Author Topic: Suggestion on perk values..  (Read 6428 times)

Offline Tilt

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2004, 08:35:06 AM »
Originally posted by Replicant
I think the type of terrain, which country you fight and time of play influences what aircraft is used.

For the past TWO tours only, my most kills of are:

What happens when you add your kills of and killed by lists together.............

I may be a little out of touch with some stats but I do rem the Spit9, P51D, NiK2 and La7 being the top 4 used planes..........

I have never seen the La7 at the top of the list but think I have seen the other three with (if I rem correctly) the Spit9 there more than the others.
Ludere Vincere

Offline Batz

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #46 on: June 06, 2004, 08:44:24 AM »

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2004, 09:57:47 AM »
Perk points are always a rolling plane set in reverse.

Every thread about perks adds the latest most popular nonperked planes.  Like a python, it is a never ending constriction.  

From the widest assortment of planes for the money in an unrestricted arena, choices are gradually reduced to early 45, late 44, mid 44, early 44, late 43, and so on down to the earliest models.

Eventually everything could be perked.  That sort of equilibrium encouragement already is in effect by the less obvious ENY and OBJ weighted point scoring.  

These restricted choices have always been best applied in the Combat Theater.  Which has always needed a better assortment of additional planes and vehicles for the most historic matchups.

Betas see more normally perked planes simply because they are free and less trouble to use.

Playing in a perked arena is like going into this great toy store and being told, Oh no, sorry, you can't fly that until you earn bonus points for it.  Yes, other better players earn more of those perk points and quicker than you ever will be able to do.  Yes, you pay the same money as the better players.  We have some players concerned about balance, that's why.  Jets?  Hahahaha.  Well, duh, too bad if most players naturally gravitate to the most appealing toys -- here we insist that the less appealing toys also be used.  Sorry if you don't like it.  It's a free country, go play somewhere else.  

Many subscribers just want to hop on line and have a good time with minimum hassle in the brief time they can squeeze in for cyber recreation -- a fun personal reward interlude from the demands of work, family, survival, and other mainstream worries and obligations.  

Being limited in choices, having to grind away for perk points, keep track, lose some, scheme to gain more ... that's a lot like work.  It isn't far from various commercial hooks like bonus points that the most obnoxious retailers use to addict consumers.  

Aces High still needs one Unrestricted or Maximum Arena with no perks and exterior viewing as well.  Max appeal for the most paying customers of all talents and inclinations.  

That in no way would compromise the excellence and principles of Aces High; rather, it would enhance them. Test one Unrestricted Arena.  Compare its numbers with other arenas.  Good chance it would be the most popular arena and hence the most profitable arena for Aces High.

Keep existing arenas and add that Unrestricted Main Arena.  Satisfy everyone.  Prosper and endure.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. (Seneca, 1st century AD, et al)
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty. (Anne Herbert, 1982, Sausalito, CA)
Paramedic to Perkaholics Anonymous

Offline Urchin

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #48 on: June 06, 2004, 12:51:20 PM »
No, I don't think it would be popular at all.  

You see... what people want are an advantage over everyone else.  

Some people fly only the "best" plane.  That is an advantage (or at the very least, not giving an advantage to your opponent).

Some people fly very timidly, only engaging once their "target" is fighting someone else, and running away unless they are higher and faster than the "target".

Some people just fly in hordes.

Some people don't fly at all.  The Flakpansie used to be a very common choice back when it could kill tanks, buildings, and planes with equal ease.

About one tenth of one percent of people that play multiplayer games are actually looking for a challenge.  

So... in the beginning the "Unrestricted Arena" might be full of idiots flying what is perked in the MA... until they realize that a Me262 flown incredibly timidly is untouchable.  Of course... they don't mind the fact that unless you are cherrypicking you'll never get a kill flying a 262 incredibly timidly.  Perhaps they are a wannabe Erich Hartmann, I've seen a lot of those around.  But in the end your arena would be full of 262s.. and once that happened all the idiots would realise that they can't get an advantage over the "average pilot" by picking a better plane, and they'd leave.

Offline Batz

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2004, 01:26:09 PM »
Urchin is correct...

Planes are perked for a reason. Its not like every other plane is perked. Its nothing like an rps. You can fly any thing you want at any time with the exception of a few planes and you can fly those if you have enough perks. You earn perks by not dying every sortie and by chosing planes that pay the best.

The timid runner flying only the "bestest" planes will take weeks to earn enough for a temp, a suicide pork and auger guy wont ever get any etc...

But the choice is theirs to make.

A whole arena of timidity and running would be empty.

By looking at minids list theres 3 planes that jumpo right out as the next perk candidates, the p51d, the p38 and the typh...

These are the suicide auger planes and/or the runners....

The la7s, spits and nikis are fun to fight and dont end up doing a lot of base attack stuff.

But theres only 1 p38 in AH so it should stay unperked. So the p51d or typh should be the next perk, At least in my well enlightened opinion... :p

Offline Hornet

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Suggestion on perk values..
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2004, 01:33:52 PM »
I agree with Batz that our current perked planes should not come down in price.

But Kweassa's proposal has its biggest advantages in reigning in the pork n auger dweebs. Pork n auger guys are usually also the most timid in A2A stuff, but find it ok to die while porking as long as no one actually shot them down.

a 3perk 51d wouldnt make them anymore timid then they already are A2A, but they will be hesistant to just keep smacking the earth after bomb runs.

Offline Ecliptik

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« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2004, 01:42:06 PM »
Um... what can the 38 run away from?  It certainly can't dive away from any half decent diver, and its straight-line speed enables it to run away from....  the various pre-1943 turn and burners.  It is only slightly above the planeset average in top speed.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2004, 01:46:50 PM by Ecliptik »

Offline Batz

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« Reply #52 on: June 06, 2004, 01:54:24 PM »
It "runs into" the ground quite a bit... :p

These are the suicide auger planes and/or the runners...

But since there is only 1 variant of the p38 you can’t very well perk it.

But both the spit 9 and niki are "slow" yet folks still call for them to be perked.

Look I don’t care what’s perked. I am only illustrating the point that for every call to "perk this" there is a reasonable argument to perk something else.

Perk the p51d and the pork and augers go to the jug or the hog. The runners go to the B pony etc...

Any one who wants something perked as a means of "social engineering" is deluding themselves.

I do believe in less run = more fun and the less we see pork and auger the better the game gets. Whether the 51 gets perked or the g10 it makes no difference. It won’t change behavior.

I do not think there is a "need" for cheaper perk planes and think the current system works fine.

Offline TheCage

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« Reply #53 on: June 06, 2004, 04:04:43 PM »
This thread reminds me of the guy that posted 30 threads wanting a B-29 with a nuke.   It's a never ending story :mad:

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2004, 04:35:24 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
It "runs into" the ground quite a bit... :p

But since there is only 1 variant of the p38 you can’t very well perk it.

But both the spit 9 and niki are "slow" yet folks still call for them to be perked.

Look I don’t care what’s perked. I am only illustrating the point that for every call to "perk this" there is a reasonable argument to perk something else.

Perk the p51d and the pork and augers go to the jug or the hog. The runners go to the B pony etc...

Any one who wants something perked as a means of "social engineering" is deluding themselves.

I do believe in less run = more fun and the less we see pork and auger the better the game gets. Whether the 51 gets perked or the g10 it makes no difference. It won’t change behavior.

I do not think there is a "need" for cheaper perk planes and think the current system works fine.

Very good points there Batz.  I mostly fly the Typhoon in the Jabo roll.  If it's a fair fight I'll engage anything but if I'm totally outnumbered then of course I'll run.  However, quite often I like to dogfight the Tiffy which can be rather tough considering its very low roll rate.  Each plane has an advantage and disadvantage but it's up to the individual to use it in that respect.

Another reason I wouldn't like more planes perked is that I often bail/ditch/auger to help a squaddie or capture a base etc.  If I'm going to lose perk points each time I do that then I'll simply have to rtb and delay any action until I'm airbourne again.  You have to remember it's a game too and not everyone lands! :)

Offline straffo

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« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2004, 04:41:37 PM »
// sarcasm on

Nexx I see that you fly the typhoon like me : because it's a great plane for the ego !
if you kill them it's because ya rulezzz !
if you got killed hell ! what ya expect else in a typhoon ?

//sarcasm of :)

Well  IRL I fly her because she's lovely plus I remember the story of my uncle who was living close to Falaise during the war

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2004, 04:54:02 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
// sarcasm on

Nexx I see that you fly the typhoon like me : because it's a great plane for the ego !
if you kill them it's because ya rulezzz !
if you got killed hell ! what ya expect else in a typhoon ?

//sarcasm of :)

Well  IRL I fly her because she's lovely plus I remember the story of my uncle who was living close to Falaise during the war

Well I fly the Typhoon because she was involved heavily with the 2 TAF! :)

Offline straffo

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« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2004, 04:57:25 PM »
TAF ? wtf is this ? the Tasmanian Air Force ?

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #58 on: June 06, 2004, 05:08:55 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
TAF ? wtf is this ? the Tasmanian Air Force ?

No, Trinidad Air Force!

Nah, 2nd Tactical Air Force!!! :)

Offline thrila

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« Reply #59 on: June 06, 2004, 06:33:46 PM »
Tiffies are great.:)

I have a feeling the n1k will become the number 1 plane in AHII, assuming it keeps it's great fuel endurance.  It can fly at twice the length of time @ mil power than a spit9 can.:eek:

Turns great, has quad hispanos and can fly on full power for 45 mins <--- this'll make it very popular i imagine.

On the other hand mossie has an uber fuel endurance now....woohoo!:)
"Willy's gone and made another,
Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
Unbraced tailplane ends it's figure.
One-O-nine F is it's name-
F is for futile, not for fame."