Author Topic: Terrain Editor Wanna Bee's  (Read 3492 times)

Offline NHawk

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Terrain Editor Wanna Bee's
« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2006, 08:34:42 AM »
Originally posted by Bruv119
I played for a couple of hours on sunday with your tutorial and it was most helpful....

can anyone put links for those progams mapmaker or terraingen that were mentioned.

Plus what is the best size for a main arena map ive got one layed out in my head but started it as 512 so its big.  When I tried testing my "fighter town"  it looked so tiny in the middle.....


Terragen -
World Machine -
Mapmaker - You have to get this from someone who has it
Tilesetter (Machnix) - Not sure if available online anywhere
Tilesetter (mine) - Give me email address and I'll send
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Offline FalconSS

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« Reply #46 on: August 21, 2006, 09:11:57 AM »
I got a couple of new toys and you helped me to fix my bmp2map.
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Offline Bogie603rd

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Terrain Editor Wanna Bee's
« Reply #47 on: August 21, 2006, 10:35:42 AM »
Originally posted by Yoshimbo



y do i have no map when i go into offline? i did wut u said, but he only "map" the TE made was this pissant light blue map with cords 10,sumthin in a very light grey in corner, i see NO terrain on map or anything, my map is a TG on TG type map so there are no bases only 3 hqs off sumwhere, and 3 large TGs i do have terrain out there but the "make map" doesn't make it, that terrainis wut i really need on map too, ya kno? so u can maneuver yer TG.

plz hlp o wise maker of maps:cry

I'm not sure how to help you, I specified the correct settings to be used to make the map. I re-checked to make sure I specified the correct way to edit the map and make it a 256 color bitmap. I'm not sure just how exactly to help you with that. I have heard that some people just seem to have random errors in their TE, and for some reason it won't make maps. So you might consider messing or clicking around with the settings of the "Make Map" Feature. Maybe yo uwill come up with something.

Originally posted by badhorse
Bogie have you given any thought to continuing your tutorial? For example how to add trees, hills, roads, rivers, etc.  Also I am having trouble figuring out setting different terrain elevations. I printed out the help file but the instructions are no way as clear as the ones you give.

Yes, I have given it some thought, such as how to make simple OE custom objects, and propably to raise/lower terrain. Yet, raising and lowering terrain is way too simple to try and make a seperate Tutorial on it. But, I might consider doing the "OE" Tutorial after I finish the new airport map still in the Qeue line of creation.
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Offline macleod01

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Terrain Editor Wanna Bee's
« Reply #48 on: August 23, 2006, 10:31:20 AM »
bogie, could you tlk me through making a custom object such as a bridge?
seeds have been laid...but they arent trees we're growing. we're growing organic grenades!- 321BAR
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Offline Bogie603rd

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Terrain Editor Wanna Bee's
« Reply #49 on: August 23, 2006, 02:33:28 PM »
You can't make custom objects in the OE (Object Editor). You have to use AC3D or another 3-D design program that allows you to export objects using an AC3D export format.
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Offline macleod01

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Terrain Editor Wanna Bee's
« Reply #50 on: August 23, 2006, 02:43:10 PM »
ok thanks
seeds have been laid...but they arent trees we're growing. we're growing organic grenades!- 321BAR
I'd have a better chance in running into a Dodo Bird in the middle of rush hour, walking down the I-5 with two hookers in tow before I see a useful post from glock89- Ack-Ack

Offline Bogie603rd

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Terrain Editor Wanna Bee's
« Reply #51 on: August 23, 2006, 02:45:45 PM »
Try out this here:

It's what XJazz and I use to make our custom objects. It's a freeware program called "Blender". It may seem a bit difficult, but XJazz found some neat tutorials to make it simple.

EDIT: (WIll update this once I get some more info.)
Noob to Pro tutorial on the blender:
« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 02:47:57 PM by Bogie603rd »
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