Author Topic: Gay Parenting  (Read 4524 times)

Offline Tilt

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« Reply #135 on: February 18, 2004, 10:14:00 AM »
If your state, nation, community recognises homosexuals as free people able to fully participate in its society then discriminating against them having children is just the same as discriminating against any other group.

Republican parents may raise republican kids.......christian parents may raise christian kids    .....homosexual parents may raise homosexual kids , if there is nothing "wrong" with homosexuality then there is nothing "wrong" with teaching it as an edict for life.

Those that would wish other wise would be discriminating. Then you may as well ask should the rights of one group be less/more than another?

In fact the question comes back to the quality of parenting not their gender, race, colour or creed.

IMO high quality parenting is about a balanced caring education (upbringing) enabling the child free (of doctrine) to make choice.

If you prescribe to the theorem that Homosexuality is gentically derived the end reasoning is the same..............

Just as black parents  may raise black children........then homosexual parents may raise homosexual children........or not as the case may be.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2004, 10:18:30 AM by Tilt »
Ludere Vincere

Offline miko2d

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« Reply #136 on: February 18, 2004, 10:29:16 AM »
Rude: Again're off base.
 Family promotion by the state is not what I referred to.....traditionally, families themselves, schools and churches promoted family values....of course, you'll probably find something wrong with that as well.

 Only with promotion by schools. Most of the schoold are government-run and liberal-controlled. The actual promotion of the family is the furthest from their mind and they could not do it even if they wanted to.

 Of course when anyone mentions the "family promotion" now, the first that comes to mind is the recent Bush's spending initiatives, which are going to be crewed up by republicans and then taken over by liberals.


Offline miko2d

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« Reply #137 on: February 18, 2004, 10:36:57 AM »
Tilt: IMO high quality parenting is about a balanced caring education (upbringing) enabling the child free (of doctrine) to make choice.

 That does not make sense. People make choices based on the existing structures of their mind - choice-making machinery. Children lack such machinery and thus are not capapble of making choices. In fact biologically, children start blank and are programmed to uncritically accept the input untill a certain age.

 The only basis for preferences in children are inborn character traits - levels aggressiveness, phycopathy, introversy, courage, lazyness, etc. It would be sirrational to let children develop according to their prevailing character traits instead of teaching them to control those traits.

 Unless a parent thinks that his doctrines are deficient (then why adhere to them), why allow a child to get them randomly of from mass media instead of from the family culture?


Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #138 on: February 18, 2004, 10:51:06 AM »
Gays are Mentally ill!!

You wouldn't walk into a nut house and hand a kid to one of the patients would you? NO!

So why hand kids to Gays?

You want to be Gay fine be Gay but stay away from the kids.

You support Gays adopting kids well then maybe you need to stay away from kids to.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #139 on: February 18, 2004, 10:56:26 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1
Gays are Mentally ill!!

By who's definition?

Offline texace

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« Reply #140 on: February 18, 2004, 11:10:12 AM »
You know, there have been tests done to see if gays can influence kids to become gay, even lying to the kids about their genders and treating them as such.

It doesn't happen...homosexuality is a choice and in some cases a disorder. It is not inherited and it cannot be taught or influenced. If you aren't gay, there's little chance you'll become gay associating with other gays. It doesn't happen. Sorry to burst the bubble of the "For the Kids" people out there.

People are more afraid gays becoming pedophiles and sexually assaulting the children they adopt, as demonstrated by Mighty1's blathering. People cannot accept the fact that gay men or women might actually try to live a decent life and raise a family. I say as long as the kid isn't assaulted, what's the big deal?

Oh yeah...the Bible says it's wrong.

Can't you Christians let those that want to go to Hell if they desire? If you say that the world is the world. must you denounce those that think differently than you? There is nothing wrong with gay marriage...not one thing I can think of. I refuse to bring religion and morals into it because that is strictly opinionated. I have different morals than you and such and such.

The issue everyone has is morality and the fact that these gay couples might *gasp* adopt children. They fear, as we have seen here by the most opinionated among us, that the kids might grow up gay.

So? Why bother whining about it? You're not going to change're not going to make a difference. The protestors in Mass. sure as hell didn't.

I say let it happen. There's nothing wrong with it. Morality and religion be damned...there's nothing wrong with it...

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #141 on: February 18, 2004, 11:13:25 AM »
Originally posted by Rude
Then by the same logic, it's not the place of government to concern itself with those who choose an unnatural realtionship.

Of the people, by the people, for the people...

1. There is enough science to doubt that homosexual behavior is simply a matter of choice.

2. Homosexual behavior isn't unnatural. It's abnormal.

Offline Charon

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« Reply #142 on: February 18, 2004, 11:55:37 AM »
When I was five years old I came across a copy of Playboy and had a physical reaction. I had no exposure to sexaulity previously, and in fact asked my mother what was happening :) I have never had a similar physical reaction to seeing naked men in the school shower, etc. Maybe it's different for some of you, and your heterosexuality is a concious choice, but it has never been for me and it's hard to imagine a homosexuals orientation is a choice either.


Offline airguard

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« Reply #143 on: February 18, 2004, 11:59:16 AM »
Originally posted by JB73
**** i cant even begin to dicuss this topic.

*** marrige is biblically wrong.

biblically marrige is a union between a man and a woman.

for you aitheists . it;s NOT a "marrige"

if you want it to be accepted by the government then it's a "gonvernment ordained union" or some ****.

either way it is NOT ****ing recognized by the church or God. END of dicussion. there is NO possible religous debate over the subject. God does NOT endorse ****** unions. never has never will.

if the govenrment wants to give benefits to **** then guess what... we elected them.

God says obey the leaders he has put above us...

well i will i guess. i have no choise but to vote otherwise.

took out deroggatory slang towards homosexuals to not offend others

sry skuzzy.

So as a good christian and (if you are personally christian) you use the F.. word alot _
I am a Norwegian eating my fish, and still let my wife mess me around in stupid shops...

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #144 on: February 18, 2004, 12:43:26 PM »
I know as a teacher I don't want to be the parent of anyone else's kids. Society THINKS that's my job, but it isn't, nor should it be.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #145 on: February 18, 2004, 12:51:52 PM »
Well Texace, it's kind of like this... I have to live in this country just like you do. I have to raise my kids in it. If something is happening that is against my beliefs, I have the right speak out against it. You don't have to agree with that viewpoint, and in fact I don't personally pose any threat to you or your beliefs. Now I know it'd be a lot more convenient for me to shut up and act like I believe you are right, but I don't, so I won't.

If this issue comes to vote I will vote against it in a heartbeat. If it doesn't (and it doesn't look as if it will) I won't. See how simple that is. I'm more than happy to wind you up some more about my beliefs if you want to ask about them, but in the grand scheme of things that doesn't matter very much.

BTW, I am against abortion and reparations, too. :D

Offline Rude

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« Reply #146 on: February 18, 2004, 01:55:22 PM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM
Of the people, by the people, for the people...

1. There is enough science to doubt that homosexual behavior is simply a matter of choice.

2. Homosexual behavior isn't unnatural. It's abnormal.

Main Entry: un·nat·u·ral
Pronunciation: "&n-'na-ch&-r&l, -'nach-r&l
Function: adjective
1 : not being in accordance with nature or consistent with a normal course of events

Main Entry: 1ab·nor·mal
Pronunciation: (")ab-'nor-m&l, &b-
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of French anormal, from Medieval Latin anormalis, from Latin a- + Late Latin normalis normal
: deviating from the normal or average

I stand by're playing games now.

Science? Truth? Reality?

We all make choices....while our faulted nature might indeed bring cause to think of unnatural and perverse things, we make a choice, or are ill prepared by those who raise us to make the right choices.

Offline stiehl

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« Reply #147 on: February 18, 2004, 02:03:39 PM »
Kieran,    The fact that you want the gov't to continue to restrict the rights of American citizens does make you a threat to my beliefs.

I'm sure that there are a lot of people that would frown on my parents marriage. I know that there are people that would give me dirty looks when I'm with my son and his mother. They have their right to feel that way, they don't have a right to stop us because they feel that it's "wrong".

Votes on who gets freedom and equality? I thought it was supposed to be for everyone.

Offline Rude

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« Reply #148 on: February 18, 2004, 02:03:54 PM »
Romans 1
26   For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27   And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28   And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29   Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30   Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31   Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32   Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Our nature is defend it or to lift it up as some beacon of righteousness is the above anything of which any of you would be proud of?

I do not hate homosexuals....I hate the perverse lifestyle.

How some of you can defend something so unnatural and perverse is beyond me....unless of course, you simply fish or posess a reprobate mind yourselves.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2004, 02:06:25 PM by Rude »

Offline Furious

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« Reply #149 on: February 18, 2004, 02:38:51 PM »
jesus was gay.