,The Hienkel 111 should have been in the game from the start,but with a 1945 plane set in the main arena their are other bombers that would lead to it having only limited use as a bomber/torpedo Bomber.If we had the transport option which carried 16 paratroops and their equipment,we would have an axis transport that was faster than the c47 and had at least some defensive armament,and would in no way be a hanger Queen only seen in S.E.A.
I would like the ju52/3,but it's slow,very slow compared with the c47 and would not be first choice for troops,and as a bomber it had a poor performance in the Spanish civil war.
FW Condor found it's best role as long range Maritime Patrol,But many were lost at Stalingrad collapsing on landing when trying to transport the heavy loads needed to supply the Sixth army.Not a tough Aircraft.
The Hienkel 177 Was described by a Postwar test pilot as the only German aircraft he did not enjoy Flying.He descibed it as "flying an aircraft made of glass".
Hienkel 111 H20/R1 + Hienkel 111 H6 Please