Author Topic: Can we have night back?  (Read 4200 times)

Offline lasersailor184

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2004, 06:55:11 AM »
Soon, after having to fly in nighttime everyday, staring at the empty nothingness of the black sky, seeing people log off, turn their gamma way up... you begin to question, "is this worth it?"

Is it worth it?  ****in A! it is!  It's gotten to the point where we don't care if people turn their gamma up.  I don't care if another person has to cheat to be satisfied.  Some of the best times in AH ever were flying at night.

Maybe a night time every once a week.. something like that might work. But having night time as a regular part of MA sucks. It just makes a classic case of "becareful what you wish for".

Not everyone has a schedule that can show up on this night.  If we miss it, we're just humped, especially if we have to miss it again.
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Offline thrila

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #61 on: September 10, 2004, 07:12:59 AM »
The first time i ever saw night i thought "Wow, this looks so cool!"  It soon wore off.  It got to the stage where i would log off if night appeared, so did many others- i detest night.  I don't find it remotely fun spending up to an hour flying and not being able to see anything to fight.  To be blunt- night is plain boring.

Perhaps if there were night fighters i would change my mind.   In it's current state it is pointless and boring.

Lasersailor, how about turning down your brightness and gamma instead.
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Something like it's elder brother-
Wing tips rounded, spinner's bigger.
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Offline Heiliger

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #62 on: September 10, 2004, 07:41:53 AM »
Originally posted by thrila
Perhaps if there were night fighters i would change my mind.    

Woo Hoo!  Now yer talking.  :aok


Offline Kweassa

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #63 on: September 10, 2004, 07:43:52 AM »
In the beginning, there was no night.

 People begged and groveled to HT to give us night time in the MA. So, HT did it.

 After a while, people began to absolutely hate it. People clinged to HT and begged to get rid of the night. Many years later, finally, the night was removed from the MA.

 Believe me. There's a reason why we're shaking our heads to the idea.

Offline Purzel

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #64 on: September 10, 2004, 07:50:28 AM »
Hmm, I dont want the night back.

Although I dont mind the night itself, I dont like it when its night and the Arena is almost empty. Although there is always a minority (dont argue, you are :p) that like the night in AH, most ppl dont and they log off.

If you dont mind ppl turn up thier gamma, then why not opt for an option in setup to replace day by night on your FE. So you can fly in darkness whene everyone else sees you crystal-clear. OK, bad idea, I know, but what should we do to not let the majority log off when night falls in AH-Land?


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Can we have night back?
« Reply #65 on: September 10, 2004, 08:08:08 AM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
The problem is continuity.

 The people already answered that question long time ago. Night time was introduced into AH because people thought it would be cool. Few months later, they started regretting it.

However, the moment it is embedded as a regular element in gameplay people soon come to realize that it sucks.
 Maybe a night time every once a week.. something like that might work. But having night time as a regular part of MA sucks. It just makes a classic case of "becareful what you wish for".

With all due respects,
Your speaking for yourself and others that feel as you do. Not the community as a whole.
I remember when night was here and I remember when it was disabled to "Put the whines on the other side of the fence"

Each tme the subject was brought up there were just as many people arguing for night as there were against it.

Not everyone thought thought it "sucked". Certainly not a huge majority of those that post on the boards. The issue was and pretty much still is an even split.

I know I certainly never thought it sucked. I thought it was one of the more cooler aspects of the game. and I never had my gamma turned up anywhere near to the point where it would be considered near daylight conditions.
 Actually if you couldnt see anything during night time odds are your gamma was set wrong to begin with and only needed a minor adjustment to make it night yet still have things visable just as they were ment to be.
 Now maybe some adjustments could have been made to the amount of time is was night. but I liked it. And certainly dont find it as much as a pain as I find say.. the way the sun is slightly overdone now. And getting rid of either altogether was, and is a bit on the drastic side

Yea some folks would log off when darkness came. But hardly what would be considered significant numbers. and 99 times out of 100 they came right back as soon as the sun came up again.
These folks mostly (not all) are people who are of the "If your not gonnna play the game MY way Im gonna take my ball and go home" pouting type.
 Well fine, Go. See ya when the sun shines.

I'd like to see night back. Maybe they could adjust it so it doent happen as frequently or for as long as it used to so to apease a greater segment of the players. Say once a night for 2/3,s of the time it was.

It would also give bases a chance to lick their wounds and resupply and/or to counter that horde offencive with an attack of their own.

I say bring back the night. and those that wish to take their ball and go home , well let em go.
tjhey will only be missed for as long as it takes to get into the next fight anyway.
And they will be back when the sun shines.
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Can we have night back?
« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2004, 08:15:46 AM »
Originally posted by Purzel
Hmm, I dont want the night back.

Although I dont mind the night itself, I dont like it when its night and the Arena is almost empty. Although there is always a minority (dont argue, you are :p) that like the night in AH, most ppl dont and they log off.

If you dont mind ppl turn up thier gamma, then why not opt for an option in setup to replace day by night on your FE. So you can fly in darkness whene everyone else sees you crystal-clear. OK, bad idea, I know, but what should we do to not let the majority log off when night falls in AH-Land?

Gross overstatment on both counts. Just like with pizza what I did see was the same people whining over and over and over again making it seem like there was alot more then there really were
And I NEVER saw the arena almost emplty. ever.
Some people loged off yes. But not anywhere near the numbers where anyone could honestly say is was "most of the people."

An these very same people that logged off came right back when the sun rose
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Offline gollum

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #67 on: September 10, 2004, 08:37:08 AM »
No to night, yes to weather.

Offline CapnMike

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #68 on: September 10, 2004, 09:59:20 AM »
YES to night!

Oh, and YES to weather too, btw... hehehe

Offline HUN

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #69 on: September 10, 2004, 10:17:53 AM »

Offline Goth

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #70 on: September 10, 2004, 10:36:31 AM »

Offline JimBear

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #71 on: September 10, 2004, 03:50:12 PM »

Offline chance-airwolf

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #72 on: September 10, 2004, 06:56:28 PM »
Yes - Night time
(staggered rotation during week, doesn't have to be a daily event, ya weenies)

Yes - Weather
(water streaks on windscreen are surely better than oil streaks)

<in best andy rooney voice>
Didyouevernotice that the sun is blinding when you look straight at it?  
Good grief, if that's acceptable, why not periodic bouts of weather and darkness?  Weenies :rolleyes:


Offline Kweassa

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #73 on: September 10, 2004, 08:21:27 PM »
Look at it this way.

 Day time doesn't force some people to log off.

 Night time forces most people to logg off.

 Two sides are into argument, one side's suggestion doesn't hurt the other, the other side's suggestion hurts the former.

 Which do you think is logical to expect?

Offline Yippee38

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Can we have night back?
« Reply #74 on: September 10, 2004, 08:42:57 PM »
I find night flying much more fun than daylight flying.  It adds challenge.  It adds some varietyl

Yes, many people log off.  Then again, many idiots used to blather endlessly on channel 1.  That doesn't make it good for the community.