Trainers are like anyone else when it comes to powers. We have no ability to remove people, change the arena settings, etc. I didn't want this power before, but more and more I see it as a necessary evil.
This is my viewpoint of the TA, gathered in slice o' life we call the 8:30-11:30 PM EST time period...
There are always 12-20 guys on. Five will want help NOW. The rest will be at the default field in melee. This means I am juggling 5 conversations, trying to help one or more people, and watching the traffic buffer. (anyone wanting to see what it's like to be HT or Pyro should try this!)
Then comes the "Hey, let us out of the hangar!"
"Please don't vultch" says I.
And so on.
I have been there when WW is on, and he has a very valid point. He is a very good pilot AND an AW trainer, so he knows a bit about what he's talking about.
Now from a personal standpoint, people leave me alone more-or-less (except Jase, and he's a dog
). Sometimes I pop on the runway at the main base and sit for a few to see who will strafe me. If/when that happens I will ask for that behavior to stop. If it doesn't I use the only power that is available to me- shoot the offender down. Every time they are caught in the behavior, down they go. The trouble is, this is tying up time that would be better spent in helping others. Last night was an example. I lift off, am talking to someone that had a joystick problem, and see tracers bounce around me. I looked back in time to see a B26 slicing in from the rear quarter. I was in a 1C, full rockets, so I dumped the rockets and barrel rolled around to a position right over his head. I dropped on him and let him have it. Flying around a few minutes later (with him promising I would not land) and I see the same B26 moving in from a low 11. I popped up, he passes under and assumes a six approach on B17 nearby. I hit him again.
"You cheater!" he yells.
"You ambushed me!"
"Didn't you try to ambush me?
"Well, yeah..."
I don't think he was going to stop, and I could have easily killed him all night.
Here is the funny part of the whole night; at times the melee was "civilized" as in, everyone at A1 knew what was going on, and accepted it (I think Tern was a bit upset at times). I don't normally get involved in melees, preferring to watch the buffer and behavior, but I had some killers after my pelt (Citabria, Jase, Dogftr).
And it was fun.
Seems to me it works like this:
- Default fields will be FFA
- Anyone wishing for training needs to secure a trainer or someone that will help and move to a quieter field
- furballers should not follow trainees to quiet field
This has worked for me, the trouble is how would a new guy know this?
There is another solution to the problem; turn killshooter on in the TA. This type of abuse will drop to "0" then. Of course it will get in the way of training, but it may be necessary if people cannot cooperate.