be posting up pics soon :pray

again thanx Hajo my mopar brother :D
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Citabria on July 19, 2011, 06:49:56 PM
think of the airplane as in the same manner human skin etc is depicted showing whats underneath through subtle variations in the thin aluminum skin beign pulled ever so slightly by the rivets etc.

make the rivets (flush rivets) just one white layer with very low opacity/fill.

shade metal deformation as follows based on your light source (quasi baked in method of bump mapping)

positions are based on looking at the fuselage with engine in front etc...

one black layer heavily erased to be almost imperceptable shadows on the lower and rear sections of each square area between rivets and panels.

one white highlight layer almost completely erased to create barely perceptable highlights on the top and front side.

this is a method of depicting what your eye will actually see when looking at an airplane and it is photorealistic from the most commonly viewed angles if done subtly and correctly.

depict what your eye sees on actual ww2 aircraft though modern general aviation aircraft are of similar construction mostly and also a decent reference.

try to understand what your drawing.

it will aid you in realistically depicting your subject much the way artists study the human body and its sketal and muscular structure to aid them in drawing what they see on the surface of the skin.

warbirds are often giving you these same clues of what lies beneath though they are subtle.

also the shoe prints are nto how dirt is tracked on the wings its much more acumulation dirt and scratches not a track from one person with size 99 muddy boots.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 19, 2011, 06:52:29 PM
think of the airplane as in the same manner human skin etc is depicted showing whats underneath through subtle variations in the thin aluminum skin beign pulled ever so slightly by the rivets etc.

make the rivets (flush rivets) just one white layer with very low opacity/fill.

shade metal deformation as follows based on your light source (quasi baked in method of bump mapping)

positions are based on looking at the fuselage with engine in front etc...

one black layer heavily erased to be almost imperceptable shadows on the lower and rear sections of each square area between rivets and panels.

one white highlight layer almost completely erased to create barely perceptable highlights on the top and front side.

this is a method of depicting what your eye will actually see when looking at an airplane and it is photorealistic from the most commonly viewed angles if done subtly and correctly.

depict what your eye sees on actual ww2 aircraft though modern general aviation aircraft are of similar construction mostly and also a decent reference.

try to understand what your drawing.

it will aid you in realistically depicting your subject much the way artists study the human body and its sketal and muscular structure to aid them in drawing what they see on the surface of the skin.

warbirds are often giving you these same clues of what lies beneath though they are subtle.

also the shoe prints are nto how dirt is tracked on the wings its much more acumulation dirt and scratches not a track from one person with size 99 muddy boots.


Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Citabria on July 19, 2011, 07:03:49 PM
the flush rivets are nearly imperceptable at the resolutions these skins are done in epecially on painted areas. Ive always cheated and made them just barely visible up extremely close but made efforts to see that they fade out from view when viewing the whole plane.

a trick to make them more pronounced is to make a copy of your rivet layer turn it a bare metal grey or greyish blue color and erase most of it except where you want wear and tear of the paint on the rivet heads popping off which is common on flush rivets in stressed areas... walkways, leading edges especially where the prop slipstream impacts the cowling wing roots and tail and blasts these areas with dirt and debri causing much wear on som heavily used pacific planes. and random "it looks good here" locations.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 19, 2011, 07:17:23 PM
someone sent me a good KI book, and checking it out I found some differences, in the panel lines and rivets, so I started all over again with this skin :rofl

I am totally enjoying making this one, and its giving me a lot of experience working with layers which I have not used very often.

I keep going over board with the weathering though, but looking through photos a lot of the Japanese planes had heavy wear, whats your thoughts on amount of weathering-chipping?

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: PropHawk on July 21, 2011, 02:20:08 PM
Yes, that's the green.

I noticed you did cover up some of the tail area and paint over it (and a couple of other areas, flaps, etc), but most of the rest looks relatively untouched. You can see the original everything. It looks (at least to me, not knowing what you did) like you just took a layer and used "variations" on it, or changed the saturation/contrast/tint levels.

Perhaps it might help if you described what you mean when you refer to keeping the original weathering? You can't keep the weathering if you've done your own layers, as they would cover it up. That confuses me.
Thats forest green. Oh and thats a very good skin. Fuel Rod Gun ammo it aint. Big Green Death it is!! :salute :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: PropHawk on July 22, 2011, 11:25:46 AM
Tried to edit but anyway. The weathering is seafoam, but I like it. Could I please have a copy of the original?. :pray
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 22, 2011, 02:20:31 PM
Tried to edit but anyway. The weathering is seafoam, but I like it. Could I please have a copy of the original?. :pray

I no longer have a copy of the original sorry....I am working on a new version that should be much nicer.

thanx btw :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: PropHawk on July 23, 2011, 02:16:25 PM
I no longer have a copy of the original sorry....I am working on a new version that should be much nicer.

thanx btw :salute
I really like that brown one btw just saw that today.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 23, 2011, 11:10:23 PM
I really like that brown one btw just saw that today.

Thank ya :salute

here are a couple shots of the latest one....its not done yet....gotta finish the belly.....and some odds and ends, but so far I am pretty happy with this version.

this skinning is fun....but man there is a lot to it.....I have had this finished at least 10 times but then I see something is off or wrong  so its back to the drawing board :rofl

anyways here ya go



Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: USRanger on July 24, 2011, 12:11:38 AM
 :O :O :O
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: JOACH1M on July 24, 2011, 12:15:36 AM
Very quick learner ink :aok nice looking Skin... I'd use it
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 24, 2011, 12:24:14 AM
:O :O :O

I will take that as a good thing :D :salute

Very quick learner ink :aok nice looking Skin... I'd use it

thank ya
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: USRanger on July 24, 2011, 12:33:55 AM
I will take that as a good thing

thank ya

You can take it as a boner in mah britches my friend.  You should've started skinning long ago Inky.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 24, 2011, 12:39:55 AM
You can take it as a boner in mah britches my friend.  You should've started skinning long ago Inky.


Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: lyric1 on July 24, 2011, 03:09:56 AM
Nice :aok it's interesting when up close the grey looks sort of plastic but when you step back it pops & looks fantastic.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: B-17 on July 24, 2011, 03:22:01 AM
Nice :aok it's interesting when up close the grey looks sort of plastic but when you step back it pops & looks fantastic.

I think that's just because the sun is on a wierd angle to the side of the fuselage.
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: PropHawk on July 25, 2011, 11:34:55 AM
I snipped just a few of your responses there.

1) You are right they were not black. However it was not a kamikaze plane. That was the thought when I did my Ki-84 skin, however it turns out with a bit more research the Ki-84s were too valuable to use for that purpose (and there were plenty of other older craft to do the job). These Ki-84s often escorted the kamikaze groups, but were the cover against US planes, rather than suicide pilots. They would have some weathering due simply to the heavy use and the weather and the quality of paint/primers in Japanese use.

2) I think I'm safe in saying that, while there are MANY different roads to take, yours is in fact the wrong one to take. You're not skinning a plane, or applying much actual paint. 3 layers? That's literally doing almost nothing. While you put effort into it, you really need to put some of your own effort in, rather than using 95% of the original. You need to paint your own parts, put on your own markings, etc. Even if you get creative with the mixing of details, with how you want to mimick what's on the default, you still need to do the work yourself. That's not subjective, that's just the right way to do it. You have to do it yourself. The first one is always daunting, but once you get over that uncertainty you'll find it's much easier than you thought it would be. Time consuming or not, that's how you do it. The thing about skins is there is no race. There is no time limit on it. If you only get so much done in a week, a month, a year, you just keep doing it when you have the free time. You don't need marathon sessions.

3) I mean this with no insult or ill will, simply as an attempt to help somebody get on the right path to figuring out how to skin....

The mistake was simply covering up part of the default. I'm not trying to be elitist nor to be snobbish or anything, but that's not skinning. Even if you make something look like something else that has already been done, or even if you want to do the exact same subject as somebody else, you have to do it. Otherwise it's like stealing somebody's work. I've heard one or two cases of that happening with AH skins in the past and the person copied was not happy at all.

Granted the default skins are there to use as a template, so it's a bit of a fine line, but I think if you want to work with skins you need to do much more than you have already. Work on just getting the solid colors in place, then work on the details. As you now the software that will help you greatly in figuring out how to do it. The "how" you do it is up to you, and this goes back to your subjective comments. It is subjective, and for the most part there is no wrong way as long as the results hold up (and as long as you didn't rip off somebody else's work). They just don't hold up here, and the effort isn't there.

I'm not picking on you, it's just not very good to try to skin that way. I wanted to comment on it to help (possibly).
IMHO, there is no right or wrong way when 1 your tattoos look like that  :rock :aok and 2 when your skins look like that :aok  :O.
 PropHawk out. :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 25, 2011, 04:56:41 PM
all right I think I am done :noid


had a absolute blast making it, now I want to do more  :x

gonna post up a bunch of pics







ok now for some action shots









Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: lyric1 on July 25, 2011, 05:57:46 PM
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: STXAce8 on July 25, 2011, 07:00:03 PM
I think i was the G-14 in the last pic! W000000T I shot down a guy flying a prototype skin! But got an assist.  :(
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: USRanger on July 25, 2011, 08:29:44 PM
Inky, if you'd like to see it as the default Ki-84 skin in a new terrain, let me know. :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 25, 2011, 09:04:45 PM
I think i was the G-14 in the last pic! W000000T I  was shot down by a guy  flying a prototype skin!   :(

fixed :D

here is what happened to ya  :neener:

that was actually a good sortie for me I killed 3 of 6 or so...some times I get lucky :salute


Inky, if you'd like to see it as the default Ki-84 skin in a new terrain, let me know. :salute

that would be very cool :x

I truly hope HTC likes it and excepts it in game :pray

besides two guys who ripped me a new arse...for using some of the default skin in my first attempt,(which incidentally I did not do on this, it is 100% my work :aok) it seems like it got very good reviews and would be flown by the community, it seems small maybe, but it would give me great pride to see it flown in game by others.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: nrshida on July 25, 2011, 11:18:54 PM
A truly distinctive skin, full of character and personality. Not one trace of rusty steel anywhere. Excellent panel work and missing paint, Brilliant weathering. I especially like the contrast between the top and bottom (I was going to say the underside was my favourite, but I like the top as much too). Definitely got a ghost Hayate of the Pirates of the Caribbean feel about it  :rock

A must for all those pilots who will fly it like they stole it! 

Very nice work. My compliments :aok
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 25, 2011, 11:26:25 PM
A truly distinctive skin, full of character and personality. Not one trace of rusty steel anywhere. Excellent panel work and missing paint, Brilliant weathering. I especially like the contrast between the top and bottom (I was going to say the underside was my favourite, but I like the top as much too). Definitely got a ghost Hayate of the Pirates of the Caribbean feel about it  :rock

A must for all those pilots who will fly it like they stole it! 

Very nice work. My compliments :aok

Thank You :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ACE on July 25, 2011, 11:49:37 PM
Nice dood
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on July 26, 2011, 10:25:49 PM
absolutely beautiful....I must have it xD
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: morfiend on July 27, 2011, 12:53:20 AM
Wow Ink,I've been following this thread and watching the progress. Your talent is showing bigtime!!

  I dub the skin stinky inky! :rofl :rofl :rofl

  Keep at it bro,maybe a G14 skin or a nice RCAF Mossie skin next please.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: B-17 on July 27, 2011, 12:55:36 AM
I wouldn't mind having these skins...they are all beautiful... and that poor 190 with no nose just OOZES my flying style.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 27, 2011, 03:51:32 AM
thank you gents, very much :salute

Wow Ink,I've been following this thread and watching the progress. Your talent is showing bigtime!!

  I dub the skin stinky inky! :rofl :rofl :rofl

  Keep at it bro,maybe a G14 skin or a nice RCAF Mossie skin next please.



Morf~      are there open slots? the mossie you mention, is that the new model?
 if so I would think there are open slots for that one, that's something I would be very interested in doing, any particular skin you have in mind?

on a different note since I started using GIMP again for the skinning of the KI I remember why I liked that program so much, I wish I had a tablet, and as soon as I can I am getting another one, using a mouse just sux bad, but this is something I started tonight, this is after a couple hours, to get to this stage with paint brushes would have taken me 20 hours :O

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: morfiend on July 27, 2011, 06:32:14 PM

  I was thinking of the MkVI mossie,it's all about the guns and the MkXVI doesnt have any! :lol :lol :lol

 If you read the latest update you will see they openned up 32 slots for skins instead of the usual 16 slots so I say what the H E double hockeysticks are you waiting for!

  Man I wish I had 1% of your talent,I have trouble drawing a straight line with a pencil and ruler!...... :o

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on July 27, 2011, 06:51:09 PM

  I was thinking of the MkVI mossie,it's all about the guns and the MkXVI doesnt have any! :lol :lol :lol

 If you read the latest update you will see they openned up 32 slots for skins instead of the usual 16 slots so I say what the H E double hockeysticks are you waiting for!

  Man I wish I had 1% of your talent,I have trouble drawing a straight line with a pencil and ruler!...... :o


 :D  shoulda figured the one with the guns DOH :o

I saw that they went up to 32, that is friggin AWESOME...gonna get to do my all time favorite plane the P40, something about that plane I just love the look of it, wish it handled like the KI-84 :airplane:

thanx for your kind words :o

....oh ya
I already downloaded the mossie skins :D

but I need a bit more info, squad..ect know stuff like that :P

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: morfiend on July 27, 2011, 09:54:57 PM
 Well since you asked....

  410 sq flew Mossie's so that would be a good place to start but it really doesn't matter what skin so long as you do it and it's a Mossie I'd be proud to fly it around!

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: nrshida on November 20, 2011, 01:34:04 PM
Has this skin now been submitted?
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ebfd11 on November 20, 2011, 02:48:35 PM
Ink compared from the 1st submission to this is like night and day. You did an awesome job my kudos to you.

Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on November 20, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
Has this skin now been submitted?

yup and accepted in hopefully next skin update we will see it.

Ink compared from the 1st submission to this is like night and day. You did an awesome job my kudos to you.


Thank ya :salute
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: MarineUS on November 21, 2011, 12:17:46 AM
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: nrshida on November 21, 2011, 02:10:44 AM
That's great!

Reading back through this whole thread what impressed me the most was Ink's willingness to completely start over if he was dissatisfied with the result and to assimilate the input from those supporting his efforts.

I look forward to seeing it in the game  :rock
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Canspec on November 24, 2011, 01:49:25 PM
Nice KI skin Ink...well done...I'll definitely be using it when it is up....
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: ink on November 25, 2011, 06:04:41 PM
Nice KI skin Ink...well done...I'll definitely be using it when it is up....

Thank ya Tbear
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Slash27 on November 27, 2011, 01:52:13 AM
I'm going nuts waiting on this thing!! :O
Title: Re: KI-84
Post by: Devil 505 on December 01, 2011, 04:56:02 PM
I'm going nuts waiting on this thing!! :O
It's in there now.

Wtg Ink.