Author Topic: WWII Online  (Read 2172 times)

Offline Wanker

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« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2004, 10:46:30 AM »
Speaking of running the game, how much resources does it take to get decent frame rates? Well, since I have a P4 3.0ghz system with 1 GB RAM and a Radeon 9800 Pro, I'm the wrong person to ask. With my system, I run at 1600x1200x32 with 4x FSAA and 8x AF, and typically get fps in the high 70's and 80's. There is still some stuttering when first flying into view of a large city, but this lasts for only a few seconds. It must require some intial load into memory or hard drive cache when nearing a large city. However, once that happens, the stuttering disappears altogether and flight is very smooth.

Many people, Sunking included, have complained that the graphics of WWIIOL are poor compared to such new titles like Hidden and Dangerous 2 and Call of Duty. Seeing as how the graphics engine for WWIIOL is over 3 years old, I can't disagree. AHII looks much better than WWIIOL, that's for sure. Except when it comes to rendering the trees, however. The trees in WWIIOL look fabulous from the air, unlike the weird looking ones in the AHII beta.

At any rate, at the resolution I fly at, the graphics of WWIIOL are more than acceptable to me, especially when the gameplay is of such a high quality.

Oh yes, there is also a naval aspect to WWIIOL, but since I have yet to dabble in that, I'll have to leave the critique of that to others who have spent some time playing with the ships.

In a nutshell, the old arena style combat found in games such as AH, Warbirds and AW have grown old and tired in my opinion. WWIIOL is new, fresh, and the gameplay is much more advanced in terms of strategy and tactics. It truly is a combined arms game, where all three aspects(air, ground, naval) are required to work together to capture cities and choke points. In this game, the lowly truck driver or the supply driver make a difference. In WWIIOL, air units can and do work together with ground units to capture cities. A timely air strike by a few planes can sometimes spell the difference between victory and defeat for the defense of offense.

In short, Aces High has stopped being the dynamic, ever-changing game it once was. Gameplay enhancements and additional units have stopped almost two years ago. Stagnation has crept into AH, and the number of guys who have jumped ship, or at least gone over to try WWIIOL in my squad alone, is staggering. AHII looks nice, but what else does it really offer in terms of gameplay? AHII ToD could be something revolutionary, but how long is it going to be before we get a chance to try it? One year? Two? Pyro and HiTech have been about as communicative about AHII ToD as a mime, so what am I supposed to do, just sit back and support them forever?

For now, I still have an account with AH. But the writing is on the wall for me, and for at least some of my squad mates. The more fun we have in WWIIOL, the more we start to think about the wisdom of continued support for a company that does not communicate with it's player base, and has let their game wither on the vine while they pursue God-knows-what.

Getting back to the topic, the best thing I can say to anyone wondering about WWIIOL, is to give it a try and see for yourself whether its your cup of tea. But to really give WWIIOL a fair shake, I would use the two week free trial and play it as much as you can, because there is so much to learn and do, that a one or two day trial is not a fair trial. Also, join a squad right away, as it makes a huge difference in the fun you'll have.

As always, your mileage may vary.

Offline Makarov9

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« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2004, 10:59:26 AM »
I'm one of banana's squamates that got suckered into trying WWIIOL. I bought it when it first came out but as many know, it bit. I hadn't tried it since until 2 weeks ago. Well, the bastards have me addicted. I've only flown once, and it was different but pretty cool.  The ground game is where it's at. I've become a tank driving fool. Damn German Hotchkis will get you my pretty!

The individual troops look like graphics from 1995, but the tanks and planes look a lot better. The amazing thing to me is the landscape. Looking through binoculars  or gun sites, the rolling lands and trees look very realistic.

Another thing I enjoy is the atmosphere of the game. The sounds are very realistic and the incoming tracer fire is a thing of beauty.

I've been with AH since it was in beta and I will probably always be an AH member, but I agree with banana in the stagnation part. Right now I'm really enjoying WWIIOL and recommend it if you haven't tried it yet.

Offline ravells

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« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2004, 11:08:21 AM »
Tremendous post, banana.

Thank you for taking the time. I have been pondering about WW2 online for awhile now and with the info you've posted I just might give it a try.


Offline Replicant

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« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2004, 11:20:33 AM »
I've just resubscribed and I'm thoroughly enjoying it!  It has improved tremendously since the last time I gave it a serious go.

Although the FM is still a bit mushy in some ways it is more difficult than AH because it takes a lot to shoot down any aircraft!  You often have to try and kill the pilot rather than blow the plane apart.  ACM goes a long way most definitely!  Another thing I really like is the level of terrain because it gives a better perpective of altitude that I feel AH is lacking.  It's very difficult to spot any GV on the ground in WWIIOL but in AH you can spot stuff at 10k.  The layered clouds, engine management, limited view system, icon system really make you keep your SA and even then quite often you'll see tracer and think "where did that bugger come from?".  If anything that makes me identify with what pilots in WW2 must have felt/though! :)  Another experience was seeing/hearing an engine pack up in a 110.  Instead of simply cutting out, the engine took over a minute of metal grinding noise before it went kaput, and during that the plane would be shuddering.  Again it really made you take notice!  As mentioned, the FM is far from perfect but much better than I thought and if you want the claustrophobia, limited icon/map game play then it is definitely worth a try!

Ground war, well, that is the best part of WWIIOL and the terrain comes into its own.  Superb!

I'm in WWIIOL until my enthuisiasm for AH comes back!

Great post banana btw! :)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2004, 11:22:57 AM by Replicant »

Offline Westy

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« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2004, 11:22:13 AM »
"In short, Aces High has stopped being the dynamic, ever-changing game it once was. Gameplay enhancements and additional units have stopped almost two years ago. Stagnation has crept into AH, and the number of guys who have jumped ship, or at least gone over to try WWIIOL in my squad alone, is staggering. AHII looks nice, but what else does it really offer in terms of gameplay? AHII ToD could be something revolutionary, but how long is it going to be before we get a chance to try it? One year? Two? Pyro and HiTech have been about as communicative about AHII ToD as a mime, so what am I supposed to do, just sit back and support them forever?"

 Warrants repeating :)


Offline wklink

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« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2004, 01:14:59 PM »
Going to do a re-review of the game.  Look for it soon.  I have been tasked to do a Call of Duty review so I will do that one first but after that I will do a full blown re-review, probably in three or four parts since the thing is really that big.

To be honest, when banana talked me into re-trying it (yes, we're squaddies, I luv the guy even if he is a putz:p ) I was skeptical.  I ran out like an ultra melon and bought the thing like a lot of guys did and was disappointed.  Ok, disappointed was probably an understatement.  I was downright po'ed at the game.  The only reason that I didn't chuck the CD in the trash was because CRS kept saying 'We are going to fix it'.  I shelved the thing and forgot about it.

About the same time banana started ranting on this board he was ranting on our boards :D about how great the game is.  He got Daddog (our CO) to try it and he liked it as well.  After about seven or eight of us went to the game and liked it I decided maybe it was time to retry it.  I also decided maybe a re-review of the game was in order.

In short, the game is massively improved.  It isn't quite there 'yet', there are a lot of things still missing/needed fixed but I can finally get into the game and 'get into the game'.  The ground wars are intense, the first time you turn your 2lb AT gun and see that PZIII about 100 meters away you feel it.  I got so excited the first time that I missed the stupid thing.  I didn't get another chance.

I haven't done more than a couple of spins in a Hurricaine so I will hold off on my opinions of the air aspect.  It isn't bad, not nearly as arcade as I remember but I haven't gone and done 'tests' for spins and stall, climb and stuff.  I will do that seperately.  Likewise I will get into the Naval aspect later.  It may be the last of all since it seems to be the least developed at this time.  

Some of our squaddies didn't like it.  Sunking didn't care for it, he plays a lot of FPS games and the graphics aren't quite up to his standards.  True, it isn't COD but to me it is adequate.  Supposedly there is going to be a new 'engine' which is supposed to improve this.  We will see.  From the air the terrain actually looks impressive.  

I could bore people for hours with my 'opinions' on the game.  I think if you are interested in ground combat on a large scale then this might be an interesting game for you.  If you are just interested in dogfighting, right now I would say stick with AHII.  You CAN like both games, there isn't a reason why one can't play both and be happy with both.
The artist formerly known as Tom 'Wklink' Cofield

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2004, 01:26:15 PM »
Originally posted by Westy
"In short, Aces High has stopped being the dynamic, ever-changing game it once was. Gameplay enhancements and additional units have stopped almost two years ago. Stagnation has crept into AH, and the number of guys who have jumped ship, or at least gone over to try WWIIOL in my squad alone, is staggering. AHII looks nice, but what else does it really offer in terms of gameplay? AHII ToD could be something revolutionary, but how long is it going to be before we get a chance to try it? One year? Two? Pyro and HiTech have been about as communicative about AHII ToD as a mime, so what am I supposed to do, just sit back and support them forever?"

 Warrants repeating :)

And warrants pointing out...

How much has WWIIOL grown in that time?  Fixing a game is not adding to it.

I'm not saying AH hasn't grown stagnant... at least it's for a reason.  I'm saying many are confusing "fixing" a game's features with adding new ones when they glamorize WWIIOL.

When something is stagnat, everything else seems better.  A bit of the grass is greener syndrome.


Offline Yeager

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« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2004, 01:33:17 PM »
I have never even tried to DL/install ww2OL.  Whats the best way to get the game?  I have a dial up.  Is there anyway to get a copy of the game from one of you guys?
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Offline Mini D

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« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2004, 01:35:59 PM »
It's been re-released.  I saw copies of it at Fry's for $39.


Offline Maniac

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« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2004, 01:36:30 PM »
I'm not saying AH hasn't grown stagnant... at least it's for a reason. I'm saying many are confusing "fixing" a game's features with adding new ones when they glamorize WWIIOL.

Amen to that!

Most of the WWIIOL players/supporters have allready forgotten what was promised by the RATS in the beggining...

WWIIOL Still is the biggest piece of WAPOR WARE ever produced...

And yes, it STILL feels like BETA after 2-3 years... It might be a fun beta but....
Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Wanker

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« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2004, 01:37:10 PM »

MiniD, go read this forum then come back and tell us the answer. Looks like a lot of additions among the fixes if you ask me.

Offline Wanker

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« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2004, 01:43:23 PM »
Originally posted by Yeager
I have never even tried to DL/install ww2OL.  Whats the best way to get the game?  I have a dial up.  Is there anyway to get a copy of the game from one of you guys?

Yeager, looks like CRS will send you a CD of the latest version of the game for $4.99.

Check this out:

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2004, 01:46:25 PM »
Originally posted by banana

MiniD, go read this forum then come back and tell us the answer. Looks like a lot of additions among the fixes if you ask me.
I have a box sitting right here banana.  Let me know when it has what the box says it should.

Till then, maybe you could try letting the game stand on it's own merrits without having to get a dig in at this one to try to make a point.


Offline Westy

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« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2004, 01:54:35 PM »
FYI my point in hi-lighting that specific part of bananas post was to show I also strongly agreed with what he said re: HTC &  AH.
 It was never in any way meant to be an  "AH is stale in comparison to (fill in the games name)"  kind of statement.

 AH and WWIIO can stand or fall all on thier own merit, or lack of, whichever may be the case..  I rooted for AH for a LONG time but I no longer feel it's worthy of that effort on my part any more.  On the other hand while I am very much enjoying the ground warfare in WWIIO I definately don't have any warm fuzzies for the CRS crew and they can do thier own PR for all I care.  I simply pay to play.   Nothing more (outside of squad comeraderie).

« Last Edit: February 02, 2004, 02:00:34 PM by Westy »

Offline Mini D

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« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2004, 02:01:19 PM »
That's great westy.  I'll continue to point out what that type of post will turn this type of thread into on the AH BBS.

Someday, you might even figure it out yourself.
