Author Topic: Colin Powell on Meet The Press  (Read 2131 times)

Offline Maniac

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2004, 04:59:53 PM »
I kind of suspect that everyone I've met on this board, if they had been at a local pub or bar and were having a drink with an Arab American would have framed their conversation quite differently.

Well i dont have that much of a problem with the above cenario, after all its a war going on...

I do have a problem with the white vs black thing tho... And your above scenario still applies there, people talking **** about eachothers "race" at home and then get along djust fine when they have to spend time together...

Racism is Racism, you cant say "im a little bit racist". you either are or your not.
Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Ripsnort

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2004, 05:00:30 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
Worst racism I've ever seen first hand was in Chicago, not in the deep South.

There has been plenty of subtly racist remarks on this BBS. I think you need to be sensitive to them to notice them. If they were about you or your kind they would stand out like a sore thumb.

Here's one (and no, I don't think Rip is a racist)


Disect that for a  minute.

Gang Members? My guess is this is basically lumping all Black players with tattoos who like Rap music into one group. Nevermind that many have college degrees or that they employ as many people as most small businesses. Darnit! They say Axe instead of Ask!

Do you disagree that there are gang members on NBA teams?  What I posted was fact, and the fact remains.  You "lumped them in", not I.

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #47 on: May 17, 2004, 05:02:51 PM »
The KKK does not have to exist as an organized group in order to commit an act such as murdering a high profile member of the government.

The way the KKK and Neo Nazi groups operate nowdays is 'stand-alone-complex', meaning that one or a few individuals can perform an act totally disconnected for any heriarchy, except for the ideological motivation those institutions provide.

This method of operation is very efficient. A person may not need to be a member of the KKK to act like KKK and take a desicion that the KKK would approve. In the aftermath he still technically acted on his own. Hate grop organizations nowdays go to great lenghts to motivate twisted individuals to act on their own. Rent or HBO a documentary called '' to see more on how they operate today. Those groups are more dangerous now than they ever were.

This is the way Al-Qaeda works, so we know its effective.

For Powell to survive one single term as President it would be required an incredible amount of effort from the secret service. It would be the most daunting personal security task the US has ever faced.

And he still could be killed.

Offline midnight Target

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2004, 05:03:14 PM »
I asked you to name one. You couldn't or wouldn't.

But your question is irrelevent to the point. The statement was inherently racist.

Offline Maniac

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2004, 05:03:36 PM »
Lets say funked teases blacks with the "Wooo Wooo" and uses ghetto-type language on this that racism or is he simply making fun of ones culture that they're living in?

No thats not racism, thats a retarded white fat guy trying to be cool on the internet.

Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Maniac

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2004, 05:04:53 PM »
Do you disagree that there are gang members on NBA teams? What I posted was fact, and the fact remains. You "lumped them in", not I.

Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Ripsnort

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2004, 05:07:14 PM »
Originally posted by Maniac
No thats not racism, thats a retarded white fat guy trying to be cool on the internet.


See? Its easy to pick and choose, isn't it?

Offline ravells

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2004, 05:09:11 PM »
I have to say, this was something I was a little worried about when I did my 'grand tour' of America. I really wanted to see small town America, but I have to confess I was a little worried about the racism thing. (We're indoctrinated that way in the UK about your country!)

Anway, hooked up with my lover who was in Philly at the time and we went on a car trip around the great lakes (which has a special childhood meaning for me) many nights, lying in bed in Malaysia as a kid, staring at the Disney Encyclopaedia pictures of lake Superior thinking, 'I have to see that place one day'.

We stopped off in this bar in the middle of nowhere in Michigan - Marsha had to make a phone call. She nipped off to the back and I sat at the bar. I was wearing my palestinan scarf and hadn't shaved for days (this was before 9/11).

The scene was really weird, there was this old guy who kept nodding, everyone was staring. The woman behind the bar was brilliant. Asked me what I wanted. - Coca cola was the timid answer (damn..I really wanted a whiskey), she made small talk with me whilst everyone in the bar was staring to put me at my ease. Eventually, Marsha finished her phone call and we hopped into the car.

When I told her what had happened she laughed. She said, 'Do you honestly think you're the first brown person to have stepped into that bar??'

I said, 'yes', I do.

She said, 'You're probably right, but they were curious...not unfriendly'

And....I think she was right.


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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2004, 05:09:57 PM »
Too bad this discussion went the 'HTC way' by the same usual suspects before I made my contribution in the first page.

It was a topic I wanted to discuss in a civil manner.

Offline ravells

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2004, 05:11:05 PM »
Please go ahead, Connection.


Offline strk

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #55 on: May 17, 2004, 05:14:31 PM »
Originally posted by ravells
He's probably too sensible to run for President, because any last little skeleton would be dredged up by the press.

There's a good Arthur C. Clarke novel about a planet which has a computer programme which chooses the president. The criteria is the person has to be excellent for the job and the person who least wants it.

But tell me this (serious question) do you think he would have problems on account of his colour?


Im not so keen on Powell as I used to be.  He has either wilfully participated in the Bush* fallacies in Iraq or he was fooled by them.  Either way I don't know if he was the man I thought he was.

What is the name of that Clarke novel - didnt he write Dune?  IMHO anybody who wants to be president should be immediately disqualified.

It might be time for a black president.  Powell/Condi?  that might be  a winner, if they don't get too soiled by Bush* as he self destructs.

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #56 on: May 17, 2004, 05:14:36 PM »
Ravells, Re: your last post travelling in the US

An asian or white can get the same reaction by entering a place where its not common to see anyone but black. Its not necessarily racism for a person to be curious about an individual who looks so different.

Your girlfriend was right.

It reminds me of when Sting was a guest on the Arsenio Hall show, a black culture show. Sting had the guts to describe his first meeting with Jimmy Hendrix, and how amazed he was, how curious, and how he could not stop staring at him. It was not because he was Hendrix the legend.
It was because Hendrix was the first black man Sting had ever seen in person in his whole life.

Racism is a step that comes after that first meeting. When a gray wolf aproaches a bunch of brown wolves from a different pack, the first stage is curiosity. They get close, smell, try to understand this different individual. Sometimes the raction is of acceptance, and sometimes its violent if racism takes place. We humans act the same way, except that we wear pants :)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2004, 05:18:43 PM by Connection »

Offline Ripsnort

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #57 on: May 17, 2004, 05:16:52 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
I asked you to name one. You couldn't or wouldn't.

But your question is irrelevent to the point. The statement was inherently racist.

Alright, I'll rephrase it "Posse" instead of "Gang members". I consider someone who's done 4 months in jail for a fight in a bowling alley  and thats pulled over 4 years later busted with a .45 (with no CWP) and dope, hanging with his "posse"  as a culture I won't encourage my sons to watch, as kids have a tendency to make hero's out of sports stars. That was the main point of my post in that thread.  I'm getting that same feeling for the NFL as well.  So many criminals, (pick a color, any color) so little time...

Offline ravells

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2004, 05:18:44 PM »
lol! was just like when I went with my family to Austria when I was about 5 with my sister, 7 and my bro 9. We were stopped by house fraus in the street and they would line us up and play with our hair. At that time Black hair was totally unusual in Austria and very sought after.

It was the American equivalent of curiousity. But after you've seen 'Deliverance' don't want to take any chances!

One of the real tragedies about easy air travel today is that you can go pretty much anywhere in the world and...they've seen it all before. It's a pity.


Offline strk

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Re: Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2004, 05:23:12 PM »
Originally posted by rpm371
The Washington Post

Who does this woman think she is? Colin Powell is the last person I would try to censor, face to face. Saying they were running long is a pretty weak excuse for shoving the camera out of the way and attempting to stop a nationwide broadcast. To his credit Powell basicly told the woman to "Sit Down and Shut Up!".

Emily is her name right?  I would like to know whe she is, who hired her, and what her job is exactly.  This stinks.